Second Chances (mxm, poly, mp...

By ladydragyn

620K 35.4K 4.1K

Follow several werewolf rejectees on their journey to acceptance and adaptation to the new world the moon god... More

The Rejected
Play it Cool
Rejection Never Looked so Good
Barbosa's Answer
Primo Loco
Double Blessing
Reluctant Mate
Alpha Assembly
Better and Better
Letting it All Out
Counseling Alphas
Touchy Subject
It's All Your Fault
Family is Everything
*Cementing the Bond*
Let Me Do My Job
*Chevy Surrenders*
Facing the Music
Everyone's Onboard but You
*See Me as I Am*
Don't Mess with The Family
Overprotective Alphas
What Matters
*Sex Has Benefits*
Dodging Bullets
*Lose Yourself*
Best Birthday Ever
*Birthday Sex*
A Warning
Oh, Baby!
A Day with the Packs
A Day with the Packs - pt 2
Putting Alpha in Place
Over the River and Through the Woods
Pack Politics
Alphas and Subs
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse 0300: Ash
Lunar Eclipse 0800: Blackout
Lunar Eclipse 0930: Empty Souls
Lunar Eclipse 0945 : Message Recieved
Lunar Eclipse 0945: Dust to Dust
Lunar Eclipse 1000 : Mountains to Molehills
Lunar Eclipse 1005: Family Feud
Lunar Eclipse 1100: Maelstrom
Lunar Eclipse 1200 Hours: Early Arrival
Subs' Sorrow
Alphas' Heartache
Gravity of the Situation
Looking for Leads
The End is the Beginning
Wake Up Call
Friendly Advice
Returning Home
Moral Support

Ari's Pledge

16.8K 994 115
By ladydragyn

All the teams were finishing up and clearing the area.  Ari and Dom stood outside talking quietly by the med-van as five men exited the building.  Two were carrying a stretcher with a were on it.  Beta Jiminez was holding the were's hand.  The fifth man was holding up an IV bag.   Ari looked up as the smell of cinnamon and peaches assaulted him and he staggered a bit crashing into Dom.

Dom held him up and looked at him with concern.  "Ari?"

Ari looked over at Chevy holding the were's hand and felt a streak of jealousy. Why would he be feeling jealous?  Unless...

>Our mate is hurt.<

His eyes grew wide.  After all this time he had a mate?  "Th-that were is my mate."

Dom frowned and bit back a possessive growl.  "Beta Chevy?"

He shook his head. "The one on the stretcher."

Chevy was arguing with the men as Dom and Ari approached.

"But I-"

Alpha Natelly was pushing him back as he tried to climb in the van.  "You're still needed here, beta."

"Fuck that!" Chevy yelled.  That was his family.  He wasn't about to abandon him.

"Beta Jiminez, stand down," Dom commanded.

Chevy whirled around and snarled at them.  His eyes were golden and his canines were elongated.

Ari linked Dom.  >His wolf is awfully protective.  He must be someone he knows.<

Dom raised an eyebrow.  >Agreed.<

Ari slowly approached Chevy with his hands up.  Disagreeing with him or pulling rank would be counter-productive.  Weres don't play about family.  Doesn't matter who you are.  "Beta, I will ride with him and keep watch until you are finished here and can get to his side."

Unlike most alphas, Alpha Silver was a fair and even handed man.  He didn't pull rank often and he tried to compromise in every situation.  Rico would be safe under his care.  His wolf retreated with a huff and Chevy sighed. "Yes, sir."

Ari clapped him on his shoulder. "He's in good hands."

Chevy watched with an anxious heart as they loaded into the van and drove off. Dom walked up to him.  He needed to get the beta's mind off the situation long enough to finish his duties.

"Beta Jiminez, report."

Chevy stood at attention and rattled off the facts.  "All the slaves have been transported to the hospital for examination. Rico is the only injury."

"What happened?"

"He tried to kill himself, it seems, taking pills with alcohol and slashing his wrists."

"Very well. You're off duty. I expect to see you in my office at 0800."

"Yes, sir."  Chevy hustled back to the transport he came in for the ride back.  His leg bounced furiously the entire ride.  As soon as they arrived, he dashed for his room to shower and change.  When he was finished, he ran down the stairs, out the house, and to the garage.  The smell of burnt rubber and the sound of squealing tires filled the air as Chevy's motorcycle peeled out into the night.

When they arrived at the hospital, Rico was put on a gurney and whisked down the hall.  Doctors worked furiously to stop the blood flow then pumped his stomach.  He vomited twice and had to be turned on his side to prevent asphyxiation.  After an hour they were able to get him stabilized and wheeled him into a recovery room.  

Ari sat in the chair and held his mate's hand.  A million thoughts swirled in his head as the tingles danced up his arm.  How did his mate get caught up as a sex slave?  How long had he been forced to do who knows what?  How many people defiled his mate?  What was his mate's favorite movie?  Song?  What color were his eyes?  How old was he?

He smiled.  His mate was so tiny.  5'6 compared to his 6'2 and petite.  He had Latino blood in him like Chevy and had a light brown complexion like coffee with too much cream.  He had long wavy hair that was splayed out on the pillow.  He had a beauty mark right above his chapped pink lips.


There was a light knock at the door and the doctor poked his head in.   Ari rose from his seat and stepped outside the room.

"I'm Dr. Rene.  Your mate is healing slowly.  Apparently he was given injections that suppressed his wolf.  Once all that flushes out and with you being close by, he should start healing faster."

"How do you know that we're mates?"

The doctor was an older were with salt and pepper hair and a mustache.  His dark brown eyes sparkled when he smiled.  "Changes in the heart-rate and quickening of the pulse when you were holding his hand."

Ari chuckled.  "Busted."

"The council will want to talk with him.  Alphas Meridian and German and Lady Ailyn will be here tomorrow."

He nodded.  "Very well.  Thank you."  He walked into the room and stood by the window thinking.  Would this mate reject him as well?  Would he survive it again?  How could he help his mate recover if he did accept the mate pairing?

Before he could go back to the bed, the door opened and Beta Chevy rushed in. He seemed not to notice him as he knelt beside the bed and took Rico's hand in his. Tears streamed down his face as he kissed the back of his hand and pressed it to his face.  Ari bit back a possessive growl and shoved his wolf back.  Jealous bastard.


Chevy startled and quickly stood but didn't release Rico's hand. "I'm sorry Alpha. I didn't see you there,"  he said wiping his face.

Ari pointed to the bed.  "You know this were?"

He nodded. "Rico is my cousin. Our mothers are sisters. He went missing when he was sixteen after his mate rejected him." He stroked the top of Rico's head with a look of fondness. "We looked for him for so long. Most of our family gave up hope. But not me. It's why I joined Dark Moon."

Ari nodded and felt a bit of pride knowing his mate was so well loved.

Something seemed to click in the beta's head and he faced the alpha with a slight look of confusion.  "I'm sorry, Alpha. Why are you here?"

Ari laughed softly.  "He's my mate."

Chevy's eyes widened. He looked from Rico to the alpha before his eyes darkened. "This is my blood. He's close to me like my brothers. If you do anything to hurt him, alpha, I will do everything in my power to end you."

For whatever reason, Ari's wolf took no offense to the beta's threat or seeming disrespect.  In fact, he seemed rather honored that this were trusted him to take care of his loved one.  Ari smiled and bowed. "I will cherish him til death. That you have my word."

"Thank you.  I'll give you your space."  Chevy kissed the top of Rico's head then walked out.

The alpha walked over to the bed and sat down in the chair.  "You have quite the family there, Rico. You should hurry up and awaken so he can be assured you're alright."

Rico opened his eyes.  He'd heard everything.  "What if I don't want him to know?"

"Why wouldn't you?"

"When I left Chevy was so pure and so cute.  I watched over that little bug.  He looked up to me like I was perfect."  A tear rolled out the corner of his eye.  "Now look at me. I'm filth."

Ari reached for the omega's hand.  "He doesn't think so. Neither do I."

Rico couldn't deny the tingles he felt even though he couldn't feel his wolf to confirm it.  Hell, he hadn't felt his wolf in years.  "Who are you?"

"I'm Alpha Ari Silver. Your mate."

Mate?  He laughed inwardly.  Fate sure was a cruel bitch.  Rico weakly pulled himself up into a sitting position and smoothed the blankets out around his waist. He straightened out his gown and held his head up high. His chestnut brown eyes met the Alpha's blues.  "I'm ready."

"For what?"

"My rejection."

Ari frowned.  "Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm a dirty, used, whore. No alpha wants that for a luna. Especially such a good looking and powerful one like you.  You need someone untainted and classy. Respectable.  I'm trash."

"I have no intentions of rejecting you, Rico."  He kissed the back of his hand.  "You're not trash. You're perfect. I'll spend my life proving it."

Rico scoffed. "Big words."

"I back up my words with action." He grabbed Rico's face in his hands and smashed their lips together. Rico shivered at the sparks that ran through his body. He felt alive invigorated. His aches began to fade and he felt broken bones healing. Parts of him that he thought were dead reawakened and he heard a soft howl in his mind. He was breathless and excited below as Ari broke the kiss and stared down into his eyes.

"Once you are given the okay by the doctor and the council I will bring you back to my pack and show you just how much you mean to me."

Rico's eyes welled with tears again.  "How can I be sure this isn't some farce?"

"My mate rejected me a few years ago.  It crushed me.  I never thought I'd get another mate and here you are. I will not let you go. I don't care if you're a mass murderer. I will visit you in jail and beg for conjugal visits."

Rico giggled. "That's a bit extreme, don't you think?"

"Perhaps. But I'm serious."

Rico pecked his lips and smiled. "We'll see."

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