A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

Von Thecalendar15

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COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... Mehr

20 : THE 8th


248 15 6
Von Thecalendar15

The time had come. Almost everyone—whoever received an invitation from Anna Arendelle, had prepared a day before the main event of the semester, the perfect suits and gowns that should be worn, jewelries and watches, one's hairstyles that matches their comfort, and last but not the least, their presence during the occasion.

Indeed, all the people waited for it to come.

Hiccup opened his eyes—staring directly at the mirror that measures half of his upper limb. His orbs are painted in perfect green. His almond hair was neatly combed.

Hiccup stretched the bow tie clamped around his neck, his hands moved it a little at the right side—then back to the left. He pulled his suit and straighten his shoulders, dust it off using the back of his hand for the last time.

He stared at his wristwatch—7:40 P.M. Twenty more minutes.

He swiftly dragged his phone inside one of the pockets of his pants with the key and card with the gift at his hands, closed the lights in the apartment which left the vicinity in pure darkness, opened the door and let himself slid outside.

Hiccup pulled the doorknob—listened as it closes behind his back before landing his stare in front, at the opposing door of the other apartment.

A man stood tall with his one hand in his pocket and the other holding a familiar box, his head remains down—like waiting impatiently in vain.

Jack gaped his neck upwards once a blurry movement came pass within his peripheral vision, staring at the young man—

Until a satisfied smirk creeps in his thin pale lips.

"Woah." Jack was left in awe, his feet advanced a step, nearing Hiccup.

"Look at you!"

"Look who's talking." Hiccup answered back. "You look cool in your suit."

Jack lend his arms around Hiccup's shoulder and dragged each other.

"Well, that is what the power of Frost can do." Jack nudged. "Now come on, Kristoff is waiting down stairs. Surely, we don't want to miss the whole party."

The two rode the elevator and arrived at the lobby shortly with less than minute span of time. They opened the door and was welcomed by a car—a black fortuner parked feet away the building, endlessly shining at every corners and knowingly, had been into a car wash this morning.

The window pane sled down slowly, revealing a handsome blonde man with a suit that molds his muscly tone and a bow tie placed at the center of his collar.

"Guys, hop in!"

Hiccup and Jack hurriedly scoffed off, opened the door at the back seat and welcomed themselves in.

The inside of the car smelled leathery. All the windows are closed but the still city lights peered over them. No one had sat in front for a large box had idly taken the place, with yellow glittering ribbon tied around, it almost took all the space... unknowingly, beside the present, lies a brown well-wiped guitar lying horizontally, enough to be handled comfortably by Kristoff's stature and size. It has been his favorite musical instrument ever since and to wonder why is he going to need it this very night.

"You look very manly." Jack started as the machine growled to life while Kristoff takes the wheel.

"You too. You both are." Kristoff stopped. "Well, thank you."

"How is it going?" Hiccup asked.

"Are you ready?"

Kristoff took a breath full of air through his nose.

"I hate to say this but you are cracking me up. You two are making me nervous!"

The two laughed at the back, Hiccup pressed a button and the at his side window slides down.

"Hey, I am just asking a simple question." He teasingly placed his hands in the air, surrendering.

"Relax." Jack patted his shoulder. Kristoff's stared bore over the mirror.

"Just remember what you had practicedif you ever did. And plus, this is Anna's big night. Make it her best."

Kristoff was left in complete silence.

Hiccup managed to say something further.

"Besides, we are here to be your best man. Just call us and we'll be there."

"Like a knight-in-shining-armor?"

Jack nodded, his lips twitched.

"Y-yeahwhatever you say."

Kristoff directly payed his attention at the road, his grip in the steering wheel and he swear, he can almost hear his heartbeat thumping on his chest.

"Okay." He answered with so much energy.

"You said it."

The black tinted gates, with spiraling curvatures at the end, opened to receive guests as they entered. Dozens of vehicle parked outside with incoming students lounging out their perspective transportation. The place had gone rowdy and presumptuous as it filled the spaces inside. The light shone the pathway enough to be seen from the darkness. It is colorful, lively and outstanding.

Going nearer the venue, welcomed a flight of stairs, well-mopped with shining rails and tiles, at the top of it, showed the closed double-doors that kept the wide-spaced ballroom inside with thick glamorous curtains covering all of the corners. Set of chairs and tables in groups at the sides of the room. The glistening floor—like a mirror, it reflects back whoever gaze at it. And it smelt roses and lilacs, sweet and tingling.

The invited guests had waited outside, with their fellow acquaintances, clothed in their best attires. The door will be opened for the public to see exactly 8:00 P.M.

Jack, Hiccup and Kristoff waited along with the population, with Kristoff holding his precious guitar.

The three looked around, paying attention to all that surrounds them—looking at other people, the way they are dressed and if they've known or met that certain person. But honestly, they had been looking out for the ladies wherever they are.

The time ticked exactly at 8:00.

The door opened slowly, warmly welcoming the guests.

Without any further a do, people began to head inside, pulling their dresses an inch up the ground with their hands clinging to the shoulder of their partners. Some went in alone, some in groups.

They awed in excitement and bewilderment. The place was exactly snatched from a fairy tale book. It looked dreamy.

The three men directly headed their way at the front most table, near the center whereas Anna will be giving a thanksgiving speech later at the middle of the occasion..

The table is empty—of course.

Kristoff's eyebrow crinkled. He placed his guitar down and stared all over the room. The others had not arrived, to his surprise. He had expected them to be here joining with them as the doors opened. Only minutes left, the event will start anytime soon—whether anyone could make it or not.

Kristoff stood tall while the two found their own seats. He towered over the people coming in.

His eyes squinted.

His lips straighten.

Kristoff waited.

Until someone caught his attention, a red, platinum blonde and golden blonde heading at his direction and to the extent that Kristoff can fully see them.

"Oh, they're here!" He beamed which made the two looked back as a reaction.

Merida, Elsa and Rapunzel reached the table and Kristoff let them take the empty seats before he could. They occupied all the seats except for one which Anna will be using. They face each other as they are formed into a circle. And with no interruptions, Jack and Hiccup was left in awe as the ladies came, their stares bored over them—of how they look beautiful, elegant, sophisticated, and simple; how their jewelries match their dresses and their own characteristics. They all look wonderful.

All person in the room had gone silent as someone took over the stage while holding a mic in his hand.

The man in his middle 40's, smiled.

And pat the mic to see if its functioning or working with no delay.

"Good evening to all of you." He welcomed with his low and brass voice. White short beard covered his chin.

"You are invited to this event to enjoy yourselves and to celebrate another milestone of development. Anna, which will be celebrating her birthdaythe birthday celebrant herself, is glad of everyone's arrival."

The man chuckled softly which made the others join him.

"You must be very excited to see her!" He raised his voice lively, leaving the guests waiting.

"With no further a do, I present you..."

"Miss Anna Arendelle!"

A loud ear-wrenching claps and cheers covered the entirety of the ball room, they all stood up leaving the chairs bare. The echoing of claps went low as it fades away.

And then Anna showed at the center aisle, the people having no idea where she had came earlier, she smiled widely and waved her hands smoothly; receiving a very warm welcome.

She wore a green dashing dress—ending exactly in her toes, hiding her feet in a a fresh emerald heels. With straps that left her clear shoulders bare. The dress is magnificent and gorgeous, but it kept the simplicity of the one who wears it. Her strawberry-blonde hair was clipped into a bun, neat and appealing—with a strip of green cloth spiraling her hair in curves and turns.

Anna is so beautiful.

"Uhm." Anna neared her mouth to the mic. "Good evening, I-uh... thanked you all for coming to enjoy this night." She laughed awkwardly and moved her stare at the group of friends in front of her.

They were all staring at her, waiting and listening to everything she is going to say. In behalf of the occasion, in behalf of what she truly wants to imply and specify—to thank someone or to express herself freely.

"I mean it's not that much but I wanted to see those special friends of mine... together, enjoying the time of their life." She shrugged her shoulders and gazed a stare all over everyone—like she was talking under those orbs of her.

"We never know, someday or maybe, in a blink of an eye; we may loose everything we love."

The aura of the room had left a pressure in her, all became silent and expectation arises from the way they look at her. Too serious, quiet and too burdening. Anna closed her eyes and opened them again. Her chest rises and falls.

"So, what do we say?" She brought back her wide cocky smile.

"Let's enjoy the night!"

Flustered sound of consistent claps covered the ball room lively. Anna smiled and plastered a small short bow, turned off the mic and in the verge of returning the mic to the man—rather, the MC of the night, back to his feet.

"Wait wait!"

Anna stared over her shoulder as a man went up into the center aisle, having the mic in his hand. She stopped and began to smile in what she saw.

Kristoff was left in total silence but he found his motivation as Anna looks at him with no pressure and with pure... kindness and love. Kristoff swallowed, his jaw tightened at the attempt of opening his mouth to utter a word.

"Now that I have the opportunity to be hereto be in front of you, actually." He gave out a short cough.

"I am going to tell you a story about Anna."

The rest of the group shifted their stares at Kristoff who looks quite nervous right now. They actually had no idea he would come into the stage and deliver a message to her. They were all clueless and at the same time, astonished of the bravery Kristoff showed to stand in front of many people. They were shocked—especially Jack and Hiccup.

Mounted of gifts were displayed at the center of the table, waiting to be given to the birthday celebrant. Jack and Hiccup exchanges pair of stares whom received a response of a smile.

This was the surprise Kristoff had been secretly hiding from them. He planned it himself for it doesn't need to be explicit as a gift or a jewelry or money, you present yourself to her like you always in a certain relationship. Kristoff also had came into the idea of presenting himself, sing her a song or two—that is why he brought his guitar with him... but now, he argues over about it.

"I first met Anna when we were just little kids, like the age of 7 or 8."

Kristoff smiled as he reminisced their memories together.

"I was left alone in a corner for everyone had scrammed away because they don't like the idea of me singing or... the way how awful my voice wasI have no idea!"

Everybody laughed.

"Back then, I really loved singing songs anytime I want. Then Anna, came up to me and smiled. 'Don't worry, I'll listen to you.' I remember she said and I was surprised to hear that. My hopes went up. I nodded and started singingeven though I can totally see that she finally displeases the idea moments I started."

The people cracked into laughter and chuckles.

"And through this time, she never changed."

Kristoff took time to compose his words.

"All I want to say is..." His looked his way at Anna.

"Don't ever change, no matter what people say about you; no matter what you hear or what you see; remain the same as always. Because people see through you, not the way they wanted you to be seen. Remember that."

The crowds cheer.

Anna, unknowingly, made her way at him and hugged Kristoff tightly within her small arms—the public seeing all that happened. Anna planted a deep peck of kiss in his cheeks that had gone red. Anna smiled widely with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered.

After a moment later, the catering personnel began to bring out carts of different dishes, started setting up long tables with neat designed-drapes plied over the surface. Until minutes after, all were set up cleanly, with piled of foods on the tables, lots of plates and cups and forks and spoons for the guests. They started to eat and consume the delicacies presented to them.

"I never expected that, really." Jack said, smiling.

"Well, I told you before don't underestimate mah powers." Kristoff shot back with Anna beside him, giggling.

"Now, Kristoff had nailed it." Hiccup answered, smirking.

All traveled their stares at Elsa, who moved her chair at the back—lowly screeching against the marble floor.

"He is a guy full of surprises."

She grinned and exited herself from them, making her way at the buffet tables where Merida and Rapunzel had went in earlier. The area was almost crowded at the time it opened, but now, almost everyone had settled down to enjoy the tastes and variety of foods. The buffet tables was bare compared to earlier—wherein an hour or two had passed.

Everyone was enjoying the night.

The speaker buzzed, and the MC was standing, tapping the mic to check if it is working or to gain the attention of the crowd. He picks up the mic from the stand and is ready to speak in behalf of the sequence of the occasion.

His lips moved.

He opened his mouth.

"After filling your stomachs with delight, the main highlight of the event has yet to come."

The lights dimmed and others blinked open which gives the room a different feeling. The ballroom shone in gold and white, it was relaxing to look at and clean and alive. All gasp in shock as the lights slowly moved in sync, covering every corners. Changing from different colors to anyone's skin.

"Everyone must be excited about it." The man stopped.


And breathed.

"The dance floor is now open."

And then a song began to play loud in the speakers.


Pairs occupied the enormous wide ballroom. Their bodies moving in rhythm—in a slow upbeat song. They laughed and smiled and giggled, talking to each other while exchanging stories from their lips and mouths. It is a nice scenery to see, people having so much time together. To make their bond deeper and more meaningful.

Rapunzel was left with Elsa. They haven't talked for a while because they satisfied their selves watching other people dance—in a professional way or an awkward one.

Rapunzel chuckled as she seats upright—watching Hiccup and Anna; Merida and Kristoff dance side by side. To be able to know each other deeply, they had paired up and challenged themselves, as the simple dance had turned into a competition. Rapunzel laughed at the idea.

Sometimes, Merida and Kristoff would stop and gaze at their feet. The blonde man had been unintentionally stumping Merida's toes for a while—and she's wearing heels. Rapunzel would quirked and cringe as she watches them dance awkwardly but they looked like a brother and sister together. Hiccup and Anna, at the other hand was moving in sync, Rapunzel cannot deny the idea that the two had mastered dancing quite a bit. She could see Anna smiling and talking a lot—being chatty as she tells her more about herself, and Hiccup would ask questions back interestingly.

Rapunzel smiled sweetly.

Jack was seated a couple of chairs away from the two. He was also watching the dance floor being filled with delight and so much energy. He moved his gaze at the two pairs—and he would crack a stifled chuckle.

He was quite nervous—really. He swallowed a couple of times to prevent his throat from drying or he would take a sip from a glass of water.

Jack stared at the other part of the table.

He breathed deeply.

"It's now or never." He whispered.

Jack stood and pushed his chair, dust of his suit and slightly fixed the bow tie in his collar and took a step further. He had came into a concrete decision, he wouldn't loose this one—and he knows. He had been thinking about it precisely and he had made a move of his own, Jack is expecting for the best and whatever happens, he'll wholeheartedly accept any consequences of it.

Rapunzel saw him stand up but she didn't moved nor stirred in her seat. She just watched him slowly.

Now, Jack was standing in front of her.

And smiled.


The platinum-blonde stared at Jack as he stood inches away from her—he looked more defined. Half of his face was covered with silhouette. His nose was noble as it is. His lips was curved at both ends. Strands of his white hair fell loosely at his face.

Jack can feel the thumping of his heart.

His chest moved.

His breathing slowed down.

And he delicately and smoothly offered his hand at her.

His lips moved.

"Can I have this dance?"


Author's Note:

I just wanted to elaborate that this is a Big Four story- Jackunzel and Mericcup XD. Well, here it is. Enjoy reading!

Lots of Love :)


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