Forget Me Not

By prettyeuphxric

177K 4.5K 394

A Fantasy That Will Blow Your Minds . Includes Werewolves & more creatures. BOOK 1 More

Forget Me Not (A rejection werewolf novel Coming SPRING BREAK)
Forget Me Not: Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Taming The Naughty
Chapter 8
Cast Info | ♥
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
T o M y S u p p o r t e r s
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Private chapters and such info*
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
On Leave
On Hold!?
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 19.5
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Kat's Picture
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
On hold
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
About the Twins
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
To clear up confusion if any (Mid Book TEA)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Private INFO
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Meet your author 📝 edited
Chapter 44
Meet Leah
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 20

2.8K 88 9
By prettyeuphxric

* PICTURE OF NIXON  @ THE top   or multimedia *


I closed my eyes tightly awaiting the light. I gave up. I couldn't move. Tears ran down my cheeks and I was trembling.

"Don't just stand there go!" I heard a voice and I was pushed into the closing portal.

My body jolted up and my eyes shot open.

"She's up!!" A girl squealed making me wince.

"Her hair is different, its no longer blue but its bushy, brown with blonde streaks and curly-waist length." A guy observed.

"She has golden rings around her now hazel greenish eyes." Another guy looking identical to the other observed.

"Who are you guys?" I scrunched up my face in utter confusion. Everyone was huddled around me like I was a newborn child and it was annoying me.

" Kat, you don't remember me?" She pleaded with her eyes but her face was foreign along with everyone else's. I looked at her in confusion causing her to flinch back and lean on the guy next to her.

"Someone call the doctor." The girl whispered with tears in her eyes. I felt sorry that I didn't know her.

Something told me that I knew all of these people but that thought faded as soon as it came.


Amie's POV

I couldn't believe that Kat forgot us all. It hurt my heart because that was my best friend, my sister, my homie in crime. I really missed her. I cried on Allen's shoulder as Aiden called the pack doctors in.

"She's up." The petite woman came in with a male.

"No shit Sherlock." Nixon mumbled a little irritated but Angelica nudged him.

"She lost her memory, she can't remember any of us." I choked out sadly.

"She'll regain her memory she just needs some time. She was out for a few days now. We didn't think she could make it through her transformation." The male pack doctor spoke up.

"We'll just run some tests on her and see how things go from there." The female doctor said snapping her fingers. About five nurses came in instructing us to back away from the bed Kat laid on.

"We will be injecting her with potion C19 because there was a slight corruption in her transformation. C19 will make the transformation less gruesome. Her inner vampire hasn't fully transformed, that's the only thing left." The male pack doctor explained.

"Get the buckles on her ankles and arms."

All of the nurses scrambled to do as told. Xephan, Kat's demon father was skeptical about the whole thing but Angelica convinced him to step down and let the doctors do their job.

I watched with tears stinging my eyes as Kat's body moved violently. Her eyes shifted to violet and she hissed, her fangs now on perfect display.

I held onto Allen hiding my face, no longer wanting to see Kat like this.



Xavier's POV

I sat in my office waiting for Katalina's final transformation to be finished but in the meantime, I had to have a talk with Nixon.

I ordered his arrival and was sorting out some papers in my office. I contacted some neighboring packs telling them about the demons that have been roaming around and to keep on the lookout.

"Hello, Xavier." I heard a voice at the door.

"Nixon." I nodded.

"What's up?" He grinned.

"You're on my territory. Why?" I asked calmly.

"My sister was on her death bed so I decided to drop by." He said casually.


"Katalina is my half-sister since she is half-demon." He smirked.

"You don't smell like a demon." I pointed out.

"I'm a demon and a wolf." He chuckled.

"You brought all the demons in my territory?" I growled at him.

He smiled putting his hands up in surrender. "Nope, probably my father's strong presence lured some of them here." 

He winced a little and I looked at him with concern.

"Nixon," I called.

"She's transforming again."  He held his chest.

"How can you feel it?" I asked with confusion lacing my voice.

"She's my sibling I feel everything, it's a bloodline thing." He mumbled slowly falling to the ground.

"We need some pack doctors in here," I yelled causing three ladies to rush in the room and tend to him.

* ~ '

Arvin's POV (brother of Salem and Julian)

Julian used up his energy to bring the girl back to life. I probably knocked some sense into the asshole's mind. She was gorgeous and the Demon King's daughter. 

It's only a matter of time before Demon Queen Vilma finds out about the havoc going on in the kingdom and it won't be pretty.

'Arvin Xephan wants us at the packhouse asap' Salem communicated with me.

'Meet me there, he'll throw questions our way and we have to be ready, make sure Julian gets the memo.' I ordered sternly leaving the kingdom.

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