Ramos/// a Anthony Ramos fanf...

By heywhatsuphello16

20K 193 39

besties don't read this book. I'm keeping it up for the sole purpose of views It's horrible. I mean it. More

Chapter 1
Chpt 2
Chpt 3
Chpt 4
Chpt 5
Chpt 6
Chpt 7
Chpt 8
Chpt 9
Chpt 10
Chpt 11
Chpt 12
Chpt 13
Chpt 15
Chpt 16
Chpt 17
Chpt 18
Chpt 19
Chpt 20
Chpt 21
Chpt 22
Chpt 23
Chpt 24
Chpt 25
Chpt 26
Chpt 27
Chpt 28
Chpt 29
Chpt 30
Wattys 2K18

Chpt 14

526 5 0
By heywhatsuphello16


Cameron's POV
     I woke up way past my alarm this morning because my dog, Sydney, wasn't there to wake me up. Simon took her away to live with him. I miss her but the dog was rightfully his anyway.
     I put on a brown sweater with jeans that had rips in the knees. Paired with a pair of checkered Vans.
    I straightened my hair and did a simple makeup look. I filled my eyebrows with a pencil.  I did a silver eye look with a black outline. I applied lots of mascara making my eyes pop. I did a nude lip but made it make my lips look bigger.
I walk out striking a pose for Anthony except he's not the only one there. Lin, Lesile, Chris, Groffsauce, Daveed, Oak, Jasmine, Renee, Pippa, and Anthony all stare at me before busting up laughing.
I blush harder than I ever have. "That was just meant for Anthony." I say flustered. "Is the shy girl we know not actually so shy?" Chris asks laughing.
"Yeah she's so annoying." Anthony jokes. But it still hurts. I think he sees hurt I my eyes.
"Baby girl, I'm sorry. I was just joking around. I'm sorry baby!" He pleads and walks up to me hugging me. I sigh.
"Alright." I sigh. I've learned to never say 'it's okay' or 'it's fine' because that just means they'll think it's okay to do it again.
"Baby girl?" He says lifting my chin up. "I'm just not in the mood okay?" I shout stepping back and rushing out of the apartment.
I walk to the nearby Starbucks in need of caffeine and breakfast. I step in and walk up to the counter.
"Hi, I'll have a Venti iced vanilla latte. With coconut milk and vanilla syrup." I say. "Oh, can I have a blueberry muffin too!!" The guy serving me smiles. Which makes me smile.
"Can I have a name for that?" He asks. "Peggy." I smile. I shouldn't have yelled at Anthony. I should've stayed and cooled off. I should've apologized. I shouldn't of snapped. He was just trying to help.
"Peggy?" Someone calls. I grab my coffee and sit at a table. I pull my earbuds out and pull up the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack. It always helps me calm down but right now I just wanna cry. So I play the only song that'll help me do that. Words Fail. It has a deeper meaning than just the words. It digs deeper. It's like a knife straight through the heart.
I don't realize there are tears streaming down my face until someone taps me on the shoulder. "Are you alright?" The woman asks. I nod my head.
"Yeah just get emotional when this song comes on!" I smile. "But thank you!" She nods and turns back around.
I have to go back sooner or later. So why not go now? I finish my muffin and pick my coffee up and leave.
I walk to the elevator and press the 6 button. Oh, my anxiety is getting the best of me. So, I start humming Dear Theodosia to calm my nerves.
    I walk to my apartment door and knock, I left my key inside when I left. By now, tears are streaming down my face. God, why am I so emotional?
     The door opens and I'm pulled into a hug. I'm not sure who it was but I hugged back. We pull apart and it's Leslie.
    He leads me in where there's a pacing Anthony, Chris, Lin, Groffsauce, and what looks like Lesile where sitting at the table talking, Renee, Jazzy, and Pippa crying, and Daveed and Oak comforting Anthony.
     All eyes fall on me.  I run to Anthony and throw my arms around him. He puts his arms around me too. We stand there hugging, sobbing into each other's shoulders.
    "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap and run off. I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I love you so much, I'm so sorry." I say erupting into a fresh round of tears.
     "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to offend you. I was just joking around and I'm sorry." He sighs running his hands through my hair.
     "You got me Starbucks?" Jasmine asks her eyes lighting up. She runs over and takes the drink out of my hands, taking a huge gulp. I must've looked so shocked because she burst out laughing almost out spitting my drink on me.
      I love these people so much.

(753) words
I'm writing this at 12:00 am at night.
Okay it's just sorta filler.
Their next show is gonna be the next chapter.

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