Chapter 21

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Day One (Monday)

I have no choice but to go to school, unless I want my parents being carried off to jail... And me being in a foster home. All of which would make me partly happy, if they didn't have to go to jail. I wouldn't make them suffer, for what I wanted most. Escape. Running away wasn't an option. That is only what the past me would have done, running away in my mind was fairly different.

I curled my hair, put some mascara on, and a long sleeved shirt that was white and said 'Smile... It looks way better.' Today, my blue eyes stood out... I'm not complaining because I love when they do... I'm just saying today I don't want to stand out. And, if I would I wanted to look good.

I also slide on black skinny jeans, and black converse. If anything I'm going for a matched style of clothing.

I sling my book bag over my shoulder, and wait downstairs for Karmin. My parents are now forcing me to go with her so I can be protected. Or, she will have to go back to America, with her parents.

Karmin slides down the stairs, wearing a blue Hollister jacket. It's zipped up, and her pants are faded denim. She is wearing her traditional DC's. I've always wanted DC's but I worry how they would look on me. Besides, I wear my traditional converse. Karmin's hair is auburn at the top and highlights from lower down. Her aquamarine eyes stand out as always. Black eyeliner on bottom, though she doesn't need it. Her eyes look way more beautiful without it, and she always protests.

We walk out the door together, and she brings up conversation. Karmin laughs before saying what is on her mind. "Remember that one time we went to a friends house and didn't ask so, everybody thought we were lost?"

I recall this even so, it was one of my favorites. In the small neighborhood, two little girls could have easily wandered off. We were bored, not knowing how to phrase that, we just got up and left the house without permission. We had walked to Toniysha's house. He was american, just had a really interesting name. We went over there and watched tv. Soon it started to get late and we would walk home. Our family in cars, on bikes, and even on the streets looking for us. Afterwards we got yelled at, but that's okay. It was worth it.

"Oh my goodness, yes. That was the best day ever." I smiled recalling it. The rest of the way to school we were laughing and smiling at our old memories together. Weird ones, at that.

The school neared, we walked in and dropped our bags off at our lockers. We sat outside waiting for the bell to ring, as we continued to talk. The bell rings, and we say bye to each other separating in other ways. I get in Chemistry and sit down. My lab partner is absent today. That is okay though. This means... Who ever else's lab partner is absent gets to be with me.

Oh god. Guess who else is absent? Shelby... Niall's partner.

"Please go sit with Tessa, Niall." Mr. Finley booms loudly. I've heard you can hear him from the other side of the hall, even with the door closed. And, it's true. I've witnessed it. I once had a class across the hall.

Niall shamefully sits down next to me, and the teacher goes on about the food circle, or cycle. Whatever one. I pay attention- for some odd reason- and wait for the instructions to the experiment. No experiment today, as now Mr. Finley has taken up the whole time.

The bell excuses us, and I walk quickly away from the scene. As long as I can, I will avoid him. Though, he won't.

During lunch time, he walks up to me. "Look, Tessa... It wasn't what it looked like. Let me explain." I wait for him to explain. "Well... She is just a friend, and I didn't expect her to call me that." I roll my eyes, "And, that's totally why she grabbed your hands. Because friends totally do that." I wanted so badly for Niall to go away. "Please forgive me. I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you." I love you, but do I believe him? I wanted so badly to believe it. To say it back.

"But... You hurt me Niall." I say walking off. I'm relieved but not.

Day Two (Tuesday)

Nothing extraordinary happened today. Just mere drama that I'm glad not to be in. Me and Karmin spent more time together. It feels nice. I love her.

Day Three (Wednesday)

Niall begs for me back, I decline. I love him, but the pain isn't worth it. I'm depressed, but I don't let it show. That shows weakness.

Day Four (Thursday)

Me and Karmin go to the movies after school and look for cute clothes in the mall. I buy a couple of things. An aquamarine dress, it's strapless and stops just above the knees. It's beautiful. I'm in love with it. I also buy the aquamarine flat shoes to go with it. The shoes glitter. The cutest outfit known to women.

Day Five (Friday)

Me and Karmin chill out, and do random things. We walk to the park and swing. We also play frisbee which I'm good at throwing and Karmin is good at catching. It's really fun.

Day Six(Saturday)

I've made up my mind. I'm going to do it. I've done what I'm supposed to do here, but I'm not sure when I will do it. I'm still thinking.

Day Seven(Sunday)

This will most likely be my last day. I have spent much time with Karmin. I continue to do that, and late at night I write notes to all my loved ones. Even my family in America. My mom, my dad, a couple of my cousins, and Niall.

I cry as I'm writing them. Tears release onto the paper. I leave each of the letters something to remember by, a picture, or jewelry. Karmin and my parents get the bigger ones of course though.

Hurt ♥ A Niall Horan Fan Fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें