Jughead Jones Imagines

By miss_emilyj

64.4K 1K 426

Jughead Jones Imagines... no description needed More

•Lonely Call•
•The Article•
•Other Plans•
•Worth The Risk•
•Snake Food•
•Snake Food (Part 2)•
•Positive (Part 1)•
•Positive (Part 2)•
•Positive(Part 3)•
•Positive (Part 4)•
•Positive (Part 5)•
•Positive (Part 6)•
•Positive (Part 7)•
*Liar (Part 2)*
*Liar (Part 3)*
~Friends With Benefits (Part 1)~
~Friends With Benfits (Part 2)~
~Friends With Benefits (Part 3)~
~Mommy Dearest~
•||Romantic Feelings||•
.:Hidden Scars:.
=|The Story Of Friendship|=
||Secrets of Summer (Part 1)||
||Secrets of Summer (Part 2)||
||Secrets of Summer (Part 3)||
||Secrets of Summer (Part 4)||
~Surprise Party~
~A Very Merry Christmas~
~What The Future Holds~
~Birthday for Two~
So Ive Decided...


3.5K 63 15
By miss_emilyj

Tomorrow is the first day of Junior year. My twin brother Archie and I are were sitting in the living room discussing our schedules when a knock sounded on the front door.

"I'll get it!" I said getting up, stretching, and walked over to open it.

A smile appeared on my face as a certain beanie clad, raven haired boy appeared on the other side of it.

"Juggie! Arch, look who's here!" I squealed excitedly as I threw my arms around his neck and let him in the house.

His eyes went wide when he saw me "It's good to see you too, y/n," He said politely as he walked into the living room.

"Jug! It's good to see you! How was Toledo?" He asked quickly hugging him, before he joined us on the couch.

Jughead was gone all Summer to visit his mom and little sister in Toledo. We weren't sure if he was going to make it back in time for the beginning of school. We kept in touch with him so he would feel welcomed when he came back especially with his dad still in jail.

"Do you want a something to drink? Or a snack? Oh, why don't we go to Pop's?" I suggested sitting down and sliding on my converse.

"That actually sounds really good," Jughead agreed standing to his feet.

"Arch? You in?" I asked my brother as I grabbed my jacket off the stair banister.

"Of course, let me go grab a jacket" he ran off upstairs leaving Jughead and I standing in the foyer alone.

"So, y/n, you look beautiful as ever...you've really grown up over the summer," he said trying to make small talk.

I felt a blush creep over my face. Only Jughead could make me blush like an idiot. I looked away from him "thank you, that's very sweet, you look good too!" I replied smiling at him.

His green eyes met mine briefly, they were so mesmerizing. Just as I remember them being. I looked away quickly when I heard Archie at the top of the stairs.

"Ready?" I asked looking up at my brother.

"Let's go!" We headed out the door and down the street towards the Chock-lit-shoppe.

We walked into the diner and Pop greeted us with a smile.

"Hey! Look who's back!" He said from behind the counter.

"Hey, Pop" Jughead said adjusting his beanie.

We found a round booth in the back next to the window and we all slid in. I sat on one side of the table and Archie and Jughead sat on the other side.

I grabbed the menu and opened it looking it over.

"Y/N, I don't know why you even bother looking you always order the same thing," Jughead teases laughing "you even ordered the same thing when we were 9 and came with our parents." Both of them chuckled his time.

I stuck my tongue out at him "you're one to talk! All you ever get is either coffee or a strawberry milkshake. Do you ever eat?" I asked jokingly.

Pop came over to take our order "it's good seeing the gang back together. These two looked lost without you Jug, especially y/n" he nodded towards me pointing at me with his pen. Before writing down our order and heading off to make it.

"Is that true, y/n?" Jughead asked smirking slightly.

"I love my brother, but one can only handle so much football talk. And let's not even mention how many girls he talked about over the Summer. That is not my area, that is why he has you. That is TMI for him to share with me" I laughed slightly teasing Archie.

"Well, at least I had a dating life all you talked about this Summer was cheerleading and how much you missed Jughead!" He retorted mischievously.

I felt my face heat up and I glared at him and kicked him under the table...or so I thought.

"Ow!" Jughead said rubbing his shin.

"Sorry, That was meant for Archie," I blushed and looked down at the table.

Pop brought over our food and sat it down in front of us. As if on cue, Betty and Veronica walked through the door.

"There's my favorite brother and sister duo," V said walking over to us.

"Hey, guys, want to join us?" I asked smiling at my two best friends.

"Of course," Betty said as we all scrunched further into the booth. I scooted around the booth closer to Jughead and he smiled at me.

The girls ordered their stuff and we all sat there for hours talking and catching up. Everyone was so interested in what Jughead did in Toledo, but they were also glad he was back.

"Well it's been fun but we should go, big day tomorrow!" Veronica said as she and Betty got up to leave.

"Bye, guys! See you tomorrow!" I yelled after them as they waved goodbye and headed out the door.

"We should probably go too," Archie said as he slid his jacket back on and laid his money out on the table. "You guys ready?" He asked getting up.

"Yeah, sure," I said sliding out of the booth to my left and Jughead to his right.

"Bye Pop! See you tomorrow!" I called as we walked out the front door.

"Tomorrow?" Both boys asked at the same time.

"Uh Yeah...Coffee," I replied laughing lightly.

"Of course, you didn't change at all," Jughead said laughing "well, not much anyway."

I blushed again. I guess I hadn't really noticed until now how obvious it was that my boobs and butt both had gotten bigger over the Summer. I suddenly felt self-conscious and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

"Jug, you sleeping over?" Archie asked as we headed up the walkway to our house.

Jug's eyes met mine briefly before responding "Yeah, sure."

We walked in the front door and Jughead grabbed his bag out of the living room hurried up the stairs to Archie's room.

I turned to Archie "why the hell did you say that?" I whispered aggressively.

"Say what?" He asked sitting down on the couch.

"At Pop's...about Jughead" I retorted "you weren't supposed to say anything to him! If I knew you would have I wouldn't have even told you that I like him!"

He rolled his eyes, "seriously, y/n? You can't keep pining after him forever"

"I'm not ready to tell him and you better not tell him either-"

"Tell me what?" Jughead said as he appeared in the living room.

My eyes went wide "Uh...um...nothing I'm going to take a shower," I said as I left out of the living room in a hurry.
After my shower, I put on a pair of yoga shorts and and old T-shirt with an 'S' on it that I found mixed in my laundry. I blow dried my hair and headed back down the hall to my room.
I passed Archie's on my way and I heard them playing video games. I knocked. "Come in!" I heard Archie yell through the door. I opened it and stood in the door way. Jughead's eyes roamed quickly over my body and then back to his video game.

"I just wanted to say goodnight," I said eyeing the two boys "and also that your room is a disaster." I teased.

Archie rolled his eyes "you sound like dad."

"Well, great minds think alike. Goodnight, Arch. Jughead," I said before turning and pulling the door shut.

"Night!" They yelled simultaneously.

I walked into my room, closed the door, and flopped down on my bed. I looked at the clock 10:00 pm. I felt myself dozing off a few minutes later only to be woken up by a noise from downstairs. I sat up in bed yawning and rubbed my eyes.

The clock said 1:30 am.

I got out of bed and treaded lightly down the stairs. As I round the corner at the bottom of the stairs, I saw a small light was shining in the kitchen, and Jughead was sitting at the bar drinking from his water glass.

He saw me enter the room and started apologizing "I'm sorry! Did I wake you up?"

I smiled sleepily at him "um...yes, but I needed water anyway," I said walking over to the cabinet taking out a glass and filling it with water from the fridge.

I stood across from him and propped on my arms "can't sleep?" I asked him taking a sip.

"Not really," He said staring down at the countertop.

"Nervous about school?" I asked looking at him.

"Not really," He replied shaking his head.

"So, what's on your mind then?"

This time he turned his face up to look at me. He his eyes scanned my face as if he was searching for the right words.

"Whatever it is Juggie, you can tell me" I reached across the counter and placed my hand on his. He stood up abruptly at the contact and went over to put his glass in the sink.

"Did...did I do something?" I asked him nervously.

He turned and walked over to me stopping in front of me pinning me against the counter. His face was inches from mine. I tried to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat.

"You're wearing my shirt," he whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "seriously, if that's what you're worried about I'll go change. I didn't know it was-" I tried to leave to go change, but he put his arm out to stop me.

"It's not about the shirt, y/n. It's about the person wearing the shirt"

I looked at him confused "what are you talking about?" I searched his face for any indication that he was upset with me, but instead I noticed his eyes dart down to my lips.

My heart rate sped up as he leaned in.

"Jug, I-"

"Shh..." he said as he placed both hands on either side of my face and connected his lips with mine. I immediately started to kiss him back as I placed my hands on the back of his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. His hands ran down to my waist and he swiftly picked me up and sat me on the counter. His hands ran under my shirt as his lips moved down to my neck.

What the fuck? Is this really happening?!
I must be dreaming.

"Jug," I quietly moaned as he found my sweet spot. He smirked against my skin and brought his lips back up to my face.

"That sound's even better then I thought it would," he whispered before connecting our lips again. He bit my bottom lip gently asking for entrance into my mouth. I denied, smirking under the kiss.

He pulled away briefly "oh, so you're a tease now...we'll two can play at that game." He smirked at me. He brought our lips together again and started running his hand up and down my inner thigh. His fingers lightly ran over my panty line and I gasped at the unexpected contact. He used that opportunity to invade my mouth with his tongue. His hands moving to tangle in my hair.

Just then we heard a squeak come from the stairs and a sleepy, shirtless Archie rounded the corner. Jughead jumped away from me and I jumped off the counter and turned away from my brother facing the sink so he wouldn't see how flushed my face was. Jughead propped against the counter I was just sitting on and pretended to stare off into space.

Archie walked over to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice. "Hey, guys what are you doing up?"

"Just getting some water," I said a little too fast "I'm going back to bed, night." I hurried out of the kitchen not making eye contact with either boy.

"What was that about?" I heard Archie say as I headed up the stairs.

"No idea," Jughead replied quietly "I'm going to bed."

I hurried up the stairs and into my room. I closed the door quickly and leaned against it biting my lip. I heard a quiet knock come from the other side.

I took a deep breath and waited a second before opening it. Before I could say anything, Jughead grabbed me by hips and planted his lips on me again "goodnight," he said as he pulled away.

"Goodnight," I replied blushing.

He headed down the hall to Archie's room, before heading inside he looked back at me, smirked, and disappeared into the room.

I heard Archie coming back up the stairs so I carefully shut the door. I squealed excitedly and flopped back on my bed.

I fell asleep with a permanent smile plastered on my face.


A/N: Thank you for reading! This one was a long one! I told you they wouldn't all be short! I hoped you enjoyed it! I loved writing it *all the feels* part 2 Maybe? 🙃😉

Requests are open so just send me a message!!

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