Chapter 22

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It's Monday, and my heart accelerates. My plan is to pretend to be sick, and stay home. And, when all are gone I will do it.

Mom walks in, wondering how come I'm not getting up. I quickly explain I'm too ill to go to school, and I feel horrible. She nods.

"Wait." I say with a shaky voice. "Yes?" She smiles gently, "Do you want something from the store? Name it, and I'll get it." She smiles, showing her white teeth. My heart drops. This is hard. "No, it's okay. I don't need anything. I just would like a hug." I say, fighting the tears. "Awe. I love you, babydoll." She sits next to my bed, and I pull her in a tight hug. A last hug. I cry, and all she thinks is it's my stomach. But, let her think that.

I slowly get out of bed- mom has her arm around my waist for support- and I walk to find dad. He's sitting at the table drinking coffee. I kiss him on the forehead- as well as my mom- and hug him tightly. The last. "I love you both. Don't ever forget that. Okay?" There is a lump in my throat. Words can't describe the pain I'm in.

"Of course, dolly." Mom smiles. Dad agrees. I go find Karmin, she is sitting on her bed looking down at math homework.

I sit next to her. "Hey." I smile. Karmin smiles, before a puzzled look crosses her face. "Why aren't you dressed?" "Oh. I'm too sick to go to school." She nods looking back down. "I love you. You haven't just been a best friend, but a sister." "What was that for?" Karmin says bluntly. "I just wanted you to know." "Don't do anything stupid. Okay? I love you too. I have to go to school." She stands up, and hugs me. "See you after school." She smiles and goes on her way. I just nod at the last part. I wave bye to mom and dad as they go on their way. I'm sad for this reason.

I pick up my phone and dial Niall's number. "Hey, this is Niall. Leave a message because I'm either at school or doing something. Thanks." the beep goes on signaling me to say something. I'm lost at words.

"Niall. I love you. Nothing can separate this feeling. I know what you did was a mistake. I forgive you. Don't forget me. I'm going away. For a very long time. I love you. Find somebody who can make you smile, use your voice. It's beautiful. I'll see you in a long time Niall. Bye..." I hang up the phone. It's too late. I can't take back what I've said.

I quickly leave the notes on mom's and dad's bed. One on dads pillow the other on moms. One on Karmin's, and the others on the table.

I put on one of my favorite songs, "Is This Love, by Whitesnake". I'd hope Niall felt this way about me.

I put the speakers in the bathroom, and fill up the bath tub. I accompany bubbles. It'll sting, but that's okay.

I'm doing this two ways, so if the other way back out on me, the other will do the job.

I pull out a prescription bottle from under my bed. A strong medication, at that. I got these from some kid. It's sad how easy these are to get from other students.

I grab a water bottle and dump all of the pills into my mouth. Thirty or more.

I slip out of my clothes, and sink into the water. I grab a shaving blade and tear out the blade. From then on... I think you know what I am doing.

The blade digs into my skin, releasing much blood. I have cut many times into my vein, I've never done that.

I lay my head back, and let my hands float on their back side. Blood fills the tub, but that's okay. I can't really think of much at the moment. It hurts, but the pills are numbing me. My heart isn't fighting a chance. It's beat fast, and hard to keep me alive- but once it knows there is no hope in keeping me alive, it starts giving up.

I hear a knock at the door, I don't care. Somebody pounds, hard. They break a window. I'm scared, but it doesn't matter. I'm dying.

"Tessa!" I hear a familiar tone. Niall.

He comes into the bathroom, and screams. "Why?!" I am still a bit conscious. I hear him calling for help. For anybody. "Please don't. No.." Niall is crying. He is kneeling down beside me. I feel his lips against mine. Our last kiss.

One... Last... Kiss.

"I love you..." I hear him say.

Hurt ♥ A Niall Horan Fan FictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя