Embraced Scars

By UniversallyBlonde

3.2K 113 37

Annabelle Williams and her brother Noah Williams are new. They've moved to escape their past and move on. Ma... More

Embraced Scars
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Three
Authors note
Chapter Twenty Four
Authors note
Authors note

Chapter Fifteen

95 3 1
By UniversallyBlonde

Marcus's POV

"This is pointless, there is no way in hell I can win this." Annabelle complained, stomping her foot. I smirked, leaning forward and preparing to start.

"Then this should be over quickly and we can get lunch." I replied, my smirk widening when she shot me a poisonous glare.

The roata had almost been completed, meaning Annabelle, Noah and Cody were the only people I hadn't fought. I was nervous about this fight, even though there was absolutely no chance of me losing. I just didn't want to hurt Annabelle. The thought of her being injured was bad enough without thinking that I was the one doing the damage.

I was impressed with her. Even though she rarely won, she would take part in the fights and didn't have another panic attack. She had been accepted into the pack easily, since she was so kind to everyone. During her fight with Zack, she had accidently punched him in the face. After apologizing a million times, she made him sit still so she could clean him up.

"What if I just lie down and pretend to be injured?" She called from the other side of the ring, "You'll win and I don't get my face broken."

I raised an eyebrow, "Nope. Suck it up."

Cody snorted behind me and it took every ounce of my self control not so smash his face in. He had been dropping hints to the others or making crude sex jokes all day and it was getting seriously annoying.

"Let's just get this over with." Annabelle grumbled, looking to Brett. He nodded and blew the whistle signalling the start of the fight. Neither of us moved for a moment, then I lunged forward with my shoulders aimed at her stomach so I could flip her.

Darting backwards, Annabelle avoided my attack and leaped to the side, letting out a little squeal. There were chuckles from the pack, who had gathered around to watch. We walked in a circle, waiting for the other person to attack. When I realized she wasn't going to, I grabbed her wrists and yanked her towards me. Bending down, I used her momentum to throw her over my shoulder, wincing as I heard her thud onto the floor.

"Sorry." I said, holding out a hand. She grumbled and grabbed my hand. I was about to pull her up, when she flicked her feet out so they hit the backs of my knees and pulled my hand so I came crashing down next to her.

She laughed, but the sweet sound was drowned out by the packs laughter. I grinned, rolling to my feet, surprised at myself. Usually if I'm made a fool of in front of my pack, my Alpha blood takes over. But with Annabelle, I didn't care.

"That was very sneaky, I'm impressed." I teased, ignoring the slight pain in my shoulder. Rolling her eyes, Annabelle slapped my arm and was about to say something but was cut off by Brett.

"Annabelle, that weirdo's on the phone for you again."

Annabelle's face completely dropped. The blood drained from her flushed face, the happiness leaking from her eyes. She glanced up at me, then at Noah before jumping off the mats. I followed her, grabbing her waist and stopping her.

"What's wrong? Who is it?" I asked lowly. She shoved my hands off her waist and took a step back.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be back in a second." She quickly rushed out of the room towards Brett who was holding the phone. I looked over at Noah, who was just as confused.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked, going to stand beside him.

"I don't know. It can't be good though, I haven't seen her look like that in a while." He replied, his eyes on the closed door. "I'm gonna go listen."

I chuckled darkly, "I'll come too."

The hallway outside was brighter than the training centre, and echoed every little sound, increasing the volume a hundred times. We slowly walked towards a door that was half open, leading to the kitchen.

"-I said yes last time!" Annabelle was hissing, sounding agitated. There was a pause as she listened to the other person. She began pacing up and down the kitchen, chewing on her lip. "No, I haven't told them. Can't I have a little longer?"

Another pause, "Fine." She snapped, hanging up and throwing the phone onto the floor, shattering the screen.

Holding her head in her hands, she sobbed and sank down onto the floor. Noah and I shared a look before pushing the door open and stepping inside. She looked up quickly, wiping her tears with the hem of her T-shirt.

"Sorry about the phone." She whispered before trying to walk past us. Noah's hand shot out and grabbed her arm, pulling her back.

"Who was on the phone?" He demanded, looking her dead in the eye. She yanked her arm from his grip before taking a step back.

"None of your business." She snarled before storming out the door. A few moments later, we heard the front door slam shut.

Annabelle's POV

My body shook with anger as I charged through the woods. My white fur was covered in mud, but I didn't care. I just ran, letting my fustration out on the soft ground beneath me.

'You can't leave our mate.' My wolf whimpered.

'I have to. It's the only way to keep him safe.' I snarled back, 'What, you think I actually want to leave him?'

She didn't reply, sulkily remaining silent. I didn't care at that moment however, I was too pissed off. What did I do to deserve this life?

You killed your mother. My fathers voice whispered, echoing into a horrible symphany in my head.

"I didn't mean to!" I shouted back, shaking my head to try and clear it. That was when I realized where I was.

A huge meadow stood in front of me, an uproar of color. The circular space surrounded by towering trees was bathed in golden sun light. A mass of brightly colored flowerd waved merrily in the breeze, a rocking wave of whites, blues, purples and greens like a bird ruffling its feathers.

The sky above was clear blue, with a single white cloud floating over me. I shifted back into human form, dropping the clothes I carried in my mouth and changing quickly. I then went into the centre of the field and lay down, letting the hot sun warmmy flesh.

"What do you want?" I growled into the phone.

"You know you don't have to be rude all the time." Joey grumbled, but I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I ground my teeth together.

"I'm just checking that you're still coming on friday." He spoke in such an offhand way that it would be quite easy to forget the simple fact that he was kidnapping me.

"Are you deaf? I said yes last time." I growled, trying to control my rage. If I pissed him off now, it wouldn only hurt more when he had me.

"My, my! You have got snappy lately. I suppose I'll have to beat it out of you later." He sounded thoughtful. I swallowed my response, not really waning to piss him off. "Anyway, have you told anyone? You understand, you have to just tell them you're leaving. If you mention my name or your fathers, you could start a war."

"No, I haven't told them yet. Can't I just have a little longer?" I begged.

"Surely it's kinder on Marcus if you come sooner. His feelings will get stronger every second you stay, and he'll be crushed when his sweet little mate leaves him." There was no sympathy in his voice, just a cold satisfaction, as though the thought of Marcus hurting made him happy.

"Fine." I snapped. Blind, white hot rage took over, commanding my arm to throw the phone onto the floor.

I heard someone lie down next to me, but I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was. Marcus didn't touch me, just lay down and stayed silent. There was a peaceful silence for a long time, while my breaths slowed and I felt myself calm down. I didn't say anything, just absorbed the beautiful scent of the flowers and Marcus.

"My father used to bring me here when I was younger." Marcus said after a while."Some fathers take their kids caming or fishing, but he knew I wasn't interested in any of that, so he would bring me here. We wouldn't really do much, just act like idiots."

I smiled when Marcus chuckled. We lapsed back into silence, but I knew what he was thinking.

"It doesn't matter, Marcus." I said, not looking at him.

"Yes it does." He whispered, "Why are you hiding things from me?"

So you don't get killed. "I'm not."

"Then tell me who was on the phone." Fustration had crept into his voice. I finally looked over, only to find his face inches from mine.

"No." I whispered, looking at his lips that so despirately wanted to be kissed. Guilt ate away at my stomach, but I ignored it and tangled my fingers in his hair. The kiss was tense at first, but that tension was quickly replaced by lust as my tongue swept over Marcus's dry lips.

Two more nights. That's all I had left, and I intended to take full advantage of them. I kissed Marcus harder than I've ever kissed anyone, letting all my emotions out. I crushed my lips to his, feeling the rough skin soften under my touch.

Sensing my mood, Marcus gripped my hips and pulled me on top of him. I smiled into the kiss, feeling him do the same.

"I love you Marcus." I whispered onto his lips.

"I love you Annabelle." He replied, running his hands over my thighs. He beamed that perfect smile that would have made my knees give out if I hadn't been sat down.

I'm gonna miss you. I thought sadly as I slid my top off.

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