Hurt ♥ A Niall Horan Fan Fict...

By empathist

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Niall murmurs a sorry to me before dumping the drink on me. I didn't know what to do. I was shocked. Of cours... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
The End
Niall's Letter
Karmin's Letter

Chapter 4

41.6K 460 83
By empathist

I made a new friend at least. Even though it probably wasn't a good option from the start, I still accepted that fact. In a way I knew I never would think. When I lived in America I used to think if I ever saw him again and he'd changed I might forgive him. But I never thought I'd go this far.  

He did stick up for me though, in front of his old friends. Something most guys wouldn't do. Well, at least if they were unattractive like me.

"Would you want to come to my house, or do you want to be walked home?" He smiled gently, trying to not push me into something I didn't want to do.

"I guess we can go to your house." I smiled. I felt shame in the corners of my stomach, only because I'm giving him another chance to hurt me. I didn't want to do that. But, I am. Why can't I pull myself away from this? It's just like giving my heart to the devil. Sooner or later it will shatter.

"Would you mind if my friends came over? They are really nice."

My heart starts to beat, and I know I should decline the offer straight away. I know I should just go home, because how can I trust being in a house alone with nobody I knew to protect me, with more of him there.

"How many others will there be?" I ask wearily.

"Just four others are coming over. And I promise they are nice. I wouldn't let them hurt you even if they tried." Niall says to me adding quickly, "and they wouldn't."

"I just don't know. I guess I could." I say slowly.

"If you feel uncomfortable you don't have to." Niall smiles, "trust isn't given easily back, and if you need time gaining your trust back for me that's fine."

"No, it is fine, I'll go."

"Are you sure?" He says worriedly.

"Yeah," I say with a smile.

"Okay..." he says reluctantly as if waiting for me to change my mind.

 "So where do you live?" I ask him.

"I just live a little past the school." He smiles a very thin smile.

"Oh okay, did you want to go now?"

"Sure," He smiles and we start walking in that direction.

We were pretty silent most of the time. I just kept to myself sort of. I thought of everything I've actually been through throughout the years. It really hurt my head. But, I was actually more used to it then I usually ever was. I'm hoping that's because I'm forgiving Niall.

Finally we get to his house, and it's a normal sized house. A little smaller than mine but it was fitting. It was quite a cute little house.

"Well, here we are." He says with a smile before turning to me and opening the door. He led me into the house, and the first things I see is an older guy, and what I suppose is his mother in the kitchen.

"This is my brother Greg," Niall says pointing to his brother, and then points to me, "this is Tessa."

"And, that's my mother." Niall said pointing to the lady in the kitchen.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you all." I say with a pleasant smile. I'm happy that it wouldn't just be me and Niall alone in the house. Now I will have to meet his friends, and I know they can't do anything to me when Niall's mother is just downstairs.

Feeling refreshed, and satisfied he led me up the stairs and to his room. It's a bit messy and his boxers are lying on the ground. I don't think he notices because he walks right past them and takes out his phone.

"Hey, Harry."

"Yes I'm home."

"Yeah, you guys can come over here. My friend is here though; I'd like you guys to meet her."

"Okay, see you. Bye."

He hangs up the phone and runs his hands through his hair with a smile. "They'll be here in thirty minutes so; we can do whatever until then."

I nod and look around the room; he had a play station I wasn't sure which model.

"What games do you have for play station?" I ask looking at it. His T.V. wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It was in the middle.

"I have Guitar Hero... I think that's the only one you'd like." He answered.

I honestly don't mind any games, but I might as well just play that one with him. "Could we play that then?" I can't let us have an awkward silent moment. It'd be awkward.

"Sure!" He smiles, pulling out the electronic guitars. He plugs them in and we start playing the game and in some songs I dominated him and others he beat me in. We were laughing so much on the last song that we barely hit any notes.

I fall on the ground laughing and holding my stomach, he soon does the same thing. For some off reason we are laughing and I'm not sure why. I just let the feeling take me, and it feels great.

Suddenly, we hear a knock from downstairs on the door.

"That must be them, they'll love you!" He said reassuringly, after gaining his breath back.

"I hope!" I say with a smile. He leaves the room to go get them, and I hurriedly take the guitar strap off me and lean it against the T.V. stand. I go and hop on his bed in the corner. My cheeks are still burning from the laugh, and I hear a bunch of footsteps up the stairs. It sounds a lot more than just four but I mean two feet for each person...

The door opens and in comes Niall with four other guys. Hopefully they aren't like his old friends. But I don't think they will be. Nah, they couldn't be.

Niall introduced me first, "Boys, this is Tessa."

"Hello!" They all greeted me at once.

"I'm Harry," A boy with curly hair and emerald green eyes says. He was the boy who was on the phone with Niall. I remember now.

"I'm Louis," A boy with blue eyes and a brown fringe says.

"I'm Liam," This boy says. He has brown hair that's a little curly just like Harry except not as curly.

"And, I'm Zayn!" The last one says. He has a small black quiff, his skin is a little bit tanner than the others, and he has brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you all," I say hoping I'll remember all their names.  

"It's nice to meet you as well," Harry says, with a smile and soon winks after. 

I laugh, just because no. Nothing is going to happen between us. But, he probably thinks he's just charmed me. Niall stares at Harry with a blank expression, but to Harry it could be something Niall is trying to say without saying it.

Harry suddenly rolls his eyes and smirks with a shrug.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out, only now I remember I never told Karmin or my parents where I went.

Karmin: Where are you? Are you okay?

Me: I'm at Niall's, with his friends. They are all quite nice.

I send the text and look back up and now everyone is seated comfortably. I block things out a lot when sending even small texts.

"So, how long have you lived here?" Liam asks nicely.

"Well, actually I just moved back from America. I've lived here for literally just a week and when I was younger thirteen years."

"Oh, is America nice?" Louis asks.

"It's nice. Food sizes are much bigger there." I laugh.

"Niall would love it there then." Harry smirks.

My phone buzzes again and I pull it out to see.

Karmin: Call me please.

"I'm going to go outside for a few minutes; I need to call my cousin." I say with a smile.

"Okay, you can just let yourself in when you're done." Niall smiles at me.

I nod at him and shut the door behind me and walking down the stairs dialing her number. It takes a few rings but by the time she answers I'm out into the cold weather called Ireland.

"Hello?" She answers.


"Why are you at his house?" She asks offended.

"I don't know. He offered and I said yes. He hasn't done anything, because his mom is here and so are his friends from London. Chill down." I say annoyed. I loved that she cared for me but it also sucked because she cares too much.

"He hurt you! Why are you letting him in?"

"I don't know. He's changed."

She inhaled slowly and exhaled even slower. "Can I come over there?"

"Let me go ask." I say, letting myself in and running up stairs to Niall's room.

"Can my cousin come over? She worries about me." I smile at Niall waiting for a response.

"Sure!" He said with a smile.

I pull the phone back up to my ear, "He said yes."

"Okay, text me the address and I'll be over there."

I hung up texted the address and within a few minutes we all heard the knock at the door.

Niall went down to answer it, and a few seconds later they were up here. Karmin didn't look too happy but she smiled and sat down next to me.

"This is my cousin Karmin, everyone." They all introduced themselves again, and started asking her questions.

"How come you don't have an accent?"

"I was taught to speak in a flat accent." That's an interesting way to say it. Her parents had accents but wanted her to speak like Americans because that's where she would live. And yes, your accent forms around the people you are mostly around when you're born.

"Oh, do you live in America?"

I used to but now I live here with this girl." She says pointing to me.

They were quite interested in her and it was nice. When they no longer had any questions for her it got silent.

 And when that happened, she started looking at Niall and rolling her eyes.

"Karmin please don't. Let's let this be a good day." I say hoping she will listen to me.

"Why?" She said.

"Because... I'm making new friends." I said calmly.

"Why is she mad?" Harry asks.

"Because Niall used to bully her," Karmin answers for me.

The room went dead silent.

"Wait, what?" Liam says looking at Niall.

Niall looked down with shame printed all over. I felt bad...

"Yes. He would torment her and push her around. Though I mean it is okay, Tessa is only forgiving him so it's fine."

I frown, and Harry looks at me and then Niall with anger.

"Niall, you should never bully anybody. You're horrible." Harry says fuming with anger.

"It's fine guys! Don't treat him that way he's obviously changed!"

"She's right." Zayn says, quietly. Thank god somebody is being mature.

"Well, Tessa. Can we go? Your parents are making dinner for us." Karmin says satisfied.

"Honestly, Karmin? No. I'm not going anywhere with you."

I know I was being dramatic but, at the moment I don't care. I get up and run out of the room and then the house. I don't stop running, and I have no idea where I am but I keep running.

I start crying. I have no option but to be weak. I need this. I need this time alone. It's starting to rain. It goes from no rain to pounding down and in seconds I start shivering.

I stop by this little kid's park and find a tree. I sit under it, and breathe in and out trying to get my breath back.

Harry's P.O.V:

 All of a sudden, Tessa's face flustered red and she was done.

She got up and ran out.

Her cousin sits there staring at the door. Takes a deep breathe, and stands up walking out to find her.

"You were a bully?" Liam asked with a frown.

"I'm sorry guys." He said. "I shouldn't have and I regret it. It haunts me, okay?" He said with tears leaking from his eyes.

"You better regret it." I said harshly getting up. I better help find her...

I wasn't sure where to look but I would find her sooner or later. I run left, even though I don't know my directions around here I do know where the park is, and maybe she went there?

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