MAGIC >>> harry potter

By mschubert

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• "I can't be the reason people get hurt, especially you..." • In which a girl suffers to find who she truly... More

c h a p t e r ~ I
c h a p t e r ~ II
c h a p t e r ~ III
c h a p t e r ~ IV
c h a p t e r ~ V
c h a p t e r ~ VI
c h a p t e r ~ VII
c h a p t e r ~ VIII
c h a p t e r ~ IX
c h a p t e r ~ X
c h a p t e r ~ XI
c h a p t e r ~ XII
c h a p t e r ~ XIII
c h a p t e r ~ XIV
c a s t
c h a p t e r ~ XV
c h a p t e r ~ XVI
c h a p t e r ~ XVII
c h a p t e r ~ XVIII
c h a p t e r ~ XIX
c h a p t e r ~ XX
c h a p t e r ~ XXII
c h a p t e r ~ XXIII
c h a p t e r ~ XXIV
c h a p t e r ~ XXV
c h a p t e r ~ XXVI
c h a p t e r ~ XXVII

c h a p t e r ~ XXI

68 4 0
By mschubert

I woke up in a hospital wing, Ron was in the bed across from me and Harry was beside me. Hermione has just walked in the doors. Dumbledore was behind her. Hermione turned to him and started explaining what had happened out in the woods.
He explained to us how he believes us, but feared no one else would. Dumbledore started whispering something to Hermione. She gave him a nod and then he went to exit.
Before he left, Dumbledore said,
"Three turns should be enough." Harry, Ron, and I shared a confused look then turned to Hermione. She pulled out a necklace from under her shirt. I looked at it closely.
"Hermione! That's a time turner!" I said.
"What's a timer turner?" Harry asked.
"Harry, that thing takes you back into time! That must be how Hermione's been taking two classes at once!" I explained.
"Your right, Edelen. Sorry Ron, but since you can't move your leg, we're going to have to leave you behind."
"What?" Ron asked, obviously confused.

Hermione wrapped the time turner around the three of us. She gave it three spins and everything around us started moving. It went from evening to mourning in just a few seconds.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"Around 7. What were we doing at 7?" Hermione asked.
"We were at Hagrids."
"Right!" I agreed.

The three of us were walking to Hagrids when we say Hermione from hours ago approaching Draco. We all hid in the bushes, a few seconds past, then we all saw Hermione punch Draco across the face.
"Nice punch." Harry commented."
"Thanks." Hermione said smuggly, obviously pleased with herself.

We say Draco and his friends run away as "We" ran down to Hagrids. Then we followed us. Hermione, Harry, and I hid in the pumpkin patch and watch "us" through the open window in Hagrids.
"Dumbledore said two Innocent love could be saved today." Hermione said, looking at buck beak. She went to stand up and free her and I pulled her down.
"We can't yet. The ministry would think Hagrid set her free. Wait till the see her first, then we can." I explained.

The minister, the executioner, and Dumbledore were all approaching Hagrids hut.
"They're coming. Why aren't we leaving?" Hermione said. I picked up a rock and through it at the window and it smashed a pot. I picked up another one and through it again, this time, hitting Harry in the back of the neck.
"Ow!" The Harry beside me said.
"That really hurt!"
"Sorry." I apologized.
"We're coming!" Hermione said. We retreated into the woods behind us and watched as the old us ran to the spot we were just in.
"Does my hair really look like that from the back?" Hermione whispered, stepping on a stick." "Hermione" looked back at us as we retreated father into the woods.
"Shhhh!" Harry and I whispered.
"That was close." I whispered.
"We ran back to Hogwarts as the Dumbledore and the other two went inside to talk to Hagrid.
"Hermione! Now!" I said, motioning to Buck Beak. Hermione nodded and freed Buck beak, taking her into the woods with us.

Hermione led us to the shrieking shack. We were still hours early.
"What do we do now?" Harry asked.
"Now, we wait." Hermione said.

I turned in a Phoenix and flew a perimeter around the Shrieking shack and hogwarts. I really needed to fly since I hadn't in a while. It felt good to street u my wings. I had a lot going through my head and flying really helped.

By the time I got back to the two, I was really tired. I turned back into a human and laid my head on Harry's lap.

I might as well get some rest before while we had time.

I drifted off to sleep.
Short chapter, I know. Promise the next will be longer
I'm really excited to write it!!!!!
:) keep reading

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