Chapter 19

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"Miss. Polar, you should be fine to go. It's been two days since recovery." The nurse says looking down at the paper and clipboard. "You just have to come back in a few weeks or so, to get your stitches removed."

I nod, biting my lip. Being on the outside is the last thing I want to do, but if it's to get out of this hospital I would do anything. Though, all I have to do is call somebody to come and pick me up. She leaves me alone, to call somebody. I would rather call Niall, he makes me feel safe.

I picked up the phone and dialled Niall's number. "Hello?" Niall answers with his cute accent. I have one like it, but in a girls tone. No... I have a guy voice. Just kidding.

"Hey." I say in reply. Silence on the other end. "I was wondering if you could pick me up from the hospital?"

"Why?" He answered, my heart melting a little inside my chest. "So, I get killed too?" He's never been this rude before. Even when we were younger, he hadn't been this disrespectful.

"But... No..." I say a little appalled. "I just thought..."

"You just thought what?" He waits for an answer. I can tell through his voice he feels bad, but why would he give up his pride?

"Well, you make me feel safe... Protected, I'm sorry. I'll just call somebody else." I hang up the phone. Ah, guilt weighs on me.

The nurse walks in, "Niall called saying he'd be here in ten."

What? What happened to him not wanting to come pick me up?

"You better get changed." The nurse say politely, leaves and shuts the door behind her. I quickly changed into some new clothes my mother brought me just yesterday.

One of my favorite sweaters, is ruined now. Beyond repair. I don't have enough money to by a new one.

I walk out of the door, and I'm not going to say it doesn't hurt to do things, but I'm okay. It hurts way worse when you get shot. Just saying.

My purse of nesseccities hung off my shoulder, I pick through it. Maybe I should right a will just in case I do perhaps die. I might do that today. I am not sure though. Just in case, I don't want my things to go to nobody.

Niall enters the building, he looks tired, and has bloodshot eyes. He does his best to smile at me. Though I can tell he doesn't want to. I stand up slowly and wave a bye to the nice nurse.

She gives me a gentle smile, and waves back.

"So..." I say to break the tension which turns into awkward silence. No answer. What do I expect? I didn't ask a question. "Um... How are you...?" Niall's eyes shift to me and back to the road. "Great." Pure sarcasm fills his voice. "How about you?" He questions me. "Good." No sarcasm tints my voice. I don't sound happy, but I don't sound bad either.

I look at him. He pulls next to my house. "Here we are." Niall gestures, once I don't leave. "Please stay with me." I smile. Niall debates this, I can tell he is hesitating.

"Fine." Niall grumbles, and gets out of the car. He walks around to the other side and opens my side like a gentleman. I get out, and lead him inside and up to my room. My parents stay downstairs, but they do greet me.

I sit on my bed and grab a notepad and pen. I pat next to me, for Niall to sit. Though, he denys and sits on a bean bag across the room.

"Whatever." I shrug. I start writing down the will I had decided to start earlier in the hospital. A ton of things could happen from here to whenever.

I'm debating who should get my jewlery box. Ashley from America or Karmin from Great Britian. Blood runs deeper. Karmin wins.

I look up at Niall. He bites his bottom lip, which is really appealing. It annoys me. I kept thinking about the kiss we had previously. What I would do to get another kiss... "Hey Niall..." I smile, seductivly, or so I hope. "Yeah?" His eyes soften. I gesture for him to come over. I sit myself on the edge of my bed, and he walks over. He is standing in front of me, and probably has no idea what's coming. I stand up slowly so that we are only two inches away.

I look into his blue eyes, capturing a story, a dream, and emotions. His blue eyes tell a tale never told, as deep as the winter cold. I run my fingers through his hair, I am dying. Just kiss him already. He pulls my waist closer to his body, which warms me. I can't take it any longer as I jam my lips in his.

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