The Fairest of Them All

By jesssayshullo

163K 5.2K 538

(Diabolik lovers X OC) What happens if the Sakamaki brothers had another presence in the house? A presence of... More

I. Unexpected Events
II. Unavoidable Disturbances
III. She, the Fairest
IV. Emotions
V. Dinner Reunion
VI. (1) Games and Surprises
VII. (2) Games and Surprises
VIII. (3) Games and Surprises
IX. (4) Games and Surprises
X 1/2. (5) Games and Surprises
X 2/2 (5) Games and Surprises
XI. Cracks of the Past
XII. Victims and Conquerers
XIII. Neglection
XIV. White Rose
XV. Just a Dream?
Special Chapter!
XVI. A Cold, Long Night
XVIII. Slumber
XIX. Goodies
XX. Beauties of the Night
XXI. Sana
Special Chapter 2!
Special Chapter 3!
XXII. Free
XXIII. Purple Strands
XXIV. Richter
XXV. Cruel
XXVI. Courtesy
XXVII. Disposure
XXVIII. Heart Struck
Special Chapter 4!
Special Chapter 4 Pt. 2!
XXIX. Compassion
Notice: A New Start

XVII. The Principles of Generosity

2.5K 111 4
By jesssayshullo

Chapter 17

Guinevere casted her eyes downwards and was met with Subaru's clenched fist. She wasn't surprised, as he was rather tense in her arms, the heavy guilt rolling off him in waves. She repressed a sigh. The brothers were not making the situation any better. How supportive of them.

'But it's not like all of this was new'. She thought. 'They are quite selfish. After all, they are still in that...complicated age of theirs. In a way, they are still delicate newborns, lacking enough experience and growth to mature.

Well, humans are far better when it comes to these things. Their minds can be as complex as immortal or supposedly 'dominant' beings such as us, yet they require a far less amount of time to mature. To underestimate humans...those who think that are fools. Humans can be monsters, as well. A wolf in sheep's clothing, they can become...'

Realising that her thoughts were drifting off-track, Guinevere refocused on the problem at hand. The atmosphere had thickened, the tension increasing as impatience and restlessness began whirling like storms, closing in on her.

Guinevere simply ran her fingers comfortingly through Subaru's ignoring the increasing intensity shooting towards her direction. Subaru glanced up, eyes locking with hers.

'Are you trying provoke them?!' They seemed to be saying.

Guinevere gave him a close-eyed smile, before her luscious lips thinned into a straight line.

She gazed coolly at the rest of the brothers. "I believe I will only have to say this once. Leave Subaru alone, please. He's already feeling guilty enough as it is."

She then excused herself before they both disappeared without another word, leaving no room for replies.


"Get yourself cleaned up, okay?" Guinevere said softly. "I shall deal with the others. Have breakfast here while I go order a separate limousine for you, okay?"

Upon seeing his solemn expression, she ruffled his hair. "Do not worry, I will inform Reiji of this."

"Yeah..." Subaru mumbled, his gaze boring the blood around her shoulders and the red stains on her dress.

Guinevere sighed. "Subaru, I did this by choice. It is pointless to mull over it. Not get a proper shower and cool your grumpy head."

"My grumpy—wha—!" Subaru appeared startled as she began pushing him towards the bathroom.

"Make sure to dry yourself properly. This month will be quite cold." With a wave, Guinevere vanished.


A knock on the door disrupted Reiji's thoughts for a moment. He placed the glass tube on the racks. It clinked softly before he retracted his hand, moving to flip a page among the scattered books on his wide desk.

"Come in," he said, his eyes buried within the written calculations, his brain attempting to solve their complexity.

Guinevere entered the room, brushing a curtain of dark hair over her shoulder. Silver eyes landed on the books and various liquids that filled glass tubes. "Have I arrived at the wrong time?"

Reiji was writing when he spoke. "That is of little importance, for I will be busy for the whole night." He then placed his pen down and turned towards her. "So? What is it that you need?"

Guinevere blinked. "You...are less troublesome that I thought."

"Hm. Did you assume that I was going to give you an earful about your behaviour a while ago?" If it weren't for his narrowed eyes and disapproving tone, one could say otherwise.

"Of course. That wouldn't be unusual, would it?" said Guinevere. "But you must understand, Reiji, that dearest Subaru went without blood for about a week."

"And you must understand, Guinevere, that this is not the first time something like this has occurred," Reiji responded firmly. "Defending him will not resolve anything."

Guinevere cocked a brow, crossing her arms. "I only defended him because I know that he means well. The need for generosity is desperate in this vile world. Without even a speck of generosity, the weak and strong will not survive, and society would not function as it is now." Her eyes then soften. "You of all people should know how one would feel if they receive no kindness. No consideration or value..."

Reiji stiffened as she caressed his cheek. The memories that he wished to disappear began flooding through him, causing a flicker of emotion to pass his eyes.

"...All that's left behind is neglection. Maltreatments." Guinevere's words were hushed, yet they stabbed him deeply, causing a brief expression of pain to pass his features.

"That's why kindness plays such an important role in this world. No wounds would heal if there was no kindness," she said, gently unclenching his fist. "In fact, some of the wounds themselves could be avoided if one had not considered cruelty as an option in the first place."

She sighed, dropping her hand and proceeded to one of the velvet couches. "But this world, as we all know, can be twisted and vile indeed."

Reiji stared at her with an unreadable expression.

Guinevere suddenly turned her head towards him. "Oh, do you know that he is toying with you all?"

Reiji blinked at her sudden change of subject. Then, realisation hit him.

"Ah, him," Reiji sneered. "Of course. It is painfully obvious. The brides he sent us...the wives that he played with."

Guinevere hummed. "Do you know what his motive is?"

"I do not. Nor do I care about such repulsiveness."

"I will do something about it," Guinevere reassured confidently. "Though I only ask you to provide me time."

Reiji cocked a curious brow. "That could easily be granted," he answered.

"Could you cancel breakfast today?" Guinevere asked. "None of us are quite in the mood for a 'warm' gathering. It will just create more trouble for yourself."

Reiji hesitated. "...Very well."

"Fret not, I will handle them myself."

"Oh? May I ask how?"

"Hmm, well I plan on keeping my word and baking with the triplets. That cheers them up most of the time..."

"Is that all?" Reiji said.

"...Yes..." Guinevere ignored the unimpressed look he sent her way. "For now."

Reiji sighed. "Try not to destroy the mansion. Or provoke them further..."


Reiji glared.

"Okay, okay," Guinevere said, her hands up as a gesture of peacemaking. "I got it, Reiji."

She then stood up, dusting her dress. "I will provide Subaru his own transportation, and will take Yui-chan out for breakfast, for a girl's hangout, you could say. It will be convenient, as well, since I have work."


"Work. I have a job." Guinevere casually explained.

Reiji narrowed his eyes. "Since when? And why did you not inform me of this?"

"Well, I can't just sit around all day, can I? Besides, I quite miss working in the film industry."

Reiji pressed his fingers against his temple. "Is that the reason why you were late for dinner a few days ago?"

Guinevere smiled. "I had an interview. It went well, if you were wondering."

"I was not."


"Why bother wondering? You tend to be capable of handling those things well."

Silence befell them.

"You have so much faith in me," said Guinevere. "I-I need a tissue."

Reiji supressed an eye roll. "How needlessly dramatic of you."

He watched as she reached for the tissue box in front of her. A thought then crossed his mind.

"You must be parched."

Guinevere froze, mid-grabbing the tissue. She slowly turned towards him.

"Pardon?" Her tone was weary.

"How long have you gone without blood?"

"...That expression of yours is unsettling."

Reiji's smirk did not waver. His fangs were aching as they threatened to lengthen. "You haven't answered my question."

"Why do I have to...fine. I am parched," she said. "Now if you'll excuse me—"

"At this rate, you will not be in the best condition for work," Reiji stated. "It'll be a shame if you get fired on the first day."

"As if it'll be a shame for you..." Guinevere mumbled.

"Care to repeat that?"

"No thank you." Guinevere then gave him a look. "What, are you going to get rid of another servant? I will have you know that they have been behaving very well this week. To simply kill one to satisfy my thirst is simply unacceptable—what are you doing?"

Reiji was walking forwards, loosening his tie. He placed it on the tea table before proceeding to unbutton his collar.

Guinevere stared. She shut her eyes, then opened them to see him taking off his vest in front of her. So she stared once again. To further fuel her bafflement, Reiji shoved a section of his white undershirt to one side, revealing a pale shoulder.

"Do not expect this on a regular basis. I am not as selfless as yourself," he said, glancing at her sideways as he removed his glasses.

Guinevere's eyes matched the saucers that sat on the table, below the elegant teacups. "My...I should leave. Thank you for your generous offe—"

Reiji interrupted her, his tone demanding. "To repay my generous offer, I insist you quench your thirst."

Guinevere sighed. "Reiji, this will worsen the situation. Everyone is already displeased when Subaru fed—"

"The life of an innocent mortal is in your hands," Reiji said, "so I suggest you choose wisely."

"You and your blackmailing..." Guinevere advanced towards him. "If a mere stranger attempted this, I would have thrown them out of the window."

She stopped in front of him, then laughed.

"What now?" Irritation laced his tone.

"I apologise. I just find it quite hilarious how your actions were just like mine not too long ago."

Reiji cocked a brow in response. As Guinevere leaned forward, the scent of his blood became more distinct as it pumped through his veins, the sound soothing her ears. Her stomach churned. Her eyes began scorching, and she immediately knew that they were glowing. Surrendering to her malicious thirst, she punctured her fangs through the smooth skin, exhaling as the warm liquid poured in her mouth. Her tongue greedily absorbed its sweetness, before she hastily gulped the blood down. Her fingers seized his upper arm, wrinkling the white sleeves as her other hand clawed through his purplish-black hair. She pressed his head forwards, drawing him closer to her while savouring the flavour that was filling her mouth, sending tingles down her spine.

Reiji didn't miss a beat to wrap his arms around her, tightening when she bit harder. He then opened his mouth, and after a deep breath, he too plunged his razor fangs into her shoulder. He closed his eyes, and upon feeling her body turn rigid underneath him, he buried his fangs deeper into her skin.

His eyes widened, before he let out a satisfied hum as deliciousness oozed into his mouth, soothing his tongue. It stroked tenderly at his throat, replenishing his thirst.

They both fed on each other for a while longer. Guinevere began parting away first. She licked the blood on his shoulder, and could feel his chest vibrating when a growl bubbled from his throat. She smirked and licked the punctured wound once again, this time allowing her tongue to linger on his skin as she dragged it across. There was a flash of pain as Reiji roughly pulled his fangs from her skin.

"I suggest you do not urge me on," he warned.

He dipped his head further to lick the blood that dripped down her shoulder, tracing it all the way up to her bitten wound. It was his turn to smirk, as her short gasp reached his ears.

"Hypocrite!" she hissed.

He chuckled. "Could you release my arms before you cut their blood circulations? I rather value them, and would be greatly disadvantaged if they were to fall off."

Guinevere glared. "That's the point."

"Heh. Your glare could hardly harm a fly." Her captivating eyes narrowed, her furrowed brows and slightly puffed cheeks that slightly flushed in anger...he savoured it all.

She released him as if he suddenly burnt her. With a 'hmph!' she headed for the door. She looked back at the amused Reiji, who was straightening his blood-stained attire. He paused when he noticed her, and his smirk widened.

"Oh? Was that not enough for you?" he teased, cocking his head.

"You, mister hypocrite, are making matters difficult," Guinevere said crossly. "The others are stubborn, and you know it. Yet you still chose to rile them up doing that!"

Reiji licked his lips. "'The need for generosity is desperate in this vile world.'"

Guinevere's face morphed into shock before she pouted, fuming as her eyes squinted. "Did you just used my words against me? How generous."

She then poked a tongue at him before swiftly walking from his room.

"That childish as always," said Reiji after a sigh.

"Oh, what a vile world we live in!" Guinevere yelled from a distance.

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