All Of Me - (Islamic fiction...

بواسطة MarwaaMalik

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*Sequel to "Starting Over"* Follow Maggie and Zayn's journey المزيد

All Of Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 4

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بواسطة MarwaaMalik

It’s been exactly four days since Zayn proposed to me and it has been crazy everywhere I go. In college, people I didn’t know always whisper around me and I even noticed some of them trying to take sneaky picture of me without me noticing, but I saw them.

Not just in the college, even in the street; Paparazzi had been following me everywhere asking where Zayn was? Was it all staged for the cameras? Some even went to the extent of asking whether it was forced marriage or not?

Twitter was another deal. Hate became more noticeable on my mentions, and some horrendous pictures that had been taken by either paps or random sneaky people where always attached to the hate saying mean things like how ugly I was or how I was always given bad looks to everyone around me like I was genially I sad person and Zayn shouldn’t be with me.

It hadn’t even been a week and I was getting rather annoyed and impatient with everything. I thought by now I would be broken and in tears but to be fair Zayn’s calls and messages where the reason I always ignored the world. No matter what I was feeling I the inside when I saw his name in a message or in a call, I forgot about everything and I became happy for the duration of our conversation.

I never told him that I was angry with everything that was going on. He didn’t need to know that plus we only talk once a day so I wasn’t about to waste those special moments on ranting about paps and fans. It would only make him feel guilty and that wasn’t my intention.

The sound of a notification from my phone interrupted my thoughts. Grabbing it, I had a wide smile on my face thinking it was Zayn but it turned up to be a DM from Tasneem.

Clicking on the notification, the screen turned into a white and blue one showing my DMs with Tasneem. I skipped to the latest one and read it, ‘Finally have my laptop back. Can we Skype?’ I replied with a simple ‘Yup’ then opened my Skype.

“Hey future Mrs. Malik.” Tasneem shrieked once our call connected. I hadn’t talked to her since before my engagement. We only DMed where she congratulated me and told me she had exams so her dad took her laptop away.

“Hey Tas.” I smiled blushingly. I didn’t know why I still blush when people call me that, it was stupid actually.

“How are you, Maggs?” She was genially happy for me. I could feel it in her voice.

“I’m good, very happy.” I said truly.

 “Good. So, I want the full report. What happened? Your feelings during it. What did you do when you two became official? Everything.” She demanded and I giggled.

“Well, I was at the concert and suddenly they started playing Justin Timberlake song and-“ I was rudely cut off by her.

“I saw the video Maggie,” She rolled her eyes, “I want from the start. Weren’t you two fighting? What happened and how did it lead to a freakin engagement?”

I chuckled at her expressions then I began telling her the whole story, beginning with how Nadia made me wear something nice and did my make-up till her’s and Jawaad’s sneaky plan till how Zayn proposed then till we stayed back stage.

“You met the rest of One Direction? How were they?” Tasneem squealed.

“They were nice, but I made a total fool out of myself in front of everyone.” I sighed remembering my embarrassment.

“What happened?”

“Well, first, Liam came in for a hug and I totally froze in my place and didn’t know how to react since you told me it was haram to hug another man and it was totally awkward,” I was blushing just remembering what happened.

“Yeah, but it was an incident that caught you by surprise, so it’s okay.” Tasneem commented.

“But after that moment passed, Louis congratulated me and tried to give me a friendly kiss on the cheek but I pulled away making the situation even more awkward.” I continued.

“You did the right thing.” She encouraged.

“And I haven’t even told you about what happened with Harry. He came in for a hug with open arms and Louis just came between us in the right time to stop him from hugging me so they ended up hugging each other instead.” Tasneem was full on laughing now.

“You think that’s funny? They probably hate me now and they think I’m a weirdo.” I sighed.

“Oh, Stop it. I’m sure Zayn had told them about you and explained your religion side.” She said trying not to burst out laughing again.

“I don’t know. It was too embarrassing. I think I would hide every time I have to see them.”

“Shut up. You’ll get over it. Anyways, have you called your dad recently?” Her question made me crease my eyebrow.

“I have seen him at Nadia’s birthday.” I answered still confused.

“But you didn’t talk to him or your mom after the engagement?” She asked making me worried now. What could have happened in four short days?

“Well, Mom and Nadia were with me during the proposal so that was the last time we talked. Other than a few texts with my mom we haven’t probably talked since then. Why do you ask?”

“Well, your dad called my dad for the first time in a very long time, may I add. And he was kind of ranting about your engagement and about Zayn in particular.” She said warily.

“About Zayn? Why? He doesn’t even Zayn that well.” I was getting a little angry.

“Exactly Maggie. Zayn didn’t go introduce himself to your father properly and didn’t ask your hand in marriage from him like the tradition.” She explained.

“How was he supposed to know about that tradition? He is British not an Arab.” I snapped.

“He is a Muslim Maggie. Plus that’s not the only thing,” She trailed off getting me impatient.

“What else?”

“Well, when your dad talked to my dad, my dad kind of told him the family’s concern about Zayn having tattoos and basically not having that Muslim guy image.” She said hesitantly as she felt my anger.

“What? They don’t even know him that well. Didn’t you guys tell me never to judge a person by his appearance?” I was really hurt by what she told me.

Everything they told me when I was there about never judging and always finding forgiveness in your heart and being open minded was basically a lie. They were doing the exact opposite to Zayn.

“Look Maggie, at the end of the day we never get to see you and it’s your life but the important thing is your dad. You have to talk to him.” She said calmly, making me calm as well even though I was angry inside but I didn’t want to explode on her while she was helping me.

“I’ll call him whenever I can. Thank you for telling me though Tas,” I thought about it for a second, “Tasneem?”


“What do you think about Zayn?” Even though I cared about what everyone thought of me but Tasneem’s opinion mattered most to me.

“My personal opinion?”


“Well, You know I love Zayn as singer and I don’t know him all that well as a person but from what you said to me he sounds like a nice person,” I smile content, “And I think this engagement is a brilliant idea to see if you guys can work out in a marriage or not.”

Creasing my eyebrows, I asked, “What do you mean?”

“He seems great and all but he was raised differently than us and he has some habits like drinking, and clubbing. Other than the habits that we don’t know about, so I just want you to be careful and if something happens that you don’t feel comfortable about tell him and just know that this engagement is a trial for the real thing.” Her words were wise like always and shed a new light to my perspective.

“I know but I just feel so happy.” I said truly.

“And you should. It’s a beautiful time. Enjoy it but be smart that’s all I’m saying.” She smiled.

“Okay,” I smiled back, “Thank you for always being here for me.”

“Don’t even mention it. We are sisters.” She kissed the air.

“Yes we are. Love you Tasneem.” I send her an air kiss as well.

“Love you too hunny, dad will literally going to kill me of he knew I was skipping not doing that research I told him about.” She blurted out fast.

“Okay Hun, Take care. Talk soon.” We exchanged ‘goodbyes’ and ‘I miss you’ then hanged up and I was left with my mind.

I hate being alone with my thoughts, especially when it was roaming with bad thoughts like now.

Titling my head, I saw the night stand clock which told me it was 8PM at night. Sighing, I sat on the edge of my bed thinking about what to do.

Should I call tell Zayn about what Tasneem just told me when he calls later tonight? Or should I wait and talk to my dad first?

I wasn’t entirely sure why my dad was angry about. He knew Zayn was not Egyptian, so he doesn’t know the tradition there. Plus the whole thing came sudden to all of us, even to Zayn himself. He didn’t even buy me a ring or anything.

What really made me wonder though, was the fact that neither mom nor Nadia said anything about this when we texted. They would just ask me how I was doing with everything and how Zayn was. That was it, really.

Something wasn’t right about this whole situation. Why did dad call Uncle Mohammed out of all people to complain to? Why didn’t he call me? Why didn’t he call any of his friends?

My thoughts were interrupted by the ringtone of my phone. It wasn’t my normal one either, it was the one I had for Zayn which made my smile wide as I went to grab my phone from the night stand.

“Hello.” I bite my lip to stop my smile. A new habit I gained while talking to Zayn on the phone.

“Hey babe.” His voice was raspy from just waking up. He had a terrible jetlag for the past couple of days and he couldn’t sleep well at all.

“Did you have a nice nap?” I asked genuinely concerned that he didn’t sleep for a long time.

“It was alright. How was your day? Sorry I couldn’t call all day.” I could almost imagine his pout.

“It’s okay, I know you are busy. Plus you text me every five minutes so I forgive you.” I teased.

“What can I do? I get bored easily.” He chuckled sweetly, making me smile.

“Really? Cool.” I sighed. My mind was still wondering whether or not I should tell him.

Probably not. Maybe it was all a big misunderstanding and when I talk to dad he would understand and this whole thing would be over.

“Babe? Are you listening?” Zayn’s voice snapped me back to our conversation.

“What? Sorry, I zoned out.”

“What’s wrong babe?” He asked concerned.

“Nothing babe.” I blurred out without thinking. I didn’t want to worry him now.

“Something is wrong. I hear it in your voice.” He insisted.

“It’s nothing Zayn, I just had a really long day at UNI and I have an important quiz in two days. So I’m just stressed.” That wasn’t a complete lie. Just avoiding a part of the truth.

“Oh, don’t be babe. I’m sure you will ace it.” He reassured me.

“I don’t know. I’m already a week late.” I sighed.

“Just don’t worry and you will do great,” His voice was so sweet, god I missed him ad it hadn’t even been a week, “Babe, someone is calling me to be ready.”

“Oh, yeah, go.” I answered, understanding his busy schedule.

“I’ll try to call you when I can.” His voice was sad. I hate ending our calls.

“Okay babe, I miss you.” I sighed sadly. I couldn’t say the ‘L’ word yet and he understood that so ‘I miss you’ was our way.

“I miss you more babe. Bye, babe.”

“Bye.” I sighed when the call ended. I hated when we finally end the call and all of those feelings of missing him and being lonely hit me hard.

Why did he have to be so far away? And why did my dad have to be so complicated?



Hey guys, Hope you like this update. A part of the plot has started so I hope you like that.

GUYS, I HAVE A PROBLEM :’( My dad wants to read my stories and I just try to avoid the subject by all means by he keeps insisting every time he sees me on my laptop.

Should I show him “Starting Over” ? I’m scared, honestly.


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