I Love You - A Damon Salvator...

By MsSalvatore101

647K 12.6K 2.5K

Alexis Gilbert, cousin of Elena Gilbert, move to town with her brother and father. Elena is more than ecstati... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 30

8.4K 170 11
By MsSalvatore101

Chapter 30-

I expected to fall and hit the hard cement and black out or something. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come or at least expect blackness to come, but neither of them did. I felt too strong arms catch me instead and then place me down.

"Alexis, it's okay you're safe" I heard Stefan say to me. "Elena take her to the car and wait there for me" he then said to Elena. "Damon, Stefan. He's hurt, help him, please help him Stefan" I then said as Elena wrapped her arms around me.

"Alexis, it's okay. Damon's going to be fine. Are you okay" she asked me and I just nodded staying in her hug as she walked me to the car. She then sat me in the back of Stefan's car and she sat in the front passenger seat. We waited a few minutes and then Stefan come with Damon. he sat him beside me and then he hoped in the front and drove off.

"She was about to kill him before I came, but she ran away. He already and the other two dead. Alaric and I will have to go clean up the mess after though" Stefan said to us. "Who was she?" Elena asked me. "It was Justin's girlfriend, she wanted vengeance for us killing him" I told them.

I then shoved my wrist up against Damon's mouth and spoke, "Damon drink" I ordered him. "Alexis I know he needs blood really bad, but just wait a couple minutes we're nearly there" Elena said to me. "I don't care Elena, he needs it. Now drink" I ordered Damon once again

"Alexis, I don't want to see Damon drink your blood" Elena then said. "Well then turn back around and don't look" I snapped at her and Damon still wouldn't drink. "Oh for crying out loud" I said and looked around for something sharp.

I then took out one of my earrings and stabbed myself as hard as I could so I would bleed. I winced at the pain and then shoved my wrist against Damon's mouth. Finally he then drunk from my blood, I winced once again at the pierce at my skin but then the pain went away. Damon kept drinking and I started to fill light headed. "Damon" I then said holding the back of his neck.

"Damon!" Stefan then said shouted to him, but he wouldn't stop. "Damon!" Stefan and Elena both screamed and he still kept drinking. "Damon" I said softly once again and then he finally stopped.

He then looked up at me and he still had blood on his mouth and his fangs were exposed still. "Do you need more" I said feeling still light headed shoving my wrist up to him again, but he shoved it away.

"Alexis!" Elena snapped at me, "What!" I snapped back and then we pulled up outside of the Salvatore boarding house. I then hopped out and felt a bit dizzy and light headed still. I was about to fall over until Damon caught me. He then picked me up and took me inside and sat me on his bed.

He immediately bit his wrist and I sat there, drinking from it. A few moments later Elena coming storming in the room and I let go of Damon's wrist. "What the hell were you thinking Alexis" she yelled at me. "Alexis you need more blood keeping drinking" Damon told me.

I sighed and I then grabbed his wrist and kept drinking. "And you Damon, you could have drained her for good" she yelled at him. "You could have resisted her blood, but no had to give in to Alexis didn't you" Elena said shrugging.

"Make sure she gets enough blood, plenty of it, I don't want her getting hurt. Especially with a vampire on the loose for vengeance and revenge" she said. "She nearly killed Alexis, had her in tears, dropping her off the school building" Elena said harshly.

I then finished drinking more of Damon's blood and wiped the rest off of my mouth. I was completely shocked that Damon was just sitting there not even saying anything back. He just sat there looking at me, sorrow filling his eyes. I looked at him and he just sat there, I didn't like what Damon was feeling. I could tell he was hating himself for what he nearly did to me, but I didn't care. All that matters is he's safe.

"Elena, just shut up" I yelled at her, "All I was thinking is that Damon was hurt and he needs blood and he could he couldn't have resisted my blood and he wouldn't have drained me dry" I told her.

"And how do you know that?" she asked, "You know I didn't care if you were with Damon Lex, all I wanted is for you to be happy. But then you go giving Damon your blood, that is so hard to resist" she stated.

"Yeah I know that, but I also knew he wouldn't kill me, if he didn't the first time, then he wouldn't again. Elena I trust Damon, and I know you, Bonnie, Chris and everyone else might not, but I do" I said firmly to her.

"He had feed on you before" Elena stated, "Oh this just keeps getting better. Now here's the question, was it voluntarily or were you I dunno compelled, forced, threatened" Elena said causally and then Damon had Elena pinned against the wall by her throat.

"I would never force Alexis to do what she didn't want to do, I didn't compel her or threaten her, and she let me, basically asked me. So don't go making accusations" Damon growled at her.

"Damon let her go" I said tugging at his hand and then he released her. "Elena are you okay" I asked her concerned, but she just glared daggers at Damon. "I'll meet you in the car" she said to me and left. I then turned to Damon. "I'll see you after" I told him, giving him a kiss and then went down to Stefan and Elena.

The drive home was silent. No-one spoke at all, right now I was upset with Elena, but I knew she was just looking at for me. But if it was the other way around it would be completely different. We then pulled up outside of my house and then Stefan and Elena walked me up to make sure everything was okay.

Great just want I needed though, another crazy vampire on the loose and just when everything was going so smoothly. I was becoming friends with Caroline; Chris was accepting Damon everything was going great, until she showed up.

We were walking up the pavement until I saw two figures. As we got closer up I noticed that one of the people were on the ground and the other was beside them. "What the" I said as we kept getting closer, "What is that?" Elena asked me.

I then saw what was beneath me. Courtney stood up with a malicious smile, with blood all over her face looking directly to us and then I saw the image of my father lying there, helpless. "NO!!!" I screamed out trying to get over to him, but Stefan and Elena held me back.

Courtney stood there, walking around my father and then dashed away. They finally let me go and I ran and knelt beside him. Daddy, I kept crying out to him, brushing the side of his face. Elena then knelt beside me, crying too. She hugged me while Stefan called the paramedics. It was like my Mum's death all over again. Expect this time I saw what happened I saw Courtney feed from him. I saw dad just lay there and not be able to do anything.

I looked Dad back over again. He had several bite marks on him, his neck, shoulder and arms. He also had a large stab wound in his stomach. I then looked myself over; I now had blood on my arms and hands. I also had blood all over my dress too.

The paramedics finally came and took Dad to the hospital. I just sat there, not moving at all. Once they took off, Elena came over to me and helped me stand up, she then walked me over to the car and we went to the hospital. She sat with me in the back and comforted me all the way there.

We soon got to the hospital and waited there for a while. Chris soon turned up with Bonnie. I managed to stop crying, but as soon as I saw Chris I couldn't hold back anymore tears. He rushed over to me and I cried as he held me. I looked up to him and saw tears in his eyes too, he let go of me and Bonnie sat with me, while Chris talked to Stefan and Elena. Aunt Jenna, Jeremy and Alaric turned up a few minutes after.

I sat there in Jeremy's arms. He and I were the worst to take things, Elena and Chris were keeping their emotions under control, and Jeremy was too, but I couldn't at all. Jeremy sat there with me, making sure I was okay the whole time and Aunt Jenna was on the other side of me soothing me too. Stefan and Alaric left, after making sure everything was fine with us. I'm guessing they're gone to clean up the mess that happened before.

We've been here for over an hour and Damon hasn't even turned up yet. I was starting to get worried about him, I mean Courtney could have gotten to him and hurt him, but who knows what happened to him. My eyes were starting to drift away on me, but I kept them open when the doctor came out.

"What's happening?" Chris asked him, "He had severe bleeding, internal bleeding too. Broken ribs, fractured shoulder and arm, the back of his heads cracked too. It looked like he put up a fight with whatever attacked him, but not a strong enough one. He's in a coma and we aren't sure when he will wake up though. He is very lucky you guys got there when you did or he would be dead" The doctor said to us all.

Tears began to fall down my face silently. "Can we go see him?" I asked and the doctor nodded, "Only a couple at a time though" he said and then left. I let everyone else go in first; knowing that I would take the longest and that I would be staying the night too. So Aunt Jenna, Bonnie, Jessica, Jeremy, Stefan and Elena all went in first, while Chris, Alaric and I waited outside.

After a while they all came out and went left and it was now our turn to go in. I stood next to Dad's bed; he was all bruised and marked from what happened. A tear escaped my eye, but I whipped it away quickly. Chris wrapped his arm around me, holding back tears himself. I then went and sat down on the lounge that was in here, beside Alaric, whilst Elena was outside with Stefan.

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