Chapter 3

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We walk into the math classroom and first of all it sort of had this happy vibe to it, making it seem a whole lot better. You would think math sucks, and I'm not saying it doesn't because it does... I'm just saying it's not the best thing ever. But, Mrs. Shine made it a lot of fun and easier to comprehend. Niall and I keep looking at each other and it's becoming a bit overrated. I liked him a whole lot but people would start catching on, and I didn't want anybody to think we were going together or had a crush.

Luckily, the teacher had us pare with the person next to you, and work on a worksheet with them. And, fortunate for me it was a nice girl who was about my range for knowledge. Occasionally we would change the subject to things other than math keeping our working pace. I didn't usually let people in often but she seemed nice and her name was Clarissa. I don't think I'd be friends with her outside of class though, because I'd have Karmin and that's all I was comfortable with.

Mrs. Shine had this schedule she followed everyday depending. She would start with the lesson, give us practice sheets, and then homework in which you could work with a friend and after have free time. In America, they were very strict and hardly allowed you to sit with others. Perhaps that's because I went to a strict school? Either way this is a whole lot better! But I wasn't really sure who I would work with. I had this idea in mind but I wasn't sure if I would want to.

Mrs. Shine passed out the homework papers, and told us to move anywhere we wanted. I personally preferred the back and if nobody joined me it wouldn't matter because I wouldn't feel watched. I hurriedly grabbed my binder, pen, and paper and moved to the very back corner by the glass windows looking out onto the rain. I knew it would rain, I smiled to myself.

Just as I sat down, Niall accompanied me. I frowned on the inside but I didn't want to sound rude so I smiled. I was glad that I wouldn't have to sit alone like a loner freak but something about Niall made me wants to curl up into a ball and cry myself to a death sleep. It was just the fact that his name was the same as the old Niall that hurt me.

"That was a snooze fest, eh?" He laughed out loud. I didn't know what to say so I just laughed a small quiet laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so. It was bearable though." I smiled meekly.

"Yeah it was! Most days she talks about things that do not process in your head at all." He laughed once again, his laugh was unique. You would see him laughing but almost heard nothing. I bet if he were to explode into laughter you would be sure to hear it though.

"Really?" I ask, as if I'm interested but I need to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah... yeah, she goes on and on. Especially if these guys won't stop talking, she will make a huge deal of it. But, now I'm being a bore talking about this. Hah, I would talk about anything to keep talking to you." He smiled earnestly. "Seriously though, I'm sorry I forgot your last name, what was it?"

"My last name is Polar, why?" Niall's face tightened but fixed after a second.

"Just wondering, it has been bugging me all day." He nodded looking down at his paper.

"Oh okay. What's your last name?"

All I heard was silence, as he fixes his attention on his paper. I knew this was bad. It had to be him.

"My last name is Horan." Niall says smoothly as if I don't remember. I bet he hopes I don't remember but that's not how it goes.

My eyes started forming tears looking at him in all the hate I could muster up. I couldn't say anything. It was the kind of anger where you can't say anything; there is this huge weight on your chest making you want to crumble. I wanted to back up and run. I want to but my body is holding me back. It's stiff and doesn't want to move. I wish it would move. It needs to move. I need to get out of here before I start crying.

Hurt ♥ A Niall Horan Fan FictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz