our student. | blackpink

By deraiderai

119K 4.1K 1.3K

one student who has all three of her teachers secretly fighting for her. who will win? •lowercase intended. ... More

p r o l o g u e
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
new story!
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
A/N: Please Read
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
new book!

s i x

5K 202 103
By deraiderai

"now, do me."

lisa blinked twice, thinking of words to say so, she could leave, but the door was locked and the only way for her to go was if ms. jennie unlocked the door, but obviously, she was too interested in something else. "ms. jennie, i—i think i should go."

"come on, it was just getting fun." the teacher pouted, crossing her arms. a few seconds later, she furrowed her eyebrows, repeatedly, moving her breast. "i know you wanna." lisa's sight was suddenly stuck on the art teacher's breast, having tons of sexual thoughts, but she pulled herself back into reality.

"as much as i'd love to, i need to go home."


lisa sighed, giving in. she slowly approached the teacher's breast, remembering how the teacher did it to her. she latched her mouth onto ms. jennie's left breast, sucking lightly enough to the skin to turn a little pink. she didn't leave huge bruises on her breast, but you could tell that lisa made her mark on the teacher.

when lisa was about to meet the teacher's lips again, light knocks were heard from the door. both girls eyes transferred to the wooden door that was repeatedly being knocked on. "ms. jennie, are you in there, it's me, ms. kim."

"quick, pull out some work." ms. jennie buttoned her shirt up, quickly, patting down the rest of her clothes, analyzing lisa to see if they looked like they had only been doing work. she exhaled, patting down her skirt, and walking to the door.

"oh, ms. kim, hello." ms. jennie smiled, chuckling to ease the unwanted, judging attention. when lisa heard the name, she turned around, smiling also. "so, what are you here for?" ms. jennie asked as polite as she could, remembering the argument that broke out between them. over her lisa.

"um, lisa, actually. her mother had called the office saying she was supposed to be home hours ago, so, the principal told me to tell her." ms. kim said, keeping a bright smile on her face, examining the classroom before her.

ms. jennie exhaled, putting a fake smile on her face. lisa grabbed her things, walking to ms. kim before saying her goodbyes to ms. jennie. "remember, think about it."

lisa nodded, following ms. kim to the front doors of the school. when she was close enough to walk out, ms. kim grabbed lisa's small wrist. "lisa, i know what you two were doing in there."

lisa panicked, thinking of ways to make ms. kim not tell anyone. "i'll do anything for you no—,"

"it's okay. just meet me after school tomorrow." ms. kim winked, walking away. lisa stood there at the door, shocked by her normally soft, shy, and adorable teacher that just gave her a sexy and quite unexpected response. lisa chuckled, walking out the school doors and going home, nonetheless.

she couldn't stop thinking about ms. kim. what was she gonna do to her tomorrow after school? how will ms. jennie feel about this? so many questions were forming in lisa's head, causing her to fall asleep, dreaming about the next day.

when the afternoon approached the next day, lisa happily skipped to ms. kim's room. she was instantly met with soft lips that tasted of the cherry-flavored chapstick. lisa grabbed ms. kim's waist, pulling her closer. lisa's hands roamed all over her body, causing the teacher to moan lightly. the teacher pulled away, surprised by her actions with a student.

"i'm sorr—,"

"ms. kim, that was great." lisa said, catching her breath and wiping the corners of her mouth. ms. kim chuckled, walking back to her desk. lisa followed her, waiting for what else was to come.

"so what did you want to talk to me about?"

"do you see me as just a teacher or something else?" ms. kim curiously asked.

lisa didn't necessarily know how to answer that question because of course, she was supposed to think of her teacher as her teacher and nothing more, but did ms. kim want to be something more to her? "do you want me to think of you as something more than a teacher?"

ms. kim shrugged her shoulders. "i just notice your relationship with ms. jennie. it's like you're more happy with her."

"ms. kim, are you jealous?" lisa couldn't help, but think that. she wanted as the teacher had rolled her eyes, speaking of the art teacher.

"no," ms. kim said, shaming herself for lying. "okay, maybe."

"aw, if it makes you feel any better, i'm still a little upset with ms. jennie," lisa lightly chuckled. they might have kissed and left a few marks, but lisa was still upset since the art teacher had exposed all her secrets that were never to be said. "i'd like to be happier with you." lisa walked closer to ms. kim, leaning on the front of her desk. she watched as ms. kim's eyes lit up, showing her interest in making their relationship happier.

"i'd like that a lot." ms. kim placed her hands on lisa's shoulders, massaging them lightly. "alright, goodbye."

lisa scoffed, crossing her arms. the teacher had her desperately wanting to know could possibly happen between them, but ms. kim sadly only wanted to actually talk. nothing more, nothing less. the kiss was nothing to lisa, she wanted more. "that's it."

"yeah, i'm not like ms. jennie. she goes around messing around with other students. i only educate mine." ms. kim stated, entering grades as speaking to the student.

"wait," lisa thought about it. ms. jennie did seem like she was used to doing things like that, but this had to be her first time ever showing a part of her body to a student and even making sudden marks on the body part. "what she did with me wasn't her first time?"

"lisa, she's been hooking up with students ever since she started working here. she picks her prey in the first three months of school, which is you. she got caught once, but blamed the student for everything."

"well, what happened to the student?"

"obviously, the student got expelled, sadly. so, lisa, if i were you, i would stop fooling around with her or you can say goodbye to your dream job." ms. kim strictly said, causing lisa to nod. this was all new information for the student, but she just couldn't understand why ms. jennie would do such a thing to a student. just thinking about it made lisa promise to at least try and stay away from any sexual moments with ms. jennie.

"you should really get going. your mother is probably worried right now."

"no, i leave every day with seulgi around four-thirty, but i'll go since i'm sensing that you need some time on your own. bye, ms. kim." lisa grabbed her things, walking out the classroom to only be met with the teacher she really didn't wanna interact with.

"lisa, i was looking for you." ms. jennie smiled, grabbed lisa's wrist, softly. lisa wiggles her wrist out of the teacher's grasp, causing the teacher's expression to change quickly.

"no, thanks. i'm just gonna head home for today."

"why?" ms. jennie pouted, suddenly moving her body closer to lisa's, wrapping an arm around lisa's waist. lisa backed away, trying to push the teacher off of her, but she just wouldn't budge. "what's the matter? you were all over me two days ago."

"it's nothing. i just wanna go home."

ms. jennie was quite oblivious to the classroom door they stood in front of, remembering lisa had just come out of it. she chuckled, unwrapping her arm around the student's waist. "did she tell you that famous story about me? about how i blamed everything on a student, getting them expelled and how i pick my prey every year, huh?"

"i can't believe you would do that."

"who said i did it? those are all rumors. lisa, you're the only student i've ever fallen for, ever. i could never do anything like that to you. if we were to ever get caught for what we've been doing and what we will be doing this year, i'll take the blame. i'll find a different job while you work your way to college. is that okay?" ms. jennie offered, speaking her heart out.

lisa nodded, forcing a smile on her face because she didn't know how to feel about this. someone was telling her lies while someone was telling her the bright truth.

"goodbye, lisa. don't forget to get the permission slip signed. the field trip is in two days." ms. jennie pecked lisa's cheek, chuckling as she walked away.

what a day.

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