A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

By Thecalendar15

9.2K 455 136

COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... More

20 : THE 8th


196 9 2
By Thecalendar15

It's been days since the 'incident' happened—if it is ever called that kind of statement. The week had gone in its natural and similar cycle, the class began to beam in excitement and anticipation because vacation seems to near the dates in the calendar. But for the two—Jack and Merida, it is a whole lot different phase of events.

After the party, loads of academic projects and presentation headed through the whole class. Almost everyone crammed off to pass requirements exactly on the provided and scheduled due dates.

The hallway is quiet like an abandoned cabin in the middle of the forest, the lights were freely left open and the stack of lockers were remained untouched ever since the last subjects of the day had ended.

But at the very end of the floor, there is a room with the door widely open, the lights hadn't turned off yet. It gleamed brightly as if another class had been occupying the same and bare vicinity of the university.

"Rapunzel, you sure about that?" Kristoff asked with Anna beside him.

The blonde smiled, still in her own seat with her bag completely closed—all school supplies were already packed inside.

"Yeah." Rapunzel nodded. "Absolutely."

Kristoff beamed at her idea of being left inside the classroom, without any verge of heading home or wanting the company of her cousins as they trudge through the night into their house.

"Okay then." Elsa answered and smiled sweetly.

"We'll be leaving now." Anna assured. "Guys, I hope you'll arrive home safelyI mean, it's already late in the evening."

The three person left in the classroom bid their goodbye. Hiccup waved his hand idly and gave out a small sly smile. Merida slowly nodded, her eyes drifting to sleep. Rapunzel, smiled genuinely as the other three finally leaving the room at ease.

"And oh, tell Jack we've left." Elsa added before even closing the door behind them.

"Yes. I'll tell him."

Rapunzel answered softly and Elsa nodded. The three heard the soft tap of the door closing and they were left in utterly silence. Nobody had spoken a single word or even a simple greetings to each other. They were all exhausted and drained out after the entire day's constant activities which made them in sore.

Rapunzel neared and pulled her chair closely to them, shifted strands of hair into her ear. She sat erectly.

"Hey." She called.

Hiccup stared back at her with so much curiosity plastered in his eyes. Merida gazed back last, her face was emotionless and obviously, she hadn't taken enough rest and sleep—the lower portion of her eyes were darkened but she looks pretty the same.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for"

She was cut off.

The knobs of the door creaked. Jack entered the room without any warning. His dark hood completely covering his entire face, the jacket he'd been wearing were slightly zippered at his middle limb and his hair... were pointed out in every directions.

"I-I am very sorry." He coughed.

"Been in the restroom for quite a while." Jack quickly joined them without paying a look or two. "So... where were we?"

Jack's hands were covered by the end sleeves of his jacket. He hadn't removed the hood once he came in.

"NoI just wanted to give a small gratitude to you guys," Rapunzel explained.

"We've been grouped often in many subjects and I just want to thank you for all the efforts you've put into our projects... and presentations."

Jack swallowed—and chuckled.

"Thank you too, Punzie." His jaw tightened.

"I meanit isn't that much but it is all I wanted to say, either way."

From the small clear open space, a tint of tiny smile creeps into his lips, his head was draped down.

Merida were staring blankly in the wilderness, neither staring back at her friends nor barging into their conversations. Her eyes was still—like looking through a prey, eyeing its every movements and counts of breaths for one whole minute.

It is not that she doesn't want to join in. Merida understands and wholly appreciates Rapunzel for reaching out to the group—she wasn't even surprised hearing those words pouring out from her mouth. It it just a natural characteristic of Rapunzel. But the gravest thing that hadn't left Merida's mind at peace, is that the memory box itself. The events still claw into her body freshly—the images dancing in her mind even without the intention of thinking thoroughly about it. It just... appears any time. Maybe because, Merida doesn't want to forget it either.

The time she had seen her face at the end of the box—the way it shivered, producing into a more concrete and bulk formation, swirl of colors into a specific stature—which belongs to her, or hers entirely. For all that happened, Merida kept the box after all, knowing that it is something that is worth of directing her own fate and life. Merida hid it in a narrow and secured place where no one will ever find. And that idea alone, creeps the hell out of her. If she had made a wise decision of keeping it.

Merida isn't sure.

"Why don't we..." Hiccup peered in.

He had been planning the idea lately after seeing and hearing the words Rapunzel shared a while ago. Hiccup wanted to bring closure to the group—to the four of them. To at least provide new experiences that they have not done before... before even their paths can cross each other.

Hiccup liked the idea.

"Why don't we eat together? Dine in for the night?"

Rapunzel quickly stared at him.

She nodded excitedly.

"YesYeah. That is a good idea, Hic." She smiled. "I heard, there is this new restaurant a couple of blocks down the university. It's been a trend lately and I think"

She pointed her fingers back and forth between her and Hiccup.

"We think it would be a really great thing to do."

Hiccup and Rapunzel gave the two exchange looks of questions. Waiting for Jack and Merida to lay their answers whether they accept or decline the offer.

"Well... What do you think?" Rapunzel asked.

Merida gaped her heads a little sideward, her back at them. Jack, clearly hearing what they said, slowly pulled the hood off. There had been a short extension of silence before anyone of them could answer.

Merida sighed.

Jack heaved a deep breath.

"I'm sorry lass, but I can't go."

"That is very nice but, really, I-I don't feel so good."

The two explained at the same time—like a choir from a church or a professional duo singers. Hiccup and Rapunzel heard their own reasons of them not being able to go and honestly, they felt a pang of disappointment in their skin upon hearing what Jack and Merida had just said.

Jack cleared his throat.

"I think, Kristoff had been planning for a dinner tomorrow night. The seven of us. And maybe, it might lighten up our missed get-to-together plan this day."

Rapunzel nodded in defeat.

"Well... Yeah, I heard of it this morning."

Merida stood up, the chair screeched against the floor. She pulled the strap of her bag and placed it on her shoulder.

She gazed back at the three.

"It is settled then." She paced her feet—

"Wait." Hiccup called.

"You're going home?"


"Already? As in now?" Hiccup asked.

Merida shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes. Some things got a little out of control. II just need to go home."

The red head tried to show a non-force smile. She doesn't want to disappoint them nor to show that there is something that really bugs her. Merida just wanted to clear her mind after all what happened the other night. Maybe, tomorrow, everything will be back to normal.


Merida pulled out a small apologetic and regretful smile. Straighten her clothing. Her eyes reflected against the lights... and headed though out the door.

After minutes of silence, Jack is the second one to move out. He can entirely feel the sense of guilt in his mind and body. No. He doesn't want to leave them out of nowhere. For the record, he really wanted stay. But it works differently now.

His hands and fingers—it is cold and damp and dry. Thin sheet of ice covered them—like it was fully encased inside thick layers of ice. It began to numb as he felt the same sensation like the way it did the night the party ended in full blast. Jack's breathing started to race. The narrow movement of his chest and shoulders became visible and obvious.

He stood up sharply.

And hid anything that can be seen within him.

"I'm going." Jack reminded coldly.

He moved along and trailed centimeters away from the doorway—and stopped.


His head quite moved onto the side.

"I am glad you listened." Jack stared at the bracelet encircling her right hand. "I must say... it really looks lovely on you."

He can fully remember the night he had seen the bracelet. It was beautiful and captivating. And also, at that same time, he encouraged Rapunzel to wear it more often.

Jack directly walked out from the room, headed out the building and outside the parameters of the university. He had not seen Merida anywhere near him, she must had reached and walked vastly minutes between to him. It is also quite absurd of how both of them have similar reasons to comprehend today—like as if, preventing something to further happen which does not concern any of their expectations. He guessed they're having major problems from different perspectives.

At the room, Hiccup and Rapunzel were all left by themselves. After a couple of minutes, they decided to head out from the school.


Jack's step was timid and slow—one step at a time. Both of his hands were pocketed inside the pouches of his jacket, to at least make it warm and subtle, the hood were still on his head.

He wandered around the city more often this time before even reaching into his own apartment door. The more he stays inside the area, the more pressure tricking him. He feels the similar force triggers his system—as if a bomb ticking too race against time. It was dreadful and poisoning.

He can't.

He just can't.

His eyes snapped open, like a vast bullet escaping from the mouth of a gun—quick and terrifying. Jack can see the trembling under his clothing, his hands shivered even within the warmth laid inside. Jack swiped his stare around. The evening wind doesn't give him any assurance that this day may get any worse.

"Gah" Jack moaned, enduring the sharpened pain at the end of his fingers.

He bit his tongue... and lips to the extent that he can almost wound up the flesh and taste his own rusty blood. Jack swallowed. Drops of sweat began to form on his forehead and face. The weather isn't warm nor hot for him, it is the adrenaline pushing himself further.

Jack moved his hands from under the pockets. His eyes travelled unto every corners as he payed them a thorough look. Yes. His fingers trembled wildly, like stuck inside a thick frozen ice for so long. But what made him more intense is that... at the surface of his skin, covered a thin whitish sheet of ice. With small prickling and hovered ices as he gazed closer.

"No." He denied.

The force flowed into his veins.

His head snapped.

His chest rises and falls.

"Dammit." Jack murmured.

His foot began to move quickly, without even glancing nor knowing it. The wind blew hard.

Something stabbed into his skin—like his hands were soaked in a boiling hot water. Burned into the depths of flesh and bones.

"No. P-Please, stop it." He whispered.

The air thickened. White frail smoke escapes his lips as he breathes deeply.

"Stop it."

A click snapped within him. Like a twig broken into two. Jack vastly run downhill, from the sidewalk, his steps were heavy and concise. His feet were unstoppable. The whipped wind blew against his skin. His hair flows freely.

He needed to find a place. A secured place. With no witnesses, no person or even without cameras and CCTV's around the lampposts and at any corners. He wanted to be hidden, against whatever the world can throw against him. Jack knows this is sorcery, a black magic or even a curse. The thing he only he knows this time, whatever Jack tries to do... if possible, no one would ever see him or pretend not to see any of his shadow.

The sidewalk is steep as the gravity pushed him further downward. The open stalls gleamed brightly aside his as he runs.

His eyes darted something, at the end of the street, where civilization began to run out from place. The lights were turned off. Dark and inhabited.


Jack continuously runs waiting to reach the destined place in his mind. His vision had gone foggy, it moved wildly as he travelled steeply. His breathing was narrow and deep, Jack was gasping for air.

He hopes and prays, at any extent, no one should ever see him...


Rapunzel moved her head at the side. A heavy and formed tapping sound resonated near the stall—like a marching band, with practiced and the same concise steps. At the newly cleaned glass inside the bookstore, Rapunzel saw someone passed through, hurried and vast. Like he was catching up to time before its alarm comes off.

Holding a book, she stepped her way outside. Feeling the wind on her face as she headed toward the steep sidewalk. Hiccup left a couple of minutes ago, without Jack with him. The man knew Jack had already gone into his apartment. Taking a rest because they know he isn't feeling really well.

Rapunzel went on. Watching people in front as she walks in a normal pace. But the street were left barely unoccupied. It was almost bare, like she is the only one walking at the current time.

She smiled.

Her eyes darted unto a few meters apart. At the far most area, a familiar stature welcomed her. He was running so fast, she cannot even call his name or get his attention. His back were similar, the clothing he wore, and his own posture.

Rapunzel's lips twitched. Her eyebrows wrinkled.

She thought he had gone home already. Maybe, she got it wrong. Hiccup and Rapunzel had got it undeniably wrong.

Rapunzel nodded and followed him.

Jack tried to slow down his brakes. His shoes crunched against the surface of the street. He moved his head side by side, as he looks for a place to hide. Momentarily, Jack paced at his right.

"Stop, please!" He shouted.

Paths of frozen ice onto the surface trails under the sole of his shoes. It was glittering against the moonlight. Jack saw it. His jaws tightened at the sight.

The energy he was trying to conceal began to thin his patience out. His eyes widen. His lips was left ajar. And at the very moment, a bright sharp blast of ice escaped his palm—like fireworks lighten the night sky. It was fast and enormous.

The ice were formed into sharp statures onto the wall opposite Jack, like daggers appeared into the branches of a tree. It was cold and terrifying. His eyes trembled. Jack can feel the heat spreading through his orbs.

He closed them—

And opened.

Jack snapped over his shoulder... but he saw nothing. No one.

His feet started to move, Jack tumbled down and reached onto a wall, his arms laid tightly onto it. Jack helped himself to stand up in his weak knees and at his very eyes, the moment his hands touched the rough wall, sheet of blasting ice formed uncontrollably. Without any of his command or control.

He groaned.

And travelled his way inside a narrow space, with garbage racks at the farther end. With damp and smelly water coming out from the open pipes. It was dark. The light shone at the opening. Jack stood blankly out his thoughts.

"Just stop!" He snapped.

Jack punched the wall roughly, with so much anger and strength. His eyes watered, never knowing the silvery tears smoothly drips onto his cheeks.

"Leave me alone!"

He throws his right hand onto the wall more harshly.

"Gah!" Jack cried in pain.

Pool of scarlet blood covered, mostly onto his right hand where he had thrown more force into. Droplets of fresh blood stained his jacket and the cement. It was bright red. Jack heaved a deep breath.

Until an unexpected energy dwelled in his hands—a blast of thick ice broke free from his own confinement and control. It painted the walls with brittle, crystalline frozen water. The area it hovered was large and enormous compared to the first one.

Jack gave up and sat with his back at the cold wall. Seeping through his clothing.

He wipes his sweat using his arms—it is still trembling constantly.

Dry tears marked his cheeks. He isn't weak and vulnerable. He is stronger and more powerful than any of his expectation. Rather, Jack was overwhelmed by too much pressure and anger. This isn't an occurrence that everyone experience. And for the record, all the people around the world, Jack is the one to be befell from a hatred curse, that is what he think it is. He didn't know what to do, he can't control any of this. And through time, it had become unbearable. He cannot foresee when it will occur—the sensation he feels every time it triggers him.

His head snapped at the right.

A clanging sound echoed as the cover of a garbage rack fell. Clattering continuously before it wholly stopped.

Jack nervously stood up and watched the scenario fell into place. Until he could hear faint running footsteps fading away. So fast and frightened. Jack sensed it. Someone was here... watching him. Someone was here, minutes ago, seconds go. Someone had seen everything. The way he tried to control his fears and the way it blasted in front of him. Someone knew already. He don't know.

Jack's heartbeat fluttered.

His feet moved onto the clearing.

The garbage rack was opened widely, with the fallen cover at his side.

Jack gazed through the place.

He moved... and another.

Something crunched against the sole of his shoes, it felt like a small pebble being stepped into. Jack moved a step backward to see whatever it is.

His eyes snapped and widen.

His lips shivered—

As he looks closer, the small object seems to appear as a bracelet. It shone against the light. Yes. It is a braceleta very similar and familiar one.


Author's Note:

Hello! So this is it, another chapter! I had fun writing this one, especially Jack's side. I hope you'll enjoy reading.

Lots of love :)

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