mating season

By MyPina

203K 4.8K 766

I do not own the picture or the story, i got them off the internet. credit goes to the original creators. I g... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Eleven

9.9K 261 29
By MyPina

Ichigo was stripped down to nothing, his clothes removed since they would only get in the way during the operation. He had a blanket covering his legs and his genitals but his chest and stomach were exposed. Ishiin had placed a privacy screen around his upper chest so that Ichigo could not see himself being gutted while the babies were being removed, this would make sure Ichigo would not become distressed at the sight of his blood and guts. Grimmjow was holding Ichigo's hand tightly, standing by his head and neck area, not looking below the screen either. Ichigo looked nervous and slightly pale, Grimmjow also looked scared.

"It's gonna be okay Ichi," Grimmjow whispered down to Ichigo. He smiled lightly. "We're gonna get to see our cubs! And your dad is here. He won't let anythin' happen to them."

Ichigo gulped, but nodded. Grimmjow was right, his dad would not let harm come their way if at all possible. He was a good doctor, and Ichigo believed in him.

Ichigo was given a shot into his spinal cord of anesthetic; this would numb the pain or at least hopefully dull it to almost nothing. Then he was prepped with iodine around his belly, where the incisions would be made. Ishiin was to Ichigo's left side, he had a small tray with clamps, scalpels, forceps, suture utensils for closure and some cleaning agents on it. Szayel was to his right, and he also had a similar tray with the same. They both looked at the parents who nodded. Ichigo was hooked up to fetal monitors as well as monitors for his own blood pressure, heart rate and blood oxygen levels.

Ishiin placed a scalpel to the lower part of Ichigo's baby bump, Grimmjow clamped his eyes shut and let out a deep breath. "Here we go, Ichigo," Ishiin said softly. He seemed so much more in control of himself when he was acting as a doctor. He didn't have silly outbursts or flail about and he did not talk to Ichigo as though he was five. If the situation wasn't so serious right now he would have thanked his father for not being an idiot, but he was too scared right now to even consider starting anything. Grimmjow clamped his hand tighter around Ichigo's and opened his eyes, staring into Ichigo's lovely chocolate brown eyes, keeping his focus on his mate rather than the scalpel biting into his lover's stomach.

Ichigo thankfully could not feel the pain of his skin being cut open so precisely. He did feel pressure as something he assumed were hands started to press around inside of his gut. They were probably looking for his uterus-like organ where the babies were growing. Soon there was a pulling and tearing sensation as pressure was suddenly increased and then quickly relieved. Ichigo's eyes flashed around to his father, who he could barely see over the curtain over his belly, who still had a determined look on his face. Then he looked back to Grimmjow, who was still gazing at him with blue eyes full of admiration and wonder. The fatherhood thing was really hitting him hard right now, Ichigo thought. Only a few more minutes and he would be holding his new cubs.

There was a quick pop sound and then a small wail. The sounds of the newborn's cries were strong and loud and Ichigo couldn't be more proud. He wanted to reach out for the baby but Grimmjow held his hand tight and shook his head, telling him he needed to wait while the doctors checked the infant over.

"I have a grandson!" Ishiin exclaimed proudly. He began to wipe off the blood and remnants of the embryotic fluid from the small cub. Turning to Grimmjow he smiled. "Grimmjow, would you like to do the honors of cutting your son's umbilical cord?" Grimmjow looked at Ichigo as if asking permission, and when he received a nod he turned back to his father-in-law. Taking a pair of medical scissors he was instructed on where the cut could be made. Ichigo heard the scissors snap and then Grimmjow sighed with relief knowing he didn't screw anything up. He glanced at the small, wrapped figure in Ishiin's arms and smiled, he longed to snatch his cub and hold him but before he could Ishiin turned away. He then proceeded with the typical procedures of weighing the newborn and checking his vital signs.

Grimmjow turned back to Ichigo, avoiding the grisly scene of Ichigo's open abdomen. He grinned at his mate. "I couldn't see much yet, Ichi, but he's beautiful, I know it." He grabbed Ichigo's hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly.

Then there was more pressure and another great pull. Another pop as the fluid was sucked out of the newborn's mouth with a syringe. Then a throaty, strong cry of another newborn. This of course set off the first baby crying again. Two sets of infant wails were heard making Grimmjow chuckle softly. He looked over to the pink-haired scientist who had his arms full of a wet, bloody newborn. Then he turned to Grimmjow and Ichigo and replied, "Your baby girl is here."

Ichigo smiled, and looked to Grimmjow who was looking at the newborn girl. Ichigo was so jealous of Grimmjow right now for being able to be the first parent to look at his child. He wanted those cubs in his arms right now, he wanted to see them and kiss their cheeks. He wanted to hold their little hands in his and snuggle their soft faces.

All of the sudden the room began to spin and Ichigo felt his face was on fire. He gasped for air and heard the machine next to him began to beep loudly. What was that beeping? Did it have to be so loud? He felt like he was on a water bed and on a spinning ride all at the same time. He felt slightly nauseous but more dizzy and hot. He felt his eyes start to close. Then nothing.

As soon as the monitor began to beep everyone's heads turned to it. Ichigo's monitor was showing his oxygen rate as well as blood pressure was out of whack. Ichigo was not getting enough oxygen, and Ishiin placed the newborn he'd just finished assessing in a small incubator and rushed to his son's side. He grabbed an oxygen mask and began to place it over Ichigo's nose and mouth before he turned on the gas. He looked at Grimmjow, "make sure that mask stays put!" and then he looked at the fetal monitors. The last infant's heart rate was beginning to decrease again. He looked to Szayel. "I'm going to get the last cub out, now!" He took over as the pink-haired Arrancar went to quickly do vital signs on the female cub.

"What's wrong, doc?" Grimmjow asked frantically. Ichigo's hand was limp and he did not open his eyes when Grimmjow told him to. He was worried, and what about the last cub? He tried to keep himself calm, not knowing what was happening around him.

"Ichigo is not getting enough oxygen," Szayel replied from across the surgical suite. "We had to start the oxygen so he can breathe easier. And the last cub's heart rate dropped again, it's in distress. We need to get the cub out, and probably intervene." Szayel went back to measuring the little girl cub and checking her vitals and weight.

Ishiin cut and pulled at the last cub as quickly as he could, knowing time was of the essence. If the baby couldn't breathe it was critical that they help it now. He got his hands around the cub and noticed this cub was significantly smaller than the other two were just by the feel. As he lifted it out quickly he noticed the umbilical cord was wrapped around the little one's throat twice. He quickly cut the cord and pulled it away from the parents before Grimmjow could even get a look at the cub or Ishiin's face. While he was wiping the baby's face to see the skin tone he called to Szayel, "start closing my son up! He still isn't conscious!" Szayel nodded fiercely and gently placed the newborn female into another of the incubators and headed back to the unconscious Ichigo. He quickly began to stitch the uterine walls closed and make sure everything was back in its proper place, including organs.

Grimmjow looked over to Ishiin with worry. "How come it's not cryin'? The others cried!" The blue-haired man wanted to run over and shake his father-in-law but his feet did not seem to move when he willed them to. He was so scared, what was happening? He could not lose his mate. And he didn't think he could handle the death of his cub. His mind was jumping to conclusions left and right.

Ishiin did not respond to Grimmjow, he didn't have time to explain the situation. The cub was not breathing. Its skin was a soft blue shade meaning if he intervened now it was still a good chance that it could survive. He cut the cord again and untangled it from the throat. He quickly weighed the cub, noting it was smaller than the others as he'd thought. Running to the crash cart he found equipment small enough for the little cub. He began to intubate the small newborn as quickly as he could.

Grimmjow wanted to sit down, he felt like his whole world had collapsed. He needed to know what was going on. Was Ichigo going to be okay? What about his cub? He looked down at Ichigo who looked as if he was sleeping, and tightly held his hand. Leaning over he kissed Ichigo's cheek and whispered in his ear, "It's gonna be okay, Ichigo. It'll all be okay. I promise. I love you, Ichi."


Ichigo woke up feeling like he'd been beat up. It felt like during the war when he'd abused his body so much during fight after fight. He felt swollen and groggy. He tried to sit up but grabbed his abdomen and clenched his teeth in pain. He looked over to his left and noticed this was not the room he remember being in last. And when did he fall asleep? He remembered his son being taken out of him, and then Szayel said his daughter arrived… but he couldn't remember the last cub. Was it a boy or girl? And… everything was blank. He should have remembered. Why couldn't he? His eyes went wide. What happened to his cubs, why were none of them here? And where was Grimmjow and his father and Szayel?

"GRIMMJOOOOOW!" Ichigo cried out, feeling helpless for not having enough strength to pull himself from the bed. He didn't have to wait long, thankfully, before Grimmjow came sprinting in the room with a concerned look on his face.

"Ichi, you're awake!" Grimmjow smiled with relief. "I was wonderin' when you'd finally decide ta wake up."

"Where are my cubs?!" Ichigo growled out. He looked around again frantically.

"It's okay, Ichi, they're fine," Grimmjow replied. Then he looked away and hung his head. "Well, mostly fine."

"What the fuck does that mean, Grimmjow? Where are they? I want to see them!"

Grimmjow took a deep breath. "The first ones are okay. Perfectly normal. Healthy and happy. Boy and girl. But the third one…. Ya see, ya passed out from lack o' oxygen. And the little guy had th' same problem."

Ichigo's eyes quickly filled with tears. "It's a boy?" When Grimmjow nodded he let out a sob. "Is he okay? Did he make it?"

Grimmjow took Ichigo's hand into his. "Ichi, he's gonna be okay. He was born with th' cord 'round his neck. He wasn't breathin'. But he's been intubated – so he's getting air. They'll take him off the vent in a few days when he's stronger. He was smaller than the other ones; he needs to gain more weight, too." Grimmjow kissed Ichigo's forehead. "But he should be okay."

Ichigo took all of this information in and remained silent. He took a moment to breathe and then looked up at Grimmjow. "Can I see them?"

Grimmjow laughed. "Of course!" He didn't wait another moment before he leaned over the bed and scooped up his mate into his arms. He carried him down to the nursery room which they'd been working on building and setting up in the last weeks of the pregnancy. There were toys and gifts already placed everywhere. Ichigo's father was sitting in a rocking chair by the cribs and Grimmjow looked him in the eye. "Out." He didn't have to ask twice, or demand rather, before Ishiin got up and out of the way. Grimmjow set Ichigo down into the rocker and smiled at him. He turned to Ishiin and took a bundle from his arms before turning back to his mate.

"This was the first born, a boy," Grimmjow said softly. He placed the bundle into Ichigo's waiting arms and watched as Ichigo's face lit up with happiness and admiration.

Ichigo moved the blanket the baby was swaddled in back so that he could see his baby's face. The boy was pale skinned, and had deep brown eyes – even darker than his own. The baby grinned up at his father's face and a tiny warm hand fell on his cheek. Ichigo chuckled and kissed his son's soft cheek. He noticed there was hardly and hair on his son's large, round head. But there were a few strands of pale blue hair. Ichigo looked up at Grimmjow. "He has your hair," he laughed.

Grimmjow nodded. "Ya, but he's got yer eyes." He stepped closer to Ichigo and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ya know, we haven't named the cubs yet. We were waiting for ya." He quickly added, "Don't worry ya only been out for a couple of hours."

Ichigo grinned. "What should we name our first son, Grimm?"

"How 'bout Akiyoshi. We can call him Yoshi or Yosh for short."

"It means 'bright and good', I like it," Ichigo smiled. He looked at the small boy in his arms and nuzzled him. "Welcome, baby Yoshi."

Next up to fill Ichigo's arms was a little girl. She had bright blue eyes, similar to Grimmjow's. And her hair was a strawberry blonde color. It was not as orange as Ichigo's and for that he was grateful since he wouldn't want her to be teased as much as he was, but it was clearly his daughter. She smiled at him before she yawned and closed her eyes to sleep. Ichigo smiled at her and whispered, "Masaki. Welcome baby Masaki."

Ishiin bust into sobs from across the room, and he held the twins close. "Your mother would be so honored, Ichigo!" He mumbled about his beloved Masaki and how he wished she could be here. Yuzu comforted him and Karin just groaned at the outburst of emotions.

Grimmjow looked confused so Ichigo was the one who offered to explain. "It was my mother's name. She passed away when I was a kid. I loved her very much, and I want my daughter to carry her name."

Grimmjow leaned in and kissed Ichigo on the lips. "I think it's a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." He kissed Masaki's small head and she wriggled her nose in her sleep as if it tickled. He looked over to his mate and then asked, "Ready to see your other son?"

Ichigo nodded. He hugged his daughter close for another few moments and then handed her to his sister, Yuzu, to hold for the time being. He was embarrassed as his father brought a wheelchair over to him. He hated the idea of having to be wheeled around like a weakling, but he wanted to see his last cub, and he didn't want to wait until he was strong enough to get their on his own two feet so he was going to swallow his pride and deal with it. He was nervous as he was pushed out of the room and wheeled down the hall to the surgical rooms. They went inside and his eyes instantly fixated on the small incubator in the center of the room. A small baby was inside, its chest moving up and down with its respirations. Ichigo bit his lip as he got closer.

Looking down at the cub he noticed it had a head full of bright blue hair. He smiled at how it looked like his lover's. He also noticed that Grimmjow was correct; this baby was much smaller than his brother and sister. He reached out and stroked the baby's chest softly; the cub stirred and moved a bit, trying to get closer to his touch. Ichigo's heart felt like it was being torn apart as the respirator made the small body jerk while it pumped oxygen into the tiny lungs. He wouldn't wish this on any parent, it hurt so badly to see his cub like this, and he didn't want this to continue much longer. He wanted his son to be with his brother and sister in the nursery, he wanted him to breathe on his own.

"H-how long do we have to keep him in here?" Ichigo asked quietly to his father. Ishiin put a strong hand on his son's shoulder, trying to comfort the new parent.

"I think maybe a couple of days. And we want to try to get his weight up a little more before he's off strict supervision," Ishiin explained. "But I am sure that he'll make it, Ichigo. We got him out in time. He just has to get stronger. And he will."

Ichigo nodded as the tears welled in his eyes again. He tried to stay positive, like everyone else, but it just hurt so bad to see his son like this. "Dad," he looked to his father behind him.

"Yeah, son?"

"Thank you," Ichigo said softly. "For everything. For being there and delivering my cubs. And for saving us." He noticed his father smile and fill up with pride as he puffed his chest out. "And I want you to name my son." Ichigo glanced to Grimmjow as if asking if this was okay, but he knew even if Grimmjow disagreed he wouldn't take the offer back. Grimmjow nodded and grinned at his father-in-law.

Ishiin smiled wide and put a hand on his chin, thinking hard for the perfect name. "Kohaku."

Ichigo stroked his cub's cheek and smiled at the small boy letting the tears fall down his cheeks. "Welcome, baby Kohaku."

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