Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

65. Your Answer awaits You

3.4K 187 51
By NeelamMenghani

Happy Forever Friday!


These woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

— Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[A Word with Divergent]

Niera's POV

"Sir Gerard, I don't how to place this. But, the file which held all the details and credentials between A V Inc. and Greefy inc. is absent there. I tried to search it however it's nowhere in the Archives." I shot straight and fair; now the anticipating wait was excruciatingly to bear.

The deep lines of brows marred his features as Sir Gerard pondered over my words, I witnessed as I sat at unease.

"Why would you search the file?" he threw a question which I was dreading to hear.

He reached the core in mere second. I once wished he wouldn't but then it isn't possible.

The man drinks the nectar of wisdom and sleeps on intelligence; shrewdness is running in his blood!

I mentally cringed totally unprepared as the answer to reveal the actual reason sound very unhealthy at the point.

"Running away from challenges can never be a quality of a Queen, my dear." His words stung straight to me; wounding me mentally.

"But seeking options to solve it early, she could choose." I retorted but the next instance I felt a fright cornering me.

"Very well, then." He muttered grimly averting his gaze before his eyes met mine again.

"Sir Gerard, I wish to see the footage record of that day, please. I think the absence of that folder from Archives has some connection with that day's security breach as well as the misapprehension between our companies. We can find the culprit. It's possible." I said in a rush; a try to make him understand. But then who can teach the man of Wisdom and intelligence, his face didn't give away anything but his eyes twinkled.

"Why you feel that there is connection?" he asked calmly, taking no pressure of my words on him while I burnt in adrenaline pumping through my veins. For someone, he was unable to see the connection between these coincidental incidents but I could distantly see the shrewd man testing me through his words discreetly, his intention was only to know my clear perception.

"It surely can't be a coincident Sir. Intrusion in Archives, breach in the most secured place of building, no signs of any forceful entry and absence of the only file which held the most crucial detailing and documents between two companies when an employee of one is working here, investigating the misapprehension secretly. All at one place, one day. How I should not question the perfect coincident?" I stated putting all my efforts to come neat with words.

My presentation and his convincing will be my only key to step ahead.

"Sir neither my assumptions were wrong nor can we turn blind eye to this event. We must take action to find and punish the culprit." I spoke in desperation. The comforting couch beneath me felt pricking as my anger flared to heights.

He sighed almost audibly.

"Yes, if what you're saying proves, then there will be punishment." He murmured deep in thoughts.

I gulped at his sudden changed demeanor.

I'm not sure about the others but I'll personally shoot him or strangle him or her, whosoever it will be for troubling me and others so much. I gritted my teeth, almost producing fine organic calcium powder.

"The condition would never come dear," I scowled at his deep musing, "Because if this accusation proves, the reprobate will be facing Majesty's wrath for his disloyalty."

My breath stuck in throat at the serious warning his words implemented and fear blinked in his tone.

I straightened, dear god, help me.

What will be my conclusion if I stood unable to prove my words? I prayed silently, the worse fallen scenario of Mr. Majesty's wrath breaking upon me surrounded my mind.

"That you mustn't worry about, child. Trust your instincts and brace yourself to face whatever comes your way." He straightened again but this time a serene subtle nerve of his twitch making him more comforting to be presence with than earlier.

"Because it's the trick of mind that raise the fallen and the same mind plays trick to defeat the winner." He stated and I almost lose the last strand of logics residing in me. He might have read my fallen mouth on floor and utterly puzzled face, as he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Don't defeat yourself in your mind. It's your state of mind that will provide you wits and solutions or will de-motivate you."

"You have taken a right step or not, since the time to ponder over, you have lost dear. Now, it's the time to make your decision Right. The arrow has left the bow, now make sure you it strikes the target." He enunciated further and this time his words settled and imprinted my mind.

With a dejected face and sore heart, I nodded.

"As for your wish to see the footage, you have Majesty's orders. It'll be arranged today itself." His words brought to notice. I nodded absently still reeling in his words of wisdom.

"Thank you Sir Gerard." I said softly as I stood. His words gave me a new adrenaline rush. It was true, now that I have put myself in this proposition or before that, accepting and agreeing that I've come here, why am I still reeling over the mistakes I have committed in past. The time is gone, now whatever is here, I'll have to face it.

Instead of cursing my past mistakes I must concentrate and brace myself for present.

I'm sure on my assumptions and instincts and I'll clear it, prove it to them!

I won't lose, I'll defeat!

"Take care of your wound." He called as I was making my way out; I turned over his shoulder to offer him a smile with a nod. There he was sauntering toward his desk with an amused smile plastered on his face. The hammering in my head was coming back with force as I pondered over his advice.

People surely know how to play with words and mind!

I waited for the hammers to slow down a little to prevent my fall in the corridor somewhere as I saw how the aura of command of power was radiating through the man of honor in front of me.

"Are you all right, child?" he asked as he reached his desk, a line of worry crossed his forehead.

"Yes—um! Yes, I'm." I tried to assure but reassurance was far away from my own tone.

I guess!

"Please have a sea—" his words died cold when his rising hand to beckon me toward the chair collided with a frame that was resting on his desk, near the edge.

Instincts kicked, as I rushed to catch it. Though it was safe, hanging between the cliff of desk surface and trench to floor, it was absolutely safe to be picked and placed. The frame I caught in my hand as I smiled as Sir Gerard who somehow looked slow to react.

Or perhaps he was very confident that the frame won't fall!

While putting the frame back, I stole a glance over the picture sheltered in it.

The photograph adorning on his desk was of a child. A child that was holding a hand that wore coat. Only the picture of child was visible along with the hand.

Baby blue trouser, checks shirt and a small adorable pout were attracting me more toward him, the swell in cheeks and adorable dark brown eyes were adding glow to his face. An angry look was ruling his cute face.

The innocence was enriching his features and elegance in his eyes like he was communicating through his brows.


I tilted my face to take detail of his face.

Charming and adorable!

"Who is this handsome Sir Gerard?" I asked smiling at the picture before raising my eyes to him, seeking answers with interest.

The smile on his face flattened as his gaze went to the frame in my hand. A frown of mine appeared on my face.

His eyes somewhat communicated with the picture whereas I stood wondering.

I shifted my eyes back, to the picture in my hand before settling it on his desk. Only a single picture was there.


I took a moment roaming my eyes around his cabin. Apart from the elegant A V, there wasn't any photograph, leave it to any picture of anyone else.

I shifted my eyes back to the lost Sir Gerard, his eyes cast softly at the photograph.

I waited for his response but felt I wasn't going to receive any. Sighing, I left the desire to know it's when he whispered. A whispered drenched with raw emotions.

"My Grandchild."



There is a thin line between mystified and astonished, the one learns it can define both, the one who don't stand stupefied like me.

I stood gaping at the lost face of Sir Gerard in front of me, and digesting his words. It wasn't the identity he gave me of the photograph on the desk that made me confuse, but the lost and lone expression I received while he stared at the photograph.

There was sadness that lurked in his eyes as he caressed the picture with his gaze.

I looked down at my fidgeting fingers for a moment before raising my gaze to the photo, the pout was adorning the picture of little boy, it made me smile, a genuine smile creep upon my lips as I kept staring at it.

"He is very cute." I whispered adorning the child in the picture.

I felt Sir Gerard's gaze upon me as I spoke, my gaze averted to him, I expected him smiling but to an unknown dismay, he was still lost in some grief which was sealed behind his lips.

"You miss him." I stated in a mere whisper as the sadness in his eyes spoke volumes of his gloom.

"A lot." He whispered back, his gaze drifting between me and his grandchild's photograph, a soft smile caressed his lips.

"Then go and pay a visit." I said with a soft smile of victory like solving his biggest problem.

"I might someday. If he wishes." He whispered. A man like Sir Gerard knew how to put himself in his words, one that play with the web of words. Today I found him webbed in his words. It was strange to see him like this, witnessing his lost state.

I frowned a little before taking a step toward him. Placing my hand on his resting upon the table, I hesitated, before speaking.

"Grandchildren are very difficult creatures, but for them the grandparents are their biggest and closest friend. I'm sure he might not say or show but he miss you too, just like you do. And above all he is just a child, how can he communicate his mind. So take a break and go where he is and just enjoy old man." I said with a teasing smile. Though, I was a little off the limit but bring back smiles on faces, I was Niera William, no less than Thor.

"Old man?" he whispered looking at me with amusement dangling in his mature orbs.

"Yup! Since you have a grandchild so cute but I won't mention the fact that you can give Mr. Majesty a competition in looks." I offered an explanation which eventually became a reason of our laughter.

"You're really adorable, I'm sure Majesty would like to hear your views." He said and my smile drowned in deep red sea. I cringed mentally before straightening.

"No, I—guess some secrets must stay hidden away from Majesty, won't you think?" I asked with a sheepish high voltage smile whilst internally I was not at all at smile.

"Fair enough, Child." He nodded accepting my words.

"Some secrets must stay hidden and away from everyone's reach." His words seem daunting for a second.

Fair enough!

I sighed accepting his words with a shrug.

And you look more handsome than him when you smile.

A chuckle escaped his lips and I scratched the back of my head in stupefaction.

"I'll try to." He spoke through his mature laughter and I found the cure to my bafflement.

Shaking my head, I met his now twinkling gaze which had some unspoken sentiments which I chose not to invade.

"So keep doing that and about your visit, I would really say, go and must meet and enjoy with him. He too needs a friend and grandfather." I stated with a sober solemn smile, the traces of humor I kept aside while keeping my heart.

He didn't spoke a work but kept staring me with an assessing gaze.

"I must take your leave now. Thanks for the advice Sir Gerard. I will now work on present." I said as I glance one last time at the cubby pouty cute Warner in the picture.

"You're welcome Child." He smiled at me. With a last glace of gratitude I came out of his room.

Closing the door, I found myself lost in thoughts. The past and present came to haunt me together, the decision I took in past have brought me here, I can't change them, it's impossible. But now that whatever I have in present, I'll have to work over it, make my decisions right. Make myself a winner not a defeater. Whatever it takes I must find a way out of here.

I walked in my pace wondering around my lost thoughts before my gaze caught the sight of a very familiar and unpleasant personality and I almost flinched in distress.

Out of courtesy, I smiled at his way but received a dead stern glare, "Mr. McCoy!" I smiled and nodded in his presence.

The man in brown suit looked more infuriated as he heard me before striding toward me in anger.

Not a move to be felt proud of Niera!

Seems like he is still angry for the last time's incident! I thought gingerly before meeting his blazing gaze.

Who won't be sweetie, you were the reason of his almost court marshal from the King himself. A sane logic was pressed to my conscience.

"Miss Adventurous." He breathed almost on my face and I shuddered; only fear for some unknown reasons gripped me.

Anger rolled off his features, it was quite clear and his close proximity was making me conscious and at unease.

I stretched a forced smile taking a step back.

In other situation, I wouldn't have done that but strangely I worked against my nature today.

Perhaps it good for certain reasons!

"How are you today?" he asked casually but a raw rage was blinking in his eyes.

"Um! Good." I answered, with that same stretched smile.

So far! I was tempting to add but looking at his animalistic face, I sealed my mouth restricting the unnecessary words to self.

"How are you doing?" I asked despite the fact that it'll only encourage him to intrude in my personal space, I asked out of courtesy.

Yes, one day you'll be murdered in cold and you'll offer the murderer coffee before your last breath, out of courtesy. My insides seethed a retorted and I flinched at the thought before diverting my focus on him.

"Good so far." He answered in his deep villain-like voice.

The Hollywood will invite him open arms for the role of Villain in a sophisticated Drama!

"Great!" I smiled which was almost a nervous chuckle before a sane idea of sneaking away crossed my sane mind.

"Well then, see you later."

Or never!

I turned only to stop mid step when his gruff voice resonated around, "Wait."

A single word with perhaps two syllables held the power to stop me.

Well it's your own nervousness and guilt for making him the victim of Majesty's anger that day, that's making you this jittery. My conscious mind snapped and flinched mentally.

"Yes," I turned to face him again, this time all traces of humor and smile gone from my face and mind so was his. Apparently he never had any.

"What were you doing on the top floor of Archives?" he asked straight and clear, whereas I stood motionless and stoic at his crisp query.

"I was checking, looking for the file." I said answering genuinely.

"What file?" he asked sliding his face angle to ten degree left. I bit my lip to go honest while hiding the reality.

"The video recordings, I thought to check them." I dared to shrug lightly.

"In the restricted area. You want me to believe that? When I stated discreetly that stepping there is restricted and not to forget already mentioning that the videos aren't there." He stated crossing his arms in front of his chest.

His demeanor cold and crude like ice bergs on ocean; his words sharp and firm.

"I was just going through the aisles, that's all and I didn't went there up. I was heading to but slipped on stairs." I pasted the statement looking over the glass behind him.

"It was something very huge and mesmeri—"

What the heck am I saying? He doesn't deserve any explanation beyond this.

He somewhat caught my point, so without intruding further he asked, "So you haven't reached the top floor of archives." He asked stated at the same time.

I shifted my weight from one foot to another as I nodded.

My gaze catching the sight of silver sapphire glass securing the wall before a sharp pain erupted in the center of my mind, several hammers thumping on the top of my skull, I juggled the balance between my feet before a strong flint grip on my wrist caught me, I closed my eyes tight shut accepting the sharp pricks penetrating my skin as the pain danced in the center part of my head.

"Calm down." Someone cooed softly, a glint of amusement hovered over the tone which seemed like agitating me further at the moment. I fought myself to balance my weight on my wobbling two feet.

"Leave her hand, and stop this McCoy." A loud husky voice growled almost shaking the floor beneath us which I didn't need to look over to identify.

I gasped at the intensity, Mr. Valentine!

"Majesty, I—"

"I said stop your tricks McCoy before I snap your skull out of your shoulder!" he growled again, this time anger and wildness spread chills to the atmosphere decreasing the temperature to certain degree.

My ache decreased like the machine of hammers slowed it pace. I took deep breaths to calm myself finding the energy and opening my eyes squinting.

"Leave. Her. Hand. Right. Now. Or Die." I stiffened as I registered the warning his voice held before McCoy's hand left my shadows stepping five or six steps back with a bow.

I stood in utter bemusement before the wave of dizziness rushed past me taking away my residual energy with it leaving me to fall, I braced for it before a pair of arms cradled me to a hard chest, warm, electrified and familiar.

Mr. Gorgeous Saviour!

Despite of slow hammers drumming in my head, I allowed myself to smile before hiding it in my pursed lips.

I sighed softly before trying to straightening but his arm on my waist tightened not allowing me to make distance between us.

Well it's better than you kiss the floor! My subconscious muttered rationally.

"What did I told you about her?" Mr. Valentine growled, apparently at Mr. McCoy; his chest vibrated at his growl.

I unconsciously placed my hand on his chest; a gesture to control his anger, why I took this action, the reasons unknown to me.

He stiffened before heaving a sigh; our witness almost popped his eyes out of his sockets as I could register through my dizzy state.

"Majesty, I—I didn't went to her. She came to—" another growl from Mr. Majesty shut him up completely as he shivered, a very little but noticeably he did.

"That means you'll try your filthy tricks on her, can't you see how they react on her?" he growled furious.

I could distinctly trace the rage in his tone, the pressure of my hand on his chest increased unknown if it could make any difference.

He placed his free palm over mine, pressing it further on his chest. The simple action brought foreign feelings in me which felt bloomed in my heart.

I clearing my blurry gaze, peeped at his furious face before my gaze went to Mr. Slightly Shivering McCoy.

"Mr. Valentine—" I tried to intervene only to seal them shut under his snapping cold stares. However, it didn't last as I felt his gaze gaining warmth as the blue-brown orbs met my brown ones. They softened as I waited to speak again.

"Please calm down." I could only whisper before losing my energy.

He spared another growled at McCoy who shivered before bowing and left like his suit was on volcano lava.

Cupping my cheek in his warm hand, he held me tight as I was battling between holding tight to consciousness and falling to darkness in his arms, a thought after, I chose the first as long as I could.

He didn't wait to think, he just picked me up in his arms, I shrieked in pure horror and mortification. And with one glance at my freshly flushed face, he headed toward the elevator dedicated solely to him.

"Mr. Valentine?" I shrieked with whatever leftover energy I had saved in me.

"Sshhh!" he hushed me before efficiently pressing the call button. I watched in horror as the elevator box announced its presence in Majesty's honor. 

I closed my eyes dreading if someone would caught us in this state, but then the floor was already deserted, McCoy already ran like out of the building, and the elevator as per Majesty's order was vacant only for us.

Despite my alarmed state, I heaved a sigh only to glare at his handsome face which twinkled in partial worry and partial relief.

Partial worry, partial relief.

Seems like I'm getting partial mad.

The whole ride I was glare at him with all my energy but his kept staring at me with an un-explainable expression which won to get me warm with glowing blush.

The door opened to his floor and a straight change in temperature I noticed as his arms tightened around me allowing me to glance at him for a moment before my gaze roam around only to fix at Golden A V adorned on the center as the center of attraction and the mirror wall on the other corner.

The incident of last time freshen in my memory as I cringed recalling his wound.

Oh dear god! His wound and here he is agitating it further by carrying an elephant like me! I gape mentally before fidgeting in his arms.

In reaction, his grip only tightened as if declining my wish to be put down. I growled groaned in annoyance before his melting the warmth of sun gaze found mine.

"Majesty—" Mr. Black's calm and composed voice penetrated our action – reaction game and I cringed again when his words halted at a considerably conscious sight.

I showed some sort of reaction however, Mr. Majesty showed no such interest; he just strode straight to his cabin door. I glanced at frowning Mr. Black who was amused for certain reasons. I bury my head in Mr. Hulk Valentine's shoulder, who was more than happy to provide me space to hide my embarrassment.

"Mr. Hul—Valentine!" I growled as soon as he closed the door show by his foot.

Great! The door for which we need soldiers from army to open, he just pushed a little with an ease.

He with utmost ease and care placed me on the couch before discarding his suit jacket.

I watched as his shoulder muscles flexed at his movement. The shirt clenching to his well built body like second layer.

"Here, water!" he presented the glass to me as he stood in front of me. My almost not so significant drumming in head was long forgotten as I continued to glare at him, apparently his dark pants or thighs, underneath it.

When receiving no response from me he sighed audibly before taking a seat beside me, the glass still in his hand.

I groaned then sighed before taking the glass from his offering hand and putting it back on the table. He was confused by my action but then when my hand clutched his arm, he sighed receiving his unasked answer.

"Look!" I stated with absolute fury. "The wounds aren't even healed properly but you have to play the Incredible Hulk around." A glint of amusement I witnessed with a sharp blazing gaze, it did nothing but increased my anger to another level.

"Do not look that amused Mister." I gritted through my teeth before I bolted toward the cupboard where the medical kit was placed. The steps I took were measured; I tried my best not to fall on my wobbling feet. I knew his gaze was on me as I returned back with the box in hand.

I settled myself back on the place as he shifted his eyes to his wounded hand; the scars were prominent along with the burns. He was lost in his own thoughts while I felt my heart twisted and shuddered looking at his wounds.

"You can never listen. Why can't you just take care of yourself for once? Why you're so stubborn Mr. Alpha of Pack." I gritted glaring at him.

He raised his sharp gaze at me as if offended by my words but my counter glare was ready to face him.

"Don't give me that angry glares, I won't cower away like others." I stated diverting my attention to his wound, treating it with soft hands.

"What about your wound?" I scowled at his query before my mind went to past recalling the meaning of his words.

"Oh! That wound. It's all fixed and healed Mr. Valentine. In fact I even forget about it while doing the party preparation" I answered applying ointment on his wounds.

They felt better but still they needed the care and medical help to heal faster which I now am sure can't be expected from him.

"In the same way I forget about it while concentrating on something most precious." He said softly and my gaze went to meet his blue orbs that were already cast upon me. They had something which was different and difficult to decipher yet easy to read.

He surely has a way with words!

Smart shrewd Tycoon King!

"Doesn't it hurt?" I asked softly; lingering my gaze on his face to seek answer.

His jaw twitched a little before he gave a slight shake to his neck.

"All my life I have embraced the pain, now these small wounds don't hurt." He explained; and for certain reasons I felt a stab in my chest that pricked and drew out the warm liquid of my own pain.

"It's useless to even discuss pain with you. You always embrace it. Good. But what about the joy life bless you with. When will you choose it?" I asked; suddenly a feel of déjà vu crashed to me. It felt like I'm repeating myself in different context to different person but the matter and core of our discussion and pain are similar, quite similar.

He breathed a dry chuckle, "Life had a very little moment of joy for me. Almost equal to none, then how can I rely on them; this pain was something that I had been lived all my life, so I rely on it. It's like my own."

I gaped at his words; same words weaved in different sentence, absolutely different mouth but held the same sadness and grief of years.

Grief of a long time!

"You speak just like her." I whispered; still reeling in the web of words.

His gaze met my softly smiling face with a frown of his own.


"Someone I acquaintance with in the loneliest hours of peace," my lips stretched further as I recalled the innocent plain face of hers'.

"She is just like you, going through the same grief of long sadness and loneliness. All alone and surrounded by her menace." I continued, bandaging his scars that needed covering and protection from environment.

"You know, I gave her the same piece of advice that I'm giving you. Let the life embrace you, pain was honest and dedicated so will be happiness, just let it inside. Take life's offered hand and start living." I smiled as I completed the work, giving an involuntarily squeeze to his hand softly.

"Does she changed?" he asked with hopeful eyes. There was spark in his eyes, a spark of hope.

I shrugged softly, not knowing how to answer.

"Haven't met her since then. But I really hope she does take it. She needs it; a little spark of happiness is needed to bring colors in her life, like in her painting." I smiled remembering her paintings.

"I hope she does." He whispered looking at the naïve innocent creatures present in his Cabin's Aquarium. My gaze followed his drifting toward the only source of color in his gigantic hall apart from the Old historic painting.

"Yes." I nodded shifting my eyes back at his gorgeous face. His eyes found mine in second and we shared a smile.

Words were needed to explain the butterfly fest that was organized in my stomach as I found myself lost and found in those intense deep orbs.

"Um!" I averted—tore my eyes from his forcefully as I concentrated on speaking, "You—shouldn't have brought me li—like that." I said, suddenly a wave of discomfort gripped me making me nervous.

"And let you fall unconscious on the floor." I heard his retort, anger rolling off his tongue. He was angry it was explained but the reason why still misty.

I sighed softly, a part of me wanted to counter, wanted to organize another disagreement between us but I found myself defeated by another part which was unwilling to set up another battle with him.

In a simple term, I didn't want any battle but calm and solace between us.

"How is the ache?" he asked not offering me a chance to dig further.

"It's fine now, bearable. I guess." I stated looking at the glass of water that was once offered to me. When no response came to answer after few seconds I shifted my eyes back to him and found his steely gaze cast upon me and I gulped.

Well he hasn't convinced.

When has he when it comes to me? My stupid nerves butt in for no specific reason.

"I'm fine. I promise. I—I'm not—"

He took a deep breath, a breath which shut my preposterous useless talk. When looked closer I found him coiling up his anger drinking up his fire.

I guess, finally the King is defeated! I grinned internally.

Just like me!

Perhaps not so soon!

I gape as I saw the disco of colors in his eyes; it's always a fascinating bemusing sight.

Is he having a battle with self? I asked myself as I saw his anger was depreciating in his eyes. I waited until his entire anger melt before I spoke.

"I'm fine." I said this time sincerity dripped in my eyes and tone. I somehow felt the reason of his anger was my state, he was worried and anger was just an outcome which we was used to.

Not wanting to show his concern he let people see his anger and that's the mirror of his worry.

Strange, eccentric Mr. Majesty! I smiled inwardly deciphering the cipher of his one shade.

I took a deep breath as I stood, needed to create a distance between us. His close proximities were making sanity go haywire.

With a smile I went toward the beautiful aquarium adorning on his wall on the other end of the cabin. The aquarium was prodigious and a sight one never sees so often.

As the aquarium was enormous so was the number of fishes residing there.

The colors as you see. Different shades fluttering, different size and species of different families living together, huge filters and oxygen technology was equipped to assist them. It was a sight that leaves me flabbergasted every time I put my eyes on it. Or perhaps it wasn't just me only.

Placing my finger on the cool glass, I saw how the different colors flipped around; a few small fishes came as they saw my fingertips touching the glass. I let my fingers roaming around and saw how beautifully, swaying their wings they followed the movement of my hand. I couldn't help but let my heart smile along lips dance in giggles.

I felt them dance to an unknown, unheard rhythm, perhaps nature is a musician we all love to dance on tones off.

"They are beautiful." I whispered as I felt his presence beside me, I didn't have to look around to know he is around, it's strange but I could feel him without the confirmation of my eyes.


"Yes, they are." He whispered back. A step later, he come closer right beside me.

"Why a huge aquarium in cabin?" I asked, a question I have always cradled in my heart since I first saw this bemusing element. Not every day we see aquarium in the cabin of chairperson and CEO of any world ruling company, and if we do and not in such a huge form. He took his time to give answer while my eyes were too enthusiastic to focus at one place at a time.

My gaze rose and found a lonely jellyfish swimming alone in clear blue water, a separate compartment for her was settled on the other edge.

I frowned as I tilted my head a little. White, fragile, almost transparent in the water, the one holding the thought to even touch it feel he'll crumble her with softest touch.

"And why she is alone? I'm sure they can have company, they won't mind." I turned to him with a smile. I expected him looking at the beautiful creatures but strangely his gaze was already on me, deep and intended.

"I'm afraid, they can't. Her presence around them will kill all others." He said mere aloud than a whisper, my gaze found him with a soft frown gracing my forehead.

"She is poisonous, contaminates the water where it's been kept apart from the freezing ocean. A rare endangered species that's only one left to survive." He explained, sparing a glance at the white jellyfish that was living in another compartment.

"From where you bought this?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"From Antarctica. I found her." my eyes widened as I heard him.

From Antarctica? He found her, not bought her? That means he went underwater, or something?

"Yes, I went. I found her deep down, almost dying." He answered my unasked question.

Or perhaps my unwatched running tongue.

"Doesn't her poison affect you, or the ocean? What about the other aquatic animals and Antarctic ocean have Jellyfish?" I asked inquisitive as ever.

"She is the last one of her kind, almost extinct species; other water bodies won't even dare to come around her. It did but not as it can damage any other human being." He stated calmly, his weird precise and measured, as if being counted and charged by some financial organization, if said more than precise.

I nodded taking whatever information I just received.

Yes, now you'll open your own Water animal sanctuary and encyclopedia on this specie. My irrational thoughts found perfect time to interrupt my mental reverie.

My smile turned down as I glanced at the jellyfish. If she had a face I could read, I am sure I might have read the loneness and grief from her face.

"She reminds me of someone." A whisper escaped me as my eyes captured the sight of that mourning creature.

"She is a reminder of someone for me." I heard him whispering more to himself than to me. I peeped at him but before I could ask he spoke.

"She is precious and a rare but also her precious attribute is the reason she has to stay away from others."

"How she is precious then?"

"Her poison is a cure, serves as a portion for healing. Also her tentacles, they also—are useful, in a precise manner, she is—"

"Useful, that's why she is precious." He nodded at my precise conclusion.

"So that's why she is here, so that she—" At that moment I felt bad and sorrowful for the alone creature.

"Not even once, she has been used. She is here because I couldn't let her die or being butchered there away from my eyes." He injected tartly.

I lowered my gaze, suddenly feeling sad and unable to look at her after hearing his explanation.

"How they serve as her biggest precious quality when she can't live a life she deserves. Freedom is her right but her being different snatched away her freedom and right to swim in ocean. It's not a blessing for her perhaps a curse. Her biggest quality had become her biggest curse." I said softly, my hand on the cool clear glass, the vibrant colors just on the other side of the thick glass.

He stayed quiet for a moment as he turned. I followed his action through my gaze as he went toward the painting. Another element of colors in his subtle elegant room.

I went to him, my legs automatically wanted to reach where he stands.

"This painting, it's very old." I turned to face the painting as I stood beside him, his gaze was cast toward me, hand crossed in front of him, his shoulders, biceps, the muscles reflex was quite clear.

"Yes. It is."

"How long?" I asked as my hand rose to touch it before I shook my head slightly.

No, better not play with ancient valuable stuff!

"Very old, quite long." He didn't spoke the numbers, but in his language I perceive long spoke a very long period of time.

"Old, ancient as old as the time."

"Yes." He answered affirmative. I sighed again as I saw the smiles on the faces of kids.

The painting looks so lively.

With one look on them, I cast my eyes down, the vibrant colors, the royal look and lively smile they were the most eccentric combination I surmise it has. 

Any painting could be a beautiful marvelous combination but this painting had a difference like something which was quite in front of my eyes yet it was hidden from my sight.

The painting has peculiarity which is playing hide and seek with viewers or perhaps just me.

I pursed my lips as I sighed audibly not wanting to dwell further.

Pivoting on my feet, I faced him; a smile of mine automatically graced my face.

"I think I must leave now." I announced stealing my gaze from his intense eyes.

"You have no further questions?" he suddenly asked surprising me.

I gaze shot to his, as his was monitoring every change that occurred in mine.

"I have; many in fact but questions which need answers not the charade waved in words."

"What I meant was about the painting, Miss. William." He clarified uncrossed his arms from his chest, he straightened from his leaned against the desk position and took a step closer to me.

I opened my mouth but closed it again. Looking at the aquarium, I shook my head.

"No, I don't want to." I whispered as slapped the urge to fidget with my foot.

"Please, take—care of your Wound." I spoke as I turned and left, my heart was going haywire and his close proximities were worsening the situation.

"Niera!" he called my name seeping to my soul as I was about to push the mahogany door open. I stilled, took a breath awaiting to hear him.

"Your answer awaits you." He said and I turned only to find him staring at him intently. His eyes were soft, the heat of command was not there to greet me but the serene moon of sincerity was there to peep inside him.

I stood like stone in front of him; awaiting if could say something, anything.

But he graced me with silence, a silence which wasn't settling at all. I sighed before nodding after a long time for his statement, I unbolted the door and strangely without a 'Putting life to just push' push the door cracked open and I left. Not without stealing a glance of his gorgeous charming and majestic face.

My answer awaits me and I await for reasons!

I dragged my feet away from his cabin door, my heart was thundering in my chest, his parting words didn't settle. Answers that what I'm seeking from the first day here, though, I got some but many still prick my like thorns till today.

When I try to find them, I am just greeted with webs and charades of puzzles.

I took a deep labored breath, my gaze until now interested in just the steps I took on the marble floor, the clicking of my heels was the only noise resonated until my eyes found the beautiful, irking and studded golden A V. another sigh escaped my lips as I tilted my head to monitor it in my eyes.

"Still smitten under our royal Emblem, I see?" a distinct voice interrupted me as I sprint on my feet to find Mr. Black coming on his wheelchair, a smile adorned on his lips.

I let out a forced smile, which I wanted it as scoff before answering; "Smitten, I can't say, intrigued would be more apt." he nodded at my explanation as I took stop toward him.

"Glad to see you again Niera." He spoke as we reached each other.

I cheeks turned pink as I recalled the look of amusement I received from him when Mr. Hulk Valentine had me in his arms. I exhaled softly, suddenly feeling sweaty with blush.

"Seems like you got the reason to meet him." His tone was teasing which at that moment I felt any pleasant.

I gave him my best annoyed glare before shaking my head, "No. He found me and dragged—no—lifted me here."

He chuckled shaking his head flowed by me with a smile.

"He is simply complicated."

"No dear, he is Majesty." He retorted with a grin.

Indeed, the synonym of eccentric!

"He is very difficult to understand, soft, cold, hard warm. So many shades, a person ultimately a puzzle for me." I pressed my eyes in exasperation, spending time with him is pretty much tiring as exciting it is.

"It's quite the opposite if you try." He said and my gaze squinted.

"To understand him, you just need to keep your eyes and heart open. You won't only understand him but you will like him." He enunciated as he went.

I like him already!

"Glad to hear that." Mr. Black commented and I flushed red in embarrassment. My eyes closed on their accord as sanity seethed.

"Actually elated." I gape at his correction.

"Mr. Black?" I shrieked in disbelief.

I can't believe the whole office is teasing me with his name. First Sir Gerard and now it's him; and Jerry is always at number one in list.

"Just teasing you." He offered raising his hand in air.

"I know." I grumbled softly making face.


The clouds seems to rule the sky, they appeared out of nowhere snatching away the glow of sunlight from the land leaving it misty in the shadows of day. It was all cloudy and dark in no time.

 A moment it was sunny and shiny, the other dark misty clouds overcast the sun threatening to swallow the lights of world, I frowned deeply as I glanced at the sky before turning my gaze back ahead, to the dark path in front of me.

Deserted even in the hours of afternoon. Deserted always!

I plastered a scowl on my face before measuring the path through my long strides. Long strides to cross the crossing faster, to reach the motel before dark sets rule in the sky.

In reality, in the shadow of trees and misty sky it was already mostly dark, just the time it mattered otherwise the nature already set darkness into play.

The distinct sound of crickets was my companion as I walked over the concrete road.

Peace was looming, as subtle breeze roamed around.

But my mind wasn't at peace, as I took steps after steps a strange fear started to grip me. Like my mind was notifying me of some unsaid danger.

For a long time I shrugged it away as reminder of my past experiences in the crossing of Woods but in spite of my constant neglecting, it was still there daunting and strangely becoming prominent.

Don't know why but a strange kind of uneasiness was ruling my senses. As if my instincts are warning about something. Something evil is going to happen.

Very bad.

Perhaps I think too much!

No sweetie you definitely dwell too much! My logics answered shooing the instinctive warning away from my attention.

Shaking my head, I threw away the thoughts as I headed ahead.

The evening was knocking with the dark clouds lurking over me. The path was quiet apart from random occasional rustling of dry leaves whispering along in the rapping of cold breeze.

The branches of trees on the sides of the road swaying in the rhythm of wind.

The serenity of nature enthralled my heart to no bounds as a smile crawled upon my face.

Birds aren't at sight, neither there distinct soothing chirping.

Seems like they went home soon!

With another puff of air evacuating my lungs, I paid my complete attention to the deserted path in front of me. Concrete roads and deserted, a perfect path for my peaceful journey.

Don't you think; people will have a panic attack hearing you again choose the walk to reach your destination?

It'll for sure but that's how life goes; you keep doing things and create news. My preposterous nerves had the ludicrousness left to show off.

For a moment I felt strangling myself but then shrugged the thought away.

With each step I took over the concrete, my mind drifted toward the happenings of the day along with past, my objective just to find clues that were with me but not in my court; the Mail from the cryptic friend and his mail, Jason and his words regarding my file in office back there. The Archives, I felt a strong ache in my head recalling all these events in a row.

Pressing the nerves of my forehead; I slowed the speed of my strides before closing my eyes for a moment.

Why things are getting complicated so much?

Why can't I just find that moron culprit and go back to home.

Why life is constantly putting me to situations darker and complicated than earlier.

I leaned my tired back to the trunk of tree. Resting my head on the brown peeling off bark to provide some calmness.

What shall I do now; again I'm back on square one. The name and identity of that file stealer is still a mystery and I need to find it out.

But one thing is cleared now; there is someone from A V Inc. that is the culprit. At least this thing is clear now. Not only to me but now to Sir Gerard as well.

Someone is doing manipulation with the documentations.

All I need to do is find out who and what possible be the reason behind it. Since Mr. Majesty won't allow to let me rest and leave without his hands being tightened around culprit's neck.

With resigned sigh, I brought my palms toward my face; the collision happened with a bit harder force.

"Oww!" I cried as my cheek sting.

But the pain disdained as the wave of uneasiness rushed back to my spine leaving me guarded. I took measured breath to my lungs as my eyes snapped from left to right; taking in the view of my surroundings.

This time the beauty was not the centre of attraction but the guarded awareness that ruled my mind and conscious.


I saw nothing, even though taking a cautious revolution of the surrounding on my axis. My grip on the old aged tree tightened through my arms as much as I could take in; in my tiny arms.

Nothing unusual was there in sight but the uneasiness was increasing with moments inside me.

The reason I was unsure of; the matter I was unknown to!

Absolute silence was ruling the atmosphere; the rustling of trees which was until now providing me the company was now completely still leaving me alone in the wild forest.

Though I was on the outskirts; but the feel of jungle was sitting on the throne along with this uneasiness.

My heart beats picked up with a pace while I left the tree, freeing it from my forced half hug. The sweat beads started to form on my forehead like a blanket as I took a step ahead.

The increased pace of my pulse was loud and clear to my ear drums.

My foot evolved a crushing noise when it came to contact with the dried leaves and small branches on the ground.

Out of nowhere I felt a presence; an unusual presence. I roamed my gaze around. The tree suffered the flint grip of my soft palm on his hard surface.

Nothing, absolutely nothing!

They why am I feeling someone's presence?

For any other situations, I would have called myself hallucinating but not in this situation; a strong gripping cautiousness and petrifaction is surrounding my sanity to call it a hallucination.

The petrifaction increased reaching peaks when a soft faint yet noticeable rustling sound reached my ears, my auditory nerves stood in attention; finding out the direction and source of this disturbing and distracting rustling.

It wasn't long before my peeping ears and pursed mouth busted in shriek when a loud thunderous and petrifying growl awaken the sleeping jungle.

My hands flee to my mouth in sheer panic; stopping the cry of horror that was coming from my mouth; while my eyes widened turning bigger than the size of coconut on tree.

The rustling that were coming from some directions were long forgotten when the heavy paws were making a loud entrance.

Palpitating I felt myself drowning in fear and grief while my body froze under the effect of that loud entry.

The noise came, the rustling increase and so was my terror, with batted breath I clawed upon the old aged tree's truck as my wide eyes were concentrated on the direction of the dark paws.

Blinking was long forgotten so was breathing, I turn blind eye to the struggles of my lungs as the misty huge figure came closer to my direction.

Like prey shivers in fear when hunter makes small yet confident steps, I felt the same. The night of my first encounter with the wilds freshened in my memory. I cursed myself but it was long forgotten when the creature came closer.

My wide eyes widened and a gasp escaped me in hurry.

The creature was familiar but not this uneasy terror that was still surrounding me, I watched as it came closer.

My Majestic Creature!

Calm found home in me, as the anxiety finally wrapped and settled peace. My thumping heart was on the path of resting.

Fear was long gone, but the question remains, why this panic!


Who was there, or was it just my Majestic Creature!


June 1, 2018

Answer guys, Who was there, or was it just her Majestic Creature!

Finally the possessive Mr. Mate showing the different shades of his majestic personality,

How was this shade of his? Possessive and caring!

Well it was just Majesty now; it'll be Alpha next chapter.

Stay tuned, "Your answer awaits you" would you like to decipher the meaning behind his words. Do share your perspective.

I hope you all had the look over the new story that has been published, The Slave.

The First look along with a short excerpt is already been posted on Wattpad as well as on Inkitt. It's also been published in Someone's Forever as well. Have a look if you haven't yet.

Let me know how you felt after reading it. Your views on the first look.

Add it to your library for prompt updates; the story will be published first on Inkitt then on Wattpad. To read it fast, hop on to Inkitt. Also allow yourself to leave a review or comment.

The Slave will meet you soon!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Would love to hear your views.

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share. It'll be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,


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