After School Buddy (Larry Sty...

By becauseharoldx

27.9K 947 214

Louis Tomlinson is in a problem. He needs a new after school buddy after his usual buddy Niall left him. Loui... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 29

620 23 8
By becauseharoldx

Louis was doing some drill during practice with Niall watching, but his mind always wandered off to Harry. What if Nick had already pulled something on him? He kept thinking, but he always assured himself that Liam was there and he wouldn't let anything happen to Harry. 

He had found out that Nick excused himself in pretense that his ankle was twisted. Of course, Louis knew the truth. When he told the coach about his ankle, Louis saw Nick run off to the school while everyone else was busy with drills. 

"Tomlinson! Pay attention to the drills!" The coach yelled. Louis broke out of his thoughts and apologized, he saw Niall giving him a sympathetic look as he mouthed 'don't worry''. Although, Louis couldn't help but worry. 

He continues practicing drills until it was time for a break. 

10 minutes later, the coach yelled that it was time for a water break making Louis dash off to Niall. 

"Any news?" He asked breathlessly. 

"Yeah, Liam noticed that Nick would try and scoot closer to Harry and even purposely brush Harry's leg." Niall said. This information infuriated Louis. No one was allowed to get close to Harry. 

"That bastard. How dare he touch my Harry." Louis said angrily. 

"Mate, don't worry. Liam won't let anything happen. Alright?" Niall assured. 

"He better not make a move on him. Otherwise, Nick is a dead man." Louis said in rage. Niall passed a water bottle to Louis, who gulped down some. He had this cold look on this face which frightened Niall since he had never seen Louis so angry before. 

"I better get back. Practice ends in 20 minutes, alright?" Louis said, cooling down a bit. 

"Okay, I forgot my book in my locker so I have to get that." Niall said. Louis nodded and patted Niall's back before heading back to the field.


"So X would equal 23. Do you get it?" Harry said. He and Nick were working on some problems from the textbook and Harry had noticed that Nick's thighs were pressed against him and he could feel the older boy breathing down his neck. 

"No, not really. Could you please clarify as to how you got that answer again?" Nick asked, chewing on the cap of his pen. 

Harry sighed in annoyance, "This is the 5th time I explained this to you. Aren't you paying attention?" 

"Sorry, I was distracted." Nick said. 

"By what?" When Harry asked that, he almost wished he hadn't. Nick leaned down and played with Harry's hair.

"Your curls. They're so curly." Nick said in a surprisingly deep voice. Harry mentally rolled his eyes and flinched from Nick's touch. 

"Let's get back to work." He said, ignoring Nick's intense stare. 

"Nah, I have better plans." Nick whispered. Before he could do anything, his phone rang making Nick grumble in irritation. He pulled out his phone and answered the call. 

"What?" He said into the phone without even bothering to check the caller ID. There was some chatter on the other end and Harry couldn't make out what they were saying.

Nick pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "No, I was going to but.." He paused and looked at Harry. Nick stood up and walked away from the younger boy. Harry had this feeling that Nick and the person he was talking to on the phone were discussing about him. 

He made sure Nick wasn't watching and turned to look at Liam who had a confused look on his face. 'Who was that?' he mouthed. Harry shrugged and motioned Liam to sit back down. 

He turned back and luckily, Nick wasn't back. Harry took his phone out and saw that Louis had texted him. 

From LouBear:  Is everything okay babe? Did Nick pull a move on you yet? 

To LouBear: He's trying to get close to me, but luckily someone called him. I have this feeling that they're talking about me. I think that Nick is about to pull something on me. 

He put his phone back into his pocket when he saw Nick walk back.

"Sorry 'bout that." He apologized. 

"We should start on problem 14 and after that we should call it a day." Harry said, ignoring Nick's apology. Nick frowned, but start on the problem. 

On the corner of his eye, Harry saw Liam giving him a thumbs up.  


Niall walked to his locker and opened it. He took out his book and closed the locker. As he locked his locker, Niall saw a figure walking into a hall. He meandered to the hall slowly and carefully so the person wouldn't think he was being followed. 

He stopped when he saw the familiar backpack he would always see when he was with Liam. 

"Zayn?" He called out. He stopped and turned around. Shock was written all over his face.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked. 

"Um I go to school here?" Niall said, half jokingly, "But what are you doing here?" Zayn sighed and brushed back his hair with his hand, a sigh on discomfort. 

"I..I was worried about Harry. I am upset with him, but he's still a brother to me." Zayn admitted.

"But Liam, Louis, and I are watching over him." Niall said. 

"I wanted to just check on him and maybe talk to him after he was done tutoring Nick so I was waiting." Zayn said. 

"But aren't you usually at the library to wait for him? I mean we all know he goes there with Louis." Niall said.

"The library was strangely closed. Like all the lights were off. In fact, Mrs. Hayes has been acting really strange if I'm going to be honest." Zayn said. 

Niall shrugged, "All librarians are weird in my opinion. I'm gonna head back to Louis' practice. Not unless you want to join." He offered. 

Zayn shook his head, "Nah, you can go on." Niall nodded and walked off. 


"Okay so I think that we should call it a day." Harry said, packing his stuff. He stood up, but suddenly felt a strong grip on his arm.  He tried to remove his arm from the grip, but failed. He looked at Nick who had this evil smirk on his face. 

"Now now Harry. No need to struggle." He said, chuckling darkly. 

"Let go!" Harry demanded.

"Sorry love, that won't be happening." Nick said. 

"Liam! Help!" Harry cried out. He saw Liam getting up and running towards him. He tried to pull Nick away, but was stopped when a hand grabbed his shoulder. It was Josh. 

Nick started laughing as he tightened his grip on Harry's arm making the younger boy whimper in pain, "You seriously thought that I wouldn't notice? You are such an idiot. An adorable one I must admit." 

"Nick, you better leave us alone or else.." Liam warned. 

"Or else what? I have loads of backup you idiot." Harry heard Josh chuckle. 

"Please, let go." Harry pleaded. 

"Aww you look so cute begging. That's what I want to hear." Nick said. Harry had this mortified expression on his face and finally found some strength to push Nick. He stumbled a bit and saw Liam punch Josh in the jaw. 

"Run!" He heard Liam yell. They both quickly ran to the entrance of the gym, but were met with..Mrs. Hayes. 

"Mrs. Hayes? What are you doing here?" Liam asked. Harry noticed that she didn't have the same sweet, genuine smile on her face. She had the same smirk Nick had. 

Suddenly he felt someone shove him, making him fall. He saw that Liam was also on the floor, holding his head and his facial expression showed that he was in pain. 

"You two are so stupid." Josh taunted. 

"What did we ever do to you?" Harry asked, tears were streaming down his face. 

Nick snickered, "You never listened to my little messages that I put in your locker so this is the punishment." 

"You're the fucking blackmailer!" Liam said.

"No shit sherlock." Nick said, rolling his eyes. He crouched down to meet Harry's eye and started caressing his cheek. Harry flinched at the touch and tried to move, but couldn't since Nick was holding his arm down. 

"Such soft skin." He murmured. 

"Please leave me alone." Harry begged. Nick smirked, but didn't say anything. 

"I can treat you better than Louis. I will give you everything your heart desires." Nick said. Harry looked at him in disgust. 

Suddenly, the door slammed open and to Harry's surprise Zayn came running in. 

"Leave them alone you fucking bastard!" He screamed. 

"Josh! Stop him!" Nick yelled. Josh shoved Liam back to the ground and blocked Zayn's path. Harry saw Mrs. Hayes holding Liam's arm down so he wouldn't get up. 

"Zayn! Please help us!" Liam cried. 

"Move out of my way." Zayn said coldly, his jaw clenching. When Josh didn't move, Zayn pushed him out of the way and shoved Nick away from Harry. 

"Zayn! Watch out!" Harry cried out as he saw Josh attacking Harry from behind. Unfortunately, Zayn didn't get the warning on time and had fallen to the ground. 

Nick frowned, "All these people. Now where am I going to get my privacy with Harry?" 

"You are such a disgusting person!" Zayn spat. 

Nick ignored his words and took Harry's hands, making him stand up. 

"Lets go babe." He said. Harry tried staying where he was, but was dragged. 

"LEAVE MY BOYFRIEND ALONE!" A familiar voice came. Everyone turned their attention around and saw Louis storming in, his face red and his nose flaring. He was blocked by Josh, but rammed into him. 

Zayn quickly stood up and glared at Mrs. Hayes, who was already terrified by Louis' entrance and walked backwards in surrender. 

Louis punched Nick straight up in the jaw and slapped him. Nick whimpered in pain and held his cheek. Louis pushed Nick to the ground and kicked his stomach and leg. 

"Don't you fucking touch Harry. He's mine, Get that into your sick brain." Louis spat. Suddenly, Niall came in with the principal and some police officers. 

"Sir, Nick was going to attempt rape on Harry and he was also blackmailing him. Josh and Mrs. Hayes were helping him." Louis told the principal as he enveloped Harry into a comforting embrace.          

"What? Mrs. Hayes, why would you help? I thought you were better than this." Mr. Smith said. 

"Nick is my nephew. I had to help him." She admitted. 

"What about you Josh? I thought you hated homosexuals." Niall asked. 

"I was payed to help by Nick." He said, looking at his feet and not meeting anyone's eye. 

Mr. Smith shook his head and motioned the officers to take them away. 

"Helen. You are fired and Nick and Josh, you two are expelled. The law will deal with you three now." Mr. Smith said. 

They didn't say anything and looked down and feeling ashamed. Mostly Helen for helping a teenager. 

"Harry, are you okay?' Mr. Smith asked. Harry nodded and buried his head into Louis' neck. 

"I will call your parents and we'll talk about this in the office. I will tell your teachers to go easy on you until you fully recover from the shock." He said. 

Harry just nodded and didn't say anything. 

"Everything will be okay now." Louis assured the younger boy. Harry looked at him in the eye and kissed his lips. He was glad everything was over. 

"Harry?" Came Zayn's voice. Harry looked up and saw him, Zayn had a guilty expression on and he was looking down. 

"I am really sorry for calling your relationship with Louis shitty. I was just angry and upset that you didn't tell me anything." He said. 

"No, you don't have to apologize. Well expect for calling my relationship shitty, but for the other thing. Its my fault that I never told you anything and if I were in your place then I would also be upset. I didn't mean to not tell you, its just that so much has been going on." Harry said.

"Are we still friends?" He asked.

Harry smiled, "We aren't friends Zayn. We're brothers."

Zayn grinned and pulled Harry into a hug. They pulled apart with huge smiles because everything is okay now.

"Lets move along lads." Niall said. The five boys started walking off, feeling content. Louis intertwined his fingers with Harry's and pecked his cheek. Harry blushed making Louis grin because only he could make him blush like that.


 So now the epilogue is left and after that is the end!! I am pretty upset that this is ending, but I have more stories that I want you guys to read! Also, I put up the description for my one shot Les Confusion, More Betrayal! Check it out!!! 

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