Things Change

By Ruby-Riot

144K 2.8K 3.9K

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have become close friends over their time together at school. It is their third year a... More

01. The Beginning
02. The Change...
03. The Truth Comes Out
04. Assistance
05. The New 3-A Couple
06. A Morning Date
07. Gossip
09. Training Exercise
10. Consequences
11. Truth
12. Another Day..
13. Finally
14. First Time
15. Aftermath
16. The Date

08. PG...

7.4K 172 145
By Ruby-Riot

A/N: I believe I got this one edited well enough. I apologize for any typos I might've missed.

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Shouto and I left Bakugou and Kirishima and had made our way to my room. Once inside Shouto takes a seat on my bed while I grab three books off my bookshelf. I set them beside him. "These have some basic compounds you'll need to memorize. By learning this I can walk you through on how to make a sword."

"A sword?"

"Swords are simple for me to make. They don't require much thought for me to create one now. It'll be easy and if we end up in a practical test you'll have a weapon."

Shouto picks up one of the books and opens it. "Okay. Guess we should get started then... This is going to be a long night..."

(Todoroki POV.)

Momo and I have been going through the books she laid out for me. It's nearly midnight now and I'm able to create a small knife using her quirk. I fall back on her bed, nearly passing out as I sink into the mattress. "I think this is enough for tonight Momo," I say to her. "I'm exhausted."

"Very well. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow morning," she says. She gathers her books and sets them on her desk. "I guess I should go then... If we don't switch back by morning will you please take a shower for me?"

I sit up. "You want me to shower as you?"

"Well, yeah... I can't do it if I'm you and I never got to take one today," she tells me.

Being Momo... Naked. In the shower... I avoid looking at her. "I suppose I can... Since you're asking." Momo walks back over to me. She places her hand on my face. I turn my head and stare at her. "What are you doing? I thought we agreed not to do this stuff while in each other's bodies..."

"I know... Just close your eyes..."

I do as she says. Our lips touch. My body feels so different as Momo as we kiss. I feel a wave of tingling wash over me. Is this how she feels when she gets turned on? I can't help but moan from the feeling and our kiss deepens as she pushes me back onto the bed. She crawls over top of me while our mouths are still connected. She's starting to really get into it, but she suddenly pulls back. I open my eyes and see that her face is red and she's not looking at me. "What's wrong Momo?" I ask.

"I... Well-well..." I glance down as she's trying to hide the bulge in her pants.

"Oh..." My face goes as red as hers. I scoot away and sit up straight. "Maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now..."

"Agreed. It was my fault," she says.

She sits down, shifting her weight around. "Momo? What's the matter?"

"How.. How do I make it go away?" she asks.

She still won't look at me, which is understandable. "Just think about something that turns you off... Something not sexy or fun.."

Momo sits quietly, staring at the floor for a few long minutes. Then, she finally gets off the bed. "Thanks, and sorry..." she says to me.

"I'm sorry too... I should have stopped you," I say.

She rubs her arm as she goes to the door. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow for some more studying then," she says. "Good night Shouto."

"Good night." Momo leaves her room. I look around her room before falling back onto the bed. "So sleepy..." Without much thought I start to undress. I take off my shirt and pants until I'm just in underwear. "This thing is so uncomfortable. I'm not sleeping in it," I say to myself. I reach behind my back in an attempt to unhook her bra. I can't get it... How do girls do this? I struggle with it for what feels like an hour as I roll around on the bed until it finally pops off.

My chest feels like a weight has been lifted from it. I start to massage it to relieve the uncomfortable feeling, when I suddenly realize what I'm doing. I can't be doing this kind of thing to Momo's body! What would she think of me? Even as I'm thinking this my hands are still latched on to her breasts. They're so soft and smooth.. And big. Wow they're big...

I let go and watch them bounce, setting in place. Dammit... Why did I watch them? I get off the bed, walk across the room and shut off the light. I make my way back to the bed and pick her shirt up and put it back on. I crawl in bed and under the blankets. They smell just like her. I roll onto my back. My hands move up to her breasts again, but over her shirt this time. Why am I doing this? I told her I wouldn't do this sort of thing... I squeeze them. Dammit... Now I'm a pervert...

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

I walk into Shouto's room, shutting the door behind me. "Guess I'd better get dressed for bed." His room is very warm. I am in his body. And he was sleeping in his boxers this morning. I guess that'll be okay. I take off his shirt and toss it into the laundry basket. I take his pants off and toss them too. I'm standing in the middle of his room in his underwear. I look down at his strong defined chest and abs. I run my hands across his body, feeling his muscles. Wow. He's so much stronger than I initially thought. I run my hands over his abs, feeling the creases and smoothness of his skin. Feeling his bare body is so different than feeling it over his shirt.

I walk to the closet and pull out his bedroll. I lay it on the floor then shut off the light. I lay down and pull the blankets over me. I lay with my hand resting on his abs, slowly rubbing my fingers over them. Is it wrong that I'm doing this? We've seen each other's naked bodies already. I slowly move my hand down to the brim of his boxers. I haven't gotten a good look at this yet... I keep my hand above the boxer shorts as I touch his groin. This feels oddly good... What am I saying? This is too weird! I pull my hand away as I feel it getting hard again. "No stop it. Don't get like that again... Think of something that doesn't turn you on..." Slowly but surely it goes back to normal. Being a guy sure is tough... This thing seems to react to anything. I roll onto my side. "Hopefully Shouto and I will be normal tomorrow. I really want to be with him. And feel his body with my own hands... Dammit! Not again!"

(Todoroki POV.)

I roll over as Momo's alarm goes off. I take her phone and shut it off. "Still in her body.." I see the time. "Six thirty? Why does she have an alarm for right now?"

Her phone vibrates and I see a text from my phone. I open it. Take a shower and be ready by seven thirty. I'll be over to help you study and work on my quirk, I read. "Guess I've got no choice." I sit up and scratch my head, getting my fingers tangled in Momo's messy hair. Shower time... I get up and go to the bathroom.

I turn on the water, take off Momo's shirt and underwear and get in. The hot water rushes over me. I run my hands through Momo's long hair, combing it out with my fingers. I grab the shampoo and wash her hair, which takes remarkably longer than I thought. After rinsing off I pick up the bar of soap and lather it in my hands. I begin to run my hands across her body, both washing and satisfying my urge to touch her.

Once I rinse off I get out. I grab a towel and start to dry off as I walk back into her room. Her hair is dripping wet and running down my body coating me in water again. "Just stay dry. Why is it so much work being a girl!?" Frustrated, I now vigorously dry her hair until all the water is gone. I once again then dry her body off. I go to her dresser and pick out some clothes that I think go well together. It takes me about ten solid minutes to get her bra on. By the time I get fully dressed and her hair brushed it's nearly seven thirty. I sigh and collapse back onto the bed. "I can now understand why girls take so long to do stuff..."

I take another look at the time on Momo's phone just to make sure I saw it right. "Seven twenty five... She'll be here soon." I sit up and then notice she has an unopened message from Kyouka Jirou. I'll just leave that for her when she gets here. It's not my place to deal with it. I set the phone down and lay back on the bed. I then hear a noise. I look up and see Momo walking over to me. "Momo?"

"The door was left unlocked Shouto. You should really lock it at night," she tells me.

"Sorry. I usually do, but I was kind of distracted last night," I reply. I sit up and cross my legs. "So are we going to jump right into this then?"

She nods. "Yes. You need to be able to create a weapon more capable than a knife as well as simple objects."

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

Shouto and I haven't switched at all today. It's been nearly five hours since we started working with my quirk. I finally got him to be able to make a machete and a few knives but so far that's all he can manage. He's been quietly reading to himself with the occasional question on what to do, meanwhile I've been texting Jirou since she won't let up on anything.

I look up from my phone and over to the end of the bed and notice Shouto laying on his back with the book over his face. "What are you doing Shouto?" I ask.

I hear him sigh and he moves the book from his face. "We've been at this for hours now. I need a break Momo."

"Why don't we go get some food from Lunch-Rush. It's a little past noon now and he's in the cafeteria until two," I suggest to him.

Shouto sits up and rubs his neck. "Sure. I'm starving."

I pick up a hairband off my nightstand and scoot to the end of the bed where he's at. "Here. Let me fix your hair. With it down it gets really messy when you're in my body," I tell him.

"Okay." He turns away from me as I begin to put my hair up. "Ow."


"It's okay..."

I finish and get up off the bed. "Shall we go?" He nods and follows me. We exit my room and I lock the door. I press the button for the elevator and we wait for it to come.

"Your quirk is a lot of work to get the hang of," Shouto says to me.

"Yeah, it can be tough to memorize all the things I need to know."

"I'm exhausted just from these last five hours of studying. I can't even imagine doing this for as long as you have," he replies.

The elevator comes and we step inside. "It's been hard but worth it. My quirk allows me to do so much that not many other heroes can do. I'm very proud of all I've accomplished so far."

(Todoroki POV.)

Whenever Momo talks about becoming a pro she makes me smile. "What's with that look?" She asks me.

"I like it when you talk about becoming a hero. It reminds me that I'm not the only one with that goal. Everyone here has the same goal as us but I especially love it when you talk about it."

"Why's that?"

I take her hand and hold it. "Because I love you Momo."

She smiles. "I love you too Shouto."

We reach the common space and walk hand in hand out of the dorm. As we near the cafeteria I see Midoriya wave to us. He seems to be heading to the cafeteria as well. "You're not training today Midoriya?" I ask.

"No I am. I've been training since six this morning and haven't eaten yet," he answers.

"You really shouldn't skip a meal Midoriya," Momo tells him.

"Like you're one to talk. We haven't eaten yet either," I reply.

"I know and you really should have eaten this morning. My quirk would work better if you had something in your stomach."

"Oh yeah. How are you guys doing with the body switching?" Midoriya whispers to us.

"It could be worse..." Momo sighs. "We've definitely swapped at some inconvenient times but we're managing."

"The quirk training is definitely different from what I'm used to," I add. "I still don't understand how you can study and memorize all the components for creating everything."

"Years of practice."

We walk into the cafeteria. There's a few people here, some from class A and some from B. Midoriya spots Uraraka across the room. "I'll let you guys be now. See ya later," he says before running to Lunch-Rush.

Momo and I walk to Lunch-Rush and get our food. We see that Midoriya sat with Uraraka and Asui. Momo leads me toward an empty table away from all the others and we sit. "When we're done we need to get back to studying," Momo tells me.

"I know," I sigh. We both eat our food. "We should take some extra food up to your room so we don't have to leave again."

Momo nods. "That sounds like a good idea."

(Yaoyorozu POV.)

After Shouto and I finished eating our lunch we got another helping from Lunch-Rush. Shouto was able to create a takeout style box to put the food in. Before heading back to the dorms we stopped at a vending machine and grabbed some more snacks. Now we're in the elevator heading back up to my room. "I'm glad we didn't run into anyone other than Midoriya," I say.

"Yeah. I don't think I can deal with Ashido's squealing today at all."

The elevator reaches the top floor. Shouto and I get out and walk to my room. As I unlock my door we switch bodies. "Really?" I complain.

Shouto opens my door and walks into my room. He opens my refrigerator and sets the food inside. I walk to my desk and set the bag of snacks down. I turn to face Shouto who has made himself comfortable on my bed; he's leaning against the headboard with a large book in his hand. He pats the bed in between his legs. "Come sit here," he tells me with a half smile.

I crawl across my bed and sit between his legs, leaning my back against his chest. "How are you supposed to read with me here?" I ask.

He hands the book to me. "I thought maybe you could read it to me. I know I'll pay attention if you're talking to me."

My cheeks get hot and I open the book from where he left off. I begin to read aloud. Shouto is quietly sitting behind me with his arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on my shoulder. I can't tell if he's reading along or just trying to be close to me. I don't want to stop and ask because he needs to know this information, and I like him right where he is. Shouto and I sit like this for hours, me reading to him and him asking a question every now and then. We take a few short breaks to eat some of the chips and candy we bought. During that time we switched four times, but it didn't matter since we're alone in my room focusing on studying.

Shouto and I are still in our own bodies and have been for nearly ten minutes now. I'm sitting up against my headboard reading aloud while Shouto is laying on my bed with his head in my lap listening intently. By the time we finish the book it's already past nine o'clock. I set the book down and stretch my arms. "Wow. That took alot longer than I thought," I say.

"Really? I thought for sure we'd be here until midnight again," Shouto says.

"Well, I do have several more books we can go through if you really want to study longer," I tell him.

Shouto sits up and faces me. "Not now." He closes the gap between us until our faces are centimeters apart. "I think it's time for a fun study break." He leans down slightly and presses his lips to my neck. My entire body instantly gets hot as he runs his tongue over my neck then latches on gently with his teeth. I can't help but let a sound out and grab onto the back of his neck. Shouto sits back up and touches my bottom lip with his thumb. "Making a noise like that is too arousing Momo," he tells me.

Since when has he been like this? I wasn't expecting him to act this way, but I kinda like it. "And what are you going to do if you get too aroused Shouto?" I question him with a small smirk.

His face goes red. That's more like what I was expecting. He runs his hand across my cheek, down my neck and over the spot he had been sucking on. He leans forward more and kisses me. I wrap my hands around him and pull him into me. We both fall back onto my bed, he's now laying over me as we continue to kiss.

I tease my fingers through his hair, causing him to moan in my mouth. I take dominance in our kiss now. I press Shouto back and we roll over so we've switched positions. I'm now laying over his strong, hard body as our kiss stays locked. I can feel him move his hands down my back and stop on my butt, grabbing ahold of me.

I part from him, but remain within his reach. "Mmm. Shouto, I didn't know you could be like this," I say with a smirk.

He grins back at me with wanting eyes as he rubs and tightens his grasp on me. "Same to you Momo. I didn't know you had this type of side to you. I really like it." He brings his face up to mine again and kisses me one more time. This time as we kiss I can feel a growing hardness beneath me.

Shouto suddenly pulls away from me, breaking our kiss and I lean back a bit to give him some space. "Shouto? What is it?" I ask, wondering why he stopped so sudden.

He looks up at me, his face his flushed with color and his eyes are focused on mine. He then grinds himself against me. It's so hard, but it feels good against my body. "I... I think I should go now..." he tells me as he drops his hands from my body. "If we happened to switch bodies right now or if we go any further, then you'd have to deal with this...."

I can understand where he's coming from. I roll off of his body and lay beside him. I set my hand over his chest and rub it, feeling how hard and toned his body is through his shirt. "I get it. I don't want to have to have that problem... It was weird enough last night..." I say.

Shouto puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him, then kisses me on my head. "That was your fault," he teases me.

I roll my eyes and sit up. "I think for now we should keep things PG between us, just until this body switching quirk wears off."

(Todoroki POV.)

I follow her up and sit. "PG huh?" I run my hand through my hair before I answer. "I guess we'll have to... Not that I want to be downgraded though," I sigh.

Momo turns and hugs me. "It'll be fine Shouto. We'll be in class the majority of the time and won't have time to do this kind of thing anyway."

I hug her back and sigh a little. "I know. And when Friday comes around we can go back to how things were right?" I ask. Momo lets go of me and I do the same. Her face is tinted pink and she's not looking at me directly. She looks a little nervous. "Momo?"

"Yes. We can go back to how we've been this weekend," she answers. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but I don't want to press for anything...

Momo crawls off her bed and stretches her arms out. I watch her as I get off the bed. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. "Shouto?" I hear her ask.

I squeeze her just a little bit. "I need to go now," I tell her. "It's almost curfew."

Momo turns around and puts her hands around the back of my neck. "Okay. If you say so..."

She sounds kinda disappointed but right now if I stay I won't be able to keep things PG. I hold her close and kiss her soft, warm lips. I pull away after two seconds and let go of her. "Um. Good night," I say. She still has her hands draped around my neck. "Momo..." I mumble while looking away.

"Just one more," she says as she leans into me. She pulls me closer to her and locks her lips onto mine. My hands instinctively wrap around her body, causing her to moan. Without thinking our kiss naturally deepens as I enter her mouth. This is so not PG... I can't stop myself, I have to give this up for the next five days? Momo starts running her hands through my hair, pulling at it and causing me to make sounds of pleasure I've never made before. My quirk is starting to heat the room up, making it get uncomfortably hot in here. We both pull away at the same time, sweating and panting to catch our breath.

I stare at Momo and use all the willpower I have in me to let go of her amazing body. "That wasn't very nice you know," I tell her.

She removes her hands from my body and takes a small step back. "I know. I'm sorry. I just couldn't control myself... My natural urges just took over..."

"I understand. But I do need to go now..." I shift my weight, trying to stand comfortably with this throbbing in my pants. I don't want Momo to know exactly what she did to me.. Again. I don't want to make her feel bad.. Momo turns and walks me to the door. She opens it and I step out. I rub the back of my neck as I look at her. "Well... Good night Momo," is all I can muster up to say.

Momo grins at me. "Good night Shouto." She shuts the door as I walk away.

I pull out my phone as I hit the elevator button. I send Momo a quick text, telling her that I love her since I couldn't get the words out a minute ago. I step in as the elevator arrives. I ride the it down to the common area. As the doors open I find myself face to face with Aizawa. Crap...

He puts his hand over the elevator door, keeping me cornered within the tiny room. "Todoroki. I've heard a rumor about you and Yaoyorozu," he tells me. Shit... "Do you know what time it is?" he asks.

"Nearly ten," I answer.

He nods with a scowl. "I understand your urges as a teenager, but, don't forget the rules of the dorm and why you're here in the first place. Being a hero should be your top priority. Don't let this new romance block your path. You and Yaoyorozu both have high expectations from the faculty as recommended students."

He finally moves out of my way allowing me to exit the elevator. "I know that sir. Momo and I will be taking our studies very seriously," I tell him.

(Aizawa POV.)

Momo eh? Todoroki and Yaoyorozu together. Can't say I didn't see that coming, but... "Several other teachers as well as myself have had to deal with couples popping up all over UA. That's why once a year we have the sexual education classes. And, us teachers make sure you students, especially the males, understand that your only goal right now should be becoming a hero. Don't let this distract you or her from it. And don't do anything stupid."

Todoroki nods. I know he understands the rules, even though he has broken them in the past. "I understand sir. Our studies will be our top priority," he tells me.

"Good. Mind passing this on to Yaoyorozu for me? I don't want to have this conversation again so soon."

"Yes sir."

I take a step back and motion with my head to the boy's dorm elevator. "And just so you're aware," I say as he waits for the elevator, "there are several couples who couldn't handle their relationships and schooling. They either broke up or flunked out. Keep that in mind. I wouldn't want you or Yaoyorozu to have your futures as heroes be in trouble."

(Todoroki POV.)

"I understand sir." Aizawa finally leaves as I get into the elevator. I lean against the wall and sigh. My phone vibrates and I pull it from my pocket. It's from Momo. I love you too Shouto. Sweet dreams, I read. "Becoming a hero is top priority... But there's no way in hell I'm letting Momo go either. I'll have to work twice as hard if not more for everything I want to have in my future," I tell myself.

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