A New World | THE BIG FOUR: B...

By Thecalendar15

9.3K 457 136

COMPLETE [MODERN AU] Pitch had taken his long running vengeance into action. Locking them in cages. Drowning... More

20 : THE 8th


253 15 2
By Thecalendar15

The cloak of clouds began to simper, showing a light shade of orange tints in the sky. The warm wind turned cold in everyone's skin. Darkness skimmed over but there is still light. Enough for the day to end.

"Thank you." Rapunzel stated softly.

Her tan skin was warm and smooth.

"And, nice meeting you too." She smiled. Freckles over her nose moved.

Merida isn't used to giving goodbyes and compliments over a simple matter. She isn't the kind of person whose moved by a little thing, even she is, she wouldn't let anyone to see her inner thoughts. But upon knowing Rapunzel, she might let herself be acquainted by it.

"No problem lass." The redhead slowly smiled.

Her gaze dropped over Elsa and Anna whose waiting for Rapunzel at the back. Once their eyes met, they nodded and answered a small genuine smile- not for being a company, but rather a new found friend.

"Thank you also." She breathed. "Ya know, I might got lost or something! Maybe, I might be a nerd sitting in the corner of the classroom."

"I mean... thank you."

Rapunzel giggled. Her emerald orbs twinkled against the light. Her lips curved and thin. She nodded and smiled, again. And once in her life, Rapunzel felt honored to fit herself within the community; with different races in separated worlds.

"Okay then." She breathed deeply.

"See you tomorrow."

Merida slowly nodded, watching Rapunzel heading the other direction together with the Arendelle's, having a smooth conversation as she watches their mouths open in sync.

Merida finally turned her back away as their forms disappeared within her line of vision. She smiled. She crossed the street and walked with other people around her. Not knowing everyone, she felt at ease in every ways possible. Her red curls bounced upon her movement, her eyes as blue as the ocean.

She turned to her right and crossed another pedestrian line, upon reaching the end, the street turned downwards; with smaller population of people around the sidewalks. Well, she had no choice. This is the only pathway to her apartment.

She wanted to go home.

And rest.

While walking, the cold wind hurdled around the surrounding, dried leaves flowed in short heights away from her feet. She shivered and pulled her clothing together to produce enough heat.

The soft audible clanging of chimes travelled up to her, until she can fully hear it with so much volume. It lingered in her eardrums. Her feet stopped halfway. Her hands at her side. Her head moved.

An open store came at her sight. Merida peered through the glass windows and her body was filled with delight, rather, curiosity bounds at her fingertips. All she could see are carved woods with gloomy white light enough to provide lighting inside.

It was an antique store, she supposed.

Merida pushed the door and entered. Scent of fresh cut pine trees is all she could smell. Once she moved closer, long wooden cabinets are aligned with displays onto the surface, Merida could see the dusts covering each carvings- like no one had entered this shop before, displays are not moved nor touched by customers.

She wondered.

Merida moved, paying each displays a good ten seconds look before moving to the others. In the middle pathway, she stopped.

Her eyes stilled into a specific carving.

It is a cabin made of wood, with a chimney. Like it was placed in the middle of the forest. She gazed deeply and Merida could fully see every tiny details of the cabin. The metal curved knob of the door, the whole structure of the building.

She held up her hands.

But something is missing.

It was dull... and dark. Sad and too silent for her. That is what she is looking at. It was left abandoned.

Merida moved her fingers.

And slowly...


"My, my!" The crooked voice welcomed.

Merida almost jumped in shock. Slowly putting her hands down, she moved her head and followed the train of voice that echoed throughout the store. She walked and turned the way she was before.

And then, there was an old lady in the counter. Her white hair with tints of gray in a messy bun. Her skin was sagged. She was wearing large round golden earrings. Her dress is more like a rag cut into different pieces sewn together.

She grimmed a smile.

"Another customer." The old lady said while tapping her fingers on the counter, long nails scratched into every tap.

"What brought you here, young lady?"

Merida was slightly taken a back. She held her head at the back, pointing her finger to where she was found in the first place. Her mouth was left ajar.

"I-I was just looking at the- your carvings." She corrected swiftly and stared all over the place.

"Ya made all of these?"

The old lady took time to answer. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Yes. Most of it."

Merida nodded.

"It's impressive."

The redhead turned her back again, her foot moved. And another step.


"Ah-ah!" The old lady cautioned. "Don't go any closer."

Merida's eyebrows twitched.

"Come! Come." Her old rough voice initiated.

Furious and confuse, Merida had no other options but to follow what she said. She was intrigued by the sudden raise of autonomy. She has the right to move around and satisfy herself to whatever pleases her. She came here with a concrete decision. Not to be asked and entertained.

Once she had reached the counter, the old lady began searching for something- opening couple of cabinets and closing it after. The counter is a mess, with lots of scattered papers, pencils, metallic knife, cut woods and so much more. Merida didn't even noticed it at first.

"Ha!" She squeaked.

And the old lady pulled out a middle sized box... with carved ancient lettering Merida cannot understand at first glance. She blew out the dusts and Merida almost choked of coughing.

"What are ya tryin' to do?!" She asked in disbelief.

"There. There." The lady whispered softly.

Merida opened her eyes and watched her.

"I am giving you this."

"What?" Merida asked.

The lady handed it to her and in bewilderment, it was quite heavy in her hands. Merida gave her a suspicious look- it was a joke or a scam, she thought. The hinges cringed as she opened the lid. And there it was, it shone golden in her skin.

Her eyes widen.

It was a cylindrical box made up of pure gold, with diamonds of different shapes and colors spread amongst the surface. The overall design is detailed all over the object. It was beautiful... and seducing.

"What is this?" Merida managed to ask in a whisper.

"It is a box," The old lady answered quickly. "As you can see."

"It is yours."

Her eyes trembled. Merida closed the box in a loud thud and brought back to her. She stuttered in her own voice.

"Oh, no. no." She held her hands high. "I know it's a scam, old lady." Merida warned.

"And who would ever give a piece of twinkling gold to anyone?" Her voice in high pitch. "Nobody!"

"It is not only a box of gold," The lady calmly answered. "It is way more than that. You'll know when you get there."

"No, no, no."

"It is free. No charges applied." She insisted.

Her eyes glowed and a wicked smile painted all over her saggy face. She held the box further towards Merida.

Merida felt something absurd- she was terrified, yes, because she'll never know what will happen in this conversation of them. She pushed her hands against the wooden box where the gold object is contained.

"I'm leaving."

Merida hurried to the door. Strands of her red-orange hair in her face.

"Think wisely my dear. This decision of yours may ruin what is ahead of your future." Her voice echoed.

Merida's hands trailed over the knob of the door. It isn't twitching nor moving in her response. She opened and turned and grasped but it didn't work. All of her efforts are fruitless. Her breathe was warm. It is locked.

"I hope you'll distinctly remember what had happened today." She warned.

"No regrets, my dear."

"No regrets."

And suddenly, with a whip of cold air, the door opened widely sending Merida outside with all forces. She almost stumbled in her own feet but she maintained her balance not to.

She gasped for air. Her chest moved vastly. She breathed- in and out.

With the last sounds of clanging chimes, Merida turned her head over and looked what had happened.

Her eyes glimpsed. Her lips trembled.

All of the lights are turned off. Neither she cannot see anything on those glass door, any silhoutte or distinguished forms. There was no old lady- no one. At the door, there was a hanging sign with bold black letters saying 'closed'. The door was locked, to her surprise. It was dark.

Merida walked wobbly away from the store. Her legs felt weak. She turned around and breath fresh air for her lungs. Dizziness taking over her. Her vision started to blur.

Her body drooped off. And fell-

Into somebody's arms.


Unexpectedly, the man beamed as he felt her weight in his shoulders and arms.

"Are you okay?"

Hiccup could almost smell the scent of her hair- fresh and minty. Of course. He had exactly seen her walking down the street, shocked and confused by something. Stumbling many times and getting up in her feet. Until, he had hurriedly snatched her body before she hits the floor.

Hiccup had seen her.

At school.

Hiccup patted her cheeks gently to make sure she's holding up alright. Merida opened her eyes- slowly. Finally, having the energy to walk on her own, she pushed the man away and stood up cautiously.

"I-I'm okay lass." She answered, her voice cracked. "No need to worry."

She plastered a small smile and it faded before Hiccup could see it.

"You need help?"

"Nah, I'm fine." Merida said as she found her composure.

Her body felt well and the feeling of dizziness disappeared.

Hiccup nodded. His almond hair flowed and swayed with the wind. He moved a step away from the redhead, giving her privacy and respect, not to disrupt her own boundaries.

"You said it." Hiccup gave in.

He almost smiled but never did. Hiccup then walk away and turned his back against her, down the sidewalk, his feet moved constantly as Merida had expected. She was left alone.

Hiccup did not look back, even though he wanted to in the first place. To check upon her if she is honestly in a safe state. But he didn't. And he doesn't know why. All he knew is that they are both new to this world they are in, they are both adopted to this place like anyone is. And that is why he wanted to make sure everyone is safe as he pleases.


Merida watched him walk away. She knew him. His name is Hiccup. The guy with the weird name as he announced it to the whole class.

Merida was silenced.

And then, finally, the memory started haunting her.

Think wisely my dear.

This is the first time ever she experienced something like this. It is truly absurd. It was madness. It is a trap. Or a game. Or a scam. Whatever she calls it, it was haunting her. To her extent, she cannot fully erase the image of the golden object she had seen with her bare eyes. It is beautiful. Yes, it is. But what she needed to know is what is its purpose- or use. Is it magically-inclined or just a highly payed object?

She will never know.

This decision of yours may ruin what is ahead of your future.

Merida gritted her teeth.


She is the only one who can control her fate- whether she likes it or not, she'll be the only person to unlock her secrets and lies. She is the captain of her own ship.

Merida walked.

The wind caress her face.

Of course.

Of course.

Her mouth opened.

"I swear," She breathed.

"I won't regret any of these." 


Author's Note:

For the nth time, sorry for the late updates! I will try my best to keep you updated as possible. :)

Enjoy reading!

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