Things Change

By Ruby-Riot

144K 2.8K 3.9K

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have become close friends over their time together at school. It is their third year a... More

01. The Beginning
02. The Change...
03. The Truth Comes Out
04. Assistance
05. The New 3-A Couple
06. A Morning Date
07. Gossip
08. PG...
09. Training Exercise
11. Truth
12. Another Day..
13. Finally
14. First Time
15. Aftermath
16. The Date

10. Consequences

6K 148 139
By Ruby-Riot

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Me and the rest of the class who can still walk exit Ground Beta. As we reach the bus I look around for Shouto. I hope he's okay... All Might comes over to us as we wait for the rest of the class to be brought out by the droids. "Well done young heroes. You won against the villains," he says to us. "Those of you who don't need to see Recovery Girl can get on the bus and head back to the school. Everyone else please board this bus behind me. I know many of you didn't hold back and that resulted in many injuries."

"How are you doing Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya asks me.

"I'm fine. I barely got scratched up. I'm concerned about Shouto. He was going up against Bakugou."

"Kacchan was set on fighting Todoroki by himself, but Kirishima was with him. I'm sure they're all fine."

Kirishima was completely knocked out and Shouto's arm was injured. Bakugou was starting to look pretty beat up and tired too... "Alright. Everyone here get on the bus. Aizawa will wait here for the rest of the students," All Might tells us.

I sigh and board the bus with the others. There's less than half of the class on this bus. "Did so many people really get hurt?" I ask.

"Looks like it," Sero says. "Seems like most all the villains got injured."

I sit down and look out the window, watching my fellow classmates get carried on gurnies to the other bus. I see Kirishima, Bakugou and Shouto come into view. Shouto... His shirt has been shredded and he's covered in bruises. Both he and Bakugou are bleeding from their knuckles and faces.

"Whoa. Looks like they went all out," Uraraka says.

"Yeah..." All of a sudden I'm laying on a gurney being carried to the bus. I feel a sharp pain shooting through my right arm. Why now?! Shouto's body is too wounded and exhausted for me to even move.

"Hey! Momo just fainted!" I hear Uraraka shout from the bus.

Shouto... The pain is too intense and I lose consciousness.

(Todoroki POV.)

Mgmm... Where am I? The last thing I remember is fighting against Bakugou... I hear people talking. It sounds like Aizawa and All Might... I tiredly open my eyes. I can easily see that I'm in the nurses office. To my right I see Bakugou and Kirishima in the beds, both of them bandaged up and passed out. I look left and see Momo. Momo? Why-

"Well Todoroki," Aizawa says causing me to look his way, "you have some explaining to do."

"About what?"

"Hmp. Based on what's happened it's the only logical answer. You and Yaoyorozu are the students from UA who got involved with that body switching quirk on Friday aren't you?"

"Well... Hmmgm... How did you figure it out?" I sigh.

"The biggest thing was Yaoyorozu passing out for no reason just after class ended. She didn't sustain any injuries that should've caused her to do that, however, you were already out and when you swapped you stayed out," Aizawa tells me. "And also during my class it helps if you aren't complaining every few minutes while reading to yourselves. That caught my attention and made me start to suspect you and Yaoyorozu."

"Why didn't you let the staff know young Todoroki? Something like this could've gotten you or Yaoyorozu in serious harm," All Might tells me.

"We just didn't want to inconvenience anyone with it... It's been a real pain and inconvenience to us and we just thought we'd cause trouble for everyone."

"By not telling us you caused more trouble," Aizawa sighs. "So here's what's going to happen... You and Yaoyorozu are not going to be participating in any physical training exercises this week. Instead you'll be going over the reading materials."

"I understand..."

"Also, in the future if something like this happens again let us know right away. I'm informing the staff about your present situation."

"I know I shouldn't ask for anything, but, do we have to tell our classmates? I think for them and for us it would be best if they didn't know."

"I think that is a reasonable request. What about you Aizawa?" All Might asks.

Aizawa sighs as he glares down at me. "I suppose that will be fine. I can think of a few students who may try to take advantage of you two... I hope you understand full well that this doesn't give you an excuse to do as you please while stuck as each other."

"I do. Momo and I will follow the rules..."

"You're getting off easy this time Todoroki. Be grateful. Next time you slip up I won't be so lenient."

I nod. "I understand..."

Nearly an hour has passed since the teachers left after lecturing me. Recovery Girl gave me some gym clothes to wear and was able to patch me up pretty good. My shoulder is fine and my arm isn't in searing pain anymore. I have a few scrapes across my body but nothing that won't heal in a few days on its own.

Currently I'm sitting beside Momo's bed, waiting for her to come to. Aizawa said she passed out after the exam. That was me, so she got put in my body conscious when I would have been in a serious amount of pain... "I'm sorry Momo..."

"For what?"

I look and see her eyes are open and she's staring up at me. "Momo."

"Why am I in the infirmary?" She sits up and looks around. "Wait. I remember now... We-"

"We swapped just after class ended... It was pretty bad timing. You got put in my broken body... I'm sorry for that," I apologize, bowing my head as I try to hide the tears forming in my eyes.

I feel a gentle rubbing on my head. I look back to Momo who is running her hand through my hair. "It's okay Shouto. I'm fine. It was an unpleasant experience, but there's no harm done," she tells me with a smile.

I take her hand and hold it in mine. "The teachers also know about our situation..." I inform her as I rub my thumb over her hand. "Mr. Aizawa easily figured it out when we swapped earlier."

"He did? Well what did he say to you?"

"He's made all the staff aware but not our classmates. He also told me that this week during all training times we'll be stuck going over all the material rather than any actual training."

Momo rubs her head with an annoyed look on her face. Is she mad about this? I can't tell what she's thinking.. Momo sighs then looks to me again. "I guess thing's could have been alot worse right?"

"Umm... Yeah... Are you not upset about this?"

She shrugs as she turns and sets her feet on the floor in between my legs. "Nah. Even if we lose this week of training we can still study together without anyone else around during that time. Besides, we'll have plenty of training over the summer," she tells me. She then kisses me on the cheek before standing up.

I stand up and cup my hands over her cheeks, gently pulling her to me. I kiss her soft lips. "Let's get back to the dorms," I say as I pull away.

"Okay. Let's get going."

Before we leave for the dorms Recovery Girl gave Momo a pair of gym clothes to change into. I'm waiting in the hall for her to come out. After a few minutes Momo comes out and we head off for the dorms. We hold hands as we leave the nurses office. Bakugou and Kirishima were both still there and out of it. I wonder if he'll be satisfied with this fight? Kirishima did have to get involved and he got injured due to Bakugou... I can't imagine fighting Momo like that. I squeeze her hand as the dorms come into view and pull her closer to me.

"Is something wrong Shouto?"

"No... I just wanted to be closer to you."

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Shouto's been acting a little strange since I woke up. "So, how are you feeling?" I ask him.

"I'm fine. Still kinda tired though. Recovery Girl told me that I'll need to lay down when I get to the dorms. She said she drained nearly all the stamina I had left."

"Jirou sent me a text earlier canceling our plans to hangout today due to everyone's injuries. If you'd like I can stay with you for awhile," I offer.

"Of course I'd like that," Shouto says with a smile.

We enter the dorms. There aren't many people hanging around down here. Everyone is probably wiped out from training and from getting treated by Recovery Girl. We walk past those who are here. They notice us, but let us be. They probably know we're not feeling all that well either. We walk to the boy's dorm elevator and get in, heading up to Shouto's room.

As we ascend in the elevator Shouto begins to waver, like he's dizzy. "Shouto what's wrong?" I ask, concerned he may fall over.

"Nothing. I just feel really weak and tired right now," he answers.

I take his arm and put it around me to help prop him up. "Once we get to your room I'll set your bed up for you and you can get some rest."

The elevator stops at the fifth floor and we both slowly walk out and over to Shouto's room. The door was left unlocked and I open it. Shouto lets go of me and leans against the wall as I get his bedroll out and spread across the floor. I turn back to face him and he's in the process of removing his shirt. I can't help but watch as he pulls it off, revealing his toned body.

I walk up to him a lightly press my hand on his abdomen, feeling his muscles with my own hand. "What are you doing?" He asks.

He drops the shirt and is staring at me. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself," I say with a small chuckle. "I wanted to see what it felt like for myself."

Shouto's face goes red. "You shouldn't do that right now though Momo..." He says, trying to hide his face from me.

"Why not?"

I take my hand off his body and he walks past me to his bed. He stays standing with his back to me. "I-I'm... My body gets very sensitive whenever you touch me like that.. And with our swapping problem we can't do anything," he tells me.

I didn't realize I had that much of an effect on him. I walk toward him and reach out to him but pull my hand back. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it would cause a problem for you. If you'd like I can leave and let you get some rest."

Shouto turns and faces me; he takes my hand and pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my body. "Please stay with me," he utters in my ear.

"I don't want to be an inconvenience for you Shouto..."

"You're not an inconvenience..." He loosens his grip on me and looks into my eyes. "Momo, just stay with me until curfew..."

"Five hours?" I grin and nod. "Okay."

Shouto kisses my forehead then takes a step back. He keeps his pants on as he crawls into his bed. He scoots over and pats the space beside him. "Lay down with me?" He asks.

I rub my arm and can feel my face get hot. "I don't know Shouto... You won't get a problem will you?"

(Todoroki POV.)

I shake my head. "I'll be fine. I just want to hold you until I fall asleep.. If that's okay with you," I tell her. Honestly I don't know how I'll react, but I want to be close to her in some way right now. I don't care if I can't sleep.

Momo takes her shoes off and lets her hair down, and then crawls into my bed next to me. My room fades into an orange hue as the sun outside lowers more. I smile as I stare at Momo's face beside mine. I reach out and move a lock of hair away from her eyes so I can have a better look. God how is she so beautiful? How does someone like her fall in love with someone like me?

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Shouto... His eyes are so beautiful. They're usually pretty cold but right now they look like they're filled with happiness. I'm glad I can make them look this way. Shouto wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close to him as possible. My face is resting on his bare chest as he holds me with his strong arms. "I love you Shouto," I can't help but say.

His grasp tightens. "I love you too Momo..." He replies with a quivering voice.

I scoot back slightly and look up at him. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I just... I don't understand why you love me. What makes me different from any other guy out there?" He questions.

I sigh and smile. "Well for starters you're totally oblivious to things which I find adorable," I chuckle. "Then there's your eyes..."

"My eyes?"

"Yes. The gray and the blue..." I trace my finger just under his left eye; I pull back quickly, remembering about my touch. "Your eyes are so beautiful, both of them..."

"No one's ever said that to me before..." He says as he touches his scar. "And... What do you think about this?" He asks.

He's referring to his scar... He told me how he got it. I wonder if he hates it... I take his hand away from his face and hold it in mine. "Do.. Do you not like the way you look Shouto?" I ask back.

Shouto sighs and glances away. "I just don't understand how someone as beautiful as you can like someone who looks like me... My hair is weird and stands out, my eyes are mismatched, and I have this huge scar on the left side of my face... I'm not the best looking guy..." He answers.

"Don't say that Shouto! You are very handsome!" I bark at him. "Everything about you is unique. You should feel good about the way you look. There's nothing I would change about you. I love you the way you are. Your eyes, your hair, your scar... Please don't speak down about yourself..."

(Todoroki POV.)

Momo... She sees me this way? I just.. I don't understand... But maybe I don't have to... I smile and pull her close to me again. "Thank you Momo.."

"What for?"

"Everything you said... For you..." I can feel myself getting drowsy now. "I love you so much..."

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Shouto falls asleep. His grip on my body loosens as he relaxes. I scoot away and gaze at his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful... How can he have such negative feelings about himself..? Well.. I guess it makes sense when you think about how he grew up... I close my eyes as my fatigue catches up with me. "I love you Shouto..."

(Kirishima POV.)

"Fucking Icy Hot got up before me! This means he won!" Katsuki shouts as we head towards the dorm.

"Calm down dude. You both knocked each other out. Neither of you won," I say, trying to calm him. "And overall the hero team won. Doesn't that count?"

"NO!" Katsuki kicks a rock into the bushes. "Tch. Whatever. Why'd you interfere in our fight!?" He yells at me.

"I told you why. It was part of class. I couldn'tve just sat there and watched."

"Yeah well... I ended up knocking you out... I'm.. I'm sorry for that..." Katsuki says, evading eye contact.

I smile. I want to reach for his hand, but we're out in the open right now. Instead I put my hands in my pockets as we walk side by side. "Thanks Katsuki."

"Are you hungry at all?" He asks me.

My stomach loudly growls. "Uh. Yeah. Why?"

"I wanna make you dinner since I accidentally hurt you today... Curry sound good?"

"Sure," I say with a large grin. "Not too spicy though?"

Katsuki sighs loudly and obnoxiously rolls his eyes. "Fine. I guess since it's for you I can go easy on it."

We walk into the dorms. Most everyone is in their rooms. As we walk past the lounge I overhear Jirou talking. "Momo's been up there with Todoroki for a few hours already and she's not texting me back."

"They're probably studying," Sero replies. "I doubt Todoroki fully knows what to do with her when they're alone."

I can't help but let out a small laugh as I hear their conversation. "I hope that's not true..." I mutter, still laughing.

Katsuki turns and glares at me. "What was that?"

"Nothing. So how long is the curry gonna take to make?"

"I can whip some up in about thirty minutes," Katsuki says as he begins to gather the ingredients he needs. I sit down at the bar counter and watch him as he starts cutting everything up. He glances up and glares past me toward the others in the lounge. "The fuck are you looking at!?" He shouts to them.

I glance back and see Sero, Jirou, and Uraraka turn away. I look back to Katsuki and sigh. "Just ignore them man."

Katsuki grumbles something under his breath as he starts cooking. "They can just mind their own damn business."

I sigh again and pull out my phone. Jirou said that Todoroki and Yaoyorozu haven't come down from his room since they got here. It's nearly nine now... I open my message box and type out a text to Todoroki, then send it.

I don't want to see them get into any trouble. I bet Aizawa has started doing his rounds again because he knows about them. I watch Katsuki cook the food. He presses a button on the rice cooker and focuses back on the curry, ignoring everything going on outside the kitchen. I know for a fact that Aizawa had a curfew set last year after a few incidents, but he stopped doing his rounds when the new school year started... I noticed him start it up when Hagakure and Ojirou hooked up and I'm willing to bet he will again for awhile now since everyone knows about Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.

"Hey. Kirishima. The hell you spacing out about?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see Katsuki's face close to mine. "Um... Just thinking about some things... How's dinner coming Ka- Bakugou?"

"It'll be done in about ten minutes. Maybe less," he replies.

"Cool. I'm gonna go sit in the lounge until then. Wanna come?"

(Bakugou POV.)

I sigh. I don't like hanging out with everyone, but Kirishima is friends with them all. "I guess..." There's only three of em so it should be fine. At least they're not super annoying like plenty of the others.

I follow Kirishima to one of the couches and we sit down. "Hey. Didn't think you guys were gonna join us," Soy Sauce Face says to Kirishima.

"I was just keeping Bakugou some company while he made us food."

"How come you always make food for you and Kirishima?" Earphones asks me.

"'Cause we're friends. And today I kinda went overboard during class and nearly blew him up. It's my way of apologizing," I reply.

"That's so sweet of you Bakugou," Pink Cheeks says.

"Shut the fuck up! It's not sweet!" I yell. "Now drop it!."

"Did Momo text you back yet Jirou?" Pink Cheeks asks Earphones.

"Not yet. Her phone might be on silent again. But everyone is tired from Recovery Girl's treatment today, so I don't think it'd be off."

"Maybe they're up there gettin' busy," I chime in with a laugh. I know they're not. No way they'd be doing it with their switching problem.

"Dammit Momo! I'm gonna pry every last detail out of her!" Earphones shouts at her phone.

"Calm down Jirou. It's weird to see you be so loud," Tape Arms tells her.

"Come on. Todoroki isn't like that. He didn't even know she liked him until a few days ago," Kirishima says.

"Pfft. Like that'd stop him," I mutter.

"The hell's that supposed to mean?"

"Icy Hot is a guy after all. You don't think he'd go for it when given the chance? It's what," I look at the clock on the wall, "nearly nine thirty now? How long have they been up there?"

"About five hours," Tape tells me.

"Five hours!? That bastard! I'll beat him for sure next time!"


Kirishima puts his hand on my shoulder and waves at the others dismissively. "Bakugou is mad that Todoroki woke up first and he sees that as him losing. They knocked each other out during class and Bakugou refuses to have any ties and obviously doesn't like losing."

"Oh. Well, he did look super tired still. Maybe he went up there and passed out," Tape says.

"Maybe I'll try calling her," Earphones says.

I hear the timer for our food go off. "Come on shitty hair. Let's go eat."

(Todoroki POV.)

What is that sound? It's so loud... I sit up. "It's so dark. What time is it?" I then realize that Momo's voice came from my mouth. I sigh as I notice a light coming from under the pillow. I move it and see that it's Momo's phone vibrating.

"Jirou's calling?" I tap the screen and answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey. Dude where are you? Are you still up there with Todoroki?"

"Uh.. Yeah. Why?"

"It's gonna be curfew in about a half hour. You'd better wrap up whatever it is you two have been doing for the last five hours."

I glance down and see Momo in my body stir and start to wake up. "Yeah. Thanks for calling. I'll be down in a few minutes." I hang up the phone.

"Shouto?" I look over and see Momo sit up. "Who was that?"

I hand her her phone. "Jirou. She called to remind us of curfew."

We both switch suddenly. I hand her her phone again. "You should probably get going. I wasn't expecting you to still be here. It's pretty late now."

Momo stands up and straightens her gym shirt. "Yeah. I'm going to go hang out with Jirou for a bit then," she says.

I get to my feet. My body still feels weak. I wonder if it's because I haven't eaten yet. I walk past Momo and turn the light on. I turn and face her. Her hair is all messed up from sleeping. "You might want to put your hair back up," I inform her.

She touches her head, running her fingers through the mess. "Mmmm. Mind if I use your bathroom?"

"Go ahead."

While I wait I go to my dresser and put on a clean white shirt. I crack my window and turn to see Momo. She fixed her hair and is waiting for me by the door. "So, guess I'll see you tomorrow?" she says.

"Actually, I'm going to the kitchen. I need to get some food. I'll head down with you, but I'll let you be with your friends," I tell her.

Momo smiles at me as she opens the door. "Sounds good," she says, taking my hand and pulling me through the doorway.

I hit the lights and shut the door then we walk to the elevator. "I'm sorry we didn't really get to hang out," I tell her as the elevator comes.

"That's okay. We got to be close, and that's all I need."

I smile as we step in the elevator. I bring her hand to my lips and kiss it. "I can't begin to tell you how happy you make me feel," I tell her.

I can see her face go red as she stares at me. "Shouto..." She says grabbing my arm. "I'm glad I can make you happy."

The elevator reaches the common space. I wish it hadn't gone so fast. Now I want to have her all to myself. Momo is about to step out but I grab her and pull her back. I gently hold her face and kiss her lips. We part and I smile at her. "I love you. Go hang out with Jirou now."

She smiles and kisses me again. "I love you too Shouto. Make sure you rest up." She turns and leaves the elevator.

I step out and see her sit down next to Jirou, Sero, and Uraraka. I then turn and head to the kitchen, where I see Kirishima and Bakugou. Great... I wasn't expecting to see him yet. I walk past them and open the refrigerator. "Nothing... Of course..." I mutter.

"Hey Icy Hot... Want some curry?"

I close the door and face Bakugou. To my surprise he has a bowl out and is offering me food. "Uh. Sure. Thanks." I take the bowl and sit beside Kirishima. I hesitate before I take a bite, hoping it's not extremely spicy.

"Good right?" Kirishima says with a large toothy smile.

"Yeah. You got the mildness just right too."

"Course I did. I made it specifically for Kirishima. If it was for me it'd probably kill you two wimps."

"No shit. I swear my face was gonna melt off last time you made that spicy raman," Kirishima says. Kirishima glances over his shoulder and looks at the others on the couches. "So hey Todoroki. What were you and Yaoyorozu doing up in your room for so long?"


"Sleeping? Like literally or sleeping together?"

"Well I guess technically we did sleep together. But we were alseep," I tell him.

"You know those annoying ass girls are gonna be overdramatic and extremely loud when they find out," Bakugou says with a smile. "Earphones and Pink Cheeks are over there with your girlfriend now and I bet she'll tell them."

"Probably, but it doesn't matter. As long as it's explained to Ashido and Hagakure they'll be fine."

"Hope you're right man. If Aizawa finds out you slept with your girlfriend and gets the wrong idea you'll be in serious trouble."

That'll be bad. I'm already walking on eggshells with him right now... I'll need to speak with Momo about this. I eat the last of my curry and take the bowl to the sink and wash it.

"So when did you wake up?" Bakugou asks me.

I walk back over to them and lean on the counter. "Maybe about ten or so minutes ago. Why?"


"Win? Win what?" I ask confused by his statement.

"The fight you dumbass! You were passed out way longer than me so you lose!"

"Calm down dude. You're the only one who cares about this," Kirishima says.

"But, I did wake up before you. And I spent some time with Momo before we fell asleep again." Bakugou grinds his teeth as he glares at me.

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

I leave Shouto in the elevator and walk over to Jirou. "Hey. Sorry about missing your texts. I fell asleep," I say as I sit beside her.

"Asleep? Why'd you pass out?" She asks.

"Well, Shouto was still exhausted and weak from Recovery Girl and he wanted me to stay with him and I ended up falling asleep."

"So then, you totally slept with Todoroki," Sero says with a laugh.

My face goes red as I hear him say those words. "Well... I mean technically, but not that way..."

"Wow Momo. Didn't think you'd jump into bed with him first chance you got," Jirou says with a smirk.

"I wouldn't say that was the first chance," I mutter to myself.

"What was that?" Jirou asks.

"N-nothing. Never mind," I quickly reply. I know she has good hearing, but if she heard hopefully she'll let it go. "I do need to thank you Jirou."

"For what?"

"Your phone call woke us up. If it wasn't for you we'd probably have slept through curfew."

Jirou smiles. "You're welcome I guess. You'd better be careful in the future though. Maybe set an alarm or something."

"Can't be too careful when it comes to Aizawa," Sero says.

"Yeah. Imagine how mad he'd be if he found out you stayed in Todoroki's room overnight," Uraraka says.

"I don't even want to think of that," I say as I hold my head. From what Shouto said earlier it sounds like Mr. Aizawa won't tolerate anymore from us...

"So hey, are Todoroki and Bakugou friends now or something?" Jirou suddenly asks me.

"What? Why are you asking?"

"It's just that they've kinda been hanging out recently without a bunch of one sided yelling."

"I suppose they've gotten a bit closer... But I think he's more friends with Kirishima and Bakugou is just tolerating him."

"HA! THAT MEANS I WIN YOU BASTARD!" We all hear Bakugou shout from the kitchen.

The four of us look to the kitchen and see Shouto say something to Bakugou then walk away smirking. Kirishima is holding Bakugou back and looks like he's trying to calm him down. Shouto comes and joins us in the lounge.

"The hell was that all about Todoroki?" Sero asks him.

Shouto leans on the couch just behind me. "Nothing. Just having some fun with Bakugou," he answers with a small smile. Shouto brushes his fingers across my neck, which casues me to focus on him. "Did you happen to tell them what we were doing in my room?" he asks.

"You mean you two sleeping together?" Jirou asks.

Shouto sighs. "Yeah. About that, can you guys not tell anyone? If Hagakure and Ashido hear they'll probably get the wrong idea and if Mr. Aizawa hears he'll definitely be mad."

"Yeah. No problem," Uraraka says.

"Yeah. Not like you guys did anything but sleep right?" Jirou says as she pokes me with her jack.

"Right," I say, swatting her away.

"So Momo, we can hang tomorrow right?" Jirou asks me.

"No, today was your day and you canceled," Shouto replies to her.

"Don't start this up again Todoroki. We were all wiped out from training today. You got to be with her all damn day. I get her tomorrow."

"Will you two please knock this childish behavior off?" I chime in. "Yes Jirou, I'd like to hangout tomorrow. Shouto we can hangout before curfew tomorrow after I spend some time with Jirou."

Shouto sighs. "Fine. If that's what you want."

"Geez. Don't look so down Todoroki," Sero says. "If you want some of us guys can chill tomorrow."


"It's about that time you guys," Uraraka informs us all.

I look up at the clock and see it's 9:55. We all stand up and head for the elevators. "Good night," Shouto tells me from a few feet away. His face looks a bit flushed. I bet he's embarrassed to kiss me in front of the others.

I smile to him just as the elevators open. "Good night Shouto," I say as I step inside.

"Todoroki looked kinda funny back there," Jirou says as she presses the button.

"He looked embarrassed to me," Uraraka replies.

"Yes. He's quite adorable when he's like that," I can't help but say.

Jirou smirks at me. "Tomorrow you're telling me everything about you two."

"Again? Can't we just study instead?"

The elevator stops. "Nope. Get ready to dish," Jirou says as she steps out. "Night you guys."

The doors close and Uraraka and I accend. I sigh and hold my head. "Just give it a week or two before everyone relaxes and gets used to you guys," she tells me. The elevator stops on her floor. "See ya tomorrow," Uraraka says as she heads to her room.

The doors close and I head up one more floor. "I'm worried we might switch tomorrow and Shouto will be stuck talking about himself in my body... I really hope that doesn't happen..."

(Todoroki POV.)

Well that ride up sure was colorful. I open my door and turn on the light. "My bed's already out... I almost forgot..." I turn the light back off and remove my shirt. I crawl under the blankets.

I notice my phone sitting next to my pillow and there's a small blinking light, telling me I have missed messages. I unlock the screen and see Kirishima and Bakugou both texted me. "Didn't expect that from Bakugou... Although..." Get the fuck out here Half n Half! I read. "Hmm? Looks like I've got a new voicemail too."

I call my voicemail and listen to the message. "Shouto," it's my father, "your sister went and saw your mother yesterday and she tells me that you brought a girl with you when you went. This weekend I request that you come home and bring the girl for me to meet. I want to make sure you're not wasting your time on a pointless romance with some girl who doesn't have a worthy quirk. Otherwise forget about dating anyone and focus on becoming a hero. That is why you're there. I look forward to this weekend."

"That bastard..." I nearly crush my phone in my hand as I hang up the voicemail. "No way in hell am I taking her to meet you yet."

A new message pops up on my screen. It's from Momo. About tomorrow, if we switch at all while I'm with Jirou please try to do your best to act like me, I read.

Of course I will, I reply back.

"I really hope it doesn't happen though... We haven't had any swaps that only last a minute or two recently so that's good... It'd be rather hard to have a decent conversation like that..."

Thank you. Get some rest. I love you, I read.

I love you too. Good night Momo, I type then send. I set my phone down and roll over. I'm not introducing her to him just yet. He can meet her when I decide...

A/N: Okay, so I started this story before the newest arc in the manga where it's focusing on Endeavor and the Todoroki's. So for this story I'm just going to keep Endeavor as a dick.

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