Chapter 16

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I think I was getting progressively better. I'm so glad I'm learning to forgive Niall! And, the more I got to know the real him the more I started to like him.

More as a friend, don't get too excited. Though, a relationship wouldn't be too bad.

I grab my clothes and get ready for school. Luckily I didn't have to do my hair, because it just laid comfortably on my shoulders. Also, I was too lazy.

I wore a white sweater, though I missed my regular shirts, I really didn't have a choice. I put some shorts on black and white striped, and black converse.

I grabbed my schoolbag, and an apple and ate on the way to school. Karmin ran behind me and caught up easily.


Tessa is still convalescence. I'm giving her the time she needs though. Just being around her makes me smile.

I shift back to class. It's the last class of the day. My old 'buddie', throws a paper airplane across the room, which strikes Mandy. I feel bad for her. Nobody deserves to get bullied by that ape. To think I was one of him... sickens me.

I jot some of the notes not really paying attention to the teacher telling just more of the things he wrote down.


Ding. Ding. The school bell rings sending us out on our own way. I think today I'm going to the public library to study, and I guess get some good poem books.

I head out into the crowed halls, to my locker. I grab out my books, and shut my locker. I turn around to see Luke blocking my path.

"Um... Hey Luke." I try side stepping him, but he does just the same.

"Hey... I want to show you something..." He smiles. "I promise it's worth your time."

"Um... Sure." I smile, tentatively.

He leads to the the side doors of the school, and into the colder weather.

"Where is it?" I ask, looking over my shoulder. I didn't want Karmin to leave without me.

"Oh, it's just in my car." He replies shortly, and opens a door to a car. It's a 2003 Hyunhai Elantra, the windows tinted a dark black. You could barley see in there.

"Hey, so... I got to go. Maybe another time you could show me?" I say. Nobody can see us, this fact scares me. What's taking him so long?

Just then, I feel a sharp pain in my head. Darkness encloses on me.


I wake up. I'm in the back of Luke's car. I have no idea where he is... Or, what happened. I look down to see my boy completely naked, I sit up quickly. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... I repeat to myself. I'm shaking, and getting my cltohes on. How could he? Why... how...?

I get out of the car quickly, where did I put my school bags? They are no where in sight, so I run off in the direction of the front of the school.

"Where you going?" I hear somebody behind me. My old bully. My enemy. One of them at least. He did most of the beating up.

"Home." I reply quickly, turning to leave.

"Wait up!" Jerry says. "Come on!" He looks back, and ushers the new and old one. So far there is only two of them with him.

"I got to go." I say, I have tears running down my cheeks, and I'm scared. I want to go home. Let me go home.

"I don't think so."A new one says. I turn to run, and get trampled to the ground. Bad decision.

My body aches all over. And, I'm not exagerating when I say this.

((This is NOT Niall's brother. I promise. It's a random named pulled out of the hat. LOL(; ))

He turns me over so I face him. Greg the new kid is on top of me, and after what I just went through I don't need him on me either.

"Why are you crying?" Greg asks, I think he is being nice but no. "Because it show's weakness. You are weak? That's good to know."

He pulls out a knife, and I'm not sure why. But, I have a good idea of why.

I try pushing him off me, but as he had said earlier... I am weak. He is strong. I have nobody, my phone is gone, I'm trapped.

Hurt ♥ A Niall Horan Fan FictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin