2 Parents 6 Kids {✔} (Editing...

By CJ_Fanfics

311K 9.3K 6.6K

Parents : Namjin Children: Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Y/N, Taehyung & Jungkook Basically Namjoon and Jin are the... More

1) Meeting The Kids
3) New House
4) School
5) He Picked One Kid
6) Her
7) Mother
8) Here We Go...
9) Bonding
10) Ice Cream And Chill
11) Bet Winner
12) Sister?!
13) Settling in
14) Sick Day
15) School Run
16) School Pick Up
17) First Day Of Preschool Pt. 1
18) First Day Of Preschool Pt. 2
19) Dinner Guests
Ask the Characters Questions!
Answers To Questions!
20) Y/N's Past
21) Y/N's Nightmare
22) A Day In The Life Of Hoseok
23) A Day In The Life Of Yoongi
24) A Day In The Life Of Y/N
25) A Day In The Life Of Jimin
26) A Day In The Life Of Taehyung
27) A Day In The Life Of Jungkook
28) Surprise visit!
29) Christmas Eve!
30) Christmas Eve Pt 2!
31) Christmas Day!!
32) First Day Of School
33) Discharged
34) Bullying
35) Revenge For Y/N
36) A Few Years Later
New Cover!!

2) Weekend Troubles

17.6K 460 336
By CJ_Fanfics

After long discussions and ideas, Namjoon and Jin had somehow succeeded in taking all of the children home. Not only that but had made their sleeping arrangements until their rooms were ready and sorted out.

"I think we need a new house" Namjoon sighed after everything was sorted. Jungkook and Taehyung will be sleeping in the room that was prepared beforehand. While the other three (Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin) Will be sharing Jin and Namjoon's room with the one and only Jin. While Namjoon was downgraded to the couch.

"Yeah... but for now this is fine right?" Jin asked, taking a sip from his freshly made coffee. Namjoon let out a chuckle.

"I suppose so, but I'm not sure how my back will be after a while longer on that couch" Namjoon cringed at the very thought of sleeping even a single night on the couch. Jin gave a sympathetic look. "What about work?" Namjoon asked, taking a bite from his breakfast.

"Well... Yoongi and Hoseok are old enough for school, first grade and kindergarten, Jimin is too young, however he can go to preschool and the twins will have to be taken care of at home" Jin smiled as he nodded. Namjoon hummed slightly.

"I can see if my boss will allow me from day to night time, that way I can look after the twins" Namjoon mumbled, taking another bite of his food. His regret was clearly shown on his face afterwards. He had no experience taking care of babies, especially the evil twins. Jin tried to hold in his laughter, which failed as a small giggle left his lips.

"Are you sure?" He asked once he had calmed down slightly, a brow raised.

"Yes Love" Namjoon gave an unsure smile, leaning forward to gently peck Jin. Jin looked down shyly before gently hitting Namjoon on the shoulder. Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head slightly.

"But besides that, I can drop the two oldest off on my way to work but you'll have to drop off Jimin" Jin spoke, opening up his laptop and typing on it.

"Yeah, I can do that," Namjoon smiled.

It was currently 6am and of course all of the children were still fast asleep. Jin was looking at schools and possible houses that they could move to. Namjoon was also searching, but was also looking at other jobs that were available.

"Oo! How about this one? It is a two-story house! It has five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a kitchen, two living spaces, and a large outdoor space which also includes an underground pool!" Jin read out the details, excitedly turning the laptop around to show Namjoon.

"It's pretty nice, what's the pricing?" Namjoon asked, standing up to go put his dish in the sink. Jin turned the laptop around and looked at the price. Namjoon turned around after putting his dishes in the sink and wrapped his arms around Jin, looking at the price also.

"Pretty decent pricing, and bills are pretty good also" Jin nodded. Namjoon let out a hum of agreement, kissing Jin's temple before turning around once again to clean the dishes.

"I think it's a good house, I'm down to get it if you want to," Namjoon smiled, looking back at Jin. Jin smiled, standing up and walking over to Namjoon. He wrapped his arms around Namjoon, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"I love the house, we can get the house and then put this one up for sale after!" Jin smiled, bouncing slightly from excitement. Namjoon chuckled, turning his head to give Jin a quick peck. "I have some work to do so I should probably get it done" Jin sighed, pecking Namjoon's cheek once more before walking away to go to his office.

Jin was always busy with work. Even on weekends. It must be exhausting to be a CEO of a big company. Namjoon sighed, he needed to call his boss. After he had finished washing the dishes, he fished his phone out of his back pocket and dialled his boss' number.

"Good morning Sir, I am sorry to bother you at such an hour, but I was wondering if there was any possibility of switching my shifts with someone who has the night shifts?" Namjoon asked, fingers crossed.

"Yeah that isn't a problem, you can switch places with Sehun since he recently called me to switch also"

"Really? That helps so much! Thank you Sir, when do I start?" Namjoon asked, smiling happily.

"You can start on Tuesday, have Monday off to spend time with your new family, congratulations by the way"

"Thank you sir" Namjoon smiled.

"I will send the details via email later on today"

"Ok great! I'll see you Tuesday then Sir" Namjoon nodded to himself.

"Alright, take care Namjoon" His Boss bid him goodbye.

"You too Sir!" Namjoon smiled cheerfully. Not long after he put his phone down, the small pitter patter of tiny feet was heard. Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin all came running inside the kitchen, chasing one another.

"Where's Taehyung and Jungkook?" Namjoon asked, trying to calm the three down.

"Stiwl stuck in the cot" Yoongi huffed, quickly catching up to Hoseok who was chasing Jimin. Namjoon sighed, he needed a coffee. He began walking upstairs to the room the twins were resting in. Jungkook was seated in the cot, staring at Taehyung in awe. Taehyung was attempting to escape by climbing out. He failed, falling backwards and landing onto Jungkook.

Due to Taehyung falling backwards onto Jungkook, Jungkook started crying. Taehyung instantly rolled off of him, pulling him into a caring, gentle hug. Taehyung gently pet Jungkook's head, thinking it would help.

Namjoon smiled, watching Taehyung try to comfort his brother. Namjoon walked towards them, pushing down the side of the cot for them to climb out. Taehyung almost instantly tumbled out, nearly falling face first in the process. He slowly stabled himself to help Jungkook out.

Taehyung wobbled as he walked towards the door, falling every so often. Although each time he would get back up straight away. Jungkook was speed crawling beside him, stopping each time that Taehyung fell. He'd wait until he was up to crawl once again.

Once the two had made their way out of the room, Namjoon closed the door behind them, following closely behind. Taehyung slowly made his way down the stairs, taking small steps while Jungkook thought it would be funny to turn around and slide down the stairs on his stomach.

Namjoon quickly walked down the stairs, helping Taehyung along the way and to Jungkook who was clapping to himself on the floor. Jungkook let out small giggles once he was picked up and carried just as Taehyung was. Namjoon walked into the kitchen where Yoongi was currently raiding the fridge.

"Dad! me hungwy!" Yoongi whined, searching the fridge and grabbing a random piece of fruit from the fridge. He inspected it for a second before making a disgusted face and throwing it behind him.

"Me too! Me too!" Hoseok cheered happily.

"I too.." Jimin mumbled, shyly looking at the floor. He was fiddling with his fingers and his leg was twisting side-to-side.

Namjoon placed the twins in high-chairs before walking towards Yoongi, looking at the food covered floor. He sighed, looking over at Yoongi who gave a big smile. Jin walked out of his office and noticed everyone was awake.

"I'll make them something!" Jin smiled, walking over to where Namjoon was standing before noticing the situation. "Joonie.. What is this mess in my kitchen?" Jin asked, smiling way too sweetly at Namjoon. Namjoon gulped, not being able to make words.

"Me did it, sowwy" Yoongi pouted, looking up at Jin with big eyes. Jin instantly softened.

"Naww, it's ok my little cutie" Jin cooed, squishing Yoongi's face. Yoongi continued to pout but didn't make any effort to stop him. Namjoon almost screamed in relief. "I see you Namjoon, clean this mess up now" Jin looked back up at him and gave the same sweet smile.

"Yes, My Love!" Namjoon quickly spoke, running to go grab some cleaning supplies. Jin helped and started to pick up various pieces of fruits and vegetables. Soon enough the floor was once again spotless and Jin began cooking.

He grabbed a frying pan, some bacon, eggs and pancake mix. He also grabbed some baby food for Taehyung and Jungkook. Namjoon helped the other three onto the chairs before he sat down. Namjoon was seated in the middle of the twins, switching between the two as he fed them.

After a little while of waiting, Jin finished cooking up everything. He plated everything and handed the plates to Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin. Since Jin and Namjoon had already eaten, he only made food for the three of them. They dug in almost instantly, smiling at the delicious flavours that hit their taste buds.

While Namjoon was feeding Jungkook, he sneezed out of nowhere. He knocked Namjoon's hand back which resulted in the food landing back onto Namjoon's wrist and hand. Jungkook and Taehyung let out their adorable baby laughs while the oldest three laughed quietly. Namjoon couldn't be mad, not when it came to those two. Jin giggled as he walked over, handing Namjoon a cloth to clean himself with.

"They're lucky they're cute or else they'd be in trouble" Namjoon mumbled under his breath, wiping the food away.

"Dada!!" Jungkook cheered, arms thrown into the air. Namjoon's heart exploded, they were informed that Jungkook hasn't spoken a proper word. Meaning, this was Jungkook's first word. The fact that it was 'Dada' made Namjoon even more warm inside.

A true proud smile made its way onto Namjoon and Jin's face. Hearts swelling with love and pride for the small child in front of them. Jin cheered, picking Jungkook up and spinning him around before placing him back down in his chair.

They were already emotionally attached to the kids and it hasn't even been a full 24 hours yet.

An hour had already passed and Namjoon already wanted to rip his hair out. Yoongi and Hoseok were fighting over who got to have the last cookie. Jimin was playing with blocks, however he cried whenever Yoongi kicked his tower down from frustration. Taehyung was raiding the kitchen, grabbing anything he could reach. Jungkook was following closely behind him, attempting to eat the food that Taehyung would occasionally drop.

These shenanigans had been going on for over half an hour. Although surprisingly, Jin was the first to finally snap.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE STOP!!" He yelled. Everyone's heads snapped towards Jin. They were surprised that Jin was the first to snap and quite frankly, they were terrified.

"Taehyung, clean up your mess and get whatever it is that is in Jungkook's mouth out! Yoongi, Hoseok please just half the cookie and I will get some more later, Jimin.. Baby, please stop crying.. Yoongi help Jimin remake his tower and stop knocking it down!" Jin ordered. They all ran as fast as they could, not wanting to anger Jin anymore than he already was.

Jin sighed, flopping onto the couch next to Namjoon who looked at Jin with wide eyes. Jin looked at him with a slight glare before getting comfortable and cuddling Namjoon. It didn't take long for everyone to do as told. Yoongi and Hoseok joined Namjoon and Jin on the couch, hugging each other as they munched on the cookie. Jimin and Taehyung were seated on the floor, leaning against Namjoon and Jin's legs. Jungkook was happily nibbling on Namjoon's hand as he was seated on his lap.

"Dada.." Jungkook pouted cutely, making grabby hands towards the floor. Namjoon placed him down on the floor, watching as his attention diverted to the window. Namjoon stood up from his seat on the couch and approached the window. He saw a car parked out the front and an elderly couple walking towards the house.

"Jin.. I thought you said your parents weren't coming today" Namjoon spoke, turning to look at Jin confused. Jin shared his look, standing up also.

"They aren't, they said they had plans" Jin mumbled, walking towards the window. Jin's eyes widened as he watched his Mother and Father walking up their driveway. He was about to freak out when the front door was knocked on. Jin quickly ran to the door, opening after he straightened himself out.

"Seokjin Baby!!" Mrs Kim smiled as she rushed inside, pulling her son into a tight hug. Jin's life flashed before his eyes as he tried to hug his mother back.

"Hi Eomma, Hello Appa, what are you guys doing here? I thought you had plans?" Jin asked, escaping his mother's deathly grip and walking over to his father. They embraced in a small hug before they let go.

"Your Mother just couldn't wait and had to meet her grandchildren, she has been waiting for this day since the very day you were born, so she cancelled our plans" Mr Kim chuckled slightly.

Mr and Mrs Kim were taking their shoes off, when Jungkook speed crawled towards Jin crying. He sat in front of him, making grabby hands up at him. Taehyung was following him looking up at Jin and made the same gesture.

Jin picked both of them up, placing them on either sides of his hips. He smiled, looking at the two before leaning in and smothering Taehyung's face with kisses to stop his pouting. He looked towards Jungkook and kissed his tears away.

"Eomma, Appa, meet Jungkook and Taehyung, the youngest of the crew and twins" Jin smiled as he watched his Mother's face. Pure love present in every single part of her face, instantly falling in love. She stole Jungkook almost instantly, hugging him as tight as she could.

"I love them!" She exclaimed as she gave Jungkook back over to Jin before squashing Taehyung to death.

"Jeoalfnweoifiobhifwnjf!!" Jungkook giggled, pouting slightly. He made grabby hands towards Mrs Kim.

"Aww why are you so adorable!" She squealed, once again holding Jungkook in her arms. She took her shoes off and walked into the living room where everyone else was still seated.

Namjoon was struggling to hold a very angry looking Yoongi who was wiggling and squirming in his arms. Yoongi looked towards Mrs Kim's direction and instantly stopped, facing replacing its anger with confusion.

"Dad.. who thawt?" Yoongi asked, looking up at Namjoon.

"Boys this is your Halmeoni, this is Papa's Mother" Namjoon smiled as he explained. Hoseok instantly smiled his bright heart-like smile as he ran over, clinging onto her leg.

"Hi Halmeoni" He giggled looking up at her. She gave a big smile as he bent down to hug him, Jungkook still in her arms.

"Why aren't you just full of life!" She smiled, hugging him. He didn't mind how hard she was squishing him and hugged her back.

"Mrs Kim, this is Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin" Namjoon smiled at her, introducing her to the other three boys.

"Oh Namjoon Hun, just call me Eomma" Mrs Kim smiled as she was smothered by everyone now. Namjoon hadn't even noticed that Yoongi had escaped his grip. She often had to remind Namjoon that he could call her Eomma, besides they're family.

"Ah right, sorry it always slips my mind Eomma" Namjoon chuckled, scratching the back of his neck embarrassed.

"Ahh, so there's five of them" Jin's Father spoke to himself as he, too, entered the living room. Taehyung was by his side, waving their hands happily.

"Yup! Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook" Jin smiled as he walked over to sit down next to his mother who had taken a seat on the couch. He was instantly smothered by his children also.

"Iwhiuwgfbjkw!" Jungkook yelled as he pouted, arms crossed around his chest.

"What's wrong with you little man?" Mr Kim smiled as he poked Jungkook on his stomach. Jungkook pouted even more, trying to mask the smile that was creeping its way onto his face. Mr Kim didn it a couple more times until Jungkook fell back, hands holding onto his feet as he let out the cutest laugh the adults had ever heard.

"They're so precious," Mr Kim smiled as he looked over at Namjoon and Jin. Jin and Namjoon smiled as they watched the five play around.

"Yeah," Jin began, nodding.

"They are" Namjoon finished, nodding also.

Everyone spends the rest of the day with Jin's parents until they have to take their leave. They bid their goodbyes to everyone after enjoying their dinner with the new family. The two even gave Namjoon and Jin a couple of tips on how to take care of them and even some tricks to get them to behave.

Jungkook wasn't happy about them having to leave. He kicked and screamed on the floor, tumbling around crying. Mrs Kim's heart broke at the sight, almost staying by how upset Jungkook was.

She was, however, persuaded into leaving. Jungkook eventually calmed down, no longer screaming and crying, only small sniffles were heard from the small child. Jin picked him up, patting his head gently as he bounced him in his arms slightly.

Jungkook soon fell asleep in Jin's arms, breathing soon enough calming down. Jin smiled as he reached down and picked up an extremely tired Taehyung, into his arms. He brought the two up their room and placed them down to sleep.

Jin gently caressed their foreheads, smiling as he leaned down to plant a kiss onto their foreheads. Jin watched as the two cuddled into each other, fast asleep. Jin smiled warmly at the two before leaving the room. It was then that he noticed Namjoon was standing by the doorway, watching him with a loving smile.

Namjoon watched as Jin walked out of the room, wrapping his arms around his husband's waist. He gently kissed his cheek and watched as Jin shyly hid his face. Jin gave Namjoon a shy smile before leaning up and quickly giving Namjoon a peck on the lips, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's neck.

"Life is going to be great now that we have them in our lives, I can just feel it" Jin smiled, tracing invisible circles on Namjoon's neck. Namjoon chuckled, nodding.

"Me too" Namjoon smiled, pulling Jin closer and giving him a proper kiss on the lips.

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