Mystery Girl

By Sanabil_javed055

1.3K 184 195

This story is about a teen girl who suffered alone .. no one was beside her .. her past life was full of suff... More

Chapter #01
Chapter #02
Chapter #03
Chapter #04
Chapter #05
Chapter #06
Chapter #07
Chapter #08
Chapter #09
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #21
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter # 24
Chaptee #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
not an update
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter# 32

Chapter #20

28 5 6
By Sanabil_javed055

Author's POV:

Jackson woke up and went down.he saw melissah still sleeping on the couch.he wanted to thank her for letting him spend the night here so he went to kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them.but to his surprise her kitchen cabinets were full of instant noodles only.

"Omg .. does she eat crabs all the time?" Jackson wondered.

He grabbed the house keys and went to the super market to buy some groceries.he returned to her apartment after buying the basic ingredients for breakfast.he begun to cut the veggies for soybean vegetable soup when he heard some weird noises from the lauch.jackson didn't understand what was happening so he quickly looked through the window and he saw melissah shivering on the couch.he quickly ran towards her.he saw her weak form shivering brutally and her body was drenched in sweat.he grabbed her shoulders and jerked a little to wake her up.

"Melissah .. meli .. melissah wake up" jackson continued to shake her.his heart clenched seeing her like that.he never expected to see her like this.

Melissah opened her eyes and she looked at jackson.she again had one of those nightmares.

Jackson saw her eyes filled with tears.he had never seen her tears ever before.he hugged her petite body close to his heart holding her strong not willing to let her go.melissah was shiverinv badly but and she wrapped her arms around him strongly.he patted her head trying to calm her down as her breathing was still uneven and her heart rate was abnormal.

"Dont worry .. I m here .. u r not alone .. everything is fine" jackson continued to say soothing words untill he felt her breathing became stable.

Melissah pulled herself back from the hug " thank you jackson"

"No need to thank .. I am always here" he grabbed her hand and rubbed it a little "r u okay?" Melissah nodded "I am fine .. dont worry .. it was just a scary dream" she smiled lightly.

"R u hungry? I was making breakfast" jackson said.

" you dont need to .. I could have done it" melissah said.

Its okay .. take it as a thank you for letting me sleep here"

"You need to thank me for that"

"I want to .. and it will be ready just in a minute .. brush your teeth untill then .. your breath stinks " jackson pinched his nose dramatically.

"Yahh" melissah slapped his arm lightly.

"Ok ok .. I was joking" he smiled seeing her laughing form.

Melissah got up from the couch and went to the bathroom while jackson cooked breakfast.

In the bathroom while brushing her teeth melissah was engrossed in her deep thoughts thinking about how jackson held her when she was shivering,how he comforted her,she remembered his words "I am here" .. it was first time for her that someone comforted her like this.his hug was warm and calmed her down in no time.

Melissah was strong since her childhood.whatever happened she never never felt the need of having someone to protect her,to sooth her pain,to comfort her, but now she felt like she was craving for the warm hugs,sweet words .. she felt like she was craving for someone who would stay with her in her bad time,who would comfort her,who would make her laugh when she is depressed ,who would say sweet words to her .. and she knew jackson was all .. she was craving for ..

Her trance broke when jackson called her down for breakfast.

"Melissah what is taking you so long .. breakfast is getting cold" jackson shouted from the kitchen.melissah hurried down and saw the table already set with daenjong soup (soybean vegetable soup),boiled rice,steamed eggs,roasted small fish.

"Here you go" jackson added boiled rice in a bowl for her.

"Oh these are so many"

"They aren't .. these are daily routine breakfast dishes .. eat alot" jackson begun to eat.

"Thank you"

"I saw your cabinet full of carbs .. its not good for your health melissah" jackson looked worriedly at her.melissah was touched the way jackson was worried for her heath be ause nobody ever did that before.

"Do you know how to cook?" Jackson asked.

She shook her head a little feeling embarrassed and loved at the same time.

"Okay then I will cook for you from now on" jackson said eating a piece of roasted fish.

"No .. jackson..I dont want to bother you .. I will learn to cook" melissah said.

"Okay then I will teach you" jackson said.she didn't fight back.

"Why aren't you eating .. don't you dare waste my efforts" jackson narrowed his eyes and she laughed and begun yo eat.

"I must say you are a great cook .. its been a long time I ate home made food .. I almost forgot their taste" melissah chewed the boiled rice.

"My cooking is nothing infront if my mom's .. you should try it some day"

She nodded.


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