The Nerd Duchess

By Chocolatesandbooks

116K 4.4K 454

It was her senior year. Her last year in the Academy that treated her no less than a mere 'commoner'. In her... More

The Nerd Duchess
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Fifteen

3.4K 130 11
By Chocolatesandbooks

Chapter Fifteen

"They like to make an entrance."

Just as the words left Elizabeth's mouth, the door burst opened. Its loud bang caused everyone to turn to look at it. In comes six people, the three were Alexa and her two groupies the other two girls were completely unfamiliar to the Charles and Anthony. Hayley immediately explained that the ambry haired was Alexa's twin, Valerie Jane Park and the other girl was Andrea Ackers.

"So who's the blonde guy?" Anthony asked.

But they didn't reply.

They walked in the Hall like they own the place. Well, that's an overstatement since they don't own anything that is school property despite the donations their family had given to the school.

"Let me guess," Anthony asked the girls when they notice how their gaze hardened as the sight of the two girls. "You hate them, don't you?"

"Isn't obvious?" Elizabeth asked rhetorically.

Victoria just shrugged.

"To the bone," Hayley replied.

"Why do you hate them, so much?" Anthony asked.

"Excellent question," Elizabeth said, smirking she added, "But hate is just putting it lightly. I loathe her as much as I loathe Alexa."

"Why?" Anthony asked.

"Because of everything that she and almost everyone in the whole school did to Victoria every year," Elizabeth said with so much hatred Anthony basically had flinched. "Especially last year."

"But high school wouldn't be complete without them. They make life interesting. Just like how an antagonist of a story makes a story interesting." Victoria replied.

"What did they do?" Anthony asked while Charles looking at his seat mate who had her head bowed down. Looking at her fingers as if it was the most interesting thing in the room, Victoria waited for their answer.

But no one did.

She looked up and saw that everyone was looking at her. She smiled. "You don't want to know."

Charles noticed the weariness in her eyes and decided to let it go.

For now.

After their entrance it was as if the sound was switched off in the different tables except for the Populars' table. They were the only ones who are joyful, noisy, and rambunctious as annoying high pitch squeals erupted from them.

It was like that for a long time until the table silence by a clanking of silverware on glass. Everyone diverted their attention to the table.

Andrea stood from her seat with pretty smile on her face.

She introduced herself to the newbies of the school and her boyfriend, Zachary Anderson, heir of the Anderson Empire. In America, that is.

Victoria turned to look at Zachary as his name rang the signaling bells in her head.

Zachary Anderson.

Where had she heard that name before?

Her eyes widened as she recognized the blonde male who stood beside the brunette girl with blue highlights. The blonde boy, Zachary gave Andrea a kiss to show how official they truly are.

"Does she have to do that?" Hayley asked. "It's not like we want to see how they playing tonsil hockey with each other."

"It's gross," Elizabeth agreed.

Victoria was silent smiling at her friends in agreement but in the back of her mind she was building her guards up.

"This is probably the most disturbing year I have ever stayed in Cross Academy," Hayley said. "It's bad enough that Nathan Anderson and Alexa are playing tonsil hockey every minute they could. But we have to endure her and the new boy, as well."

"This is going to be a definitely interesting year," Elizabeth said shaking her head.

Everyone agreed.


Victoria smiled.


It had been more than a month since the start of the first term. It had also been a complete month since Valerie and Andrea together with Zach Anderson arrived at the Academy. That day always brought Victoria to a sense of paranoia. Ever since that day, she became paranoid. Thoughts of what would happen to her would always creep in the back of her mind. Thoughts, what if he came for her or if he didn't then what if during the duration of the term he finds out about her. He'll probably tell his father right away. She is going to be in big trouble. She could be kidnapped again. And they can finally do what they failed to do last summer.

They'll kill her.

She'll just have to keep her eyes open and her guard up.

He'll probably play tricks on her like gave her the sense of security and when her guards down he'll go for the kill.

The sound of a book slamming against a table shook her awake.

"What?" Victoria said seating up right and looking around the hall before it focused on the offending figures that woke her up.

"Rise and shine, your highness," Elizabeth said cheekily, her eyes twinkling.

"Ugh," she groaned before bury her face into the opened book she used as a pillow earlier. "What do you want?"

"Well considering that it is three in the afternoon and you are here inside this library in a Saturday, no less," Elizabeth said. She sat beside her and pulled the book Victoria was using. Victoria's head hit nose first on the mahogany table.

"Ouch!" Victoria said rubbing her nose. "What was that for?"

"Found her guys," Elizabeth yelled earning her a glare from the librarian.

"Elizabeth, shush," Victoria scolded her. She sent a piercing glare to her direction. If it weren't for the fact that Victoria was still rubbing her nose and her forehead, it should have been effective in silencing Elizabeth.

"Great. You found her," suddenly Charles, Hayley, Adam and Anthony were spilling out of different aisle.

They occupied the remaining seats around the table.

"What happened to your nose?" Charles asked worriedly.

Victoria was flushing red in embarrassment while Elizabeth was stifling her laughter behind her coughs.

"Nothing," she said with every amount of dignity she had left before Elizabeth laughed again. Earning her a well-place glare at her reaction and a fair warning from the librarian. "Last chance, Miss Paige."

"Busted," Victoria smirked before she looked at all of them. "What you guys doing here?"

"Well," Hayley replied. "The Autumn Exams are done and the Winter Exam isn't until after a couple of months. And it's a weekend. No use being cooped up in this old library."

"Yeah! We are going into town." Elizabeth said. "And you are coming with us."

"What?" Victoria asked. "Don't get I say in this?"

"Of course not," Elizabeth said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, before they pulled her out of the chair and out the hall.

(Author's Note.... Keeping It Real!!!!! Read! Vote! Comment!

Hey guys, VanillaSweetKelly here. A new chappie!!!!

We hope you enjoy the chapter.

Bye bye...)

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