The Roofer || Octavia Blake a...

By caity_caitlyn

18K 569 99

"whatever good things we build end up building us" [Darrel Curtis] Started: {3/18/18} Ended: {7/4/18} More

Chapter 1: Moving Away
Chapter 2: Meeting Darry
Chapter 3: Fun day
Chapter 4: Touring Tulsa
Chapter 5: Hanging out
Chapter 6: Date?
Chapter 7: Making Up?
Chapter 8: Boyfriend?
Chapter 9: Chaotic Day
Chapter 10: Telling Everyone...
Chapter 11: Playing Games
Chapter 13: Making up
Chapter 14: Dinner
Chapter 15: Double Date
Not an update
Chapter 16: Something Happens
Chapter 17: Forgivness
Chapter 18: Going on Vacation
Chapter 19: Beach Day!
Chapter 20: Tour Guide
Chapter 21: Lazy Day
Chapter 22: Leaving Hawaii
Chapter 23: Roaming Around
Chapter 24: Oh no...
Chapter 25: Going Back
Chapter 26: Partying
Chapter 27: Returning to Tusla
Chapter 28: Movies
Vote and Thanks
Chapter 29: School
Chapter 30: Date
Chapter 31: Prom
Chapter 32: Happy Birthday
Chapter 33: Happy Birthday Twins!
Chapter 34: Rumble
Chapter 35: Accident?
Chapter 36: Argument
Chapter 37: Making up?
Chapter 38: Hospital
Chapter 39: What is going on?
Chapter 40: Trouble
Chapter 41: Hospital
Chapter 42: Isn't everyone just happy?
Chapter 43: Where did Amber go?
Chapter 44: Still Missing
Chapter 45: She is Found
Chapter 46: Wait What?!
Chapter 47: Questions Part 1
Chapter 48: Questions Part 2
Chapter 49: Anniversary and Surprises
Chapter 50: Disastrous
Chapter 51: Celebration
Chapter 52: Oh my God
Chapter 53: News
Chapter 54: Surprise!
Chapter 55: Questions
Chapter 56: Delivery!
Chapter 57: Shopping!
Chapter 58: Married!!!

Chapter 12: First Date

323 9 2
By caity_caitlyn

I woke up to Darry kissing me on the neck.

"Dar-bear what're you doing?" I asked giggling.

"Waking my beautiful girlfriend up," he said smiling.

"Awe Dar that's adorable but I'm not beautiful," I said smiling.

"Oh yeah you're right you aren't beautiful," he said. My face fell. It broke my heart.

"You're not beautiful you're goddamn gorgeous," he said kissing me. I smiled and looked at him.

"What?" he said confused.

"Nothin it's just...I love you Darrel Curtis and for some reason, I feel like you and I have something Lincoln and I never had" I said and he smiled.

"Good and I hope it stays that way," he said kissing me.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"Well baby girl I think I have work," he said.

"Awe...but Dar-bear," I said pouting.

"Don't worry baby girl I'm right here" he said smiling.

We laid there cuddling when Darry got a call.

"Hello?" he said.

I was laying there playing with her hair when I kissed her on the neck and she woke up. We talked for a while until I suddenly got a call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Darrel?" the person asked.

"Yea it is," I said.

"Well Darrel you got the day off today," he said.

"Oh, thanks boss," I said.

"Yep now go have fun, you need it," he said and hung up.

I set the phone down and O looked at me with a nervous smile.

"Go get ready," I said smiling.

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm gonna take you on a date," I said tickling her.

"DAR-BEAR STOP IT!" she giggled. I stopped and she went to go shower. I left her house and started going back to my place so I could clean up but I left her a note so she wouldn't be confused or anything.

I took a shower and once I finished I went to my vanity to get my brush but saw Darry was gone. I was confused until next to the brush was a note I picked it up and started reading it.

Dear baby girl,
I love you a lot and don't worry about me. I just went home to change. If I'm not back at your place before you get finished come to my house. I love you baby girl and I always will.

After I read the note he left it made me all happy inside. I always loved it when guys leave you notes. I smiled happily and went back to my closet. For the date, I wanted to pick out something cute but not too slutty. I ended up picking out a royal blue dress with a cut out back. I curled my hair and walked downstairs. A looked at me and smirked.

"Darry asked you on a date?" she asked while cooking.

"Yeah, he did," I said smiling.

"First one?" she asked.


"Hope you have fun," she said smiling.

"Hope you have fun with Soda too," I said winking.

I walked to the door and looked through the shoes for my nude lace-up heels. I opened the door and waved to A and everyone else who was still at our place. I started walking to Dar's place when a blue Mustang pulled near me. I ignored it and started walking away.

"Wow ain't she a beauty?" a soc said whistling.

I rolled my eyes and continued on to Dar's.

"Come on baby girl come with us. We can show you a good time. You're dressed for it anyway." he said winking.

"Don't call me that" I barked at them.

"Oh wow she even has an accent!" he said.

"So tell me babe...whats your name?" he asked.

"None of your business," I said.

"Fine...where are ya from?" he asked.

"New York," I said getting closer to Dar's.

"Oh wow...are you Winstons girl?" he said grinning.

"No, he's a friend," I said.

"Hmm...are you Blakes girl?" he asked.

"How about you answer me now huh? What's your name?" I barked at him turning my head.

"Wow feisty one ain't she?" he laughed while looking at his friends.

"I asked you a question..." I said.

"Adderson, Randy Adderson" he said grinning.

"Aren't you Bob's friend?" I asked.

"Yes I am sugar," he said smiling.

I saw Darry's house and I decided to say something I'd probably regret.

"Well cocksucker, even if I wanted to I wouldn't go with you. You make me SICK! I hate you and Bob!" I said.

"Baby that wasn't very nice," he said stopping the car and getting out. I quickly kicked off my heels and ran to Dar's house. I busted in panting and Darry came out of his room looking at me confused.

"Baby girl...whats wrong?" he asked.

"Randy...he...tried...t-" I said but he cut me off.

"Did he hurt you?!" he asked and held my hands.

"No Dar-bear he didn't," I said hugging him.

Soon there was loud knocking on the door. I jumped up and squealed. The doorknob rattled until the person figured out it was open. The door opened to reveal Randy and I hugged Darry screaming.

"Shh...its alright baby girl," he said kissing my head.

I was getting ready and once I finished I walked into the living room and someone opened the door loudly and ran. The person ran into me and hugged me tightly. I was confused until I saw it was O.

"Baby girl...whats wrong?" I asked.

"Randy...he...tried...t-" she started but once she said Randy I started freaking out.

"Did he hurt you?!" I asked holding her hands.

"No...he didn't," she said hugging me.

I held her until there was knocking at the door. I was about to answer it when the door opened to reveal an angry looking Randy.

"Shh...its alright baby girl" I whispered to her kissing her head.

Randy looked pretty pissed so I gently pushed O away.

"Baby go wait in my room" I whispered to her and she nodded.

I walked up to Randy and he was about to hit me but I caught his hand.

"Man, what's your problem?" I asked.

"That slut over there is my problem!" he said trying to hit me again but I caught his other hand throwing it down.

"SHE'S NOT A SLUT!" I yelled and hit him in the jaw. We were full on fighting when the door opened and Dal and Lex came in. Dal whispered something to Lex and she nodded. She ran into my room and Dal helped out with Randy. Soon he was bloody and tired so he ran out of the house and into his Mustang.

"Thanks, Dal," I said.

"Yeah, I know you probably didn't need it but it's better outnumbering him at least," he said and I just shrugged.

We walked to my room and O saw me and ran up to me. Lex walked over to Dal as he put an arm around her.

"You guys a thing now?" I asked. I saw Lexi's face get bright red.

"Nah we aren't," Dal said and I nodded.

I was close to Dar and he pushed me away a little and whispered into my ear.

"Baby go wait in my room," he said and I rushed to his room and sat there waiting.

Soon Lex came in and smiled at me.

"Hey Lex," I said smiling.

"Don't worry Dar's alright" she said and I smiled. She sat down next to me and looked at the floor.

"I went to Bell the other day to talk about Dallas you know..." she said.

"I told him I like Dallas but...Bell told me he changed after he left New York. Said he does more illegal stuff and drinks and smokes more. Said Dal's not good for me." she said.

"Lex...I know Bell is the closest thing you have to a brother but I wouldn't listen to him. He looks at you like a sister and would want you to be safe. Bell would say anything to protect you and me and Madi." I said.

"Should I ask him out? I want to but I don't wanna ruin our relationship..." she said.

"Lex...Dally likes you, I wouldn't say love since I haven't heard him say love in years but he does. Rather he wants to believe it or not but he does" I said smiling.

She smiled and we talked for a while until the door opened to Dar and Dal. I got up and ran to Darry hugging him tightly. He kissed me on the head and smiled. I looked over to see Dal put an arm around Lex and saw her grin a little.

"You guys a thing now?" Dar asked him.

"Nah we aren't," Dal said.

Darry and I got in the car and drive to the Dingo. Once we got there we sat down and some girl took our order.

"Hi Darrel!" the girl said smiling.

He just rolled his eyes and held my hand.

"What would you like today?" she asked him.

"Cheeseburger with a coke," he said. The girl smiled and walked away.

"Did she just walk away?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"LAUREL!" he yelled and she came over smiling.

"Yes Dar?" she asked smiling.

"You forgot my girlfriend's order," he said. She fake smiled and looked at me.

"Hi...I'm sorry I just forgot. What's your name?" she asked.

"It's alright and it's Octavia," I said smiling.

"Are you from New York?" she asked.

"Yeah..." I said.

"I think I knew someone from New York named you know Lincoln?" she asked smiling evilly like she knew.

"Oh um...he died..." I said looking down.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know..." she grinned.

"It's alright. Can I also get a cheeseburger and a coke?" I asked.

"Sure," she said and walked away.

" do you know her?" I asked.

"Baby girl..." he said holding my hands. I pulled them away and stared at him.

"Tell me!" I said angrily.

"Baby girl...she's Soda's ex..." he said.

"How does she know you?" I asked.

"Baby please I don't wanna tell you this. You'll be mad" he said.

"No Darrel! Tell me, I wanna know! How does she know you?!" I asked.

"Baby..." he said.

"Tell me or I'm leaving," I said crossing my arms.

"Baby...she cheated on Soda...with me..." he said looking down.

"What?! How the fuck do I know you're not cheating with me right now?! For god sakes Darry! He's your brother!" I yelled at him.

"OCTAVIA!" he yelled and I got up and walked away. I ran back home and burst through the door crying. I saw Soda with A but I didn't care I just ran into my room and cried myself to sleep still in my dress.

I tried to explain what happened but she didn't listen to me. She ran out of the Dingo and I'm guessing went home. Laurel came out with the food and smiled.

"She went home?" she asked smiling.

I set down the money for the food and walked out. I went home and went to call O. The phone rang but she didn't answer. I called her home phone and Soda picked up.

"Hello?" he said.

"Is O home?" I asked.

"Yeah she is...what did you do?" he asked.

"Nothing...Laurel did..." I said.

"Does she know she drugged you?" he asked.

"Wouldnt let me explain," I said.

"Oh...come here tomorrow...she seemed upset," he said.

"Ok..." I said and hung up. I went to bed wondering what the hell to do next.

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