Things Change

By Ruby-Riot

144K 2.8K 3.9K

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have become close friends over their time together at school. It is their third year a... More

01. The Beginning
02. The Change...
03. The Truth Comes Out
04. Assistance
05. The New 3-A Couple
06. A Morning Date
07. Gossip
08. PG...
09. Training Exercise
10. Consequences
12. Another Day..
13. Finally
14. First Time
15. Aftermath
16. The Date

11. Truth

5.9K 158 150
By Ruby-Riot

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Today went by really quickly. Since everyone was still out of it from yesterday All Might took it easy on us today and had us review the footage from yesterday's exercise. Shouto and I swapped only a few times so far today and school's ended already.

I'm in my own body walking back to the dorms with Jirou now. I'm a little concerned about Shouto. He's been a little distant today. During class we didn't talk much other than our reading assignments and at lunch he sat with Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. I wonder if there's something on his mind... Jirou and I enter the dorms and head up to her room for some privacy from any prying ears.

I set my bag down on the floor and sit on her bed. "So Momo," Jirou starts as she begins to take off her tie, "what's been eating at you?"


She tosses her tie on the floor and unbuttons her shirt. "You've looked kinda down all day. Especially on the way over here. What's on your mind?" She asks as she pulls on a black and purple ripped up tank top with 'punk rock' written on it.

I let out a small sigh. "Shouto has just been acting a little strange today. He hasn't told me anything is wrong, but I have this feeling like he's keeping something from me."

Jirou sits in her chair and picks up her guitar. "You have any idea what it might be?" she asks as she lightly starts to strum.

I shake my head. "Nothing comes to mind... During lunch I told you all about our relationship so far since you kept pestering me about it." Everything except the body switching of course...

"Yeah. From what you've told me it doesn't sound like he should be upset with you. It's probably something personal he's got going on."

"Yeah... I just wish he'd tell me what's bothering him..."

"I'm sure Todoroki will tell you in his own time. I wouldn't try to pry anything out of him."

"I know..."

Jirou looks up from her guitar. "Everything will be fine. Todoroki has been a little different these last few days since you two hooked up. It's subtle, but still noticeable."

"Different? Like what?" I ask, hoping she's not catching on to our body switching.

"Well like, he's been smiling more and hanging around us all more. You do know that's all because of you right?"

"Yes. I know," I reply with a small smile. "I told him that he has such a wonderful smile and that he should do it more often."

"Nice. Gettin' the ice prince to break down his walls," Jirou chuckles.

"Ice prince? Seriously Jirou?"

Jirou shrugs and continues strumming her guitar. "What? It's a decent title. You want me to call him icy hot bastard or half n half? What's another one he says? Freezer burn?"

"Yeah yeah okay. Ice prince is fine I suppose. Or you could just call him Todoroki. That is his name."

"I dunno. It's kinda fun using nicknames. No wonder Bakugou does it."

"Bakugou does it because he doesn't know anyone's names. That or he just doesn't care enough to use them."

"Yeah well, either way it's fun."

I'm about to speak again when I'm suddenly in Shouto's body in his room and on the phone with his father. "Shouto? Shouto!" I hear Endeavor growl on the other end of the phone.

I panic and hang it up. "Why was he talking with his father? I thought he hated him..." I look around the room and see that he wasn't doing anything in particular except on the phone. "Should I let him know I hung it up?" I question myself aloud.

(Todoroki POV.)

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm suddenly in Jirou's room on her bed, staring at her like an idiot. How am I supposed to get through this?

"Momo? You okay? Are you thinking about Todoroki again?" Jirou asks me.

"Um... Yeah. Yeah that's it," I say, trying to play it off casually.

"Dude, I told you before, just don't worry and he'll tell you whatever's bothering him in his own time."

She's worried about me? Why- I guess I have kind of been avoiding her today... My father's been on my mind all day... I look at Jirou and give a small smile. "I'm sure you're right. I bet he's ignorant to the fact that he's been avoiding me in the first place."

Jirou laughs. "Bet you're right on that one!"

What the hell... Does everyone see me as oblivious or something? I lean back on the bed and against the wall, hoping that we change back soon. I hope Momo wasn't roped into dealing with my father too much... I was in the middle of that call...

"So," I focus back on Jirou, "what do you wanna do now?" She asks me.

I shrug. "I don't know. You pick." I have no idea what Momo and Jirou do when they hang out.

"Well I finished all my school work in class today and I don't feel up for studying. How about we play a game?" She suggests as she sets her guitar down

"A game? What kind of game?" What does she have planned?

"I got my old console from my parent's house last month and a few games I used to play. Wanna give it a go? Might be a nice break from all this hero training and studying and worry over Todoroki."

"A video game? I haven't played one of these before," I say as she hands me one of the game cases.

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

I hope Shouto is doing okay. It's been nearly three hours since we switched and I haven't heard anything from him.. I guess that's probably a good sign. Currently I'm laying on my back on Shouto's bedroll reading one of his books. I'm not too sure what Shouto does besides training and studying after school, but there's no point in me training with his quirk and my papers are in my bag in Jirou's room.

I hear the door open and shut. I glance past the book and see Shouto walk over to me and crouch down. "Is this what you've been doing?" He asks me.

I shut the book and sit up. "More or less," I answer. "How'd it go with Jirou?"

He sits beside me and smiles. "It was fun."

"Fun? So she didn't suspect anything?"

He shakes his head. "I don't think so."

"What did you two do that was so fun?"

"She had an old gaming system and we played some games."

"Oh yeah. She mentioned to me before that she had one of those. I've never actually played one."

"I hadn't either until today," Shouto replies with a small smile. We swap suddenly. He sighs and leans over, resting his head on my shoulder. "This is getting annoying... So, when we first swapped... Did anything happen while you were on the phone with my father?" He asks.

"Well..." He lifts his head up to look at me. "The swap was so sudden I panicked and hung up on him... He didn't call back though so, I'm not sure if he's mad at you or not.. I'm sorry if I ended up causing you trouble with him."

I glance over at Shouto, then look at him full on. He's covering his mouth looking as if he's trying to hold back a laugh. It doesn't work and he then bursts out laughing. "You hung up on him!? That's perfect Momo!" He laughs.

"It is?" I question, confused.

Shouto wipes a tear away from his eye and lightly presses his forehead to mine. He warmly stares into my eyes. "I think I love you even more for that," he says before kissing my cheek.

"Why were you on the phone with him in the first place? I thought you didn't like him."

(Todoroki POV.)

I lean back on my hands and look up at the ceiling. "I don't. The reason doesn't matter right now anymore. I called him earlier to tell him something and I had just told him right before we swapped."

"Oh... Well, that's good I suppose."

"Yeah..." I shift my sitting position and look at Momo in the eyes. "I'm sorry I was being so distant from you today."

"So you are aware?"

I shrug my shoulders and scratch my cheek as I evade eye contact. "Well, I became aware after Jirou started talking to me about it when she thought I was you..." I admit.

"I see. You need to work on that Shouto," she says as she nudges me.

"I know... I'm just not used to being close with someone like I am with you," I say as I rest my head on her shoulder again.

She leans over and rests her head against mine. "So, it's about seven now. What do you want to do until curfew?"

What I want to do, we can't do... I close my eyes and relax my body more, pushing the thoughts about my father out of my head. "For now I'd like to just stay like this. I haven't been around you much today."

"We're seat mates in class," Momo chuckles.

"I know, but I didn't spend any real time with you..." I lift my head off her shoulder and look her in her onyx eyes. "I love you Momo."

Her mouth quirks up in a small, gentle looking smile. "I love you too Shouto," she tells me before closing the gap between us.

She kisses me on the lips. I stay still, not pressing for more. We part and she leans her head on my shoulder this time. "I love you..." I say again as I kiss her head and place my arm around her.

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

This next day has been going by rather slowly. Shouto is acting distant again. Whatever was bothering him yesterday must still be on his mind. We haven't switched at all today which is good, we can actually stay focused on our classes, but I am a little concerned about him. It's lunchtime now and he's sitting with Midoriya and the others again.

"Hey. Momo. Snap out of it."

I snap back out of my thoughts and focus on Jirou across the table from me. "What?"

"Dude you've had this look on your face for the last ten minutes like you're worried or something," she tells me.

I sigh and take a bite of my food. "Shouto is acting distant again today. I think there's something going on with him and his dad."

"Endeavor? Wonder what it could be," Jirou says as she looks toward Shouto across the cafeteria.

I shrug and as I eat more food, we swap for the first time today. I look over to where Jirou and now Shouto are sitting and see him spill my food over his lap. I sigh and shake my head.

"What's wrong Todoroki?"

I turn and look at Iida. "Oh. It's nothing," I say then take a bite of Shouto's soba noodles.

I glance over and see Midoriya eyeballing me. He probably knows we just switched.

(Todoroki POV.)

Damn... I wipe rice off my lap and look across at Jirou who's just watching me. "What?" I question.

"What's your deal lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been having these weird moments when you start to act differently..."

Shit.. I don't want anymore people finding out about this.. I glance over to where Momo is in my body and can tell she's keeping her cover. "Act weirdly?" I say to Jirou. "I've just been kinda tired these last few nights. That's probably it..."

"Tired? You having any strange or sexual deams about your ice prince?" She asks me.

"What? No. Nothing like that," I say as I glance away. Ice prince?

"Hmm. So what is it then?"

I don't know what I should say... How would Momo handle this?

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

I sit quietly eating, listening to their conversation and trying not to act suspiciously. Midoriya seems to be keeping them distracted with talk of his new quirk training and the newest improvements Hatsume has made to his costume. I can't help but wonder how Shouto is handling this...

The bell rings and we get up along with the rest of the cafeteria. "Are you going to walk back to class with us Todoroki?" Iida asks me. "Yaoyorozu is over there with Jirou if you'd like to walk with her."

I look over and see Jirou and Shouto heading out the door and back to class. "Well-" we swap again. That happened a lot faster than I thought.


I look over at Jirou. "What?"

"You totally stopped talking. Is something wrong?"

"No... What was I saying?"

"You were saying that you've been tired lately because you've been thinking about your summer plans with Todoroki. Seriously dude you need to quit spacing out like this. Maybe you should go to bed earlier or something."

"Oh... Right... That's probably a good idea."

(Todoroki POV.)

"Are you okay Todoroki?"

I rub my head and see Uraraka looking at me. "I'm fine... I just got a little light headed..."

"Should you go and see Recovery Girl?" Iida asks me.

"No. I'm okay.." I then think back to a few minutes ago before the bell rang. Jirou asked if Momo was worried about what me and my father were talking about. "Midoriya, can I speak to you about something?"

"Hmm? Sure. Is something wrong Todoroki?" He asks.

Iida and Uraraka go on to class without us. "I'm not sure... Momo seems to be worried about a call I had with my father yesterday.."

"What was the call about? Was it something important?"

"The night before, my father learned that I have a girlfriend. He left me a message telling me to bring her to him so he could meet and judge her for himself. I called him yesterday to tell him that that won't be happening anytime soon and Momo's been concerned about it."

"Did you tell her what the call was about?"

I shake my head. "No. I dealt with it so I didn't feel the need to tell her."

"Well, yesterday everyone noticed you two were kind of distant from one another, and that was probably why right?" I nod. "And today you've been basically the same... If Endeavor is on your mind and the topic between you has to deal with Yaoyorozu, you should probably tell her. She is your girlfriend and that doesn't seem like the kind of thing you should keep from her."

"Hmm... You're probably right.. But, when I do take her to meet him he'll be judging her on her quirk. He won't care who she is as a person... He told me he wants to make sure she has a worthy quirk and that I'm not wasting my time on someone useless."

"None of that matters though Todoroki. It's your life. Live it how you want to. You're already going to be the kind of hero you want to be, not the kind Endeavor wants. He can't control your future..." We're nearing the classroom now. "And besides... Yaoyorozu is an amazing person and has an incredible quirk. Even though it doesn't matter what Endeavor thinks he'll probably approve of her.. So, you shouldn't worry and probably let her know what's going on."

I let out a small sigh of relief. "Thank you Midoriya. Talking with a friend about this was very helpful."

"That's what friends are for," he says with a smile.

"Get the fuck out of my way you fucking nerds."

Bakugou shoves his way past us and into the classroom. "That's one friend who I probably wouldn't have asked advice from," I say.

Midoriya laughs. "Kacchan might surprise you. I've heard him give decent advice to Kirishima and Kaminari about some things."

We walk into class and take our seats. I glance over to Momo, who's reading a book. Tell her... I probably should have done that yesterday... I really need to get better at this...

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

During All Might's class Shouto and I were stuck in the classroom with one of Ectoplasm's clones keeping an eye on us. We couldn't discuss anything other than our work without getting scolded. I was hoping to ask him why he's been acting distant again, but I haven't gotten the chance yet. Finally our 'class' came to an end and Ectoplasm left as the bell rang.

I pack up my books and papers, then look up and see Shouto waiting for me at the door. "Come on. Let's go home," he says, his hand extended out to me.

I grin and take his hand, lacing our fingers together. We walk down the hallway in silence, avoiding all the other students. It's too loud in the halls to have a proper, personal conversation... Maybe I should wait until we're at the dorms... Or, home as Shouto said...

"Do you want to go to your room or my room today?" Shouto asks me.

"Um.. My room I guess.."

We enter the dorm and head directly up to my room. What's with him today? We finally reach my room and we both take our shoes and bags off. "So then Shouto," I start to say. I turn to face him and see him sitting on the edge of my bed, staring down at the floor. "Shouto?"

(Todoroki POV.)

"Momo... I know you've been worried these last two days, and yesterday I told you that the call with my dad was resolved and not to worry..."

"Yeah..? What are you getting at Shouto?"

This is a little harder than I thought... I rub the back of my neck as I try to figure out how to phrase it. "Well... He called me the other night when we were both asleep together and he told me to bring you over so he could meet you..."

"What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

I keep my eyes locked on the floor. "Because I called him yesterday and told him we won't be going over anytime soon.. I said that he can meet you when I say it's okay."

"Do I not get a say in this Shouto? You should have at least told me what was going on."

She sounds upset, but not mad... I finally look at her, but stay sitting. "I know now I should have informed you, but I was just so angry at him. He's only interested in meeting you to make sure your quirk is worthy enough for me. He's still only concerned about power, even if he has changed over these last few months on the outside, I still know who he is on the inside..."

"Shouto..." Momo walks over and stands just in front of me and places her hands on my face. "I suppose you do know Endeavor better than I do... If you don't want to introduce me to him yet then that's fine. We can wait until you're ready."

Momo... I set my hands on her thighs and pull her a little closer. I lightly rub my thumbs against her soft, smooth skin. "Thank you for understanding Momo... I just don't want you to worry about him or our future."

Her face tints pink. "Our future?"

My face gets hot as I realize what I just said. "Well.. Not like... Like that or anything..." I stammer out. Shit... Now what? I didn't want to bring this topic up...

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

I didn't know Shouto thought about that sort of thing... I caress his cheek and lightly rub my thumb just under his scar. "It's okay Shouto. We don't have to talk about this sort of thing just yet. We've only been together five days..."

Shouto stands up and wraps his arms around me. "I love you Momo..." He whispers.

I return his embrace. "Shouto... I love you too."

(Bakugou POV.)

"God fucking dammit! Why do I have to cook dinner for everyone!?" I shout from the kitchen.

"Because of what you did in training today," Earphones tells me.

"Yeah Bakugou. You nearly killed half the class," Tape Arms adds. "The least you can do is make us food like you did for Kirishima the other night."

I grind my teeth to the point where they feel like they'll shatter. "Fine! Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone while I prep! I don't need any of you sidekicks getting in my way!"

(Kirishima POV.)

Geez... Katsuki's temper is at a high today... I watch from the lounge as the others let him be. I straighten my headband and lean back on the couch.

"Kacchan sure is explosive today," I hear Midoriya say.

"Yes well he did get scolded for that stunt he pulled. I'm just surprised he's this calm," Iida replies.

I sit up straight and look at them. "Bakugou's temper has gotten better though Iida. And not that long ago there's no way he'd ever agree to make a meal for the whole dorm as an apology," I tell him.

"You are right on that one Kirishima. I keep forgetting how close you two have become. You might even know him better than Midoriya now."

Midoriya rubs the back of his head. "Kacchan and Kirishima definitely have a different and more stable relationship..." He replies with a small laugh.

"Hey! Do I have to make food for Freezer Burn and his girlfriend too!?" Katsuki shouts from the kitchen.

"Yeah. Why would you think to exclude them?" Sero asks.

"'Cause those two dumbasses weren't in class today!"

"So? Just make enough for everyone!" Ashido yells back.

"Yeah! And don't over do it with the spice Bakugou!" I shout to him.

"Fuck you Kirishima! I'll make your plate extra spicy and melt your fucking face off!"

I laugh at his response. "Gotta make sure you specify with the spice unless you want your face to melt off," I state.

"I just smelled his cooking once and I thought my nose was going to catch fire," Uraraka says with a sigh.

"Ribbit. So, does anybody know why Todoroki and Momo weren't in All Might's class today?" Tsu asks us.

"I believe Mr. Aizawa had a special in class work assignment for them," Iida replies.

I texted Todoroki earlier when he wasn't in the locker room and he told me the teachers found out and they aren't allowed to participate in the practical training this week. The assignment thing must be their cover. I recline back and put my hands behind my head. "Must be some special thing the recommendation students had to do," I say.

"Why would they have to do an extra assignment?" Ashido asks.

"Who knows," Sero replies. "At least they didn't almost die today."

"Shut the fuck up about that Tape Arms!" Katsuki shouts.

"Speaking of Todoroki and Momo, has anyone else noticed them acting strange recently? Ribbit," Tsu suddenly asks.

"Strange? What do you mean Tsu?" Uraraka asks.

"Take yesterday for example. I was talking with Momo about the footage from the training on Monday and she basically blanked out while talking and then asked me what she was saying.. It was really weird. Ribbit."

"Yeah, something like that happened with me and Momo yesterday too," Ashido starts to say.

Crap... They're starting to figure something's up. I quickly text Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, telling them to get down here and help me ASAP.

"Momo was helping me with my assignment during our study time and she totally changed while we were in the middle of a problem."

"Changed? What do you mean Ashido?" Iida asks.

"Like the way she was speaking and they way she was helping me... She just didn't seem like Momo..."

"She did the same thing during lunch today too," Jirou says.

The elevator dings and Todoroki and Yaoyorozu come out together. "Why don't we just ask them what's up?" Sero says as he sees them.

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

There's a lot of them down here. I was hoping it was just one or two... I sigh and walk with Shouto to the couch and we sit next to Kirishima.

"So fess up guys," Ashido starts to say, "what's been going on with the weird behavior?"

"What weird behavior?" I ask.

"You know, the blanking out and change of speach. Ribbit."

"Oh that. Well I've ju-" we swap, "-st been tired."

That was the worst possible timing. I hold my head and shake it, knowing it's exposed. I look up and see everyone staring at us with the strangest expressions plastered on all their faces. I glance over to Shouto who's holding his head in defeat.

"Wait... What the hell..?" Sero finally speaks first.

"Wait. Did you guys run into that guy who switched Death Arms and Mount Lady on Friday?" Uraraka asks. "I remember reading two UA students got involved."

I sigh and press my fingers to my temple. "Yeah... We did..." I admit.

"WHAT!?" everyone but Kirishima, Midoriya, and Bakugou yell unanimously.

"Why didn't you tell us!?" Iida exclaims.

"Yeah! What the hell Momo!?" Jirou yells.

Kirishima scratches the back of his head and chuckles. "Well you guys almost made it without letting everyone else know."

"Everyone else!? YOU KNEW!?" Ashido shouts at Kirishima.

"Wh-what?" He stutters. "B-Bakugou knew too!" He yells passing the blame.

Everyone looks to the kitchen at Bakugou, just in time to see him let off explosions in both his hands causing food to splatter on the walls. "WHAT THE FUCK KIRISHIMA!? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" he shouts.

"Bakugou! Calm down!" Shouto yells to him.


Midoriya scratches the back of his head. "I knew too..."


"Because you probably would've exploded like this," I tell him. "It would've blown our secret."

"Well there wasn't a dammed point in that! You fucking dipshits blew it!"

"Wait. Hang on... Why did Bakugou and Kirishima know?" Uraraka asks.

Shouto and I look at each other then over to Kirishima. "Well, they ran into us right after it happened and told us," he says, forcing a small laugh out.

"Why didn't you tell anyone else? Ribbit. Why just Bakugou, Kirishima, and Midoriya?"

I look over to Shouto. "Well, Midoriya figured it out pretty quickly since he's always reading the hero news and is observant..." he says. "And we thought three people knowing was enough..."

"We thought it'd be too weird if everyone knew. If Shouto and I were in different places when we-" we switch back to our original bodies, "switched, then it might've gotten weird between everyone."

"And you don't think us all not knowing makes it any better?" Jirou asks.

I sigh. "I suppose not... I do feel bad about deceiving everyone."

"Same here," Shouto says.

"Hmp. I think Todoroki and Momo should help Bakugou make dinner for everyone," Jirou states with a slightly smug look on her face.

"Yeah, I like that idea."

"It seems fair."

"What!? Why do I still have to cook!?" Bakugou shouts as he's cleaning up his mess.

"Because of this afternoon and because you knew about them the whole time!" Ashido yells back.

"It's not my fucking fault! Kirishima's the one who agreed for us! I didn't want to help those morons!"

"Why'd Kirishima agree for you both?" Uraraka asks.

Bakugou and Kirishima both suddenly turn red and avert their faces from everyone. Uh-oh... Now what?

"Is it because of your relationship? Ribbit?"

Everyone looks to Asui. "What? Relationship?" Ashido questions.

Kirishima sinks back into the couch and hides his red face beneath his large headband, while Bakugou is frozen in place, staring everyone down.

"Did you fucking tell?" Bakugou growls, directing the question to me and Shouto.

"No. No we would never-"

"Then how," he starts walking towards everyone, "the fuck does the frog KNOW!?" he shouts while letting off an explosion.

Kirishima quickly leaps over the couch and rushes Bakugou. He uses his quirk to contain the explosion before anyone gets hurt. "Katsuki! It's okay man! Who cares if they know!?" He yells.

"I told you why I didn't want to tell yet! Now they're all gonna be fucking annoying!"

"Bakugou and Kirishima... A couple!" Ashido squeals.

Bakugou's face goes red again. "Shut the hell up Raccoon Eyes!"

"Dude! Calm down!" Kirishima growls at him while pressing him against the wall.

"Well... This took quite the turn.." Iida mutters out of their earshot.

"Tsu, how'd you know and why didn't you tell us?" Ashido asks her.

"Ribbit. Well, it was more or less an educated guess."

"This sure is an exciting night," Sero chuckles, looking from Shouto and I and over to Bakugou and Kirishima.

"I'll fucking kill you!" Bakugou yells at Sero.

Kirishima then presses his lips to Bakugou's, shutting him up immediately. Everyone, including me and Shouto, stare, stunned by the action. We all watch as Kirishima pulls away and lets Bakugou go. "Katsuki behave yourself or I swear I'll do that every damn time you go off tonight," he scolds him.

Bakugou glares at him and then to the rest of us. "Fine. Come help me make dinner shit hair..." he grumbles as he walks back to the kitchen. He glares back at us all. "You too Icy Hot and Ponytail! And you too Deku! You bastard!"

A/N: I'm surprised that right now this is #2 in Todomomo. I'm rather proud of myself for writing something that so many people like. Let me know what you think of the story so far :)

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