Mystery Girl

By Sanabil_javed055

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This story is about a teen girl who suffered alone .. no one was beside her .. her past life was full of suff... More

Chapter #01
Chapter #02
Chapter #04
Chapter #05
Chapter #06
Chapter #07
Chapter #08
Chapter #09
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #21
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter # 24
Chaptee #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
not an update
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter# 32

Chapter #03

65 5 8
By Sanabil_javed055

We reached the playground and 7 boys were already there waiting for us to join them for game.after a brief introduction we started to play football and within seconds the empty ground was filled with the crowd.girls were fangirling over us.I must say they all played kinda impressive.specially sung woon and yoon wo.after playing for a while we returned to our class expecting other teachers to join us but to my surprize no one did.may be they left us free to get a bit comfortable and used to here.what a great idea!

Me and yoon wo were talking about our previous college life and friends in order to get to know each other when the bell rang indicating that it was our lunch and yoon wo left for was a neat a tidy cafe but filled with students of course.

After grabbing our food plate from food counter we begun to eat.while eating my food I noticed melissah sitting alone on a table at the corner of the cafe.she was busy eating food with her usual stone (blank) face.

Unknowingly I begun to observe her features.yoon wo kept on talking to me but I was in my own world of thoughts.she was beautiful.blank faced but there was something in her eyes that holds alot of meanings.

My tranced broke when yoon wo slapped me lightly.

"Yah! R u even listening.?"yoon wo whinned a little.

"Mianhe mianhe".I tried apologize because I know what I did was kinda rude.

I begun to eat again.after the bell rang we moved to the class and another teacher joined us but after a brief intro she told us we can go home as its our first day so there is no study/work for today.

I grabbed my bag and left for home after bidding goodbye to yoon wo.

Melissah's POV:

I left university at 1pm.there was still enough time for my job to start.I worked in a local cafe to meet my daily expenses weren't huge as I got scholarship from university because of my grades.I return to my apartment wasn't big one but just suitable for me.

I fell on my couch and turned on the T.V but as usual there was nothing related to my interest.I made myself a coffee changed my outfit and picked up my phone while strolling on the fancafe.

               _"we are like butterflies who flutter
                   for a day and think thats forever_"

I updated a self made quote on my fan cafe it was my usual routine.whenever I get enough time I would update a quote on my intention was not to seek attention or get thousand of likes.its just that writing something like that makes me feel a bit better.

I passed my time by laying here and there untill it was 3pm.I grabbed my bag and locked my apartment and went to the cafe.

I worked there as a manager.I didn't have any friends here as most of them were older then me and I really didnt know how to get along with strangers and I never felt the need to talk to anybody there accept for work.I returned home at 8pm after a tiring day.imade myself a healthy fruits salad for dinner.after eating my dinner I went to my bedroom grabbed my speeling pills and ate body was physically tired because of today's tough schedule but I knew my mind isn't cool enough to let me sleep in peace.I cant sleep without pills.I turned off the lights after eating the pills and first thing that came in my mind was "my parents".

I guess everybody is scared of darkness a little.even I was.until I lost my parents in this darkness.I believe that I never lost them.they are always with me through this black vanity.i can feel their presence in it.i closed my eyes hoping that I could see my parents in my dreams.I wish they could embrace me like they used to do to make me feel at ease.

"I miss them" I wispered to myself after that I drifted off to sleep.



I was lying on my bed when my phone buzzed.I unlocked my phone to see who it was was a notification from the fancafe.I opened it and there she is .. with another deadly quote.

               _"we are like butterflies who flutter
                   for a day and think thats forever_"

I wonder who is sinister.her quotes are always so reality based.I was always impressed by her writing.I even tried contacting her (may be sounds a bit clingy but yes I did) but she didn't replied neither did she seen my messages.I was so habitual to her quotes that I often wait for her to upload.

"May be she reads a lot of philosophy books or maybe she had gone through something terrible.but either way .. I love the way she conveys a cruel but reality based message in a short yet meaningful line." I thought to myself.

"Jackson r u free dear" jackson's mother called him from downstairs.

"Yes there anything for me to do?" I replied her getting up from my bed.

"Got enough time to drink tea with your mom?"

"Yeah sure mom I would love to"

With that jackson went downstairs to join his mom for tea time.

"How was your day at uni?.. made new friends..?" His mother asked him casually.

"It was fun.we only introduced ourselves to teachers and everybody spent the whole time looking around the building as it is huge" .. while taking a sip of tea " and I made a new friend.his name is yoon he is master at football.his skills are really impressive". I told my mom every little detail about my day as it was my habit of sharing everything to my mom.


Let me know in comments section if you liked it or not.I would love it if you suggest your ideas for the upcoming chapters.feel free to express your opinion

Thank you so much for reading :)

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