Can We Just Be Us? | KiriBaku

By ChaseRen

745K 38.6K 12.4K

(Completed) Falling in love was easy; keeping it wasn't. We started off as friends. Slowly we realised we li... More

Waiting for him- 1
What was said in the restroom- 2
You're blushing?- 3
A casual converstaion- 4
Choose a partner- 5
I brought food!- 6
Just tell me- 7
Confrontation- 8
Why is this so hard!- 9
Dumpling?- 10
Embrace- 11
Why do i make things awkward?- 12
Losing it- 13
What have I done?- 14
Distance- 15
Note- 16
Time to talk- 17
Can we just be us?- 18
School- 19
Preparation- 20
Getting ready- 21
Picnic- 22
Close- 23
Morning- 24
After school- 25
The mall- 26
Oh no- 27
Practice- 28
Harden- 29
Boys- 30
Date night- 31
Glasses- 32
We're ready- 33
Coming out- 34
Come over- 35
The parents- 36
Costumes?- 38
Party- 39
This is so embarrassing- 40
You are the best thing in this entire world, okay?- 41
Photos- 42
City- 43
Dinner- 44
Enough is enough- 45
Thank you dad- 46
Goodbye- 47
Help from the Todorokis'- 48
Us- 49
Pool- 50
Bus journey- 51
Familiar faces- 52
Getting settled- 53
Fire Angels- 54
Introduction- 55
Training and talking- 56
Tension- 57
A crazy good poet- 58
We will ruin you- 59
There aren't sides- 60
Date by the coast, pt 1- 61
Date by the coast, pt 2- 62
The walk and the talk- 63
Calm before the storm- 64
Plan of action- 65
The fight for the past- 66
Contradiction- 67
It's no excuse- 68
Broken- 69
Rain- 70
Dance- 71
Float- 72
Pride- 73
The final page of Fuyaroa- 74
Good to be back- 75
Dye- 76
The interview- 77
You like her?- 78
'Bake'ugou- 79
Catch up- 80
Meeting the family- 81
Around the table- 82
Play- 83
A UA romance; a story like no other- 84
A call- 85
Swingset- 86
Bad news- 87
Stay hopeful- 88
Forever- 89
Part 2
Severed- 91
All because I still loved him- 92
Flooding back- 93
Permission- 94
Thursday- 95
Kat- 96
Red- 97
What was once 'us'- 98
Just think about it- 99
Rooftop apologies- 100
x- 101
Like it was our first- 102
Thrown-away flowers- 103
Verse- 104
Chorus- 105
Can we just be us again?- 106

Comfortable- 37

7.2K 395 178
By ChaseRen

Bakugou pov
I wasn't expecting the day to happen that way. I had come out to my parents, it felt really official. In the back of my head I worried that they wouldn't like it, which was completely the opposite to the reality. I sat in the corner of the sofa with Red leaning on me. My mum was at the other end of the couch and my dad was in the armchair. The television played a show that I wasn't really paying attention to. "So Kirishima, do you have a hero name yet?" My dad asked cheerfully. It hadn't taken much time for my parents and Eijirou to bond; Red could be really charming. Now they all felt comfortable just chatting casually.
"Yeah actually, Red Riot."
"Oh, like Crimson Riot." My mum added.
"Yeah, he's one of my favourite heroes." Nodded Eijirou.
"Ah, just like Katsuki's favourite is All Might." My dad said.
"He's not my favourite, I just want to be better than him!" I raised my voice slightly, but didn't yell. I found it hard to yell at my dad, he couldn't take it as well as my mum. My dad just put on a weary smile.
"Well hey, maybe you two could become partner heroes."
"I'm not sure how Kat would fee sharing the spotlight." Laughed Red. My dad chuckled with him.
"Speaking of you two," I turned to look at my mum, her face was serious. Eijirou looked to me and pulled a '?' face. "Well obviously you're at that age now, you know, where it all happens. I just want to make sure you two both know what you're doing-"
"What the fuck mum!" I could feel my ears go red and hot.
"Katsuki, you're mother has a point. Of course I don't know much about- well man on man but I'm sure we can do some research-" my dad said calmly. My mum nodded in agreement.
"Don't turn this into a Sex Ed class!" I yelled. Thankfully, Red was better at reacting;
"Don't worry you guys. I've already looked up a ton of stuff. I've made sure we know what we're doing." I just covered my face with my hands.

"I can't believe you." I moaned to Red as we got on our train. We had been at my parents for two or three hours, but we had to head back.
"Why, just cause I get along with your parents?" He asked happily. I mimicked him;
"Oh Mr and Mrs Bakugou, don't you worry, I've looked up loads of gay Sex Ed shit so I know exactly how to put it in Katsuki's as-"
"You may want to stop yelling Kat." Giggled Red. I just hit his arm as we sat down in our seats. The sky outside the window was a mixture of dark purple, blue and black. I could feel how drained my body was, so I leaned against the side of the window. "What the hell Kat?" Said Red rather annoyed.
"What?" I was confused. I watched as he breathed in and closed his eyes for a moment.
"We're literally boyfriends who are meant to do cute things together but you decided to lean against the window! When I'm sitting right here! Your boyfriend!" He pulled a face at me as he whined. I actually laughed at his reaction.
"You know what, fine." I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. We sat for a while, watching the world go past our window. I enjoyed cuddling up next to Red on the train. It felt like just me and him, no one else. I was in a state of peace for the journey, until Red joked;
"So you want me to be the top?"
It feels so great seeing comments and votes and reads. Like I'm on 2k now, I had only reached 1k on Friday. Thanks to all of you. I know it's stupid but the story is one of the only reasons I can be bothered to do anything anymore lol

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