My Beautiful Disaster (Comple...

By Alwaysyoursforever

23.7K 416 81

Malina is a girl who only wants some friends in her life. Her whole life changes when a boy named Devon walks... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

620 8 9
By Alwaysyoursforever

It was the last day of school party today. Karla, Elin, and I were at my house getting ready. Then Tobbe would come pick Karla up, Lucien would pick Elin up(their dating now) and Devon would pick me up.

Elin and I decided to do Karla's hair and eventually she gave up and just said yes. We straighten her hair which took a while but in the end it was worth it. It looked beautiful when we had finished.

"Wow." Karla said looking at herself in the mirror. "You guys did a really good job." She smiled at us.

Elin and I high fived each other. "Your turn." Karla told me.

"What? No we never said anything about doing my hair."

"Oh come on! Look how mine came out! You know you want us to do your hair!" Karla said.

"Fine." I sat in the chair and they started discussing about what they should do with my hair.  Soon they were curling my hair. They had accidently burned me a lot of times but I didn't care much.

When they finished I looked at it. It looked really good. "Told you you'd like it!" Karla said. We looked at the clock and it was 5:23.

"Uh-oh we better hurry they'll be here any minute. We rushed around the room putting our dresses on and heels. When we were done we heard a 'beep' outside. We looked outside the window.

"There's my ride!" Karla said and ran down the stairs. We laughed as she tried to run in her heels. When she saw Tobbe she ran even faster and jumped on top of him.

"Awww." Elin and I said in unison. We saw two more cars coming. It was Lucien and Devon. We looked at each other then half ran down the stairs we went outside and ran to our boyfriends.

"Hey babe." Devon said with a breathtaking smile. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me and I felt my insides go warm. His lips were nice and soft. I wished we could have stayed like that forever.

After a little bit of more kissing we finally pulled back and we were both breathing heavily. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." He opened the car door for me and I got in. He smiled at me one more time then closed the door and went to his side of the car and got in.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Yeah." He turned the engine and started driving to the party. We had all promised each other that we we wouldn't drink after what had happened to me last time.

I didn't want no body to go through that but it was quite impossible to tell everyone to stop drinking. If they only knew what could happen if they continued drinking.

We got to the party and we saw that Elin and Karla had already made it. Devon got out and walked over to my side and opened the door for me then I got out. He closed the door and led me to the front door of the house where the party was at.

When we got in we were hit with hot air. It felt a little stuffy in there because of all the people in there dancing and sweating. We saw Elin dancing with Lucien but we didn't see Karla and Tobbe.

We went over to where Elin and Lucien were and started dancing with them.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Karla. She was on one of the couches with Tobbe. They were making out and there was some weird kid staring at them. He probably wished he could join them.

I turned back to Devon and started dancing with him. I started grinding on him and he smiled. We dance like that for a little more till we couldn't anymore and were tired.

We walked to the refreshments table and I was really tempted to get a wine cooler but instead I got a bottle of water. Devon also got that since mostly everything else contained liquor.

We went outside into the back yard. There was a pool but no one was allowed to swim in it. We sat down on some chairs that were outside and looked up at the stars. It was dark already outside and it looked beautiful with the light coming from the pool.

"I love you so much Malina." Devon said suddenly breaking the silence. I turn and look at him. "I always knew that I would fall deeply in love with you ever since I first saw you. Then when I got to know you more I knew you were the one."

His words made me get tears in my eyes. I smiled and walked over to him. I sat on his lap and he automatically wrapped  his arm around my waist.

"I knew that I was in love with you the first day that I saw you. I just didn't really have hope that you would like me too."

"Why would you think that?" He asked me.

"Well I'm not as pretty as everyone else and I didn't have much friends back then." I told him looking down at our joined hands.

"Your beautiful and I don't care if you have no friends. I love you just the way you are. You are the most amazing person I've ever met and I hope to never lose you."

I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. I pulled back a little and looked him in the eyes.

"You will never lose me. I will always stay by your side in the good times and in the bad times no matter what. You'll always be mine and I'll always be yours." I caressed his cheek and looked him in the eyes while I said that.

Everything I told him was true and it came from the heart. I really did love him and I knew that he loved me. I just wished that I knew the future so I could know if we were really going to spend the rest of our lives together.

He kissed me and I felt like I could melt right there in his arms. He really was the love of my life and I loved him deeply.


Hope you guys liked it!:) This is the last chapter. I will be doing an epilogue but I'm not sure when I'll have it finished.

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