With You [Bakugou x Villain!R...

By KeiTheBaka

318K 12.3K 8.8K

[Completed] - (Y/n) is the oh-so-very lucky teenager who gets to experience life as a hero at the prestige h... More

(Y/N)'s Quirk
Prologue: Welcome to UA High
1: Fireworks
2: Lunchtime Mess
3: Nope
4: Just like that
5: The Entire Way
6: Never Be
7: Chicken
8: No-no
9: Interesting
10: Face
11: Stupid Game
12: Me
13: Escape
14: You too
15: Neighborhood
16: Expectations
17: Talk
18: Idiot
19: Shadow Realm
20: Strong
21: Again
22: Flames
23: Baby Girl
24: Promise
26: Liar
27: Raisin
28: Surprise
29: Extra
30: Fire
31: With you [End]
|| FAQ ||

25: Place

3.8K 173 98
By KeiTheBaka

Warning: Strong language ahead.

--- --- ---

"Stay with me," Katsuki coughs silently, gripping your hand tighter in his.

"Yeah, I should just stay with yo- wait.. WHAT?" You pause, stopping in your tracks to stare at the blushing blond. 

The two of you just had a little conversation about your current living conditions. Since you stopped taking on 'villainous' jobs, your part time income was not going to suffice for the coming rent, bills and other property taxes you had to pay all on your own now.

After you mentioned about being able to stay at your friend's place (the villain league hideout), Katsuki was uneasy about it; especially after you mentioned the presence of two male figures who would be present there. He remains silent for the entire duration of the rant.

"Just stay at my place," Katsuki huffs again before releasing your hand to continue walking down the empty streets, stuffing them in his pant's pockets instead. He tilts his head in a way so that it was harder for you to see his face in the warm, sunset lighting. After the initial shock, you quickly jog up to his speed to continue your questioning.

"I heard you, but are you sure though? They don't know that we're dating, right? And that I'm a-"

"Just shut up and let me do the fucking talking, okay?" Katsuki screams at you, his gaze still avoiding yours.

You smile when you could make out his red ears peer out quietly from behind his hair. Finding his hand again, you swing it gently as you continue down his streets. "Fine with me!"


When you both arrive to the doorsteps of Katsuki's place, you stand there awkwardly as you see his parents shuffling by the door. Judging by the amount of bags of food they were carrying in, they probably just returned home from a recent grocery shopping trip.

"Oh Katsuki! You're back! Help me with the bags-" Katsuki's mom begins to nag her son before meeting her eyes with yours. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here? Your girlfriend?"

"Shut up, you fucking hag! You're so annoying!" Katsuki mutters, brushing his way past his parents with you in his hand.

Surprised by his rude behavior to his parents, you release his hand, grabbing the bags off of his mother's hand instead. "You should help your parents, you stupid kid."

He lets out a frustrated grunt by your comment.

You ignore your boyfriend, turning around to his mother instead with a little smile. "I'm (Y/N), by the way. It's nice to meet you." 

His mother stops you immediately, pushing the bags off of you and onto her son. "Now we can't have our guest carry these heavy things in, now can we?" She pushes Katsuki into the house with the bags, throwing him a glare to get the job done. You could hear him growl angrily as he treads his way in.

"I'm Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki, and that over there is my husband, Masaru. Thanks for hanging out with that tempered son of mine!" She huffs at you, "so what's the relationship between the two of you?"

A crash from inside the house startles the three of you, jolting all of you up suddenly.

"That fucking boy," Mitsuki sighs as she marches in the house, "excuse me for just a second, (Y/N)."

Masaru pops out beside you, taking the last of the bags in. "Sorry about my wife, she's a bit... outgoing. Come on in, it must be cold."

"I- uh," you stumble, but the man just urges you in.

"Are you training to become a hero as well?" Masaru asks politely to spark some conversation in his abode. He drops the bag off by the shoe rack before glancing back up at you at your silence.

Before you could answer, Katsuki interrupts bluntly as he reappears by the entrance. "Shes's just an extra. She used to be a villain."

Both you and Masaru freezes in place, staring at your boyfriend as if he suddenly grew two heads. Shocked, you hiss at the blond. "Katsuki!"

"That's how you fucking introduced yourself to me when we first met! Might as well get it out of the way!" Katsuki shrugs back at you before turning to his father. "She's going to be living with us for a while."

You rake your hair in annoyance, "I should've fucking known better than to trust- Oh,forget it!" You turn to face Katsuki's father in a frenzy. "Mr.Bakugou, I can explain. I was a villain, but-"

Masaru slaps you hard across the face, surprising you with shock from the immediate sting. You could make out the hand imprint beginning to form on your face. When you look back up at Katsuki's father, his face immediately fills with terror.

Like Katsuki, you both stare at each other in dismay before staring back at his father. Before either of you could say anything, Masaru ushers you out of his house, mumbling thousands of little apologies for his actions.

Confused, Mitsuki follows quick behind, watching her husband drag you by your arm out of his household.

"Please leave. Don't set foot at my household again!" Masaru says nonchalantly, tossing you out the doorsteps like a bag of trash.

Mitsuki steps in, tugging you by your other arm. "Wait, darling. Why are you being so rude to-"

"She's a villain," Masaru turns nervously to face his wife. You could feel her grip on you loosen.

"Was a villain," you correct, awkwardly pulling your arm back to your side.

"A villain's still a villain!" Masaru walks you out in a nervous fright, making you back out slow and steady until you were on the open streets.

Annoyed, Katsuki starts to make his way down his doorsteps to save you from his father's hospitality. Mitsuki stops Katsuki from proceeding, pulling him back by his shoulder. She shakes her head subtly at him as an attempt to signal for him to stop. 

"LET GO, YOU FUCKING HAG!" Katsuki screams, trying to escape her tight grasp.

In retort, her fist slams straight down to your boyfriend's head. "NOW HAVE SOME FUCKING RESPECT, YOU STUPID KID!"

Reasonably, he becomes more annoyed. It wasn't long before the few words exchanged between them becomes to endless bickering.

You stood with Masaru awkwardly, unsure how to intervene their little argument. 

Masaru draws your attention back to him by bowing his head slightly down towards you. Confused, you wave your hands about. "Oh my gosh. Why are you bowing? That's not-"

He keeps his head down low as his body slowly lowers down to the ground before you, causing you to fluster even more. His other family members stops their little fight to stare at his actions.

"Please!" He says loudly as his head touches the dirty, gravel streets. "I beg you! Please don't get my son involved with whatever you're doing! He's the only son I have!"

Slowly, the words begins to sink in. You could feel the adrenaline kicking in, making your heart beat quicker and mind race faster. Everything was beginning to feel numb.

"OLD MAN!" Katsuki screams in the background, but is quickly filtered out by a loud hiss as another fist lands on his head.

It wasn't long before Mitsuki also somehow makes her way over to you, dragging Katsuki with her by his ear. To both of your surprise, she pushes herself down with Katsuki, forcibly bowing Katsuki's head with hers before you. Both you and Katsuki stare at one another in shock, looking desperately for some kind of reason to get them back up on their feet.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), but please find another boy to hang out with - someone other than Katsuki," Mitsuki pleas you, snapping you back to reality. "I'm sure there's plenty of others who are definitely better than this stupid son of mine!" 

"Is it money that you want? We can pay you, just... please let my family go back to the way it was before!" Masaru cries beside his wife, "why did it have to be my son?"

"I-I.. I d-don't know! I don't know..." you fluster quietly, lowering your head as well from the overwhelming grieve you were feeling. "It just happened..." you trail sadly.

"Just.. please! I can find an apartment you can stay in; I can even pay for the first couple of months!" Masaru starts pleading desperately, growing louder and louder at each offer. 

The way they ushered their pleas and held their uncomfortable pose together in front of you was starting to make you feel so guilty. You notice small heads starting to peak out around their neighborhood, watching your every move.

Were you really this much of a burden to them?

You stare at the interaction for another second before bowing your head down respectfully before them.

"I understand," you try to say as courteously as you possibly could, but it comes out more bitter than you would have liked. You held the tears in your eyes as you give them a small and weak smile. "I'm not going to take him from you; I'm not going to take anything from you, I promise. I'm sorry for all the trouble that I have caused." 

"(Y/N)..." Katsuki calls out your name, triggering the delicate tears to flow down your cheeks. His mother pushes his head back down, making him lose his gaze at you. You could see Katsuki struggle as he tries to meet your eyes again. "FUCKING HAG! (Y/N)! WE CAN-"

"Shhh.." you shake your head slightly to stop him from continuing.

The Bakugous' kept their sunken pose as you start to walk away from the scene.  At least that was saving you from having them to see your embarrassing and soiled face.

You swallow a small gasp of air to temporary calm your nerves back down as you give them another proper bow. Turning around slowly, you begin to walk back to the shadows, returning back to your proper place.  

--- --- ---

Okay, but can I just say that they're honestly the cutest family.

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