Hermione Who?

By Midnight_Sky27

96.2K 1.4K 357

Hermione Who? Hermione a name but what really matters is the sur-name... who are Hermione's parents? Are they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
-you can skip-
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Other books
Thank you!!!

Chapter 23

2.2K 40 6
By Midnight_Sky27

Hermione's POV

We were practically ready for war against Harry. Fred and George closed their shop to help us it the war. They did not tell Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley. The past few days we were basically in our rooms or attending an death eater meeting.

On the day of the war itself, I was going to pretend that Hermione Granger was dead and I did not know Harry and Ron as friends. I was just a new person beside Dad and Mom. I was going to go out when I heard Ginny's voice.

Why is she doing here?

"What is this Weaslette dong here?"

Dad "She says she wants to join."


Dad "We were going there. And why should I accept you?"

Ginny "My friend, Hermione, her parents got killed by the order. The order lied to all of us that they got imperiused by you guys and I want to get revenge for her."

Dad "You're accepted."

I saw Fred and George from the corner of my eye and said "Come on out twins."

Fred and George "Awww man Hermione. We wanted to surprise Gin."

Ginny "Fred?! George?! You guys are here? And who's the Hermione?"

"So many questions. Well I'm Hermione. Ginny."

Ginny "How'd you know my name?"

I changed my appearance to Hermione Granger and said "Ginny."

Ginny "Hermione! I missed you so much. But why are you here?"

"Well.... I am Lord Voldemort's daughter and not my muggle parents...."

Ginny "Wait what? We're having a long chat." dragging me into an empty room. "Now please explain."

I explained my whole situation to her and she just nodded. "I hope we are still friends. Sorry I kept this from you."

Ginny "That's fine. I would kept this from you if this happened to me. Now show me the true you."

I changed back my appearance to me and let her take a look. "Well are you done admiring me?"

Ginny "You're flattering yourself."


The past few days passed it was time for war. Dad went to Hogwarts and sent a message to everyone inside. McGonagall set a barrier. Ha useless.

I looked at dad and he nodded Yes! I used my wand and murmured an enchantment to make the barrier break more easily. I turned to Fred and George and nodded. They nodded back and used their wand murmured the same enchantment and turned to Ginny. Ginny did the enchantment and finally dad broke the barrier down.

Ha that barrier was so useless. I noticed that there was moving statues and warned Dad. I looked at Mom, Draco, Aunt Cissy, Aunt Lucius, Aunt Bella, Uncle Rudolphus and signaled at the moving statues. They nodded. I went with Fred, George and Ginny to find Harry and Ron. I disguised myself as Hermione Granger and went with them.

Harry "Hermione! You escaped! Just in time too!"

"I would love to talk and all but what is happening?"

Harry "War. Now we go to move no time to talk."


I got dragged by Harry somewhere else.

Harry "Where do you think the last few horcuxes are?"

Suddenly, dad appeared. (A/N why do I write like this?)

Dad "Looking for my horcruxes huh? Well I suspect you will never find it. And what is this prisoner out of the prison? Urgh! Avada Kedavra!"

I knew it was fake and that dad didn't mean it so he couldn't kill me, but of course acting purposes I took a rock and threw it at the wand. The rock hit the wand and the wand slipped out of dad's hand. the spell was armed but it hit the wall.

"Phew. Let's go now!"

Dad "You guys can run but you can never hide."

"Lets go!!!"

We ran for our lives actually more like Harry and Ron. Harry wanted to run to the forest to surrender himself Ron tried to persuade him not to but he went anyways. We waited soon Dad came out with Harry's dead body.

Dad "He's dead! The one who lived is dead! Now surrender yourself or die!"

Draco walked out and stood by uncle Lucius. Before me, Fred, George and Ginny could walk out, Harry jumped out of father's hands and started aiming his wand at him.

I shot a spell at Harry and he fell. Everybody tried looking for where the spell came from but I quickly hid myself.

"Harry here!" I whispered shouted.

Harry glanced at me and nodded. Taking as if he understood. I went out of my hiding spot and pretended to get caught by Draco while Ginny got caught by aunt cissy and Fred and George got caught by uncle Lucius and Rodolphus.

Ron on the other hand got caught by Aunt Bella who actually had to work for him. Although not that much.

Dad "Well plan failed I guess since..."he showed us to Harry "Surrender or they die. No more Dumbledore to help now."

The others stopped what they were doing and looked.

Dumb people.



Dun Dun Dun. Whatchu think will happen next? Well.... I got writers block for some of the time whi;e writing this so so so so sorry that I haven't posted. Well bye now ^-^

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