Fast Times At Clairemont High

By MusicIsMyLife7121415

4.8K 80 28

Vic is an English teacher and guidance counselor right out of college. He's focused on caring for Mike and ge... More

Fast Times At Clairemont High


150 3 3
By MusicIsMyLife7121415

"Lo, where he comes!" Mike shouted as Vic pulled up next to us. We had started reading Othello. Okay...maybe we were dramatically acting it out in the middle of the street, but who cares? We jumped in the back and Vic chuckled, recognizing the line immedietly.

"O my fair worrior!" He said dramatically. I threw my arms around him from behind his seat.

"My dear Othello!" I let him go since he tensed up and had to drive...

"You guys got really far in that play." He said.

"Yeah...we may have been acting it out in the middle of the street." Mike said.

"Oh my god..." Vic sighed. "I would have loved to have been there for that."

"You should have come with us!" I whined. "Cause you know, if you're Othello and I'm Desdemona--"

"We both end up dying in the end." He cut me off I rolled my eyes.

"But we die together Othello!" I said with a British accent and threw my arms around him again, this time not letting him go.

"Well actually, I kill you. But you know, details..." He said. I could hear the sarcastic undertone to his voice.

"Like you said, details." He scoffed as we pulled into their driveway. "I like how close together we live." I told Mike as I jumped out of the car. I could tell Vic rolled his eyes. We went inside and Mike wanted to play Mario Kart.

"Vic play with us?" Mike called to Vic in the kitchen.

"No I'm good. Ugh we have no food, want pizza?"

"YES!" I screamed. There was an awkward pause...well not awkward for me but still. I was texting Morgan and Lily about a concert I wanted to go to when the phone rang. Only it wasn't mine, it was a cell phone on the couch.

"Shit! Mike can you answer that for me?" Vic asked. Mike was setting up the Wii so I picked it up like the helpful person I am.

"I got it!" I called back as I looked at the collar ID. "Who's Lauren heart heart heart?" I asked acting dumb and pressing answer. "Hello?"

"Cameron!" Vic yelled. I stood up and ran behind the chair as Vic started towards me.

"Hey shnookums!" Some girl said on the other end.

"Uh, who is this?" I asked.

"Uh, how many people call you that?" She asked and giggled.

"Ooohhh! You must be calling for Vic, my boyfriend!" I said. Vic ran after me but I dodged him.

"Cam give me the phone!" I grinned and shook my head, running to the opposite side of the couch.

"Your boyfriend? My boyfriend!" she screamed into the phone.

"Oh, now calm down! I'm sure there's enough dic- I mean VIC to go around. We can share! If you're a nice enough person that is. Because I'm sure you know as well as I do how much Vic loves to have triples! Do you want to meet sometime? Have coffee or something? I'm sure that would ease your worries of me being like a psychopath or something. So, say monday at three? Vic and I will both be out of school by then. Did you know he was my teacher?" Vic looked like he was about to pass out and dove over the couch, ripping the phone from my hands. I'm pretty sure the girl was in tears by the end there.

"Lauren! Lauren? Baby no don't cry...No! That was just Mike's friend. She took my phone and...yeah, yeah ok..." Vic mumbled as he left the room. I was grinning widely and I turned around to see Mike collapsed on the floor laughing.

"That! That was hilarious!" He cried. "And I got it all on video!" He held up his phone with the video.

"Haha yes!" I yelled and high-fived Mike. Vic slammed a door and I assumed it was his subtle way of expressing his anger. Mike and I kept laughing and started playing the game. Eventually Vic came back out of his room and was pacing around behind the couch, still talking to Lauren.

"Uh, yeah that's fine...No really, it's no trouble...Okay, see you soon...Love you too, bye." I sighed at his last comment, but decided to have some more fun.

"Aww, I love you too, Vic!" I said sweetly as he hung up.

"You." He pointed to me. "Shut it. That wasn't funny!" I grinned.

"It was kinda funny." I said cheekily.

"No, no it wasn't. You don't just answer people's phone's like that, and you definitely don't start telling their girlfriends fake shit just because you thought it was funny." Vic sounded pretty mad, but I knew how to play this.

"Hey, I just said you had a big dick. Is that not true? Wow, I never thought a guy would admit to that..." Vic blushed like crazy and I held back a laugh.

"Th-that's not what I said..." He mumbled.

"Oh, so you do? Nice!" He snapped his head up and pointed at me again.

"Not funny." He said, starting to turn away.

"If it's not funny then why are you smiling?" I asked. Vic started to walk away.

"Lauren's coming over so don't bather us. And Mike control...her." He said.

"Oh, so she just couldn't wait to meet me, huh?"

"WILL YOU PLEASE--" The door bell rang and Vic ran to get it. He swung the door open to reveal a bitchy dumb-blond looking girl. Her face was caked in make-up and she looked like a stripper. Wow Vic, not what I expected of you. I'm disappointed in you.

"Viccy Poo!" She squealed. Vic grinned, what looked to me, half-heartedly.

"Hey, Babe." He stepped aside to let her in. I was standing behind Vic and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind.

"Hey, Babe!" I said to her. "So, you going to take me up on that offer of sharing Viccy Poo?" She looked confused and cocked her head.

"Vic what is she talking about? Who is she?" She looked at Vic like she was about to cry if he didn't answer correctly.

"Nothing, no one, Mike's friend. Cam please?" He pleaded.

"Wow Vic, that hurts..." I said faking hurt feelings. I let go of him and went back to mine and Mike's game.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Vic said, leading Lauren upstairs.

"Yeah, get the deed done." I said with an attitude. Vic groaned.

"Wait is that Mario Kart?" Lauren asked.

"Yup." I said.

"I love Mario Kart! Vic let's play!" Lauren ran over and sat next to me. Vic sighed and sat between Mike and I. Mike started a new game and we started the race. I was in first--like always--and got two bananas.

"EAT MA BANANAS BITCHEZZZ!" I turned to Lauren. "I'm sorry, that wasn't politically correct was it?" I asked her.

"Huh?" she asked without taking her eyes off the screen and stupidly running into my banana. I rolled my eyes.

"Damn Vic, she's a keeper..." I whispered to him. He nudged me and scoffed. Vic was about to lose when the doorbell rang again. He paused and ended the game.

"Oh darn the pizza's here!" He said jumping up as we all groaned and followed him to the door. I ripped the pizza out of the pizza guy's hands and left Vic to pay him. I threw the box on the table and tore a bite out of my slice. "...Ladylike..." Vic mumbled to himself. I swallowed my mouthful.

"What?" I asked in a high pitched voice, much like Lauren's. Mike laughed so hard I thought pizza sauce was going to fly out his nose. Vic set his jaw, but looked like he was holding back a laugh. Lauren looked around at us, confused.


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