Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]


548K 18.4K 648

At 17, She rescued herself from a disastrous relationship, her neglectful mother and poverty. She built a new... More

Epilogue I
Epilogue 1.5 (the wedding night)
Epilogue II


5.6K 221 1

"You need to learn to control that Estrella. You never know when this new talent of yours could lead to a disaster." My dad chuckled.

I had called him after having a complete freak out in the living room. Alina and I had been talking when suddenly my thoughts started to 'project' into her mind. She could hear exactly what I was thinking ; which wasn't great because I had been thinking that her ideas about my first intimate evening with Julius were all nonsense.

" I know dad. I didn't even know that I could do that. "

"Well there's s first time for everything Mija. I have some important things to do before the ceremony so I will probably spend some time in the pack's library while I'm here. See you later!"

I waved goodbye to my dad and went upstairs to Julius and I's room to take a nap. It was only 2pm and I was already tired.

Getting comfortable in bed, I shut my eyes and waited for the sleep to take over. I was just about nodding off when there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Who is it?." I groaned.

"It's Ada."

"Come in." I sighed. My nap was just going to have to wait.
"I'm sorry to bother you Estrella. But I just needed someone to talk to. To be honest, I'm freaking out."

"Worried about tonight huh?"

"Not just tonight. Every day and night after. What if the pack never accepts me? Will Xavier just reject me and find another mate? Or What if I end up being a terrible mate and beta female? "Ada sniffled, tears threatening to fall.

"Ada. Stop. First of all take a deep breath. In. Out. You need to calm down, all this stress isn't good for you. I will say it again ;the pack will come to accept you. I didn't think they would accept me at first either as I was human when I became Luna. But all you need to do is show them that you are genuine and you are ready to be apart of this big beautiful community.
Xavier really does like you. If I'm honest, this is the happiest I've seen him in a while. He wants this so bad ; there's no way he could reject someone so special. I have faith in the both of you and your relationship. You have so much potential as a beta female. You just need to trust in yourself and unlock it."

"Gosh Estrella, I don't even know what to say. I feel so much better. I don't even know why I was having doubts. Thank you!" Ada said, enveloping me in a huge hug.

"You're very welcome. Now you go and relax. Alina will be back any minute to take you for pampering before your big ceremony."

"Oh yeah she told me about that. Speaking of which where did she even go? And where is everybody else?"

"Alina went to pick up the rest of the girls from the pack house so you can all go to the spa. Penny is helping set up. And all our mates are having a meeting at the pack house too."

"Oh ok. And you're not going with us to the spa?"

"Hopefully not. I'd very much like to stick around to help with anything and take a well deserved nap."

"Didn't sleep much last night huh?" Ada said wiggling her eyebrows.

"No I didn't and It's not what you're thinking. I just couldn't sleep. I actually have no idea why."

"Strange. Anyways. I'm going to leave you to get some rest and go get changed for this pampering day. Thanks again Luna."

"Anytime." I smiled as she up and left the room.

Again, I relaxed myself and tried to get some sleep.

I woke up and immediately jumped into the shower. After cleaning up, I decided it was best to leave my face completely bare until I put on make up, just before the ceremony. I was brushing my hair when a knock on the front door caught my attention. Placing my hair brush down, I went to answer it.

"Hey Luna."

"Hi Zeke. Why brings you up here?"

"I need advice." He said sheepishly .

"Alright well come on in."

Zeke followed me inside and we sat in the living room. I was flattered that he had come to me with his predicaments even know I would not have called myself the wisest of owls.

"Talk to me. What's going on?"

"It's Lola . She's great and all but I don't know how to get her to be open with me. I know we've just met but it almost seems like she's scared of me."

I contemplated the issue at hand before giving my honest opinion.

"Well you're right, it's very early days. With time, she will come around. You just need to be extra patient with her. Lola , like the rest of the new members, spent most of her life in captivity. She's still getting used to this new way of life. She will be happy and a lot more comfortable knowing that you've put the effort in to make her feel welcome and wanted. The little things matter ; Asking if she's ok every once in a while, inviting her on little walks, that sort of stuff."

"Wow. Thanks Luna. You're so wise, I had no idea you were so full of knowledge." Zeke chuckled.

"So I've been told. Now, its late. You better go and start getting ready for the ceremony." I said, standing up and ushering him out of the house.

"Will do. Thanks again Luna. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime. See you later."

I closed the door and smiled to myself for a brief moment, happy that my advice had been of some use.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, alerting me of an incoming call.

"Alina! Where are you guys? It's almost time to start getting ready for the ceremony."

"We left really late and there's so much traffic. We are about 20 minutes away now. Anywhore, I need a favour."

"What is it?" I asked cautiously, knowing that Alina had done either something dangerous or against the rules.

" You need to make sure  Alpha doesn't see us arrive."

"What? Why?"

"Because I may or may not have had a bit of road rage and scratched the car."

"Wait. Why are you driving?"

"Because we didn't come with a chaperone. I told Julius Peyton is with us. But don't worry Peyton knows to avoid Alpha at all costs until we get back."

"Alina!" I whined.

"Oooh it gets better. " Penny shouted in the background.

"What is she talking about?"

"Well I took Julius' 2018 Cadillac Escalade because it's fast. "

"YOU DID NOT!" I shouted. That was one of Julius favourite cars from his collection, not to mention one of the most expensive.

"I know! I'm sorry! Just do this for me because you're my sister and it's sisters before misters!"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.
"Fine. I will help you but you owe me one!"

"Thanks a bunch. Love ya!"

The called ended and immediately I made my way to the pack house to begin operation distract my mate so he doesn't catch his mischievous little sister.

"Good evening Luna." One of the older men in the pack greeted.

"Good evening Greg. Have you seen the Alpha?"

"Why, yes I have. He's upstairs in the library."

"Thank you."

I hurried up to the library in search of my mate. I was just about to open the doors when someone behind me called.

"Luna! Hey, funny seeing you here! Are you excited for tonight?"

"Hi Aubrey. Yeah I am actually. All the new members are so nice. They will fit right in."

"Really! That's great. I haven't actually got to speak to any of them yet, but I'm hoping to tonight."

I spotted Julius out of the corner of my eye, talking to someone as he exited the library.

"Listen I will catch up with you at the ceremony. Right now I've got to get to my mate."

"Oh right. I got you. You go girl!" She smirked.

I waved before chasing down my mate. His serious expression melted when he saw me, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"Hey beautiful. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?"

"Yeah I was but I just needed to come and see you."

The area had cleared and there was nobody else in the corridor.

He raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Ummm yeah. I just wanted to see you in the flesh before I got dressed. Because....because I missed you." I pouted.

"I missed you too but I know that's not the reason you're here mi amor. "

Damn this man! He knew me so well!

"Well it doesn't matter why I'm here. What matters is , I'm here and I want to spend some time with you before the festivities begin  and we will be too distracted."

"Alright well I was on my way back to the house we could go...."

"No!" I said hurriedly. " I mean, there's no need. "


Think, Estrella, Think!

"You hair looks amazing today." I said, running my finger through his hair. I wasn't even lying ; his hair really did look incredible.

"Thanks babe. " He chuckled, holding my hips lightly.

"Gosh. How many other girls can say their mate has an incredible head of hair?"

"Bro that was insane!" A loud, familiar male voice shouted from downstairs.

"That sounded a lot like Peyton. Alina and the other girls must be back already. I should probably go downstairs and see them before the ceremony."

Without hesitation, I jumped up into Julius' arms, grabbing his face and pressing my lips to his.

He responded almost immediately, placing his hands under my thighs.

The kiss was hasty but still somewhat romantic.  For a moment, I forgot what my initial mission was.

"Ewww. Could you two stop with all this PDA? There are little children around!"

We broke away and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a smirking Alina.

"Well Alpha. I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal your kissing partner for now. She needs to  help us get dressed."

I hopped down from Julius' arms and gave him one final peck on the cheek before following Alina back to the house.

"That was quite and interesting distraction technique Estrella."

"Shut up. I would focus on getting that car fixed before your brother finds out."

When we arrived, all the girls were already gathered in my old room, adjusting dresses and  applying make up.

I grabbed my dress from the the rack and changed into it. It was a strapless black dress with a sweetheart neckline and a tulle skirt that reached mid calf.

I grabbed a few items and applied some
Make up as best as I could. I used a light bb cream, a little nude eyeshadow and some red lip stick. Once I had curled my eyelashes I was good to go.

I rushed back to the room I shared with my mate to grab my favourite hair spray. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and sprayed the mist on my loose curls. I smiled at my reflection a little. 4 years ago, I never would have been able to look at my reflection in the mirror and be genuinely happy about the way I look. I was slowly letting go of most of the self hatred I harboured and I was loving it.

The bedroom door opened and closed, letting me know that someone was in the room.


"I'm in the bathroom!" I called

In came Julius, looking all sorts of sexy in his black suit.

"You look amazing" he complemented.

"You don't look too bad yourself Mr Stone."

"Well Ms. Gordon. I have something for you. Close your eyes."

I did as I was told and waited for something to happen. Julius pushed my hair off my shoulders and then put something slightly cold around my neck.

"Ok. Open." He whispered.

I gasped as I caught my reflection. I now had a beautiful pendant around my neck. The gemstone was clear with a violet hue.

"I spent ages looking for the one. I needed to find something as special as the woman I planned to give it to."

"Julius. I love it thank you." I turned around to hug him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too."

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