Not My Bias - An Im Jaebeom (...

Par JBs2ndMom

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Jaebeom is a perfectionist who has a decent English vocabulary but refuses to speak to anyone, as he knows hi... Plus

Cat Eyes - Chapter 1
Swamped - Chapter 2
Lightening Strikes - Chapter 3
Blue Cookies and Tattoos - Chapter 4
Popcorn and Back Hugs - Chapter 5
Running Partners - Chapter 6
Mentor, Music, and Beach - Chapter 7
Fire and Ice - Chapter 8
Water Bottles and Black Dresses - Chapter 9
Ice Cream, Aegyo, and Zippers 10
"Keep your back to the wind!" - Chapter 11
Twin CATS and Twisters - Chapter 13
Back "Home" - Chapter 14
Magical Road Trip - Chapter 15
Horntails and Fireballs- Chapter 16
Departure - Chapter 17
Promises - Chapter 18
Right Hand, Red! - Chapter 19
Jackson's Game Partner - Chapter 20
Sky Deck Confession - Chapter 21
Disbelief - Chapter 22
Q - Chapter 23
Introductions and the Green-Eyed Monster - Chapter 24
Catch 22 - Chapter 25
A Late Night Run - Chapter 26
Battle Plans - Chapter 27
New York Bound - Chapter 28
Pardon Me. Are you...Lin-Manuel Miranda? Chapter 29
Number One Fangirl - Chapter 30
Beggin' On My Knees - Chapter 31
Personal Questions - Chapter 32
Surprise! - Chapter 33
Blackmail and Blind Date - Chapter 34
Secret Promise - Chapter 35
Operation "Pimil Yagsog" - Chapter 36
Kitty Cam - Chapter 37
Killing with Kindness - Chapter 38
Reset - Chapter 39

A Storm is Coming - Chapter 12

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Par JBs2ndMom

༺ ¤○•° Sharay °•○¤ ༻

I could feel a change in the air pressure and noticed subtle hints on the water that the wind was picking up. In fact, unlike before when the direction had been fairly steady, the windy was now beginning to come in minor gusts and burst.

"Jaebeom, be careful as the wind is changing speed and direction. Take it slowly and you'll do just fine. Remember that if the wind increases in strength and it is too much for you, just let go of your sheet hand and just keep the hand closest to the mast on the boom."

Fortunately, Jaebeom seemed to have a really good feel for how to compensate for the gusts of wind and didn't pull back too much only to find that the wind had died down a bit. Had he not compensated, he would have spent a good deal of time in the water.

Though we were only a couple hundred yards off shore, it still took us a good 20 minutes to return to where my mom and brother were. Jaebeom did fall in a couple of times and once was catapulted from the board when the wind increased for a moment unexpectedly. His board continued forward quite a ways, and with the tide it was moving farther from him even still, so I swung around and towed him on the back of my board by having him lay with his upper torso on the stern and his feet dragging in the water behind until we caught up with his board and rig.

As we got to shore, my mom came to help him exit from the water. I did a beach landing, having pulled up my centerboard as I neared the shore. That wasn't something Jaebeom was quite ready for yet. As I hauled by board and rig ashore, I noticed that Mom and Daniel had packed everything up and had taken it all to the car already. As usual, my mom was one step ahead of everyone else.

"Jaebeom, your phone was ringing a number of times and I also heard you get a number of messages. Not long ago I got a call too. It was Mr. Park. He was trying to get hold of you and when he couldn't get through, he called me," my mom informed him.

Jaebeom looked worried. Apparently that was unlike JYP to call that many times, much less to call someone else to make sure he got the word. We exchanged glances.

"There's been a change of plans. Why don't you call him while Sharay, Daniel, and I get the boards and rigs ready for loading up on the Excursion?" she suggested in a way that gave no room for discussion.

"I'm sure he can wait a bit while I help," Jaebeom offered.

"No. Call him. You need to hear this from him now. We have a lot to do and not much time to get it done. Just say 네 and do it," was the instruction he received.

Jaebeom was noticeably dragging his feet about calling his boss, but still responded, "네 어머니" and took out his phone to place his call. I figured it must be important since it was 3 am in Korea and apparently waiting until a normal time wasn't an option.

"Mom? What's going on?" I asked as we folded up the sails after removing them from their masts. "Jaebeom looks very agitated," I noted as I looked to see him carrying on a very animated phone conversation just far enough away that I couldn't make out what was being said. Even if I had been able to understand Korean, the speed was seriously rushed and I realized that Jaebeom had been speaking more clearly when instructing me than he was now, which was his usual relaxed almost mumbled speech pattern.

"A special event has come up and Mr. Park doesn't want to let on that Jaebeom has been here, so instead of them going ahead without him, he has to catch a flight back in the morning so he can join up with the others and give the impression that he has been there all along," she offered.

Tomorrow morning! But..." I couldn't formulate my thoughts. Jaebeom was leaving. I suddenly felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath me. It was bad enough when I thought about him leaving in three weeks, but this was too sudden. I couldn't get my brain to latch onto what it meant.

"He'll be back on Monday. He's just going long enough to put in an appearance and hang around for a few days to throw off the paparazzi and the netizens. Mr. Park said because he's breaking up Jaebeom's training schedule that he will add an extra week to the end so the full training can be completed. Apparently Jinyoung will still be filming his drama during that week so they can do without Jaebeom an extra week without it impacting their comeback preparation too much," my mom offered, seeing the pained expression on my face.

By the time Jaebeom was done with his conversation, we had the boards and rigs ready to be brought to the car. In silence we all loaded everything up. Jaebeom did not look too happy, but I knew he would open up to me when he was ready. He needed time to work through this news.

⊱ ♫ ────── ⋆Jaebeom⋆ ────── ♫ ⊰

Getting back to shore was fatiguing to say the least. The slight increase in wind strength, irregularity of the gusts, and shifting wind direction made it way more challenging to windsurf. At one point a really strong gust of wind caught the sail and pivoted it around catapulting me into the water. Whoever said water wasn't solid, never hit it going at the speed I was when I landed. It felt like concrete. Thankfully Sharay gave me a lift on the back of her board to where mine had drifted. I probably would have enjoyed the view more if I hadn't been so exhausted.

Finally landing on the beach, I could see that TJ and Daniel had packed up everything else and were ready to head for home. I was all set to help break down the rig when I learned that JYP had been calling and wanted me to return his call now.

TJ wouldn't back down and let me help, but insisted I call JYP immediately even though it was 3 am for him. I was dragging my heels when she instructed me to just say 네 and do it.

"네 어머니, I offered with complete respect. I was sure she smiled at being called that. I hoped so.

"여보세요," I heard JYP answer in a very awake and alert voice. That couldn't be good, because it meant he really was waiting for my call.

I proceeded in Korean, "Hello. Sorry I missed your calls. I gather you heard I was out on the water windsurfing?"

"Yes. Thanks for calling back though. I already spoke with TJ and she knows what's going on. I've sent you an email that you need to open up when you get back to their house. Open it and print the ticket and your itinerary. You're heading back here tomorrow morning."

"What?" I all but yelled. ""but I'm not done with the training yet. Why are you cutting things short," I said jumping the gun.

"It wasn't my intention, but you guys won a special award that's being presented this Friday. You need to be here for that. Your absence would tip off people that you've been out of the country and I really want to keep what you have been doing under wraps. Don't worry though. I really believe what you're doing there is of the utmost importance, so I've arrange for you to return next Monday and we're going to tack on an extra week at the end so you get the full six weeks. Okay?"

By this time I was breathing hard. I was in fight mode, but fortunately kept my mouth shut long enough to learn that it was only a week's interruption in the process and I would still have a full six weeks here. Nonetheless, I was stilled caught off kilter and irked that I had to leave in the morning. All I could think was that I was glad Sharay and I had already set up email and Facebook options for communication.

After getting the gist of what the plan was going forward, I helped TJ, Sharay, and Daniel load the boards and all onto the car. Sharay and I were both quiet. For her that wasn't unusual, but there was a heaviness in the air.

"We're stopping by Sam's office. I need to get the dog from him and pick up a couple of things. You got a bit too much sun Jaebeom, and I need to treat that so you aren't uncomfortable during your flight. Also with all the different muscle groups you used today, we need to make sure you don't stiffen up. Last thing you need is to be immobile for 18 or so hours on a plane and tighten up just before you have a performance," TJ was saying as we headed over the bridge departing Fort Myers Beach.

I was checking my email and saw that my flight departed from the local Fort Myers Airport Tuesday at 7:24 am on American Airlines flight 1012. I had a two hour layover in Dallas Fort Worth before catching Korean Air flight 5032 at 11:15 am arriving at the Inchon airport at 3:15 pm on Wednesday. What a pain that a little over 19 hours of travel would appear to take 32 hours. I hated losing a day. At least I would get it back on the return trip.

I was pleased to see that I didn't have to go through Miami. I really didn't want Sharay, or TJ for that matter, having to drive four to five hours just because of my commitments. I was wondering how I would get to the airport in the morning and decided I would hail a cab.

Having decided this, I began mentally packing my shoulder pack and formulating a plan to decrease being spotted during the trip. I had been instructed only to bring what I needed for the trip to decrease any indication that I had been away for a lengthy time-frame. I had a two hour layover in Dallas, which would be just enough time to check into the international terminal. I decided that flying solo would be to my advantage as we rarely traveled solo to the States, so I would stand out less. I had declined JPY's offer to have a manager meet me at Dallas, as I was sure that would call undue attention. I felt that if I skipped any of my usual airport attire I would be more likely to limit discovery.

"TJ, how do I schedule a taxi for the morning?" I inquired.

"Taxi?" she asked. "Seriously? The airport is but a few minutes from the house. We'll drop you off. Not to worry." And with that she effectively shut down my plan to avoid inconveniencing what I considered to be my American family.

༺ ¤○•° Sharay °•○¤ ༻

Jaebeom barely said a word from the time he finished his call with JYP until we arrived at home. I swear I could actually hear the wheels turning in his brain. I was wondering what he was thinking, but resolved to give him his space instead of interfering.

"Jaebeom and Sharay. Shower now. Daniel and I can wait." My mom turned to address Jaebeom, "After you've showered you can begin packing. We need to do something about that sunburn you have too. So leave your shirt off until we treat you."

"What sunburn?" Jaebeom responded. He couldn't see that his shoulders where a touch red, as was his face. Worst of all, right below his bathing suit line he was bright red courtesy of the water dragging down his trunks just a hair every time he pulled from the water to the board after each of his falls. Apparently, he hadn't applied adequate sunscreen there or it had worn off with the contact from his suit. Left treated, that would prove very uncomfortable during his travel.

"Forget the sunburn, Mom, he's going to be aching from all that windsurfing. What's your plan?"

"The reason I stopped at your dad's was because I wanted to get the laser. Jaebeom, that and the pulsed magnetic field mat will help with the sunburn. The mat will also help with the muscles, especially if we have you take a load of di Magnesium Malate. You've worked some muscles in a way you aren't accustomed and there will be some lactic acid break down. Being immobile in a plane is a bad thing following that, so we need to help detox you a bit. Once the burn is minimized, Sharay," she turned to address me, "use the Avazzia to work the back protocol to loosen up those muscles and apply some Voltaran Gel."

Turning back to Jaebeom she stated, "I wouldn't want you dancing in a day or two if those muscles are too tight. That would put too much pressure on your spine and could result in a reinjury or extra stress on your disks. Now hop to it you two."

Obviously, though Jaebeom's English had improved dramatically, it didn't necessarily include medical terms or treatment protocols and devices. Fortunately, he seemed confident that whatever Mom had in mind was going to be beneficial. Since we didn't have a massage table at home, the mat was usually placed on the floor. I'd just been volunteered to do the back protocol, as Mom was still plagued by pain from a prior knee injury when she knelt for too long. I wasn't sure how I felt, or how Jaebeom would feel for that matter, having me massage and use a medical device on his bare back. I hopped off to the shower reasoning that I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

Since I knew Jaebeom would take longer since he not only had to shower, but also needed to organize, and pack, I dashed to the kitchen as soon as I dressed and began making a special batch of cookies for him to take on his trip. I figured he could share them with the other boys upon arrival, if there were any left that is. I decided to make them blue again, just for fun.

Standing in the kitchen with the oven preheating and the mixer on, I didn't hear Jaebeom approach.

"What're you doing?" he asked looking over my shoulder. I about jumped out of my skin. I was not as startled by his silent arrival as I was the feel of his bare torso against my arm as he brushed against me to look at the contents of the mixing bowl.

"Cookies, " I offered. "I thought I'd make you and the boys some cookies."

Leaning against me even more fully, Jaebeom placed one arm around my shoulders as if to steady himself while he stretched across and dipped his finger in the mixture to take a taste. "And what makes you think I want to share you, your cookies that is, with them?"

With that he gave me a wink, and pulled back while licking his lips. Damn him always throwing me off like that. I swear he was playing with me like I was some smitten fangirl. I didn't appreciate it and made it known by elbowing him a little harder than necessary in the ribs, saying, "Back off or you get none!"

He obediently moved back, but kept that smirky grin on his face the whole time. Ha! Just you wait Jaebeom.

"Go to the counter and grab that large bottle. Yes that one," I said as he made his way for the bottle I indicated. "Now get a spoon, and with the scooper inside, place two ¼ teaspoons on your spoon. Place the powder on your tongue and swallow it with a glass of water."

"Yack! Damn! Sharay that stuff taste like the bottom of a fish tank," he complained.

"That would be because you're magnesium deficient. Take another scoop. Magnesium is, for lack of a more technical term, something the body uses to transport toxins from the body out through the liver. The mat is going to detox you some more, but you already have low levels," I offered by way of explanation.

"How do you know my levels are low?" he skeptically noted, with one eyebrow raised.

"Di Mag always tastes nasty when your levels are low. When you're at therapeutic levels it tastes a little bitter and chalky, but not bad. Take another ¼ teaspoon please and then go lay on the mat in the living room."

"Daniel?" I called. "Would you please set up Jaebeom on the mat? Start with sensitive, 10, and then 25 setting levels for eight minutes each to begin with. I'll be over to take over soon and set up the laser while he's going through those levels."

"Jaebeom, grab a pillow and lay on your stomach so I can laser your back. I just want to get these cookies in the oven first. This is basically the same drill as the fire burn, but this is from the sun. We don't need the Synaptic this time as we aren't dealing with nerve problems. Also you don't have to worry too much about your chest. You had added shading from the sail so it didn't get as much exposure. We can't laser your face, though, as it is too dangerous to use it that close to your eyes. We'll just have to hope that mat does a sufficient enough job. Oh, wait, here. Rub a little of this on your face. It should help," I finished up handing him a little bottle labeled "Bye Bye Burns" that contained coconut oil and several other holistic components.

It didn't take long to get the cookies in the oven. Going into the living room, I positioned the laser and its two probes in the stand and directed the light to shine on his shoulders first. I would have to take this in stages and I wasn't yet prepared to deal with his lower back/upper glutes. In fact, I wasn't sure if I ever would be.

I alternated between resetting the mat and the position of the laser while keeping an eye on the cookies. Given the bake time, I had about 3 levels on the mat before the cookies were done and on the rack cooling off.

I had procrastinated long enough and now had to work on his back muscles using the Avazzia device. This device helped recalibrate the electrical energy of the tissue to help heal any damage or out of sync components. It always sounded like mumbo jumbo, but worked wonders on trigger points, tight muscles and other aches and pains.

The device was a small hand held machine that you could calibrate for intensity and function. From the device there was a hand held tool with a metal two prong end with round metal balls. These balls were stationary and didn't roll, but you could slide them across the skin and make an electrical contact. It was interesting as the contact seemed "sticky" in areas where there was a need for healing.

Kneeling down next to Jaebeom, I showed him the metal prong wand and explained what I would be doing. I needed to work down either side of his spine, across his shoulders and up his neck, and *CRING* across the sacrum. I don't know if it was just my imagination, but I could swear he laughed when he offered to pull his shorts down more to make the task easier for me. I am sure he enjoyed tormenting me in this way, but I wasn't exactly sure why.

⊱ ♫ ────── ⋆Jaebeom⋆ ────── ♫ ⊰

Coming out of the shower, I went straight to packing the few things I would need for my trip. I grabbed my vocabulary notebook, phone charger, passport, laptop and other necessities, including a change of underclothes. I made a quick check list of toiletries I would need to leave out until after showering in the morning. Much of it I could leave here, as I had duplicates at home. I just needed enough for the trip.

I then set out some clothes for the next day, paying careful attention to have something comfortable but neither too showy or from my traditional airport attire. No red hoodie, Snoop Dogg shirt, or bucket cap. I would bring a snapback, sunglasses, and for my arrival in Seoul, a face mask. I opted to pack a plain black hoodie for Seoul as well, one that wasn't super over-sized either.

I dressed in some shorts and, as instructed by TJ, left off my shirt. I could feel the skin was tight across my upper back from the sun, and I could sense the heat emanating from the area on my lower back where my waist band rode. I sure hoped this protocol TJ prepared would do the trick, but quickly dismissed any doubts given the successful treatment of my burn, my improved English skills, as well as my new found windsurfing abilities.

Walking into the kitchen, I spotted Sharay busily mixing up something. My nose twitched as I detected the sweet scent of the dough for her chocolate chip cookies. "Was she baking me cookies?" I hoped as I approached her from behind.

I reached Sharay's side and leaned in to confirm my suspicions about cookies. When I pressed against her bare arm, I thought she was going to jump out of her skin. Though I had hoped she had finally become accustomed to me approaching her like that without evoking a flight or fright response from her, I was actually glad she was distracted or she would have probably noticed my own response. I hadn't expected the full body goose bumps at the touch of my exposed chest directly against her smooth arm. To steady myself, I leaned even more fully into her and tried to pass off my action as some game or jest.

Sharay was having none of it. Frankly I was a little disappointed that she seemed immune to my advances and flirting. Any other girl would probably be in a puddle by my actions, not to mention my winking at her and licking of my lips as I tasted the dough. I was seriously torn. On one had I wished she would see and accept my actions for what they were. On the other hand, I was glad she thought I was just messing with her, as I feared rejection. I still hadn't figured out how to get over that whole "you're not my bias" bit and I certainly didn't want to lose her as a friend by driving her away.

No matter what she said though, I wasn't sharing those cookies with anyone. Especially not the guys. My excuse was that they would ask too many questions. At least that was my story and I was going to stick with it.

Following Sharay's instructions, I choked down the white powdery di Magnesium Malate. Foul stuff. I wasn't too sure she wasn't messing with me to get even. Then I went into the living room to lie down on the mat, and Daniel started it up for me. After getting the cookies in the oven, Sharay came in and set up the laser and periodically reset the mat.

I was dozing off when the timer for the cookies went off. I was vaguely aware that Sharay was removing them from the oven and finalizing her baking. I could tell she was adjusting the lasers one last time and then woke fully when she knelt beside me. Turning, I saw she had a device in her hand with a metal extension wand. She explained what it was for and how she was going to work on my back. When she mentioned she would also have to work on my sacrum, I offered to pull my short further down to make it easier. The look she gave me was one of complete horror. Not the reaction I was hoping for, but then I'm not sure what I expected.

Sharay must have worked on my back for over half an hour. The whole time I could feel the sticky "pull" of the device in some parts and the smooth travel of it across my skin in other areas. Finally she stood up and went into her parents' room and returned with a towel.

In a very professional and noncommittal way, she informed me she was going to place the towel so she could work on my sacrum while preserving my modesty. Heck. What modesty. I was only grateful that I was lying on my stomach at this point as the feel of the electrical probe was about more than I could tolerate. The work she did on my lower back release some discomfort that I hadn't even known was there. As I was thinking that I could really get used to being treated like this, TJ came into the room.

"Here," she said, tossing a tube of a NASAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory with diclofenac) to Sharay. Make sure you rub it in really well. It looks like the burn has calmed down quite a bit, but I'm concerned about his muscles tightening with that long trip ahead." At that TJ headed into the kitchen and began preparing dinner.

If I had thought the previous skinship with Sharay was intense, it was nothing compared to having her hands directly on my back rubbing in a pain relieving cream. She began at my neck and shoulders. Her touch was both firm yet soothing. As she worked her way down my back and sides, I could sense she had done this a number of times before, and a feeling of jealously welled up in me, thinking of her touching other male patients in the same way.

"So you help your dad at the office with treatments, right?" I asked guardedly approaching the subject.

"From time to time I do the Avazzia neck protocols, set up the laser and mat, and I've even run the decompression table protocols under supervision. I have done limited acupuncture on my mom when she gets trigger points as well.

Hmm. Seems like I was the only one whose lower back she had worked on. So far, so good.

"Well you seem to have a real skill at working in that cream," I probed further. "It really feels great." Though I had received many a massage in my life, this was the best because of the one giving it. Who knew that could have such an impact on the efficacy.

"Humph!' she responded. "That's what my mom says when I put it on her back. It's not my favorite thing to do," she added. "I only do it when absolutely necessary and my dad won't be home in time to help her out."

Bingo! Other than her mom, I was the only one she'd rubbed cream into. While I was pleased about that, I was a little depressed by the comment that it wasn't her favorite thing to do. Right as of this moment, it was my favorite thing to have done to me and I wished she felt the same on the giving end.

As she worked her magic on my lower spine, I had to concentrate to not moan in pleasure at her touch, as well as the release if brought to my tight back muscles, but I didn't want TJ, who was in earshot in the kitchen, to the get the wrong idea. Or more precisely, the right idea about how I felt about her daughter's ministrations. I'm sure there were a couple of times when I couldn't help but press into the mat below me as an instinctive response to the heat I was feeling. I just hoped it wasn't noticeable or would seem more like I was just moving a bit, nothing more. It was criminal how she made me feel, especially since it would be another month before she was no longer a minor.

Long before I wanted this contact to end, Sharay ceased the massage and announced that I should stay put for four more minutes and when the mat control beeped, I should get up and get a shirt on for dinner. All I could hope for was that four minutes would be enough, as getting up modestly was definitely a problem at this moment!

༺ ¤○•° Sharay °•○¤ ༻

Rubbing cream into Jaebeom's back took concentration. I had to imagine it was my mom. But that was a little more than impossible to do successfully. His shoulders were broad and his back muscles well defined. His skin was clear and smooth. As I worked the muscles to try and release the tension in them, I could tell that Jaebeom was appreciating the massage. Secretly, I imagined it was because I was doing the massaging, though I knew it was because his muscles were tense and in need of the rub down to relax them. Having seen a few of the GOT7 reality shows, I knew he had probably received numerous massages from people far more skilled and my sad efforts were probably a poor facsimile. The really tough part came as I had to move down his back.

He had the cutest mole located on the lower left side of his back. Though it was clearly visible, it was smooth to the touch and I fought the urge to linger there longer than necessary. It was a bit of a losing battle, but I reasoned that since it was toward the side of his back, he probably gave those muscles a good workout today and they need a touch more attention.

Now, working his lower back and the sacrum area just above his glutes - that was a real challenge. I could feel the color and heat in my cheeks rise. I was only glad he was face down and couldn't see me. Seriously, this was some special kind of torture. I mean it was seriously wrong, as I had to fight the urge to touch his skin and muscles for my pleasure when I was supposed to be helping him as a would-be medical assistant. The thoughts I struggled to keep at bay were so inappropriate on so many levels.

A few times, Jaebeom seemed to squirm under my touch. I could only hope I hadn't massaged too hard or, God forbid, given him any reason to know these thoughts that were running through my head.

I was part relieved to be done and part reluctant to finish, but as I saw the mat had only four minutes left on the cycle it was on, I decided this was a good place to stop. I wanted to escape and collect myself before he got up, so requiring him to finish out the cycle seemed to serve a very convenient purpose.

⊱ ♫ ────── ⋆Jaebeom⋆ ────── ♫ ⊰

Dinner was delightful as always, and Sharay and I fell into our regular evening routine of doing the dishes. We had long since dispensed with having Daniel help, as he just slowed us down. We then took our regular spot on the couch for some evening reading. In an effort to be as organized as possible, I had already contacted Rick to inform him I would not be available this weekend to sing during service, but would be back the following weekend and would serve as previously scheduled, so I had not other pressing responsibilities.

After reading, TJ told Sharay to drive me to the airport in the morning since she had another commitment. I was a touch curious about that since TJ wasn't a morning person, but she didn't elaborate on it, and I didn't pry, as I was more than happy with the arrangement. Sharay merely nodded that she would do it and confirmed that we needed to depart at about 5 am to be there close to the recommended time of two hours before departure.

Given that we had had a long and busy day, everyone made to go to bed early in light of my "O-dark-thirty" departure. Sam clasped my hand and congratulated me on the award we were going to be receiving and hoped our performance at the ceremony went well. Daniel gave me a big hug and said, "Safe flight, 형," before heading to bed.

TJ double checked my back and declared my sunburn adequately resolved that it wouldn't cause me problems and reminded me to take more di Magnesium Malate before I left in the morning to avoid stiffness. She also gave me two small spray bottles to keep be from getting sick from germs on the flight and in crowded places. One was "Olive Leaf Nasal Spray" and the other the companion throat spray, both by Seagate Products. I thanked her whole heartily, as airborne infections from travel and crowds plagued all of GOT7 on a regular basis. I had high expectations of their efficacy given all the other remedies provided thus far.

Sharay stayed up a bit longer packaging up the cookies she had made me. I was finishing up a few things I needed to ready in my room, but had left my door ajar.

"Jaebeom?" she queried as she approached my door. "I have your cookies ready."

I opened the door the rest of the way to see her standing just outside with a container filled with freshly baked blue chocolate chip cookies. If I hadn't already fallen for her, this would have been the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. I mean offering to be my confidant, giving me a massage, and cookies all in one day! I felt truly blessed that she called herself my friend and only hoped that I would be the lucky one to win her heart some day.

I couldn't help myself. I relieved her of the cookies by placing them on the nearby table and pulled her in for a bear hug. "Thanks," I said in a husky voice that didn't sound like mine. "Thanks seems so inadequate though. I wish there was a better way to let you know how I feel. You've done so much for me today. You've listened to me lament about leadership issues, healed my sunburn, massaged out my sore muscles, and baked me cookies. I don't think anyone has a better friend than I have in you."

I tighten my hug and just melted against her. This time, it was without any hint of pent up sexual tension. It went beyond that. It was a sense of joy and peace knowing she was willing to be there for me. In response to my hug, I felt her relax against me and wrap her arms around me too.

"I'm glad your back muscles and burn are feeling better," she started. "As for being your confidant. You don't need to thank me. It's not like I'm really skilled or qualified. I should be thanking you for trusting me enough to share. Even if I can't really be of any help, I hope you at least know that I'll keep your confidence."

I had to smile at that. She had no clue how invaluable, how irreplaceable, she had become to me in such a short time. "I'm going to miss you, you know. When JYP said I had to go back tomorrow, I thought he meant permanently and I about lost it with him on the phone. I was barely able to wrap my mind about leaving in three weeks, but to be given no notice..." My voice trailed off as my words became thick with emotion.

Sharay just nodded and rested her head against my chest. I imagined her breathing in my scent as if she wanted to keep it in her memory while I was gone, but I knew I was only projecting as I inhaled the sweet smell of apples and vanilla that floated from her freshly washed hair. Reluctantly, I pulled back and gave her a tender kiss on the forehead.

"I'll see you in the morning then? We'll leave at 5am, right? And I'll be back next week, okay?"

Again she nodded, but followed it with, "I'm so proud of you and the boys for earning, and being recognized for, this award. You all deserve it and, though I'll miss you, I'm glad you'll be able to be there with them during this celebration." And with that she stood on her tip toes and gave be a peck on my nose. As she turned to leave, I about fell over in shock. That's exactly what I did to my cats when I kissed them goodbye.

Though I was excited about the award ceremony, I was reluctantly to leave Sharay. I thought it would take a while to get to sleep, but the windsurfing really had taken more out of me that I had imagined, so I nodded off almost immediately, only to awaken to my alarm at 4 am. I really wanted to get in a shower and shave before I left.

Jumping out of the shower I could smell the fried chicken. Amazingly enough, Sharay had awoken and made some chicken and some Jasmine rice. I thought I had died and gone to heaven, as I had convinced myself there wouldn't be time this morning for breakfast at all. Though it was a hasty meal, given our need to depart at 5 am, I felt revived by the food and the care that had gone in to preparing it.

Everyone else in the household was still asleep, including that big loveable puppy Lunk, so we left in silence, arriving at the airport in less than five minutes.

Sharay pulled up to the departure gate drop off and I got out. Since I only had a small carry-on, I was able to check in outside with the airlines and get my boarding pass without a hitch. Though I had wanted Sharay to come in with me, she showed greater wisdom and restraint, and declined by saying it wouldn't be wise to be seen at an airport together, "just in case."

As such, I got back in the car and we drove around to the parking garage. We entered and Sharay drove up to the second level near the entrance ramp that crossed right over to the departure area and the security entrance to the gates. I retrieved my bag from the back seat, checked to make sure I had everything I needed, and turned to face her as she sat in the driver's seat of the car.

"My flight comes back a little after 4 pm on Monday next week," I said, stating the obvious as she had a printed copy of my itinerary at the house. "Should I take a taxi..." I let the question hang in the air hoping she would say she would pick me up.

"Sharay's taxi at your service," she said. "I'll be here. Just call when you get in as I'll be waiting in the cell phone lot until you say you're coming through the gate, okay?"

I smiled and nodded before turning and opening the car door. I closed the door and rounded the car to head towards the terminal with my back to Sharay. I got about ten steps away when I heard a car door slam, but continued, thinking it was some other vehicle, but came to an abrupt halt when I felt soft arms wrap around my waist in a hug.

Resting her head against my back, Sharay whispered in a barely audible voice, "Be safe. I'm going to miss you. You may not be my bias, but you're my best friend."

Before I could react, she had released me, and raced back to her car. With a wave of her hand she drove off leaving me standing in the parking lot at an utter loss of for words. Finally, regaining my senses and awareness of time passage, I headed towards the terminal and my flight back to Korea I walked briskly forward with a bit more of a spring in my step than I had had just moments before. I wasn't her bias, but I was her best friend. I could live with that....for now.

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