Loving Alpha Stone [Completed]


548K 18.4K 648

At 17, She rescued herself from a disastrous relationship, her neglectful mother and poverty. She built a new... More

Epilogue I
Epilogue 1.5 (the wedding night)
Epilogue II


6.6K 232 4

A/N: hey lovelies! New Chapter here. We learn a little about the past here, through Mrs Stone's entries.
Vote and comment !

I studied the diary carefully. The handwriting was beautiful and so neat.  10th June 1990 was the date of the first diary entry

Dear Diary,
Hi. I'm Valentina. Today I finally turned 15. I am so thankful my parents got me this diary. Finally somewhere to put deepest my thoughts! I just hope my sister Alexa stays out of this. God she can be so nosy!

Mrs Stone was talking about receiving said diary for her 15th birthday, a gift from her parents.

I skipped forward a little bit.

1st March 1993.
Dear Diary,
Tonight, the Alpha is throwing a huge party to celebrate the recent completion of the new pack house. My parents insist I dress up for the event, not that I'm really complaining. But if I'm honest my outfit isn't my biggest concern.
My biggest concern is the Alpha's son, Marc Stone.  He is muy guapo (very handsome). I've had a crush on him since forever but he never notices me. He's always swarmed by the girls in the pack who gush over him like crazy! I want to see him tonight, but at the same time I don't. Gosh this is all so confusing!

2nd March 1993
Dear Diary,
So I found my mate. And you don't even believe who it is. The one and only Marc Stone AKA the Alphas son! We found out last night at the Alphas party. Of course this is what I've secretly always wanted, but now that I have it, I'm starting to also have doubts. Will
Marc renounce his womanising ways for me?
Or will he end up rejecting me because I'm not like most of the other girls in the pack? He seemed more shocked than pleased at the fact that we were mates but it's really early days.

I skipped forward about a year. My heart swelled when I saw the date.

15th January 1994
Dear Diary,
He's here! My precious little gem is here!

Julius Philippe Stone.

I'm going to be honest. It was so damn painful. I have never experienced anything like it. But boy was it worth it!

He looks just like his dad. Same piercing ocean green eyes. Same Hershey's kisses shaped birthmark on his bottom.
I'm in love! I will definitely be teaching my son Spanish so we can have conversations that his dad won't fully understand.

Speaking of daddy, Marc is still knocked out cold. He passed out the minute Julius' head poked out from inside me.

You'd think an alpha wolf who has been in hundreds of  battles would be used to a bit of blood!

Vi and August had also come from the palace to see my little baby. He was already becoming a little celebrity!

Sure I wasn't optimistic about being a mother at such a young age. Heck, I was still an inexperienced little girl who was still learning to cope with her Luna duties.

But one thing is for sure. With Marc at my side I have the strength to accomplish anything.

This may be my first day of motherhood, but I know that I am going to do well ; for the sake of my sweet baby boy.

I chucked  at the sweet and almost comical recollection of Julius' birth. Just from reading it, I could tell that Mrs Stone loved her son very much.

June 12th 1998
Dear Diary,
My husband and I have just returned home from an evening with Vi and August. It was our first night out since Alina was born. She's so fussy I'm surprised that she slept throughout our outing.
Vi and August had something very important to tells us tonight at Dinner.
I've known Vi all my life, even before she became queen. I knew something was bothering her when she and her husband made their announcement. I'm still struggling to comprehend the news. Hopefully things will sort themselves out.

I froze after turning a few dozen pages.

23rd of June 1999

The night of the Stones' Disappearance.

Dear Diary,
I can't sleep. It has been 22 days since my best friend's untimely death. She and her husband were killed in an unfortunate car  accident.
I'm still feeling the affects of the loss.
But now the secret the 5 of us have been keeping is slowly surfacing.

And The Coven, they know that.

I have not been able to contact Alexa since Vi and August's death and I fear that they may already have gotten to her. I hope with all my heart that she knows that she must not speak to anyone about the events of June the 12th. Tomorrow is a day of great change but I do not know if I can handle it. I have an odd feeling that my family is in danger. I know that Marc is working as hard as he can and I admire his bravery. But want can't underestimate the Om....

The entry was cut off abruptly. Mrs Stone's handwriting was smudged at the end, meaning that I couldn't read the final word.

I'd learnt two things from the passage.

1. Mr And Mrs Stone's disappearance had something to do with a secret they had been keeping with the King and Queen.

2.  Alexa who I'd found out from previous entries to be Valentina's sister,  would definitely have more information on their disappearance.

"This is serious. You need to tell Julius about it. Damn it's like we've become a part of a telenovela!"

Penny was right, but I couldn't tell him now.
He was incredibly busy with other pack duties and I  figured It would be better to approach him with the information when he was in a calmer frame of mind.

I spent the rest of the day either reading the diary in search for more clues, or practising using my powers with Penny (out in the garden of course - wouldn't want to damage the house even more!)

The boys came back along with Alina and Damian late that night. Julius made every effort to embrace me but I was having none of it.

Dinner was, as it usually was when one of us was upset, tense. Penny and I refused to talk to our mates and even Xavier. The beta and the third had supported the Alphas decision to lock us up and we weren't pleased at all. Damian and Alina were to consumed in each other to notice anything going on around them.

I was about to leave the dining room and return to our shared room when Julius stood up, blocking my exit.

" Estrella. I'm sorry. I had to do it. If I had told you and Penny to stay inside you know you wouldn't have listened to me."

"Julius move." I said simply.

"Estrella. Oh come on! What do you want from me?"

"Julius Philippe Stone I swear on the Hershey's kisses shaped birthmark on your ass, if you don't not move I'm going electrocute you."

It was silent for a brief moment. Then came the laughter. The guys were almost in tears. Penny and Alina giggled knowingly.

Julius stood there, the shock plastered all over his face.

"Where? How? You!" He narrowed his eyes pointing at Alina.

"Hey don't blame me dude. I didn't say anything to anyone." Alina said shrugging .

"So, then how did you find out?"

Penny and I's laughter ceased.

Crap, now we were going to have to tell him!

"Well. Looks like it's time for a family meeting." Penny said giving me a pointed look.

The 5 of them sat and listened attentively as Penny and I explained what had happened. Julius stoic expression had not changed once.

Alina showing a little more emotion than her brother, sought comfort from her mate.

"And that's was the last entry in the diary." I concluded.

I handed Julius the diary and he took it, left the room without another word.

Yes he was the mighty Ruthless Alpha wolf.
But he was also a little boy,determined to find out what happened to his parents. I followed him up the stairs to his study.

"Estrella. Go back and relax with the others. I'm fine".

"No" I insisted. "I know how stubborn you are. So I'm staying with you and we are doing this together."

With all my strength, I pushed open the heavy metal door. Inside the room were several separate cells. The walls of each cell was blistered and worn out. I wasn't exactly sure why I was here, but something was driving me forward, to the far corner of prison. Eventually, I stopped in front of a particular cell that looked slightly comfier than the rest of the cells.
Inside was a short middle aged woman. Her skin was pale, almost as if she'd had never seen the sun . Her hair was long and fell past her waist. Looking up   at me, the woman displayed a smile that didn't quite reach her deep chocolate eyes.

"You. You're the one he's been obsessing over for so long!"

"Excuse me? Who's he? And who are you? Why are you trapped here?" I furrowed my brows at the strange lady.
"There's no time for chit chat my dear. You are in grave danger. There is only one other copy of the prophecy. But it's in an ancient hand.
302 Section B. The angel with a question. Ring the bell to get the answers. "
The woman was almost hysterical now. Frantically, she grabbed my arms through the bars.
"Your mate. He is in danger. The man. The man wants your mate. And he wants your eggs. Please don't let him win. His spies are closer than you think!"
Suddenly the door I had come through burst open and several bulky men bustling in.

"They aren't dead! They are alive! "
The men seemed to walk right through me. It was as if none of them could tell I was there. They unlocked the cell, dragging the woman out. She thrashed and flailed as two of the guards tried to pin her down.
The other stuck some sort of injection in her neck and suddenly all her movement ceased. They carried her body and placed it on the bed, before locking the cell and retreating back to wherever they came from. I followed swiftly after them I search for more answers.
There were many similar looking hallways. Again on instinct, I picked the middle pathway. It lead to a huge office of some sort. I entered it and looked around. To my luck it was empty. Scattered on the desk were dozens of pictures and documents.
Picking one up at random I examined the people in it. It was Julius and I, sitting in the front deck of the mansion, the night of the Luna Ceremony. The owner of the office, I assumed was the one who was 'obsessed with me' as the lady had said and also the person who had been sending me the little 'postcards'.

I picked another photo. This one had a very familiar looking pair of children ; one girl one boy. The girl's hair was a blend of honey blonde and red. She had  blue eyes which were filled with joy and happiness. The boy, who also had the same blue eyes but dark brown hair, mirrored the girl's expression. I figured that the kids must have been siblings, or at least related in some way. I continued to look through the paper on the desk until I heard shouts from the other side of the office door. Panicked, I got up and hid behind the bookshelf in the corner of them. The shouting got closer and closer until whoever was out there was right on the other side. The doorknob jiggled as they attempted to open the door.....

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