Everything's gonna work out j...

By Iwroteabook

23K 774 253

Emotions are strange, and growing up doesn't just include that change in one's self, but-much to a certain he... More

Prologue: Fionna cakes are for Fionna only
Starting to Change
New Emotions, Good and Bad
From dreams to nightmares
From Dreams to Nightmares part 2
Cloud Hunt Go!
The Gang Reunites
Drama Bombs!
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Kidnapped by Cake
A Broken Family
Escape Plan
Friends Help Friends Decorate
'Twas the Night Before the Ball
Early Grand Finale
An Epic Battle
Bad Little Girl
Where is Fionna?
Battle of Affections
Decision Train
Thank you
Epilogue: Surprise!

I hate penguins

1.7K 49 21
By Iwroteabook

Fionna's POV

I woke up this morning and it was lightly raining. I had kept the window oopened up a bit for fresh air, but it had ended up chilling the whole house. I sat up in bed and breathed in the cool air. There was a scent coming from downstairs. It smelled good. Really good! I jumped from my bed like a ninja, and raced to the kitchen.

There I found Cake, making breakfast. "Morning, Cake. What's for B-fast?" I asked hungrily.

Cake turned and smiled. "Dinner!" Cake sat our plates on the table. I smiled brightly. "Dinner for breakfast. That's awesome! Much better than breakfast for dinner." Of course, I didn't really care, I was just hungry.

She served the food. "I made cheeseburgers!" said Cake. "Mmm, smells good, Cake." I said, about to take a bite.

Cake took off her apron and sat down to eat. "So, are you excited that your birthday is coming up soon, baby?" Cake asked me as I ate.

"Yeah, I guess so." I swallowed my food so my words wouldn't sound muffled. "There aren't going to be any pranks this time, are there?" I asked, remembering my 13th birthday, when Cake made it look like she was murdered. And to top it all off we actually could have been killed. We'd be dead right now if Mr. Jello Man wasn't there to break our fall when the train fell off of a cliff.

"No, Fionna. No pranks, I promise." Cake told me, reassuringly. "Now go take a shower and get dressed, we need to be ready in case evil asks for trouble." Cake said. "Alright." I said, climbing up the ladder that lead to our bedroom.

I got out a fresh pair of my usual clothes, which was my blue shirt and skirt, socks, and under clothes. I brought the clothes into the bathroom with me, and stripped down.

As I let the warm water run down my back, I washed my hair. Usually in the mornings when I have to wake up, I don't want to get in. But when I get in I never want to get out.

When I was finished, I turned the water off, dried up, and got dressed. I had to blow-dry my hair, otherwise Cake wouldn't let me go outside, saying that I might catch a cold.

I finished blow drying my long hair that went down to my waist. Then I stuffed my long, blonde hair into my awesome bunny hat and quickly put my shoes on.

I jumped down to the living room, only to find Cake, licking herself.

I gagged, and looked away. Cake didn't notice me, and just continued 'bathing' herself.

Just then, the phone rang, and Cake, thank Glob, stopped licking herself.

I picked up the phone and answered with a 'hello', but there was screaming on the other end. I recognized the voice. It was Peppermint Maid. She yelled, screaming about the Ice Queen.

"We're on our way!" I said, reassuringly, and hung up.

"Come on, Cake!" I said, heading towards the front door. "We've got a price to rescue!"

"Hold on!" Cake said, putting on a brown pair of snow boots. "Don't forget your adventure pack, sweetie." she said, handing me my green backpack.

"Oh, yeah, thanks." I said.

We both ran outside. It had stopped raining, but the sky was still hidden with clouds.

I jumped onto Cake's back as she grew in size, using her stretchy powers.

As we neared the Candy Kingdom, snow began to pile. The kingdom was below winter temperature.

"Whoah, it's freezing here." Cake said, when we entered the town.

I jumped down from Cake's back, pulling out my light yellow sweater from my backpack and putting it on myself, attempting to keep warm.

Cake and I walked side by side through the kingdom. Almost all of the candy citizens were frozen solid, and the ones that weren't were trying to thaw the frozen ones.

"Poor things." Cake said, as we walked up to the castle doors.

No surprise, they were frozen shut.

"You wanna burn this mother mather down, Cake?" I said, about ready to break out my flamethrower.

"I guess that that's the only way to get in." Cake said. "Just be careful. I don't want you burning off your eyelashes."

"Please, Cake. I think I know what I'm doing." I said, confidently, pulling the flamethrower from my backpack.

I pointed the fire gun at the castle doors. My finger pulled the trigger. The ice shield melted and the entrance was revealed.

We ran inside the castle hall.

"Where's the prince?" I asked, confused.

"Look, it's Peppermint Maid!" Cake screamed.

I saw the poor peppermint lady frozen in a block of ice. "Stand back, Cake." I said, readying the flamethrower. "I'm gonna thaw her." I was about to start throwing fire everywhere, when Cake took the fire gun away from me.

"Don't roast her, baby. Remember what we talked about." Cake said, turning to Peppermint Maid.

"You gotta flambeau." She said, swaying the flamethrower side to side, slowly melting the chunk of ice containing Peppermint Maid.

When she was completely thawed, she was out cold. Literally!

We tried waking her up by shaking her, but it wasn't working.

"What do we do?" I asked Cake in a panicking tone.

"Try punching her!" Cake said.

"What? What if I hurt her?" I yelled at Cake for having such a dumb idea.

"Fine then. We'll just wait here until she becomes conscious." she said. But I did not have the patience.

I slapped Peppermint Maid across her face, and her eyes opened wide.

"Peppermint Maid, are you alright?" I asked her, hoping she would forgive me for slapping her.

She sat up, yelling, "The prince is gone! The prince is gone! Ice Queen took him!"

I stood straight up and took my sword out of my pack.

"Come on, Cake! We've got a prince to rescue!"

We both ran, heading towards the Ice Kingdom.

Cake and I burst through the ice gates and ran towards the castle. Cake stretched us up to the high window, and we jumped in.

"Fionna! Cake!" yelled a familiar voice.

We both turned to see Prince Gumball, inside of an icey jail cell, with his shoes frozen to the floor.

"Gumball!" I yelled, running towards the cage.

"Don't worry, dude. We're gonna get you out of here!" I told him, reassuringly. I pulled the flamethrower from my backpack.

"Look out!" Cake yelled from behind me.

I jumped out of the way, avoiding one of Ice Queen's blasts. I landed on the hard, icey ground, on my butt.

Luckily, I didn't get blasted by the Ice Queen, but the flamethrower, however, was frozen in a block of ice. How ironic.

"Back away from my future husband!" The Ice Queen screamed, shooting ice shards towards me, and blasting Cake with icey water. Ice Queen had always went easy on Cake, that, I'll never know why.

"Ice Queen, why are you always predatoring on dudes?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Ice Queen was crazy. Duh,of course no one wants to marry her.

Cake shrunk down and went into the jail cell to help free the prince.

"Hey! Paws off my prince!!!" Ice Queen yelled and shooted snow at the two.

I saw my chance, and ran towards the Ice Queen. I jumped and kicked her crown off of her head and it went flying through the window.

"Nooo!!!" she screamed, continuously. She flew out of the window, attempting to find it.

I headed towards Cake and Gumball, whom were both covered in snow.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked. All I got was a muffled answer.

I saw a pair of keys hanging away from the cell. I grabbed them, and unlocked the cage door.

I tried digging through the snow pile to try and find them. I uncovered the prince's body. Cake had managed to get his feet unstuck from the floor, but he was unconscious. I dragged him out of the ice prison, and layed him on the floor. Then I began to look for Cake.

About 5 minutes had gone by, and I still had not found her. I started to panic. And now I was hyperventilating. I couldn't stop. I was too scared.

I heard groaning coming from the prince. I turned to see Gumball regaining consciousness.

"What? Where am I?" he said, weakly.

Gumball, I can't find Cake!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Wha...?" he said, looking at me. His attention soon turned to the snow pile in the cage. "What's that?" he said, pointing to a small, coffee colored patch in the snow.

I dove right into the pile, not caring how cold it was.

I pulled Cake out of the snow and carried her back out. I dropped to my knees, cradling Cake. I felt hot tears stream down my cheeks.

As I sniffled and sobbed, I felt a movement. Cake's eyes slowly opened. Her tail fluffed up, and she stretched her body.

"Cake, you're okay!" I yelled, squeezing her into a hug.

"Of course I'm okay, Fionna. I've got the warmest, fluffiest fur in all of Aaa!" Cake said, getting up.

"Hey, where's the Ice Queen?" Gumball questioned.

Just then, a shard of ice went straight past my head, barely missing. I turned to see the queen, looking very angry, with her crown back on her head.

"Found her." Cake said softly.

Ice Queen tried shooting more snow, but we dodged it easily. Cake went to protect the Prince Gumball, and I went to fight the Ice Queen.

I started running towards her, but I accidentally tripped over one of her stupid penguins!

I crashed, face first, into a wall. I felt something cold in my mouth. I tried to move my head away, but I couldn't. Unbelievable! My tongue was stuck to the frozen wall. Even the Ice Queen started laughing at me. How embarrassing! Then I felt something crash against my head, painfully.

The last thing I remembered before blacking out was Cake and Gumball shouting my name, and the evil laughs of the Ice Queen.

Then everything faded to black....

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