Boss Love Lessons


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"Yes, Miss Everdeen. I own it all and I built this company from the ground up. I tend for it to stay the most... More

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It had been a few weeks since they arrived back from their trips. The wedding planning had been going smoothly, she had picked the perfect dress. They decided to hold the wedding outside and the reception be in a grand ballroom. They picked classic colors for their wedding, black and white with pops of red. Katniss followed the path through the garden. Peeta was away at work and she had no clue what to do. Her boutique was under construction and her family had plans up until later today. She studied the flowers, picking out her favorites. "So your the famous Katniss Everdeen."

The voice had a tone she could not recognize. He appeared out of the white roses, his hair blended in along with them. He was a stout man with an evil smile draped across his face. Katniss stepped back, narrowing her eyes. "Who might you be?"

"Just call me Snow. I am the CEO of Hawthorne Companies," he informed, drawing closer to her. With each step he took, she took more steps back. "I know exactly who you are Katniss Everdeen - soon to be Mellark. You are your husbands most prized possession."

"We eloped," she lied. Peeta has told her not to give anything anywhere especially to the Hawthorne business. She feared they may try to ruin her big day. "So you may call me Mrs. Mellark."

"Mrs. Mellark well then, you made the wrong decision in marrying him." He turned on his heel, rolling his eyes a bit. "I have plenty of sons you could have married, we do have more money, more fame."

"Excuse me? I would've declined even if I wasn't married to Peeta. Peeta is more of a man then your sons will ever be and I don't care about any of the money and fame. Peeta is everything to me," she spit, whipping around and carrying herself out of the park. She scurried along into the car. Thresh was awaiting her presence and her cue to go wherever. "May I go shopping, I'd like to buy a surprise for Peeta?"

"Of course miss," he replied, driving her into the town. Katniss was stubborn, she was angry at the old man who tried to tell her Peeta was wrong for her. She was so sure about Peeta, she knew he was the best thing for her. She texted her sister Primrose, hoping she would meet her in town which she gladly did. The car halted, Thresh opening the door for the brunette. "I wasn't sure where exactly you wanted to go."

"This is perfect." She sent a sweet smile over to him. The breeze was light today, and very few were out shopping. She walked along the sidewalk, Thresh staying close behind her. She had gotten used to Peeta's men following her, she knew it was for her own good. She spotted a blonde with her hair in a bun. They met each other with a big hug. "I've missed you Little Duck, but you are growing up so quickly, wow!"

"I've missed you too Kitty, I've been busy. Who's that hunk following you?" She glanced behind her older sister, eyeing the awkward man. She raised her eyebrow waiting on her sister's reply.

"That's Thresh, one of Peeta's bodyguards," she explained as they walked into the small cafe. Primrose was shocked. Katniss had moved on from what she had just stated, she was observing the menu. "What're you going to get?"

"Are we not just gonna discuss you have a bodyguard following you?" Prim inquired, her mouth gapping. Katniss giggled, closing her sisters mouth.

"I have bodyguards follow me everywhere, it's nothing new," she stated like it was no big deal. She ordered then Prim did. Yet she was still not over that.

"My sister is famous, she's marrying the sexiest and most successful man alive," she repeated over and over again. Katniss laughed as they sat down. She couldn't help but glance down at her ring every time it hit the sunlight. It was almost as if she was designed to wear it. She took a long sip of her drink, peeking out the window to see paparazzi snapping pictures of her. She quickly turned her attention to her sister, leaning in closer towards her.

"I want to buy some lingerie for Peeta on our wedding night," she whispered, almost embarrassed. She was innocent and pure, she was hesitant to ask her sister for help. Primrose's cheeks lifted up into an evil smile as her hands came together.

"Honestly that's so gross, but you are going to look so hot!" she exclaimed. After they were done eating, they entered Victoria Secret. Katniss had her hands full by the end of their shopping trip. As they checked out, Katniss couldn't help but glance over to Thresh. The look of melancholy flashed upon his face and the expression on his face didn't look very good as he listened to someone on the other line of his phone. Katniss' smile dropped, once they snatched their bags they made their way over to him. Perfect timing, Thresh had just gotten off of the phone too.

"I'm sorry Ms Everdeen, but we need to leave. Now, it's an emergency," he stated firmly, opening the door for the sisters. Katniss' heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as she heard him. She bid her sister a goodbye, hugging her tightly. Once her sister had gone she tugged on Thresh's jacket as he opened the car door. "It's Peeta."

She felt tears pop into her eyes as he drove. Her heart felt heavy. What was wrong? What had happened to him? She felt helpless, she wanted to know anything and everything. The car hadn't even stopped yet but she pushed open the door, scurrying to the porch and flinging open the door. Finnick nodded to the direction Peeta was in and she immediately fled to it. She gathered up all of her courage to step inside the small room. She swung the door open, her eyes falling to the bed where he laid. She tiptoed over, settling herself beside him. He had a cut on his lip and along his eyebrow, yet his eyes were closed. His cuts had been unattended to. She took his hand, placing a soft kiss on it. His shimmering blue eyes slowly opened, glancing at the beauty beside him. "Hello there beautiful."

"Oh my goodness Peeta, you scared me!" she said, kissing his cheek. She stroked his cheek, observing his face.

"I'm fine baby. I just have a few cuts and I got stabbed but they already cleaned me up," he explained. He brushed her hair out of her face. Katniss took a glimpse around her, noticing if there were any medical objects she could use. She took a hold of some ointment and something to cover them.

"They haven't taken care of your cuts yet," she confessed, placing the ointment along them. She continued to treat them as he admired her. "My mother is a nurse, so I know many things about treating others. My sister is also studying in nursing school."

"You are inspiring," he said, keeping his hand in her hair as he caressed the strands.  A smile stretched across her face, her heart fluttered.

"Peeta, can I train?" she inquired, looking hopeful. Peeta's face switched from love to a stern look. His jaw clenched as he darted his eyes away.

"No, absolutely not." His voice was stern as his eyes averted hers. Katniss was stubborn so she wasn't going to let this one go.

"Well why not?" she asked, her voice raising. She didn't want to be helpless, she wanted to be able to protect herself and Peeta if he was ever super hurt.

"It's too dangerous," he stated firmly. He closed his eyes, hoping she would leave but she didn't.

"How is it dangerous? I know how to shoot a bow and I know this is surprising but I'm really good at it too!" she yelled before whispering. "I never miss."

There was a long pause between the two of them. Peeta was in a deep thought, debating what to do. Katniss glanced down at her palms, biting her lip nervously. He took a glimpse at her. "We will put you through a stimulation in the training room, if you're good I'll decide."

"Thank you," she wrapped her arms around him, kissing his forehead. "You won't regret it."

She snuggled close to him, becoming giddy of this thought. She was going to show him.

+ + +
i told myself i was going to get this chapter out last night but some many things came up so i'm sorry

i had really bad writers block too, for all my books

thank you all!
i love you
bye tributes

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