The Only Reason [DISCONTINUED]

By dia_ras

1.4K 80 111


Writer's message and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 The Nightmare
Chapter 2 Family
Chapter 3 My Parents
Chapter 4 Cuts
Chapter 5 Happy
Chapter 6 Then Again No
Chapter 7 School
Chapter 8 George?
Chapter 9 Siblings Day Out
Chapter 10 Drama
Chapter 11 Always Around
Chapter 13 Exams
Chapter 14 Smiles, Heartbreaks and Strengths
Writer's Note

Chapter 12 Larry

57 5 15
By dia_ras

                                              My dreams were getting more vivid. I found Niall staring at me and smiling out of all the people present around us, until the alarm went off. I switched it off, cursing it under breath and went back to sleep knowing it was Sunday. And I knew I wasn't going to get up before 10:00 a.m. . So I lied on my bed, thinking about my dream and fell asleep some time later.

                                              The rest of the day was just like all other Sundays. After waking up, mom gave a lecture to me about being so lazy and irresponsible, although Geo seemed sympathetic. I know mom says all these things for my good, but things just don't seem to go according to me. I behaved as if I don't care and continued reading the newspaper. Finally she got tired of yelling and went to the kitchen, muttering to herself. All that she needed to know was how much each and every single word hurts and how it affects me. Rest of the day was boring- well, very boring- except the regular Sunday outing thing. Dad took us to Gateway of India, where the light evening sea breeze soothed me to a good extent. Geo kept teasing me because of my ruffled hair due to the wind, but even tried to protect me from staring guys (I don't know why they were staring though, I didn't even wear something great, just a turquoise shirt with black leggings). Sweet. Then mom convinced dad to go on a boat ride, which was pretty good too. Going back home would have been quiet only if my great brother could keep quiet. Reaching home, we all ate a silent dinner and went to our respective rooms. I secretly logged in to my facebook account just to see what had I missed this long. I searched for any family member- my Directioner family- to talk with and kept chatting until I realized it's three in the night. Or morning. I tried to fall asleep for the sake of school.

                                              The next day started just like all other days. I was tired of these same old things; I wanted some change. Probably God listened to me. One of our teachers was absent, so we had free time. Unexpectedly, Stein came to me, and as usual, we started talking about our boys. My dear neighbour Monica was tired of my speeches about them everyday, so she didn't bother to join in. But one of our classmates- n kinda friend- Ayan, joined in and got bored very- VERY soon. Me n Stein were talking about her love, Mr. Harry Styles.

"Omg why did my surname had to be Stein? Just four more letters and it was was fine. Why did you put 'ein' instead of 'yles'?" she yelled dramatically. I could just laugh, there wasn't any other choice. If I said anything now, she'd simply cut me off mid sentence and scream.

"By the way Lux has grown up so much omg", she said.

"Yeah, she's so cute now, not that she wasn't before", I said.

"Who's Lux?" Ayan asked.

"Lux is Harry's cousin", Stein bursted in and then realized what she had done.

"What are you saying-"

"No no no, she's their hair stylist's daughter", we both laughed at her silly mistake. Then we continued talking about Harry, when the biggest and funniest episode of my time in this school happened.

"What are they talking about?" Ayan asked Monica, to which she just shrugged.

"Hey who's Larry?" Ayan asked innocently.

                                              WHUT?! Larry? Seriously?  We both burst out laughing, and the giggles went on for some ten-fifteen minutes. Poor Ayan, he couldn't understand a thing and kept asking Monica about it, and obviously, she was equally clueless.

"Nothing, you wouldn't understand. It's a Directioner thingy", was all that we could manage out.

                                            Rest of the day- and the whole week went boring as hell. But this Larry episode was the highlight. I don't think I was ever going to forget it. Next week, our exams' schedule was handed to us. At least we had some time, I could prepare well- may be. Chemistry and Physics goes all from top of my head. And I was blessed to have such awesome partners to sit with. Whenever I asked any of my doubts to Diksha, she'd just pass it off to Monica, and Monica- well, never mind. So my time was here, to prove everyone wrong. But probably I'd set my hopes too high. Somewhere I knew I'll have to suffer.


I'm really really really very sorry for this horrible chapter and being so late. I swear school's hard to hendall. I hardly get time for this. But of course I had to update, so I did take out some time for it. You guys are keeping me going. Love y'all, keep reading, voting n sharing.

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