Chapter 2

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I had only gotten through half of the day and most of my classes were with Niall. Since he was the only Niall in our grade the teachers didn't call him by his last name. Because if I had just known his last name I would just be able to know if it was my childhood fear, the one that I couldn't bear to see. Even then I would want to know sooner or later, if he had just changed.

I ignore the looks and stares I get as I pass each and every person. A group of taller, muscular boys stood at the end of the hall. My heart beats faster, and I hope they just ignore me... Maybe if I don't look at them they won't even look at me. I quicken my pace and try not to get to close seeing as others took caution in their paths around the boys. One of them looked really familiar. I couldn't quite put a finger on him; he was well built that's for sure. He was tall, he had orange hair and despite most gingers had not one trace of any freckles. He also had blue eyes as most gingers are gifted with; they weren't prominent in any way though, and had no significance. He looked like he could break you in half if he wanted to.

As I was just about to pass them, one grabs my shoulder. I know I'm it for it now.

"Hmm... Never seen you 'round here before." One of the many tall, muscular guys says. I decide to play it cool and act as if I'm not panicked.

"I just moved from America, I'm new around here." I speak shyly, my voice high pitched.

"Eh, you born there?" He questions me.

"No, I was born here and moved when I was younger." I nod slowly. The bell rings and saves me. Although they had no intentions of letting me go so easy.

"Where are you going? We only just met..." He smiles greedily, and I sneer at him.

"I have to go." I turn away and pull my arm from his grab, anger tints my cheeks.

I headed to my next class, Math. I had only hoped for a smaller grouping of kids. They do that now and it's great! It conserves my energy and time, because the less there is the more quiet it will be. That would save my headaches for later in the day when I would need my energy to put up with it. 

I saw out of the corner of my eye Niall walking a steady pace. He looks anticipated, and I would have liked to talk to him but wouldn't it be a bit awkward? I wouldn't know what to say, and he wouldn't either. I'm a lost cause like that. It was almost sad.

He slowly walks over by me and I should've knocked on wood. "Hey, how are you?"  

"Hi, I'm good." I waved with a blush on my face. "How are you?"

"I'm good...I was just wondering, are you new to Dublin?" He smiled, his dimples suddenly becoming apparent. His teeth were crooked and I found it adorable. Niall's blue eyes in this lighting looked a simply blue. Simple blues are interesting though. Even though they are basic they are beautiful. I wish I had basic blue eyes but no, I'm stuck with crystal blue eyes which changed dark blue in the dark. His blonde hair shone an electric blonde, which I had never seen on a guy. I've always seen dark shades of blonde, maybe a bit blonde here and there but not often.

"Oh no, I was born here and moved around middle school if I remember right..." I smiled and nodded because it was the polite thing to do.

"Oh." He looked down, but looked back up. "So, did you like it here?"

"Well, I suppose it was nice. Nothing like I would have wanted but it was an experience." I chuckled.

 He nodded, and looked away biting his lip. That was one of my worst habits, when I was annoyed of how my lips felt I would bite my lips. It was always something I did when I was indecisive, or nervous.  

Niall's P.O.V:

I looked away and bit my lip. I was actually so nervous. What if it was the Tessa I knew long ago? Would she find out? I couldn't help but wonder if this isn't the Tessa I knew, then where is the one I did know? I wonder how life panned out for her.

I'm getting far ahead of myself. This may or may not be her and in which case if it was I would feel guilt ridden forever.

I look over at Tessa she was awkwardly avoiding my gaze, in hopes to vanish the silence. I knew if I spoke it would only make things more awkward unless I asked her some questions.  

I really enjoyed Tessa's presence. She seemed nice and comforting, I felt safe around her. It was something I had never allowed myself to feel. I was so scared to let anybody in, and when I did it lead to hurt and regret.  

I like talking to her. "So, what do you listen to?" I didn't want to sound boring but this and other questions are the only things I have to help me talk.

"I like a lot I guess. It just depends on my mood. Lately I like soft stuff because it helps me calm down and relax... Does that sound stupid?" Tessa giggles looking into my eyes with her light blue eyes.

 "No I understand. Everybody needs a way to relax, and just chill. It depends on how I feel as well, so I completely understand." I smiled gently at her, my eyes tracing her whole face as if she's just going to disappear on me. 

She smiles quickly and lets it fall down five seconds after, and she looks down. She is either tired, or sad. Either of the two sucks and I want to make her feel better some way. Even though that sort of sounds creepy... Does it?  If she was tired there isn't much you can do. She would have to become more awakened, but I can make her happy. Can't I?

Tessa's P.O.V:                        

I look down, I'm tired. I feel a bit sad, too. But it's nothing like the depression that would consume my whole body a long time ago. I hate the feeling sad. It's such a strong feeling and it's scary.

I look back up at the Niall next to me. Some part of me wants me to run as far away as I can from him and another part of me wants to stay and talk to him. He kept me from my desolate thoughts, the ones that came back so little. Ones I tried so hard to get rid of. Once I tried to get rid of them it was a disaster though. I can't simply listen to music or do hobbies to distract me. It's either pain or no game.

"Are you going to math too?" Niall captures me from my thoughts. My night and shining armor, off to steal me from my nightmares.

"Yeah," I replied and then I swear I saw the devils contract.  

Hurt ♥ A Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now