Bad Boy Games

By MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... More

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 47

1K 33 4
By MeMyselfAndI123


Happy late 4th of July! :3

I hope you guys like the chapter because it's pretty long and there are some moments I think you'll like. ^.^


The more I feel the pleasure,

The more I feel the pain.

I’m in a love hate relationship,

Too deep to escape.

Every day is a gamble.

That’s the risk that I take.

In a love hate relationship and you are to blame.

~ Love Hate Relationship ~ Trapt ~



Jacob’s POV (I think this is literally the third time this has happened in the whole book so far)

Who the hell sent me this?! Where is she? Who is she with? I swear to god I’m going to fucking kill the bastard who has the hand around her neck. From the size of it I’m going to say that it’s a guy. Why the fuck do guys always feel the need to hurt her? To try to fucking violate her?

She is amazingly beautiful but that doesn’t mean that they need to turn into disgusting pigs who get their kicks out of hurting an innocent girl.

I scrolled down and my anger increased tenfold when I read the text that went along with the picture.

I didn’t want you to miss all of the fun. So how does it feel Jacob? To see your pretty little girlfriend so scared and not be there to help her? Does it make you angry? ;)  -D


That motherfucking prick is going to pay. There is no fucking way I am letting him get away with this.

I went back up to the picture and my eye caught on something that I didn’t notice before: the edge of a sign. There’s just enough of it in the picture that I can make out what it says. I’ve been there before and I know exactly where it is.

Shoving my phone back into my pocket and taking off across the grass, I sprinted to my bike and threw myself on it. The engine roared to life and I revved it a couple times before speeding across the parking lot and onto the road.

Just hold on a little longer Lyla.


“I think it’s time we had a little fun, don’t you?” I heard his voice echoing down the alley and it only fueled my anger even more. I parked my bike two streets over so they wouldn’t hear me coming and then I ran as fast as possible all the way over here.

“I told you to get the fuck off of me you assholeic motherfucking dick sucking prick of whore shit!” In normal circumstances I would have laughed at Lyla’s comment and the fact that she made up the word ‘assholeic’ but right now I’m too pissed to feel anything but pure rage.

I didn’t even pause, just barreled straight into the alley, ripped Damen’s hands off of a struggling Lyla, and tackled him to the ground. He landed on the concrete with a loud thud but I was already punching him the second I touched him.

“If-You-Ever-Touch-Her-Again-I-Will-Fucking-Kill-You!” I delivered blows to his face between each word.

Everyone was too shocked to react and they were all silent for about two seconds while I punched every inch of his face. Then the other guys started shouting and came thundering down the alley to yank me off of an almost-unconscious Damen.

The guy holding me threw me against the wall and I almost collided with Lyla but I caught myself right before we touched. I whipped around to face them as they dragged their injured leader away from us. When I was falling towards Lyla I noticed the blood and gash on her head. I need to look at that later and make sure she doesn’t need to go to the hospital.

Despite the fact that he has cuts all over his face, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth, an eye that’s quickly swelling up, and a bleeding lip, he held a smug smirk on his face that made me want to go after them and finish the job. The only thing stopping me is the fact that I need to get Lyla out of here.

I turned around to ask her if she’s alright but my eyes grew huge when I saw that the spot where she was behind me is empty. I frantically looked around and the tightness in my chest relaxed a bit when I saw her walking in the opposite direction as me.

Despite the fact that she’s still shaking she’s walking pretty fast. I jogged after her.

“Lyla! Lyla where the hell are you going?” When I caught up with her I grabbed her arm but she yanked it away and kept walking until I caught her again. “Hey! Stop!” She whirled around to face me with a scowl on her face that shocked me into silence.

Wait… she’s… pissed at me? For saving her?

I stared at her with my eyebrows pulled together until she threw her arms up in exasperation.

“I’m so sick of being the damsel in distress! I’m tired of guys thinking they can just come and feel me up whenever they want and I’m sick of all this stress! I’m pissed at my dad for walking out and then trying to come back into my life like nothing happened. I’m pissed at your parents for acting like you don’t exist! I’m pissed at you,” she stabbed me in the chest with her finger and I looked down at her silently as she ranted. “for giving me mixed signals all the time. One second it’s like you actually like me and want to be with me and then the next it’s like you hate me and we’re back to square one again. And most of all I’m fucking pissed at myself for being a stupid little bitch through all of it who can’t even stand up for herself and is letting everyone else control her life for her! I’m weak, blind to everyone and everything around me, I get myself into trouble all the time and ignore my own fucking self when I’m about to do something stupid! And look where it’s gotten me. My life is a big jumbled mess and I can’t even attempt to sort through the mess I and everyone else has made of it because it just gives me a massive migraine. God!”

She turned around and kept stomping in the other direction. I stood there for almost ten seconds, trying to comprehend everything that she just hurled at me.

When I gathered myself I ran to catch up with her.

“Just get the fuck away from me Jacob. In case you haven’t noticed I’m having a really bad night and I don’t want to have another fight with you of all people right now. Go away.” She didn’t even look at me as she said this and I felt a pang of annoyance.

I just saved her from Damen and she’s going to act like I’m the bad guy?

A scowl formed on my face and I grabbed her arm yet again, firmly this time so she can’t get away. She struggled for a second and then shot daggers at me with her eyes. We stayed like that for a minute, unmoving and staring each other down.

“If you’re going to act like this then be my guest but at least let me drive you home.” She looked like she was going to refuse but then changed her mind and nodded curtly.

We finally broke our gazes and walked side by side to my bike. The walk was completely silent since neither one of us are in the mood to have a friendly conversation right now. On the way back I felt a sprinkle land on my nose and I glared up at the sky. Great.

This is not the best time for rain.

“I need to go get the car and drive it home.” Her voice was quiet and emotionless when she spoke and I just nodded.

Once we got to the bike I handed her the helmet and she slipped it on, getting on behind me. I can tell from the way she’s sitting that she doesn’t like being this close to me. Now that it’s about to rain I wish I would have brought my car.

I turned on the bike and then we were off.

As soon as we got to the spot where the car is my eyes searched the area to make sure that he’s not here. Once I stopped Lyla jumped off the bike and I got off as well after turning it off. When she removed the helmet I saw her wince and remembered the cut on her head.

Before I could check it she put the helmet back on the bike and then turned. She went over to the car which is on the side of the road. The side of it is pretty damaged. I followed her over to it and waited while she got in and started it.

When I confirmed that it seems to be running fine I went back over to my bike and turned it back on, waiting for her to pull out onto the road and then following her when she did so.

I followed her all the way back to her house to make sure that the car didn’t break down and also just in case Damen decided to try his shit again. I’m not stupid. Lyla didn’t have to tell me what happened for me to figure it out. As soon as I saw the car I put two and two together. And let me just say that I’m not happy. At all.

When she got back to her house Lyla pulled into her garage and I went into mine. I shut the bike off and then thought about going over and making sure she’s alright.

I argued with myself for only a few seconds before making my decision. I hurried across the yard and into the garage where Lyla’s about to go inside and grabbed her around the waist.

She whipped around to face me but I started talking before she had time to tell me off.

(If you want a goose bumpsy moment here listen to the song ‘When You Can’t Sleep At Night’ by Of Mice & Men when you read from this point on.)

“Lyla this has to stop. I screwed up with you before and I am NOT making that mistake again.” She stood there stunned and I took the chance. I pulled her closer, brought one of my hands to rest on the back of her head, and kissed her.

She was frozen for a few seconds but then she finally responded by slowly kissing me back and relaxing little by little in my arms. I closed my eyes and held her even closer to my chest. It feels like if I let her go she’ll disappear. I feel like I’m actually doing something right in my life and she could be snatched away at any second.

That thought scares the shit out of me. I’m not going to lie. This girl in my arms has slowly wormed her way into my heart and made a home for herself there. She’s become the one thing in this world that I can’t bear to lose now. If she leaves me too there will be nothing but an empty shell left.

I created the walls around my heart to protect what’s left of it and she came in and claimed all of it in one go. She’s too important to me now for me to act like an emotionless dick and let her get away. It’s just taken me this long to figure it out. I never really fully grasped just how much she means to me till now.

I think Lyla’s crying but I can’t really tell because of the rain. I twirled my fingers gently through her now-damp hair and rubbed circles into her back with my thumb.

When we pulled away I kept my eyes closed and held her close, resting our foreheads together and listening to our heavy breathing. The rain pelted down onto my head, soaked my hair, dripped down my cheeks, and rolled off my chin.

I eventually opened my eyes and she did the same, her warm brown eyes gazing at me with so many emotions swirling in their depths. I reached up and cupped the back of her neck to pull her head against my chest and tucked under my chin. Her arms slowly came around my waist and she gripped two handfuls of my shirt in the back.

We didn’t move for a while but I eventually broke the silence when I remembered the fact that we’re outside and it’s raining.

“Come inside with me?” She didn’t respond for a few seconds and I felt myself tensing up with worry. What if she decides that she’s had enough and doesn’t want to talk to me? Is she going to leave me too?

I closed my eyes as I waited for her answer and prepared myself for her rejection.

“I… I need to tell Mom about the car and Damen. C-can you come with me? Please? Then later tonight I’ll come over and we can talk.” I almost sighed in relief as my shoulders slowly relaxed and became less tense. She asked me to come with her to tell her mom. She’s not too pissed to talk to me.

“Of course.” I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. When we turned to enter the house I reached out and took her small hand into mine. She didn’t pull away and I felt myself relax further. The fact that she isn’t screaming at me or yanking her hand away is a good sign. Also that she didn’t smack me when I kissed her.

We went up to the door with our hands intertwined between us. Lyla opened it and stepped through quietly and I did the same. We slipped off our shoes and almost as soon as we turned to go in the direction of the living room where I heard the sound of a TV some guy came rushing into the room.

He swept Lyla into his arms in a bone crushing hug and I almost got mad but then I recognized him as her older brother Landon. The guy who I accused her of basically cheating on me with. My mouth turned down in a frown when I thought about what I had said to her but I quickly covered it up when they pulled apart.

“Where the hell have you been? We’ve been worried sick and when we tried to call you you didn’t answer and-who’s this?” He noticed me standing there and then his hazel/brown eyes met mine. A flash of recognition showed in his eyes after only a couple seconds. “You’re Jacob Daniels, aren’t you?” I nodded a little and he looked at me for a while longer with pursed lips before his gaze returned back to Lyla.

“I’m sorry Landon. I-I need to talk to you and Mom about something. Jacob needs to be there too.” He nodded and then I saw his eyes flash down to our still-intertwined fingers as we made our way into the living room.

Lyla’s mom is sitting asleep on the couch with her head in her hand. Landon went over to wake her up and I glanced over at Lyla when she took a deep shaky breath. I noticed that she’s biting her lip nervously and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She met my eyes and sent me a timid smile before moving forward as her mom opened her eyes and sat up straight.

As soon as she saw Lyla she jumped off the couch and came over to embrace her. I stood there awkwardly but we still didn’t let go of each other’s hands.

To say that I was shocked when their mom hugged me as well was an understatement. I managed to keep most of it at bay but my eyes still widened a little and-despite my efforts-my shoulders still tensed just the slightest bit. I’m not used to people actually being nice to me and hugging me.

She pulled back and gave me a watery smile then turned back to Lyla, taking her other hand.

“Where were you baby? Did something happen? We tried to call you but you didn’t answer. Oh I was so worried.” She hugged her again and I watched Lyla’s face which is turned towards me over her Mom’s shoulder. A single tear fell down her cheek and I ached to wipe it away but kept my hand by my side. They pulled apart.

“I-I’m sorry.” She took another deep breath and continued. “I was coming back from the store and then t-this guy ran into me. I…” She met my eyes and I understood what the look she was giving me meant. I don’t want to keep it from her family but this is her choice to make and I’m not going to interfere.

“I found her in the car. She was knocked out so I waited for her to wake up and then I brought her straight home. I think she might need to go to the hospital for her head though.” I frowned at myself when I thought about it. That should have been the first place I brought her. I’m so stupid. What if she has a concussion or something?

Lyla pursed her lips and started to shake her head but I shot her a look and she stopped. She also narrowed her eyes at me but stopped trying to protest. Landon left the room and then came back with what I’m assuming are his keys considering the fact that Lyla still has the keys to her mom’s car.

“I can take her. Mom you can stay here with Michael. I’ll call you as soon as the doctor tells us anything.”

“Alright honey. Drive safe please. I don’t know if I can handle both of you getting into a crash in one night.” Landon nodded and then they both hugged their mom before going out to the garage where Landon’s car is also parked. I turned to follow but their mom’s voice stopped me.

“Thank you so much for helping my baby again Jacob. You are such a sweet boy and I can tell that you two are going to be happy together.” I managed a tiny smile for her and-after receiving another hug- I followed the other two out to the garage.

When I got out there I saw Lyla sitting in the passenger seat with her eyes closed and head resting against the window. Her head is obviously hurting her and it still hasn’t completely stopped bleeding. Landon must have grabbed a cloth to press against the cut on their way out here because she has one in her hand.

I felt my chest tighten. Why the hell didn’t I take her to the hospital in the first place?

I went to the back right seat behind Lyla and opened the door, poking my head in.

“Do you mind if I come too?” Landon didn’t look at me when he replied.

“Fine with me. You do still live next door right?”

“Yeah.” He nodded and I climbed into the warm car, shutting the door as quietly as possible as not to hurt Lyla’s head any more than it already is.


“So she’s going to be fine? There’s nothing wrong at all?” I asked the doctor for probably the millionth time. He took off his plastic gloves, threw them away, and then put on another pair before responding.

“Yes. Lyla is fine. The stitches and some pain meds were all she needed and the stitches should be all healed up in about two weeks since the cut wasn’t that deep.” I relaxed a bit at his words and then he turned to Landon. “Just make sure she keeps the gauze on and that she doesn’t let the stitches get wet.” Landon nodded and then the doc started talking about her meds and how often she has to take them.

I listened intently and when he was done he led us to the room where she is right now. He said that the pain killers knocked her out for a little while but that she should wake up any time and then once they ask her a few questions we can take her home. He also said that she might be a little weak or dizzy and tired from the slight blood loss and that it might take a few days for her to be mostly back to normal again. The meds are going to make her tired though.

There is no way she’s going to school today. It’s already almost two in the morning and she just got three stitches in her head. She’s going to stay home and rest even if I have to tie her to her bed. The doctor said that she just needs to take it easy for a day or two and not do anything too stressful and I’m going to make damn sure she follows his orders. If I know Lyla- which I do- then I know she’s a stubborn little pain in the ass sometimes and that if it were up to her she’d be going to school and acting like nothing happened.

We got to her room and Landon stayed outside the door as he called their mom. As he was talking to her I followed the doctor into Lyla’s room and my chest tightened yet again when I saw her lying on the bed with white gauze on her forehead. She looks a lot paler than usual-which basically means that she looks like a ghost.

Landon came into the room and I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He nodded a tiny bit. While we were in the waiting room we talked a little bit and he basically told me that he’s not going to say anything about our ‘relationship’ but that he’ll cut off my balls if I hurt her. It made me smile a little because he reminds me so much of his sister with his sarcastic remarks.

We stood side by side till the doctor was done and then walked over to her bed to wait. He said literally any time now. All we have to do is wait for her to wake up, call a nurse, sign some papers, and then take her home. I know that if she finds out that I paid the bill that they handed Landon she’ll smack me but I honestly don’t care. She can be mad at me all she wants but it’s my fault that she’s in here and I’m going to do anything I can to take some of the stress off of her and her family.

I sat in the chair to her right and slowly reached up, taking her cool hand into mine and rubbing my thumb over the back of it. I brought it up to my lips and, keeping my eyes on her face the whole time, kissed the back of it.

Landon sat on the other side of her and ran a hand through his hair, sighing quietly and staring at his sister’s face with his own showing the pain that he’s feeling right now. He just came back into her life a few days ago and now she’s in the hospital.

I swear to god the next time I see Damen I’m going to finish what I started. He put her here and the beating that I gave him is nowhere near what he deserves. Not just for this either. For all the shit that he’s done in his life. He can go fucking rot in jail right beside Preston for the rest of his miserable life for all I care. Damen is an evil shithead who doesn’t deserve to live. He’s killed so many innocent people like it was nothing and he sells drugs to kids. I’m just going to stop there because I could be here all day listing off bad things that he’s done.

A little groaning noise came from her lips and then Lyla squeezed her eyelids tightly shut against the light after opening them for a brief second. I sighed quietly in relief. Thank god she’s awake.

“Ow. Can someone turn off the… the, the see thingies?” I pursed my lips to keep from laughing.

“You mean the lights?” She kept her eyes closed and groaned again as she nodded.

“…Uh huh. They-they’re um… they’re hurting my ball eyes.” A small snort escaped Landon and I pressed my fist against my mouth to restrain myself from bursting out laughing. I’m just going to go ahead and assume that it’s the pain meds that are making her all loopy and high right now.

Apparently she heard Landon’s snort because she frowned-still with her eyes closed.

“Go away piggy. I’m not playing Minecraft right now…” I shook my head. Oh Lyla. Of course you play that game. Landon stood from his chair and kissed Lyla on the forehead before heading for the door to go get the nurse.

I smoothed Lyla’s hair out and she opened one eye a crack, smiling goofily when she saw me.

“Oh hi Jacob! Are what… you doing here?” I somehow managed to keep a straight face and smiled at her. I’m so glad that she’s awake and I can hear her pretty little voice again.

“I’m waiting for the nurse to come in here and check on you so we can take you home.” She looked confused for a second and a small frown formed on her lips. Then she yawned and closed her eyes again.

“I’m tired.” I brought my hand up and cupped her cheek which caused her to open her beautiful brown eyes and give me a confused look.

“Just stay awake till we get home and then you can sleep. Alright sweetheart?” She paused and then nodded with a smile. I smiled back and leaned forward, kissing her gently on the cheek. I don’t want to touch her forehead in case I accidentally hurt her.

Just then Landon came back into the room with a nurse following with a clipboard. I held Lyla’s hand the whole time they talked and when the nurse confirmed that she’s perfectly fine and that we can take her home I smiled softly. Thank god.

“Oh yeah. Um, she’s acting a bit… strange…” Landon said to her. The nurse laughed.

“Oh that’s just the meds. They’ll wear off in a bit and then they’ll knock her out again. From the looks of her I would say that she’s already to that point.” We all looked to Lyla to see that she’s struggling to keep her eyes open and her head is a little wobbly.

They had us bring Lyla out of the hospital and to the car in a wheelchair. Once I had her safely inside Landon brought it back inside and then came back, starting the car and pulling carefully out of the parking lot.

I sat in the back with Lyla tucked safely in my lap with her head nodding off against my chest. I held her close and leaned back to make her more comfortable, stroking her hair softly.

The drive back to her house was silent and when we got inside their mom came rushing up, her hands fluttering around and smoothing out Lyla’s hair and kissing her hand. Once we calmed her down I carried Lyla up to her room and laid her down gently on the bed.

When she was tucked in Landon and I left the room, closing the door softly. Then we went downstairs. Lyla’s mom thanked me again, kissed my cheek, and then I went to the front door.  I didn’t expect Landon to follow me so when I turned around and he was right there I was a little surprised.

“I just wanted to tell you that I can tell that you care about Lyla and that I’m glad. But remember what I said at the hospital. If you hurt her…”

“I will never, ever hurt her on purpose. Never.” There was a moment of silence while he stared at me, looking over my face and seeing how my eyes burned with honesty. I have learned my lesson. There is no way in hell I am letting this girl get away if I can help it.

After a while he nodded and then held out his hand to me. I took it and we shook. Then he turned and disappeared down the hall without another word.

I left the house and went straight up to my room, stripping down to my boxers. I waited in my room till all of the lights in their house were off before climbing out my window and up through Lyla’s like I’ve done a few times now. I clenched my jaw when I remembered the last time I did this.

Once I got into her room I slid the window shut quietly and then went into her closet to pick out pajamas for her. I found a baggy t-shirt so she won’t have to touch her head as much when she’s putting it on and sweatpants. I’m not going to go through her underwear drawer so she can get those for herself. Hey, I may be a perv but I’m not that much of one.

I went over to where she’s sleeping peacefully on the bed and shook her shoulders gently, instantly feeling bad about waking her up. I would have left her alone but I know she’ll be a lot more comfortable sleeping in sweats and a t-shirt than her jeans and shirt that she’s wearing now.

“Hm? W-what?...” Lyla mumbled quietly. She opened her eyes a little and then rubbed them before blinking up at me. “Jacob?...” She yawned and went to rub her eyes again but I grabbed her hand when it got too close to her stitches.

“Careful.” I told her softly. She looked up at me and tried to sit up. I helped her up and then handed her the clothes. “Here. You’ll be more comfortable in these.” She glanced down at the clothes and then I saw a light blush on her cheeks. I smiled a little. She’s too cute for her own good.

“I’ll turn around but if you start to feel dizzy tell me. Alright?” She nodded and I helped her up and over to her dresser. Then I turned around. I heard her open the drawer and then the shuffling sound as she changed into the other clothes.

“Done.” I turned back around and scooped her into my arms before she could react. She didn’t resist for once which actually surprised me. She just yawned and nuzzled her face into my chest. She must be really tired if she isn’t yelling at me to put her down. I know that she likes it though. No matter how much she tells me to put her down and acts like she hates it I know that she loves being held by me.

Once we got over to the bed I set her down and then laid down beside her, pulling the covers over both of us and pulling her back against my chest. I took my phone out of my pocket and put it beside me on the pillow. I set an alarm for six so I can wake up and either hide or go to my house before her mom or Landon wakes up. They may be alright with us being together but that doesn’t mean they’ll be very happy about finding me in bed with Lyla. I mean obviously we’re not going to do anything but still.

“Wait weren’t… weren’t we gonna talk?...” Lyla asked sleepily.

“It’s alright Lyla. We have all day to talk. Right now you just need to relax and sleep.” I slid my hand down and wrapped it around hers under the blanket. Lyla mumbled quietly to herself as she slipped off into dreamland and I smiled softly down at her.

I kissed the top of her head gently.

“Goodnight baby girl.”

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