Mystery Girl

By Sanabil_javed055

1.3K 184 195

This story is about a teen girl who suffered alone .. no one was beside her .. her past life was full of suff... More

Chapter #01
Chapter #02
Chapter #03
Chapter #04
Chapter #05
Chapter #06
Chapter #07
Chapter #08
Chapter #09
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #21
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter # 24
Chaptee #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
not an update
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter# 32

Chapter #15

23 5 0
By Sanabil_javed055

Melissah's POV:

I woke up at almost 1 am.i recalled what happened before I went to sleep.even after waking up from a deep slumber I felt exhausted.i want fresh air.I looked around but couldn't find jian yao and I noticed fire camp is still lit.I opened my tent and went outside and I saw someone sitting there.I approached the person and to my surprise it was jackson.

"Why is he sleeping here?" I thought to myself.i sat near the campfire.the moonlight was strong enough to make his each and every single feature prominent.I begun to notice his beautiful features,his sharp jawline,thick eyebrows,tiny nose,perfectly carved full lips.he looked so beautiful under the moonlight.

Wait .. did I said he looks beautiful? Aiisshhh jinja .. melissah what is wrong with you .. how can you think about him like that even after knowing that he's gonna hurt you like others did,he's gonna make fun of you if he ever came to know that I feel something for him.

"You are full of flaws melissah .. you dont deserve anybody's love .. you suffered alone and you have to survive alone your whole life .. dont let your heart mislead you" I said to myself.I was about to get up when jackson held my hand and pulled me back to the ground.

"You are awake?" I asked him and pulled me hand back.

"I didn't slept.its so cold here .. how can you expect someone to sleep?" Jackson replied.

"Why aren't you in your tent?"I asked him.

"Jian yao sprained her ankle and you werent opening your tent .. so she slept in my tent with yoon wo to take care of her .. and here I am .. " he explained.

"Sorry .. you had to face this because of me.. you can go sleep in my tent " I offered him but he didn't replied .. I looked in his eyes which I was avoiding since he woke up.

He was staring at he is finding his answers in my eyes.I felt a shiver ran down my he kept on staring in my soul.

"No I am not sleepy" he wispered.

"Oh .. okay" I diverted my gaze to the ground once again.

We sat there beside each other without saying anything for I dont know how long but I felt so comfortable.

"Melissah .. I am sorry .. for acting rude to you .. I-I am really ashamed" jackson spoke breaking the silence.

I looked at him a bit surprised.I was not expecting an apology from him.I thought he would be happy to know my flaws .. the all perfect melissah isn't perfect anymore .. but .. he apologized.

"Its okay .. but can we please drop this topic?"I requested him not feeling comfortable starting this topic again.

"I understand .. you are not comfortable with it .. even I dont want to force you .. but melissah" he held my hand making me look at him " can you please promise me one thing?" He asked.

" promise? .. what promise?"

"You won't hurt yourself ever again"jackson spoke.

I remained silent not knowing what to say and what not to.i couldn't believe he said other ever told me this.nobody ever felt bad for me,cared for me hurting myself.i wanted to tell him that I didn't hurt myself but I cant tell him everything.I dont know how my heart is convinced that this man would never hurt me .. but still I have to stay careful.I cannot let my emotions over flow.

"You know what melissah .. we all go through something terrible .. life isn't easy for anyone .. and the pain we face cannot be felt by any other person .. only we can feel it .. I personally believe sharing your pain cannot lessen it .. but you know what sharing can do?he asked.

I shook my head.

" It makes us feel that we are not alone .. we have someone who loves us and cares for us.whatever we go through that person will stand by us no matter what.i am not saying that we should be dependent on someone,what I am saying is .. learn to trust .. not everybody is out there to hurt us .. many of people cares for us but we just dont recognize them" jackson begun to express this thoughts.

Everything he said is so true.but I never felt like sharing ever.because I never had someone who would listen to me ,that one person who would stood by me.

I nodded my head not knowing what to answer.

"U r right jackson .. but everybody have their own fears their own circumstances that made them this way.not everybody is comfortable with sharing.not everybody gets a chance to explain.not everybody have the one who would stay no matter what" I didnt wanted to express my thoughts like this but I couldn't control myself.his deep words effected me so badly that I ended up sharing my views.

"Yup .. what you said is true as well .. but u know we often misunderstand people.we dont recognize them.sometimes we think of them as nobody when they are actually loyal to us and are waiting for us to hold their hand so they can pull us out of the darkness"

What jackson said left me speechless .. may be he was right .. but how can we recognize them?how can we make sure that they wont hurt us?wont leave us?

"Melissah I dont know what is in your mind but whatever it is .. I want you to know that .. I am here for you .. and I will stay .. no matter what happens .. whenever you feel depressed .. you can tell me .. instead if hurting yourself .. I will comfort you .. I will console you .. I cant see you hurt like this"

His sudden confession made my heart skip a cheeks begun to burn and my heart started to one ever said something like this to me.

I smiled at him and looked down.a stranger happiness occupied my heart.

"So .. promise?" Jackson extended his pinky forward.I laughed at him but ended up interlocking my pinky with him.


We spent the night talking about Jackson's childhood.we laughed at his naughtiness.we  talked whole night like this.telling each other our childhood habbits.

I felt so comfortable and at ease with him.the fear in my heart disappeared I dont know how.I begun to respect this man in front of me even more.I always misunderstood him.but he always proved me wrong.jackson was teaching me things I never knew before.he was changing my outlook towards people and life.

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