Stealing The Bad Boy's Heart

By SkylerNSavannah

418K 13.3K 2.7K

Aubrey Anne Parkinson. Rich, relatively nerdy, sarcastic but with a sweet side. Valentino Reece Cahill. Extre... More

Hey guys !!!
Your Cast
Chapter 1- Scream Like a Banshee
Chapter 4 - I Will Go All Jackie Chan on Your Behind!!!
Chapter 5 - Frankly My Dear I Don't Give a Damn.
Chapter 6 - Sparkly Pink With Strawberry Shortcake Stickers
Chapter 7 - Sarcasm Comes Out of my Mouth like Stupid Comes From Yours
Chapter 8 - She Dresses like a Victoria's Secret Model on Duty!
Chapter 9 - Now is the Time to Reveal Your Inner Superhero.
Chapter 10 - Chrissy the Prissy Missy
Chapter 11- The Bullshit Blurting Blonde
Chapter 12- Aubrey Is a Big Fat Chimp
Chapter 13- The Dumbest Person of the Year
Chapter 14- Hades Has A Die Serious Grudge Against Me
Chapter 15- This Guy Gives Me a Migraine
Chapter 16- You Look Like You Just Witnessed a Murder First Hand
Chapter 17 - The Back is Sorta Itchy
Chapter 18 - I am as Bad at Dancing as Beyonce is at Not Being Awesome
Chapter 19-Man, I Beat Sherlock Homes by a Mile
Author's note
Chapter 20- Wouldnt Want You to Become a Popsicle
Chapter 21- This is Not an Experience of Into the Wild
Chapter 22 - The One With the Masseuse Misc
Chapter 23 - Understanding Him is as Difficult as not Liking Lush life
Chapter 24 - Mr. Cranky Pants Needs to Take a Happy Pill
Chapter 25 - The One When Kiara Lost her Chill
Chapter 26- Holy Macaroni, with extra cheese
Chapter 27 - The Duck Just Got Roasted
Chapter 28 - Match the Candy and Drool Over the Virtual Sugar
Chapter 29- Yellow is Soo Your Colour
Chapter 30 - Monday Morning Blues
Chapter 31- Fresh as a Fruit Week
Chapter 32 - Chris: The Good Looking and Annoying Poking Machine
Chapter 33 - Can You do the Physical Part?
Chapter 34- You Son of a Baboon!
Chapter 35- Pokemon Time?
Chapter 36- Chewbacca say whaaa?
Chapter 37- People Were Out Finding Dory?
Chapter 38- The Broccoli Brinch
Chapter 39- T.R.A.P
Chapter-40 - Smurfs and Snoughs
Chapter 41- The Winter Wonderland
Chapter 42- Moves Like Jagger
The Fiction Awards 2017
Chapter 43- Blind Baboons and Sappy Sleepovers
Chapter 44 - A Golden Star Proves One's Awesomess
Chapter 45- Who Runs The World? Girls.
Chapter 46- I Hope Miss Trunchbull From Matilda Throws You Away!
Chapter 47 - Birthday Beats
Chapter 48-Your Fly is Open
Chapter 49- Drunk Dory and Wimpy Val
Chapter 50 - Battle Finals
Chapter 51- Wannabe Zac Efron
Chapter 52- You Wanna Play Dirty ?
Chapter 53- Juju On the Beat
Q and A
Chapter 55 - What's a Girl Gotta do to Get Some Mac n Cheese?
Chapter 56 - Graduation
A Eulogy for My Father
A Letter to My Friends

Chapter 54- Princess Bianca's Royal Tea Party

4.1K 155 48
By SkylerNSavannah


Sorry for the blatant interruption. Happy reading :)

Anything that costs you your peace, is too expensive. Let it go.

Chapter 54- Princess Bianca's Royal Tea Party

Val's P.O.V-

" two people who like each other a lot and some awesome music to dance to."

"What?" She murmured, pulling away a little.

"Yes, Dory. I actually said that I like you a lot. And before you start working that head of yours overtime, I'll tell you myself- I like you more than a friend and I thought it was high time I tell you." I butt in.

Her eyes widened in disbelief for some reason that is not known to me, before she blushed crimson.

"Really?" She stuttered.

Doesn't she know how insanely incredible she is?

All I did in reply was to kiss her forehead.

"Why did we stop dancing ?" I asked as I pulled her back in.

I could sense the insane amount of questions she wanted to ask me, but I chose to ignore them all. How can I answer them when I don't know the answer myself ? I don't know what this makes us. I don't know where we stand. All I know is that I really really like this girl. And that's all that matters. Atleast to me. Atleast for now.

I reached home and sleep engulfed me almost immediately, which is a rare occurence.
Within a few hours though, I was woken up with a bucket of ice cold water thrown on my face.

"What the f*ck Leo ?" I spluttered.

"Just get up, please." He muttered.

Since when does this guy say please ?

It was then that I happened to look at his face, and trust me, it wasn't a good sight. I mean, not that he looks good ever, but today he looked absolutely horrific.

"Leo...?" I began, but he cut me off.

"I know I look like sh*t. Just get up, I want to talk." He mumbled as he flopped down on my bed.

I sat up immediately, and motioned for him to begin.

"I... Umm." He began, his voice hoarse.

I got up and poured a glass of water for him and then left the room to freshen up, knowing that he needed the time to collect his thoughts.

As soon as I exited the washroom, I heard him begin,"During the beginning of the school year, Chris was dared to join this Chat App called Tap To Chat by the team. Do you remember?"

I shook my head.

"The app basically connects you with people in your locality anonymously. He was told to join the app and begin a conversation with the first girl he was connected to. He barely spoke to her once or twice to complete the dare and then asked me to delete his account."

Leo sighed. "I...I..." He hesitated and looked away. "I took Chris's phone and...I didn't delete it. I couldn't delete it."


" was me who had created Chris's account. I had taken his phone, downloaded the app and made the account. I knew the username. I knew the password. At that moment I hadn't thought much about it and gave the phone to Chris and he texted the first girl he found."

Leo ran his hands to his curly hair clearly troubled and frustrated.

"I didn't delete it. I should have deleted it." Leo's voice was filled with sadness. "But then again..." He shook his head.

It was as if he had forgotten I was there.

"I deleted the app from his phone but downloaded it on mine and logged in through Chris's account only. At that time... I wasn't in a good place. Sheer loneliness I guess... it was consuming me. I had you guys but... I just... you know... wanted someone. It was the time when my parents.." Leo choked. He wasn't facing me.

I knew Leo. I knew it was a big deal for him. A really big deal. I have never seen him so upset and vulnerable.

"I saw the girl's reply. We had had Chris send something really weird to that girl and she had instantly guessed that it was a prank. Somehow. She seemed nice and smart. She had laughed it off. I thought... I thought why not continue talking to her? She seemed like a genuine person. I know that the Internet is a shitty place and all and I didn't tell her everything about me at once."

He sighed.

"I made sure she was who she said she was. A real person. A person at Islesbury High. A girl." Leo laughed darkly. "We talked everyday. Every single day. We talked so much. She told me everything about her... everything... her likes, dislikes, dreams, fears... everything. I told her everything. Everything about me."

He paused and put his head in his hands. "I fell in love."

My eyebrows flew up.

This was Leo. Leo was a player and a charmer. He was not a lover. Never.

"She seemed so wonderful. So full of life. She would cheer me up when I was sad... make me feel better when I was bummed out about Courtney and Mom and Dad... she would make me laugh... literally. She was sweet and kind and funny and just beautiful. I never got to see her face but I knew she was beautiful. Her personality was so beautiful I didn't care what she looked like."

"Sometimes I would pretend I was Chris. Maybe I was paranoid that someone would figure out who I was... or maybe because I was too scared she would figure out who I was and not like me. So I mixed up mine and Chris's stories a bit. I talked about how I liked a girl and almost loved her and she liked this other guy..."

My eyes widened a fraction. He was talking about Dory. But he wasn't in a stable state of mind. He had forgotten I was here. I didn't want to probe him.

"I told her all about this love triangle and she sympathised with me. She wold comfort me. She thought that I was in love with that girl... when it was her I had been in love with all along." The pain evident in his eyes.

"It was a terrible feeling... hiding my feelings for her. So many times I would try to convince myself to meet her. But I would chicken out... I thought she wouldn't like me when she saw who I really was. She wouldn't love me back. There would be nights when I couldn't sleep... classes I couldn't concentrate in... days I would be depressed.. all because I was afraid, afraid of heartbreak."

He gripped his hair. He was getting more and more frustrated.

"I finally gathered up the courage to meet her. Tonight. I met her at Oak Park. I was so nervous that I couldn't even drive properly. I was so scared... yet so excited. I could finally see her! I could finally meet her! But..." The happiness in his voice faded. "I never guessed who she was. Never."

Hurt. It was pure pain and hurt in his voice now.

"It was Celeste. It was f*cking Celeste O'Connor. How did I not see it? How did I not guess that it was her all along."

He gave out a cruel laugh. "Part of me was relieved for a second. I thought that she wouldn't hate me. I thought that she would be happy it was me. She is our friend, right? I thought she would like that it was me all along."

"You know what she said? She thought that I was Chris all along. She said that it was Chris who she had grown to like. She was actually disappointed that I was not Chris. I could see it. She didn't like that it was me. She wanted Chris. She didn't want me and she said it to my face."

Tears were streaming out of his eyes. He laughed bitterly. "Not so manly, am I?"

I felt terrible for the guy.

Leo had always had a lot of issues. Anxiety, low self esteem, worried about what people think of him... he always hid it under the that laugh and humor of his.

Leo was a great guy. He didn't deserve the pain.

What Celeste did to him must have been a stab in the heart. She hit him right where it hurts.

We sat in silence for 5 minutes after which I eventually said,"I realised I like Dory and I told her tonight."

His eyes widened a fraction before he simply nodded, "We were all waiting to see whether you'd realize it yourself or whether we'd have to knock some sense in your head. I'm glad you finally did it."

The news didn't surprise me. They know I tend to push my feelings away most times.
"But what now Leo? I don't know what to do. I'm not ready for a relationship but I don't want her to be with anyone else" I muttered.

"Ask her out on a date." He replied, as if it was the most obvious thing.

Why the hell did this not strike me ?

"But... I don't do dates?" I protested.

He just rolled his eyes and got up.

"I'm going to call it a night. I'm sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night with a bucket of cold water... Well, actually I'm not. Also, thanks for the wonderful advice." He added sarcastically.

But I know he was only joking. Everyone knows that I'm not the one for advice. For advice you go to Archer or Chris. To cheer you up, Leo or Ian and if you want someone who just listens to you, you come to me. It's a thing we figured out very early in our friendship.

"Everything will be fine dude. And we're here for you." I said, patting his back.

"I know." He smiled weakly and then I heard the soft click of the door.

"What Val?" she muttered in her sleep filled voice.

"Morning Sunshine. Get ready. We're going out."

Sunshine ?


Okay then.

"Where are we going?" She asked but within a second added,"You're not telling me are you?"

I just chuckled.

"Okay then. Bye. Oh wait. Anything particular I need to wear or carry ?" She questioned, and I could picture her eyebrows crinkling.

You creep.

"I have everything prepared. Just get ready. I'm picking you up in an hour." I said, and she just grunted and cut the call.

I knew she was hoping that I'd give her some sort of hint.

Not happening Dory. Not happening.

I haven't planned everything so carefully just for it to be ruined.

I quickly showered and got ready, and before I knew it, I was waiting outside her house.

I honked for the fifth time.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. Hold your horses." She shouted.

I'd been waiting for only 2 minutes and we weren't in a hurry, but I just love annoying her.

"You're a.... aaah!" She shrieked, almost slipping.

"Good morning to you too." I chuckled.

All she did in response, was to throw her bag in my face.

"Hold on tight Dory." I said, chuckling harder.

It was a 15 minute drive to the intended place. All the way over, Dory was sulking about being woken up from her Saturday sleep in.

I opened the door for her and she stared at the giant billboard over us for a few seconds.

I gave her the time, knowing what was about to come.

"Are you kidding me?" She screamed, launching herself into my arms.

I knew it. No matter how angry she would be at being woken up early, she'd be the happiest when surrounded by animals, so, I got her to a pet shelter.

She was so happy.

Her hazel eyes always turned a forest green-ish when she was happy. She was practically bouncing on her feet, eager to get inside.

God she is amazing.

Since when did I begin caring so much about someone else's happiness?

I don't know.

But trust me when I say that looking at her jump up and down with that smile on her face, makes me forget why I questioned wanting to make her happy in the first place.

She looks gorgeous. She's wearing a simple coral top and denim shorts and her hair is open, but I swear I haven't seen anyone look so simply beautiful.

"Let's go in Val. What are you even waiting for?" She said, as she dragged me by the arm, into the shelter.

The moment we entered, we were greeted by a volley of barks and dozens of mews and chirping of birds.

At first, it was overwhelming but then you get used to the ruckus. While I was eying a particularly mean looking cat, Dory ran off. It was like taking a foodie to an all-you-can eat buffet.

I turned around to notice her surrounded by the puppies in the Puppy Pen.

She looked like she was about to cry with happiness.

The tiny things were gathered around her, she was sitting in between them and some were trying to get to her shoulder. One was gnawing at her shirt and another was cuddled by her feet. She was cooing to a particularly tiny golden retriever who was yipping away in her arms.

The sight was adorable. I couldn't help but click a picture. I pulled out a cat from a cage. It was a fluffy little thing with the brightest amber eyes.

It mewed and I swear my heart melted into goo.

"Aww. Look at you being a cat lady." Dory grinned as I pulled out another kitten, fascinated by the creatures.

"Hey... I love all animals. I don't discriminate." I grinned.

Dory came out of the pen and let loose a particularly bouncy spotted terrier which went by the name Cookie.

She basically went berserk. She was barking at the top of her voice and running all around. In the end, she leaped on Dory, almost knocking her over.

Dory just laughed and pampered the dog.

We had so much fun. We played with all the animals there and spent hours, talking or just laughing.

It was amazing.

As we came out, Dory looked like she was about to burst. 

"I had so so much fun. Cookie was such a cutie, wasn't she?" She questioned.

Not even waiting for an answer she continued her rant. "Can we come here once every month Val? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top ?" She said, looking at me from under her lashes, and pouting those lips of hers.

"What? Why are you smiling ?" She questioned.

"Because you look ridiculous." I chuckled.

No. You look beautiful.

"Ridiculous or not, I'm making you bring me back here. I love Cookie way too much." She exclaimed dramatically.

"Alright, alright." I said, raising my arms up in mock surrender.

"But in all seriousness, thank you so much for this Val. I had an amazing time. It really means a lot to me ", she said before wrapping her arms around me. I didn't hesitate for a second before mimicking her actions.

Damn. She smells so good- like Starbursts.

"Let's go eat, shall we ?" I said, breaking the hug grudgingly, but I had to otherwise the place I plan to take her, may shut down and im NOT taking chances at all.

"Can I ride it? Please? I'll be extra careful. I promise." She pleaded.

"I'm holding you to that promise Dory. And I've chosen the place, so I'll give you directions." I said handing her the key.

"Works." She chirped before practically bouncing to the bike.

About 15 minutes later, we arrived at our destination.

"We're eating pizza? Really? This is slowly turning into one of the best days of my life." She sighed, pure happiness radiating from her.

"That's the whole idea." I said before winking at her.

She blushed.

I want to kiss her now. Can I kiss her?

"What are you even waiting for? Let's go. I'm famished." She said, breaking my train of thought, already walking towards the entrance.

"Yes. Let's go, make our own pizza..." I said, causing her to turn around.

She stopped suddenly and turned around to face me, looking a bit confused.

"What ? Did I forget to tell you that this is a Make Your Own pizza place ?" I said chuckling, knowing very well that I deliberately left the detail out.

"Oh my god. You're kidding me, right ?" She said, her eyes sparkling.

"I'm afraid not." I replied, smiling.

"Oh my god! I can do that spinning the pizza is in the air thing!" She excitedly squealed before running into the restaurant.

I just laughed.

I'm lucky she's new to the city, so she doesn't know the places close by. It makes the whole thing even better.

When I entered she was animatedly talking to the guy at the counter, as soon as she saw me, she waved and beckoned me closer.

"Mark says that we can make a half and half pizza if we like first, since their pizzas are huge. And if we feel that it's insufficient, we can make another. What do you think ?" She questioned.

"Mark who?" I asked.

"Umm.. that's me sir." The blonde guy behind the counter mumbled.

I looked at Dory who snickered.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

Way to go bro.

"So....?" She prodded.

"That sounds good. Let's go for it." I said, offering her a small smile.

"Why isn't my dough circular ?It looks like the map of some unidentified country." She grumbled, scrunching her nose, trying to concentrate.

She'd denied my help 5 times already, so this time, I decided to simply go behind her and help her roll the dough.

I felt her freeze beneath me.

"Ever heard of personal space ?" She questioned, slightly breathless.

I just chuckled, and moved closer, so now her back was pressing against my chest, her smell invading my senses.

She turned her head around to look at me and cocked her eyebrow.

"Why Dory? Does this affect you ?" I muttered, my voice hoarse and my eyes trained on her lips.

"Not at all." She countered, her voice equally soft.

"F*ck self control." I mumbled and kissed her.

I couldn't help it.

She looked absolutely beautiful with her hair in a mess and flour on her face.

So effortlessly beautiful.

She turned around completely, and entangled her hands in my hair, slightly tugging it. She tastes like starburst too, was the first thing that came in my mind.

She pulled away after a minute and I groaned.

"We humans need oxygen to survive sir." She chuckled, tapping my nose.

"Sadly." I whispered, softly running my thumb across her lower lip.

She drew in a breath,before pushing me away.

"Okay enough of this. I am starving."

I chuckled and got back to work. After about half hour's worth of work, we were done.

"Sir, your pizza is ready to be taken out of the oven." Mark called out.

"Be right back." I told her before going to the wood oven in the kitchen.

We'd decided to make one side of the pizza as barbecue chicken, and the other as mushroom and cheese.

As I walked back to our booth though, I saw Dory's fingers wrapped around the wrist of a man, I had conveniently forgotten about-

The f*ckface Nathaniel.

I gripped our plates harder as I walked towards the two of them.

Nathaniel was the first to spot me. He held a grim expression on his face.

"Reece." He said, acknowledging my presence.

"Nathaniel." I smirked. "What are you doing here?"

"This place sells it's own pizza too. I was picking some up for myself." Nathan said. He was not meeting either mine or Dory's eyes.

"Nate." Dory said softly. "Can we talk?"

"No." Nate said firmly. "I have to leave. Let me leave. Please." His tone was imploring, but I could hear the pain in it.

"Please. I want to talk." Dory said, a guilty expression on her face.

Why would she be guilty?

"What is there to talk, Aubrey?" Nate said, his voice was tired and pained. That's when I noticed the dark circles and pale complexion.

Something is up.

"There is nothing to talk about. I just... please let me go. We will talk later."

Dory was clearly upset. I wasn't going to let anything ruin our day.

I swallowed my pride. "Hey man. I think you two should talk it out."

Nate through the nastiest of glares my way. "You of all people should not be anywhere near me." He spat, but then his anger morphed into sadness. "Sorry. I just... I am not in the best of states right now. It is not you.... I just.. need to be alone for a while."

"Nate!" Dory yelped, before he could get away. "Just... where have you been? Can you call me tonight?"

"I have been taking care of my father's work. I... I will think about it. I don't know if I am ready for that yet... much less for this conversation." He swallowed and pulled his hand free from Dory's grasp.

Without looking back, he walked off. 

I looked at Dory, who looked conflicted and upset. Just as I was about to tell her to go after him, she said,"Can we talk?"

I closed my open mouth and nodded. I ushered her to a nearby booth. She picked up a pizza slice and stared at it before nibbling it. She needed to form her thoughts.

After finishing the first slice, she started explaining it to me. I listened, slightly shocked.

"So you're telling me that the guy has basically been in love with you since forever." I said, struggling to keep my tone light.

"Basically." She muttered.

It's not a surprise to be very honest. I don't understand how anyone, let alone Nate, can look past what an amazing and beautiful person she is.

I feel very lucky that she's choosing to spend her time with me, when she can be with anyone else.

"It's okay Dory. You shouldn't feel guilty." I said, shrugging. 

"But we were best friends... and now that's all ruined because of me." She whispered, as if coming to terms with it.

"Stop holding yourself responsible for everything Dory. I're pretty awesome, but the world doesn't revolve around you." I joked.

She chuckled softly.

Thank God.

"Do you want to eat now? Our pizzas have already gone cold. We'll talk about this later." I suggested, needing some time myself, to process everything.

"Sounds like a plan." She said, taking a bite of the pizza.

The pizza wasn't that cold, so we ate it. It was really good and after a while, we left. I dropped her off at her house. I got out of the car and opened the door for her.

As soon as she got out, she pulled me in a hug and I gladly hugged her bag. 
"I had an amazing day Val. The best I've had in a while. Thank you so much." I heard her say.

"I had an even better day Dory, so it's me who should be thanking you." I replied, meaning every word. 

She pulled away, looking at me shyly. I smiled at her. I couldn't help it, she looked so adorable. 

"Umm... I wanted to ask you something." She said so softly, that it almost got lost in the wind.

"Shoot away." I replied, wondering what was going on in her mind. She was blushing so hard, and when she mumbled, I couldn't hear what she said. I gave her a questioning glance and she said it louder.

"Was this a date?" She asked, not meeting my eyes.

"Yes." I replied.

She didn't say anything at first but then leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Well, this was the best date ever." She mumbled.


I couldn't stop thinking about the date.

I couldn't stop thinking her.

At all.

Smiling, I walked into the kitchen to pour myself, I glass of water.

"You like her, don't you ?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to face my mother, Bianca and Nina. 

They were all grinning like madmen. Uh. Mad women.

"Yeah." I blurted out without thinking. "A lot." All three of them burst out laughing and I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I could just imagine what Dory would do if she saw me blushing. She would probably pinch my cheeks and tease me about it.

"I am so glad you finally took her on a date." Mom grinned, and I smiled back. I felt someone pull on my jeans and I looked down.

"Up up." Bianca said in her baby voice, waving her arms. I pulled her up and tickled her, causing her to giggle.

"I like Rey Rey." She mumbled, putting her tiny arms around me. "Is she your guffriend?" 

I chuckled at her pronunciation. "I...I don't know. Do you think I should ask her to be mine?"

"Can she come over and play more?" She asked hopefully. 

"I can ask her too, if you like."

"Okay! You can make her your guffriend!" She giggled, excited. I just laughed and kissed her cheek. 

"Poky poky." She grumbled, pointing at my stubble.

"Sorry sweetie, I'll shave it off." I promised.

"Good. Now play dress up with me ?" She questioned.

"Maybe some other time?  My friends are coming over in about 10 minutes." I said apologetically.

"All of them ?" She questioned, her eyes growing wide.

"Mmm hmm." I nodded.

"Can everyone play with me then ?" She questioned.

"You can ask them Bee. But don't force them to, okay ?" I said, lightly tapping her nose.

"Okay!" She said loudly and I put her down. She ran off. I turned to Nina who was standing there, smiling. 

"I can see you keep each other happy... and I hope that stays." She said simply and turned to the sandwiches she was making.

"Thanks, Nina." I grinned and reached out to grab one of the sandwiches. She slapped my hand away and reprimanded,"Hands off. You can have them with your friends."

"But they are ham and cheese!" I protested. 

She didn't even bother to grace me with an answer.

"Fine." I said, rolling my eyes. "They are going to be here any sec..."

That's when the bell dinged. Wow. What were the odds of that happening?

"I got it." Shouted mom.

The hallway was filled with raucous laughter and chatter.

"In here." I hollered.

They didn't even bother to greet me, as they made their way directly to the sandwiches.

"You're the best Nina"

"I love you."

"This is what I live for."

Nina just laughed.

Talk about partiality.

"I know that you guys have a very different set of priorities, but I need to talk to you all. Just carry the food upstairs." I said, picking a tray up.

I took them to my room and kept the tray on the table, and sat down. They knew I was serious so they all sat down as well.

After 10 seconds of silence, Ian spoke up," Are you going to begin dude ? Because I really am starving."

"I like Rey." I mumbled, looking down.

"You like what?" Archer asked loudly.

"I think he said pizza."

"Or did you just say rainbows ?"

"I think I heard him say Rey guys."

I looked up to see them all trying hard to control their laughter.

"Stop being as*holes guys." I said, throwing a pillow at Chris.

"Did you finally ask her out?" Archer asked, rolling his eyes. 

"I asked her out." I sighed, knowing what was about to come.

"Arch. Hand over the money. You too Ian." Chris smirked. The two just sighed and pulled out their wallets.

I knew they would place bets on this.

"Reece, I am glad you gathered the balls to take her out and I love you man and all that that...but you just cost me 80 f*cking dollars!" Arch scowled.

I didn't even bother commenting on the fact that they bet on us.

"Tell us everything." Ian said, picking up a sandwich. 

And I did. I told them everything about the date and the pizzeria and Nathaniel's visit.

"Wait what. Nate loved her?!" Chris exclaimed. 

"Yeah." I said, shrugging. "You know, I am actually not that surprised. You could just look at the dude and know."

"So what are you gonna do now?" Leo asked.

"I...I don't know. I mean... I like her. A lot." I hesitated and glanced at Chris, who was looking expectantly at me. "And I... I think I am gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. Officially."

"I'm going to be the best man at the wedding." Archer declared.

"Excuse me...." Leo began, but was interrupted by a small knock followed by a familiar cute voice.

"Open the door for me Reecey." Bianca's muffled voice came from behind the door.

"Coming princess." Ian said and bounded to the door before I could even say anything.

I rolled my eyes.

She barged into the room and plopped herself on Chris's lap.

"Reecey told me I should ask you if you want to play wimme." She stated, looking at everyone expectantly.

"We obviously do. Who would want to play video games when we can have a royal tea party ?" Archer chuckled.

"Let's go kiddo." Said Leo, bending down to give her a piggy back ride.

"Hey...Chris ? Could you stay back ? I need to talk to you for a moment." I said unsurely.

"Sure." He replied, as he sat back down.

"I just... uh... I was wondering if you would be fine with me asking her out?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Why wouldn't I...oh." Realization dawned on his face and he smiled. "Of course I..."

"Because if you aren't, please say it. I won't ask her out. I don't want to hurt you in any way. I know how much you liked her." I said meaning every word of it. Dory means a lot to me, but Chris means a lot too. It'll be really difficult, but I'd wait for him to get over her first.

"Reece." Chris laughed. "Of course I am fine with it. I am actually really happy for you guys."

"But..." I started, but Chris interrupted.

"Dude. I liked her... but it's been a while now. I knew I had to move on and I am trying to. She is only a friend to me now." He grinned.

"You sure?"

"Of course." He laughed and got up. "Go get her man. You both deserve each other. Now let's go before Princess Bianca, comes to fetch us herself." 



Hey guys!  What's up?  So we know we have been kinda MIA (missing in action) since quite a while now but our senior year is about to start pretty soon and we have been really busy with exams and stuff.

So sorry.

Coming to the important stuff. Here are a few announcements - 

1)  We will be ending the book in 2 or maximum 3 chapters. We don't want to stretch all of their story in this book, which already has had 54 chapters. 

2) We will be starting the editing process of this book. After the book ends, we will be editing it for a month or two. We will be combining a few chapters, shortening, working on the language and errors, or maybe even add a new detail here and there. However, we won't be adding any new details which will affect the book's plot. 

3) We are planning a really fun thing! We thought of having an authors' Q and A! We will be posting a few general questions and answers, but aside from that we want you guys to send in questions! They can be about anything from the book to our lives in general or questions about our personalities...anything! The sky is your limit! We love communicating with our readers! Comment your questions! We will answer all of them.

4) Oh and.... who's excited for the next book? ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote! We love you.

Lots of  love,

Sky and Sava

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