Everything's gonna work out j...

By Iwroteabook

23K 774 253

Emotions are strange, and growing up doesn't just include that change in one's self, but-much to a certain he... More

Prologue: Fionna cakes are for Fionna only
I hate penguins
New Emotions, Good and Bad
From dreams to nightmares
From Dreams to Nightmares part 2
Cloud Hunt Go!
The Gang Reunites
Drama Bombs!
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Kidnapped by Cake
A Broken Family
Escape Plan
Friends Help Friends Decorate
'Twas the Night Before the Ball
Early Grand Finale
An Epic Battle
Bad Little Girl
Where is Fionna?
Battle of Affections
Decision Train
Thank you
Epilogue: Surprise!

Starting to Change

1.4K 52 26
By Iwroteabook

Fionna's POV

My eyes opened wide. All I could see was darkness. I felt like I was under water, but I could breathe. My hat was gone, and my hair was flowing outwards. I didn't know where I was or what to do.

Pretty soon I started to hear something strange, something I didn't understand. They sounded like wispers.

I looked around, but it was too dark to see anything.

Then, I heard voices calling my name. They started quiet at first, but they soon grew louder and stronger.

My eyes opened up, and I realized that it was a dream.

I was in the Candy hospital when I awoke from my crazy dream.

I lay there in a hospital bed, but rather than the time when I broke my legs, I wasn't in the infermery. I was in a single room with just one hospital bed that was occupied by me.

I guess that the patients that are really, really injured get ttheir own room.

Wait. Am I really, really injured!?

I sat up, making sure that I wasn't missing any limbs. Thankfully, I was fine.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Fionna?" a voice said.

I turned my head to the side.

It was Marshall Lee. He was knelt beside the bed, wearing jeans and a gray flannel. His hair was messier than usual, and he had dry tear trails running down from his eyes to the bottom of his cheeks.

Wait a minute. Has he been crying? Was he crying because of me?

I opened my mouth to say something, but he gripped me tightly into a hug.

"Marsh, what's going on?" I asked, not knowing what was happening. Marshall broke the hug, about ready to say something, when Cake walked in with Gumball.

"Hey, back away from her!" Cake screamed, throwing a clipboard at Marshall, that he dodged easily.

Cake came running up to me, her arms growing in length and wrapping around me.

"Oh, Fionna, I thought you were never going to wake up!" she cried, tears forming in her eyes.

"What? Never going to wake up? How long was I out?" I asked, not really wanting to know.

Gumball stepped forward. "You were unconscious for almost 3 days, Fionna." he said, casually. "When your tongue got stuck to the wall..." he started saying, when I looked at him as if saying 'Don't ever mention that, ever!'

"...one of the Ice Queen's penguins broke a bottle over your head." he finished.

"Stupid penguins." I muttered under my breath.

"Well, now that you're okay, we can go home!" Cake said, happily.

"I'll go get your clothes." Marshall said, before floating out of the room.

I looked down at myself and noticed I was wearing a hospital gown. My head ached. I put my hand up to rub it, realizing that my hat was gone.

"Hey, my hat!" I said aloud.

"We had to take it off to see how badly you were hurt, Fionna." Gumball said, writing on his clipboard.

"Oh." I said, looking stupid.

Marshall came in with a blue bag in his arms. "Here's your clothes, Fi." he said, sheepishly, floating beside me.

But then Cake hissed and shoved him away.

"Cake!" I yelled at her for pushing Marshall. But she just picked me off of the bed and carried me to the restroom.

She gently set me on the floor and left. I turned to look in the mirror. My head had a bump on it, and it hurt a lot. I looked at the gown I was wearing, and started to wonder who had changed me. 'Hopefully Cake' I thought.

I took the gown off and put on the clothes I had been wearing when my tongue got stuck to the wall.

I still could not believe that happened. Hopefully no one else found out. But I wonder how Marshall Lee found out that I was in the hospital. Well, I was out for three days, I bet all of Aaa knows by now. Just great. The greatest hero in all of Aaa had to be hospitalized because of a stupid penguin!

When I was done getting dressed, I walked out of the restroom.

Cake handed me my hat, and I thanked her, before putting it on.

Marshall floated towards me to say something, but Cake hissed at him before picking me up and running out of the hospital.

Cake carried me on her back as we walked home. The sky was still looking the same as when we were heading to the castle.

"I wish you weren't so mean to Marshall Lee, Cake." I said to her.

"Fionna, that boy is bad news." Cake said to me.

"But he's not evil." I said, trying to convince her that Marshall was a good guy.

"Fionna, he'll corrupt you!" she said. I didn't agree with her at all.

"But, Cake, he-" I tried to say, but she stopped.

"We're home!" she said, happily, shrinking to her normal size. "Now go take a shower, you stink." she said to me, pointing up the stairs.

Hey! You stink!" I said in defense.

Cake just giggled. "I'm not the one who hasn't bathed in three days." she said to me.

"Licking yourself doesn't count as bathing, Cake." I said, climbing up the ladder and into the bathroom.

I let the warm water run down from my head to my toes. I washed my hair and my body. Then I got out to dry off and get dressed.

When I opened the shower curtain, I felt the cold air hit my bare skin. It felt like a thousand tiny needles.

I grabbed my bathrobe and wrapped it around myself.

I changed into my regular clothes since I wasn't going outside anytime soon.

I slipped on shirt and skirt, followed by my long sock and my shoes.

After I dried my hair, I put on my hat and went downstairs.

Cake was there, making hot cocoa. "Hey, Fi, want some cocoa?" she asked.

"No thanks, Cake." I answered, as I went towards the window. The sky was starting to turn dark blue colors. It started to rain.

I sighed softly, but of course, Cake heard me.

" What's wrong, Fionna?" she asked me, sounding concerned.

" Nothing's wrong, Cake." I answered. But Cake didn't ignore it. She sat down next to me.

"Fionna, you know you can tell me anything. So, what's up with you?" she asked, determined to get the answer.

"Well..." I started, but I didn't know how to finish.

"Well, what?" Cake said.

I sighed out loud, and continued. "Cake, I don't understand why you don't want me hanging around Marshall.You don't even let him talk to me." I said.

Cake just gave me a look that said 'I don't want to discuss this.'

I just sat there, waiting for an answer.

Cake spoke up. "Fionna, we already went through this. Marshall Lee is bad news. What don't you get about that?"

"But, Cake, he's a good guy!" I said, in protest.

"I don't care, Fionna. I know a bad influence when I see one. And he is the biggest, baddest influence ever!" Cake said, raising her voice.

"He's my friend!" I said, trying to defend Marshall and I's friendship. "Don't you think you can give him a chance, Cake?!" I asked, hoping the answer would be 'yes'.

"Fionna, I'm sorry, but-" I cut her off.

"He's my friend! It's not fair!!! It's-"

"No! No, it's not fair, but it's for the best! Fionna, you are not allowed to hang around, talk to, or see that boy! EVER!"

Cake shrunk back down to her normal size, looking at me. I didn't say anything.

Then, Cake spoke, using her inside voice. "Do I make myself clear?" she asked me, using a monotone.

I gave her a sour look before going to my room, without saying a word. I locked the bedroom door, after slamming it shut, and marched over to my bed.

I picked up one of the pillows, and screamed into it as loud as I could. I was furious! Who was Cake to tell me who I can and can't hang out with?!

Anger over took me, and I stomped my feet on the floor, while heading towards the bathroom.

I slammed the door shut, and locked it. I approached the mirror, looking at myself in disgust. Of course Cake didn't listen to me, I don't look tough enough.

I opened the sink drawer and took out a pair of scissors.

I started to cut my hair, pieces of golden locks, falling to the floor.

When I finished, I stood there, looking in the mirror, admiring my work.

My former waist length hair, was now to my shoulders.

I took my clothes off, and put on a pair of jeans, a black hoodie, and my shoes.

I looked over at my hat that I had taken off before I had started cutting my hair. Then I looked at my bed, then back at the hat.

Just then, an evil looking grin found its way to my face. I grabbed my hat from the bathroom, and stuffed BMO's soccer ball inside of it. I placed the hat on the pillow that was on the bed. Then two pillows next to it, I covered them with a blanket.

I placed the hat facing down, so it looked like my face was buried in the pillow.

I cleaned up the hair mess in the bathroom, and flushed it down the toilet.

I looked up at the clock. It was 8:45. Cake usually didn't go to bed until 9:00. She'll probably take the couch tonight, anyway.

I turned the lights off and opened up the window. The cool breeze felt nice, and it had stopped raining.

I carefully climbed down the tree house. I wasn't really worried about falling, I was worried about Cake hearing me.

Once I was down I started heading towards Marshall and I's favorite spot to hang. I pulled out my phone as I was walking, and dialed Marshall's number.

It started ringing, and then he answered.

"Speak." I heard his voice on the other end say. I could hear him playing his bass in the background.

"Hey, Marsh, it's Fionna." I said to him, and his tone lightened up.

"Oh, hey, Fionna. What's up?" he said, happily.

"I could really use that adventure you owe me, dude." I said. I heard the bass in the background stop suddenly.

"Right now?" Marshall asked, sounding excited.

"Yeah, right now would be awesome." I said.

"Great. Where at?" he asked me.

"At the graveyard." I said, plainly.

I heard Marshall chuckle a bit. "I'm on my way." he said, before hanging up.

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