the late bus | joshua hong

By taelongassride

42.7K 1.4K 328

she caught the late bus because he caught it aswell, from strangers to lovers they thought nothing could get... More

1. Joshua
2. Who are you?
3. Unexpected conversations
4. Just friends
5. Falling Apart
6. Jealousy is a horrible thing
7. Threatened
8. Date?
9. Is it love?
10. Or just friendship?
11. Its time we part.
12. Missing
14. Letting them know.
15. The end?
16. Dead.
17. Confession
18. Another Step
19. Stained dresses and hospital messes
20. The End

13. Taken twice.

1.2K 46 13
By taelongassride

Joshua's POV

I sat down, drinking my coffee in this cafe near my grandmas, when suddenly my phone started to vibrate.
I heaved a sigh, already knowing who it would be, but fished my phone out my pocket to check- just in case it was someone who I wanted to call.

Staring down at the screen I read the name I'd grown all too familiar with these past few days:


Knowing I had to answer, otherwise there'd be consequences for me, I reluctantly put the phone to my ear.
"Yes?" I said monotonously, all energy had been drained from me.
"Joshie! Hey, what's with the sad tone? Don't tell me you're still hung up on that girl." I had to pull the phone away from my ear a bit as her annoying voice was all a bit too loud.

This had been about the seventh or eighth time she'd called this week, continuously checking up to see if I'd forgotten about Y/N yet- which I would never do.
But it's got to the point where she's calling every single day, and I can just feel there's something she's about to do.

I sighed extra loud, so she could hear, and responded, with an equal amount of attitude.
"Bitch, you're the reason I'm like this. I don't care if this was part of your plan to try and get with me, just because you got men with guns and a knife to threaten me with, it doesn't mean I'll be you're little puppet, who you can manipulate into a relationship. So get this through your caked face and into that stupid little head of yours, I will never ever like you, I'm only doing this for Y/N."

I smirked to myself, silence on the other line indicating she was at loss for words.
But all she did was slowly chuckle.
"Oh Joshua, you naïve little boy, of course I was trying to manipulate you now that Y/N isn't  there anymore. But you see, it seems that this isn't going to work."
She paused, all the while I heaved a silent sigh of relief.
Had she finally given up because I was too stubborn to succumb her way?

Yet to my surprise, she carried on,
"So, if this doesn't work, let's try a different approach, shall we? If you don't stop moping about your non-existent girlfriend, then she, will get seriously hurt, to the point where she is, well..."
She chuckled again, causing hairs to raise at the back of my neck.

My stomach dropped, aswell as my phone from my hands grasp.
She can't do that.
She promised she wouldn't hurt her as long as I stayed away.
Now I have no choice but to forget about her.

I grabbed my phone and briskly walked out the coffee shop.
I needed to get home and figure out what the fuck I was gonna do.

I looked up and realised it was pretty dark, so I sped up my steps.
Nothing felt right anymore.
It felt like everything I was doing was wrong, like someone was constantly watching me.

All of a sudden the sound of glass was heard being stepped on behind me.
I stopped dead in my tracks.
Someone was watching me.
Maybe even following me.
And with that I set off to a run, I couldn't risk being kidnapped.
Not now.
I was panting heavily, but I could also hear the pants of the person behind me. It seemed they were chasing me after all.
Oh well nows not the time to congratulate myself on my suspicions being correct.

I turned another corner and found myself in a dark alley.
Oh shit I took a wrong turn.
But it seemed I was too late to turn back, as this mysterious person put a rag over my mouth.
Causing me to lose consciousness.

I woke up with blinding bright lights in my face. Squinting my eyes whilst I adjusted to the light, I took this time to look around the empty room.
It seemed I was in some sort of warehouse, with concrete floor, and nothing but a light in front of me, and the chair I was sitting on.
I tried to stand up, only to realise my arms and legs were restrained.
Great, and I can guess just who is behind this.

"Joshie! Long time no see!" The voice echoed through the big room, followed by the sound of cheap plastic heels.
I bet my life they're pink.
Once she came into view, my gaze fell upon her heels, which were actually pink.
Well at least I'm not gonna die today.
I looked back up at her.

"Why have you brought me here you witch." I spat.
Her face turned sour.
"Because Josh, this is the 'new approach' I'm trying out! It's basically like....punishment! You see, every time you disobey me by saying you won't succumb to my ways, I shall simply have to punish you!"
I gulped.
Punish? But wasn't she trying to get with me, not get at me.
Pfsh this bipolar bitch.
I masked my somewhat small fear with the courage I had left.
"Huh, punish? You crazy bitch, if you want me to like you- which will never happen- you can't punish me into doing so, it'll really just do the opposite."

She shot me a displeased look.
At this point I knew I messed up.
But all she did was click her fingers. What the hell is that supposed to mean.

My thoughts were cut off my the sound of something dragging along the floor.
Oh, not something.
More precisely, a whip.

I limped home. Barely able to see out of my non-swollen eye. I touched my busted lip, to check if it was still bleeding, or if the blood was from my nose. I'm pretty sure I had bruises along my arms and neck too.
How was I going to hide this from my grandma?

Luckily I was wearing a hoodie, so I just pulled the hood up when walking into my grandmas house.
"Oh Joshua! You're home!" My Grandma walked up to me , and before I hand time to react, pulled me into a hug, pulling down my hood in the process.
Well, so much for that.

Pulling back she scanned my face, horror evident. She touched my nose and I winced a bit.
"J-Joshua, what happened?" She asked worriedly.
I had to come up with something.
"Oh, ummm nothing. I just...tripped?" I tried  my best shot, but who am I kidding, this is my grandma.
"HONG JISOO DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME!" I winced at the sound of my full name being said. No one ever said my full name, and my grandma saying it now meant things were getting serious.
I backed up to the stairs, trying to come up with another excuse.
"Uhhh, i-it's true! I just fell and tumbled a bit! N-nothing to worry about Grandma! I'm going to bed!" I quickly rushed up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door shut.
Wow who knew lying would be that hard, but I don't think she bought it.

Third person POV

"I'm telling you!" Joshua's grandma hurriedly whispered into the phone to Mingyu.
"Something's going on! I can sense it. He's been really down lately, staying in his room all day and coming back late at night, one time I even smelt some alcohol on him. Then just today he came back all beaten up with cuts and bruises everywhere! Claiming that he's only tripped. I need you to find out what's going on before this gets out of hand!" His Grandma was practically begging Mingyu through the phone.
"O-ok, Ms.Hong, I'll try to see what I can do." Mingyu hung up and heaved a sigh.
Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair, he never realised what Joshua had been going through. Though he was relieved he was somewhat safe, now he had another problem to deal with. And he could only guess who was related to this problem.

But Y/N mustn't find out.


Mingyu and Xiumin had been acting kinda weird lately. Whenever the subject of trying to find Joshua came up, they always changed the topic, as if it wasn't worth discussing.
And I was starting to get a little frustrating.

I walked into the living room of Xiumin's house, since I'd been staying here at Xiumin's  this past week whilst my parents had been away on business. I needed to find out once and for all why the sudden change in behaviour.
Xiumin and Mingyu were just chilling on the couch, so this was my perfect opportunity.

I cleared my throat, gaining both of their attention.
"So umm, guys? I was just uhhh....wondering why you've been acting a little weird lately. Like, is something up..or...?" I trailed off, not knowing how to finish my awkward question.
But they both just looked as confused as I felt.
"We don't know what you're talking about." Mingyu said innocently. I could tell he was lying, and I got a little frustrated that he was lying straight up to my face.
"Well you obviously do! Otherwise you wouldn't have answered me straight away!" I said, my voice raising slightly.
"Look Y/N, it's nothing of you're concern that you need to worry about." Xiumin tried to justify, this only made me all the more angry.
"Of course it is! Every time I try to bring up the subject of helping Joshua, you immediately push it away, as if it's nothing! Does he mean nothing to you?" I was on the verge of tears as Joshua was a sensitive topic, now that he was gone.
"What! Of course he means something to us! He's our friend aswell as yours!" Mingyu replied.
I scoffed. The fuck it does.
I looked at the both in disbelief.
"Then fucking act like it." And with that, I stormed out.

Looking back at it I realise it wasn't the best idea to storm out at this time, as it is 11 at night, meaning it's quite dark outside.
I hugged at my sides as the cold night air blew and picked up my pace.

Paranoid thoughts started to make their way into my mind. Like what if someone was watching me, or even following me.
With these thoughts clouding my mind, I swear I started hallucinating dark figures in the distance, and started hearing things behind me.
God, I needed to stop.

I stopped in my tracks.
Nothing was going to get me.
I lived in a safe neighbourhood where barely any crime happens.
I needed to keep calm and carry on, worrying wasn't going to get me anywhere.
People only get followed home and kidnapped in dramas.

I continued walking at my own pace, a little more relaxed now.
All until I heard the sound of pebbles being kicked by hard steps behind me.
'Probably just a drunk' I think.
All of a sudden I felt my mouth being gagged with some sort of smelly cloth.
I slowly started to feel myself become dizzy as I made my way to the floor.
Looking up I saw the face of a bitch I never wanted to see again.
Well that's more disappointing than a drunk.

Third Persons POV

Quickly and quietly the hooded strangers loaded Y/N's unconscious body into the van, being careful not to attract the attention of any people passing by.

Hey to all my readers,
I'm sorry I'm bad at author notes but I just wanted to say thank you for reading so far tbh i never really expected ppl to read this and also I am sorry for not updating for so long I guess I just kinda procrastinated.
But from now on I will try to update weekly- that won't last long.

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