Bad Boy Games

By MeMyselfAndI123

77.1K 2.3K 341

I gritted my teeth as his hands ran up the blonde bimbo's thighs and when he leaned forward to suck on her ne... More

Bad Boy Games
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 45

754 33 2
By MeMyselfAndI123


Sorry for the long wait but I was at my dad's house for a week and a half and I didn't have my laptop with me. :/

Love you guys!..... and cookies. Cookies are amazing. <3



“Lyyyla.” I snuggled deeper into my pillow.

“Lyla, wakey wakey!” I groaned and rolled onto my stomach to get farther away from the annoying voice that’s trying to rob me of my precious sleep.

I heard footsteps across the floor and relaxed. Good. Now I can sleep in peace… At least that’s what I thought.

I heard a rattling noise as the curtains were pushed aside and then my room was flooded by morning light. A small breeze filtered through the room as well and I wrapped the blanket around myself even tighter. What did he do- open the window too?

I felt my face twist into a scowl but kept it buried in the pillow. Whoever this is is already walking on thin ice and if they don’t leave soon I’m going to end up attacking them. I’m still tired and there is no way I’m leaving my bed right now- or any time soon for that matter.

“Alriiight. I guess I need to go get the cold water…” I growled to myself and shot up on the bed with my hair a tangled mess. I reached up and rubbed my eyes then dropped my hands and glared over at a grinning Landon by my door. “Well good morning sleepy head.”

I glanced over at my alarm clock and my jaw dropped in rage.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing waking me up at almost five in the morning? God, you’ve only been back not even a full day and I’m already tempted to pimp smack you. Great. Now I’m going to be in a bad mood all day and it’s your fault. Did you not learn anything when you lived with us before? What in your right mind thought it would be alright to wake me up this early…” Landon just stood there, pretending to stroke his invisible beard and look interested in my ranting as he nodded.

“Now I would highly appreciate it if you would get out of my room and let me sleep.” Then, still grumbling to myself, I flopped back down on the bed and curled up under my blanket.

It was silent for a little while and just when I was drifting off Landon spoke again. My eyes snapped open as I jolted awake.

“I can make you breakfast…” He tried to lure me but I shook my head.

“Not even the promise of food could get me out of this bed right now Landon.”

“What about bacon?” I froze and then hesitated for a moment. God dammit. He remembers. I’ve been in love with bacon since I was only four and he knows that if you offer me some I’ll do almost anything to get it.

“… Not even bacon. There. Now that you understand the intensity of the situation better, it would be great if you could leave now. I’ll see you when I wake up but right now you’re at a very high risk for having a Lyla go ape shit and attack you. So unless you want that to happen I would suggest you calmly and quietly exit her den and don’t return till she’s not ready to rip your face off.” I heard him backing up toward the door.

“Thaaat’s right. Just keep moving and there won’t be any problems.” I heard the door close behind him and then grinned to myself a tiny bit, snuggling into my cocoon of blankets.

That breeze actually feels really good…

“Mom where are the car keys?” I called to her from the kitchen. Her voice came from the general direction of the living room where she’s currently sweeping when she answered.

“I think I actually remembered to put them on the hook this time. Thank you so much Lyla!”

“Glad to help. Love you guys and I’ll be back soon!” I called over my shoulder as I plucked the keys off of the hook where Mom had them and went out to the car.

Once I woke up we had a really good breakfast and then I had to go to face another day of hell. The teachers actually weren’t as bad today and didn’t completely drown us in homework so I got it all done shortly after I got home. Also cause you know… I don’t have a social life whatsoever.

Anyway so Mom asked me to go to the store and get some eggs and milk because we’re almost out. Since I don’t really have anything else to do I thought ‘Eh, why not?’ It is kind of late though so I’m going to try to hurry. I think it’s almost ten and I don’t really like driving in the dark as it is.

Crap I forgot my jacket.

I quickly ran over to the front door, grabbed a random hoodie, slipped it on, and went out the door connecting to the garage. Then I opened the garage door and turned on the car, rubbing my hands together as I waited for it to get warm.

I turned the radio to 102.1 and squealed a little when I heard the song that’s on, turning it up a little louder and nodding my head along to ‘Man in the Box’ by Alice in Chains. Hell yes this song is amazing.

When the song ended I put the car in reverse and carefully backed out of the garage. Then I pushed the button to close the door and drove down the street toward the store. It’s actually not as weird as I thought it was going to be going to the place where I work to buy stuff. The first time I had to go there to get cereal and some other stuff I thought it was going to be really strange but it was fine.

I listened to the radio one the short drive to the store and found a spot close to the front in the parking lot. The place is open 24/7 but there aren’t a lot of cars in the lot since it’s late and most people don’t come to the store at ten at night.

I went inside, bought the stuff, came back out, got my freezing ass back in the car, backed that bitch out of the parking lot, left, headed back to the house, was minding my own fudging business, and then another vehicle rammed into the car which made me hit my head on the window and be knocked out cold.

See, this is exactly why I don’t like driving at night.

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