Wanting my Bestfriend's Boyfr...

By Jelli909

122K 2K 388

Liv Hengen was known as the popular kid with the phrase, "Keep your friends close but, your enemies closer."... More

[ Prologue ]
[ Chapter : 1 ]
[ Chapter : 2 ]
[ Chapter : 3 ]
[ Chapter : 5 ]
[ Chapter : 6 ]
[ Chapter : 7 ]
[ Chapter : 8 ]
[ Chapter : 9 ]
[ Chapter : 10 : Part 1 ]
[ Chapter : 10 : Part 2 ]
[ Chapter : 11 ]
[ Chapter : 12 ]
[ Chapter : 13 ]
[ Chapter : 14 ]
[ Chapter : 15 ]
[ Chapter : 16 ]
[ Chapter : 17 ]
[ Chapter : 18 ]
[ Chapter : 19 ]
[ Chapter : 20 ]
[ Chapter : 21 ]
[ Chapter : 22 ]
[ Chapter : 23 ]
[ Chapter : 24 ]
[ Chapter : 25 ]
Wanting Elliot Graham

[ Chapter : 4 ]

6.2K 103 23
By Jelli909

Cleo had came over by my house, crying. At that moment I was starting to wonder, why was she so bipolar? One minute she hates him and the next minute she's crying over him. She told me she felt like she owed him and Rachel an a apology and that she had to get over him. I agreed with her and comforted her through the whole phase. Hopefully, I'll gey my friends back.

"I'm going to call him, don't say anything." She said as she wiped her tears away and blew her nose.

She got out her phone and dialed his number in and then got it on speaker.



"Hello?" Charles asked as he answered on the second ring.

"C-Charles, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it." Cleo cried through the phone and it had hurt me to not try comfort her.

"Cleo? What's wrong?" Charles asked, hurt leaking his voice.

"I've been a bitch since that cafeteria thing. I'm truly sorry and if you see Rachel tell her I'm sorry, too. I've just been stressed, that's all." She said and I knew she lied about the last part. She was jealous.

"It's okay." Charles breathed out.

"Baby, come back to bed!" A voice shouted and Cleo froze. It was Rachel's voice.

"Uh - Cleo, I'll call you back." Charles said and hung up before Cleo could even reply.

"Oh my gosh." I said as I ran to Cleo and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder and grabbed tissues to blow her nose. 

I felt really bad for her. I mean no one deserves this, not even the meanest person in the world. Heartbreaks can really break you down and hearing someone you love or even like with someone else can break you.

They need to confess that they like each other. I'm pretty sure Charles like her, he just doesn't want to admit it.

"How about we get some icecream?" I asked and she nodded with the tears running down her face.

I got up and went through my drawer and threw some clothes at her. I got myself some clothes aswell and went into the bathroom.

I got my white v-neck and black skinny jeans on and searched for my black vans. Once I found it, I sighed in relief and began to do my hair. I curled it and ran a brush through so it'd be wavy. I applied mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss on. After I finished all of that I walked out the bathroom and saw Cleo laying on the bed.

I tilted my head in confusion because I'm sure I gave her a dress to wear and flats. Instead, she was in grey sweatpants with a black sweatshirt. She wore my grey vans and sat down. Her straightened hair was thrown into a messy ponytail. She didn't even wear any makeup. Her eyes were bloodshot red and she was frowning down at her phone. I went over her shoulder and saw her scrolling through pictures of Charles, Her and I. I frowned and shook her. She shot her head up and weakly smiled at me.

"I didn't feel like wearing a dress, sorry." She whispered and I nodded.

"Let's go." I said as I grabbed my keys and dragged her outside with me.

"Thank you." I said as I handed the cashier a ten dollar bill.

"Your change is two fifthy-six. Thank you for shopping at Luke's Icecream Bar. Come again and enjoy your icecream." The lady said and handed me the money. I smiled at her and went to the booth that Cleo was in.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked as I sat down and ate some of my strawberry icecream.

"I'm feeling better. Thanks a lot, Liv. I don't know what I'd do without my bestfriend." She smiled at me. It was the first smile I saw all day from her. I hope it's not fake.

"Look at that smile!" I gushed and she held her head down, which made me laugh. She looked up and turned her head.

"Oh, see Rachel." She said and this time her voice wasn't filled with anger when she said it.

I turned my head and looked around for Rachel. I spotted the curly haired, nicely tanned French girl.

Wait.. I just realized she has curly hair just like Cleo. But, her's isn't as long as Cleo. Cleo's hair is like really curly but, her's is like loose. Hmm.. Well played Charles, well played.

I didn't realize I was thinking until I saw Rachel sit down next to me. I gave her a smile and she smiled back.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rachel asked.

"Just a bestfriend day, what about you?" Cleo asked with a smile on her face and I really was taken back. Who is this person and where is my bestfriend?

"I'm getting icecream for Charles and I. He's actually in the car." She informed us and we nodded.

"We're actually going now. Hope to see you at the party." I said as I got up and smirked at Cleo. Maybe if he see's Cleo and notice how her eyes are red he'll want to come talk to her.

"Bye!" Rachel called out to us as we walked out the door.

I spotted Charles car parked infront of the shop. His car was tinted so I had to squint to see him inside the car. Cleo was on her phone walking to my car and didn't notice that Charles rolled down his window to watch her.

"Hey, Charles!" I called out with a smirk playing on my face.

"Hey, Liv." He nervously said.

"Stalking poor girls now?" I asked and tried to hold back a laugh.

"I wasn't stalking her, I just wanted to know why you're all dressed up and happy. When she's sad and not dressed up." He said as he watched her in my car.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I mumbled.

"Whatever. Are you going to the party, tonight?" He asked and I nodded. "Cleo's going, too?" He asked and I nodded once again.

"Well, I got to go. Your future girlfriend is waiting." I smirked and he scoffed but, I saw the smile playing on his lips as I walked off to my car.

"We're going shopping for a dress and shoes for the party tonight." I said as I sped away from the little Icecream Shop.

"Oh my gosh, you'll have all the boys after you tonight!" I squealed and Cleo rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Look at you!" She smiled and jumped up and down, despite her wearing heels.

Cleo wore a dress that was tight at the top and loose at the bottom. The top was white and blue flowers whereas the bottom was them same shade as the dark-ish blue at the top. It was flowing down her thighs. She had worn black open toe heels with a black jacket that stopped at her waist, a gold bracelet and a black purse. She had curled her straightened hair and applied mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss and a smokey eyeshadow for makeup.

I had wore a black dress. It looked tight but, it wasn't. The sleeves were long and reached my wrist, they were also see through. The dress had little sparkles on it. I had worn blue heels similar to the color of Cleo's dress. I had a black bracelet, a leather jacket and a black purse. I had curled my blonde hair and left it on my shoulders. I had on mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss and smokey eyeshadow just like Cleo's.

"Alright, let's go." I said as I opened the door and walked down stairs.

"Mom, I'm going now!" Cleo shouted once her mom was in sight.

"Have fun girls and don't forget your brother's coming tomorrow." Her mother warned and Cleo waved her off.

Cleo's brother was in college and he was attractive. Like, I mean hot! I would never tell Cleo that but, it was true. He had light brown eyes and a golden skin color. He was well built and very popular. Him and my brother were bestfriends. My brother was annoying and also popular like him. I'd say my brother was attractive with his crystal blue eyes like mines. We were basically twins but, he had brown hair. 

I guess he's coming back tomorrow since they went to the same college. Hmm, mom didn't tell me..

We pulled up to the boy's house who was having a party. I can't remember his name but, I know that he's friends with James and Brody.

Slowly, we got out the car, making sure that we didn't fall. Once we reached the step, I knocked on the door and it swung open. The boy looked shocked that we were there. Maybe because we normally don't go to highschool parties, only college parties.

"Liv and Cleo?" The boy slurred and I rolled my eyes and pushed him aside.

When we stepped in everyone looked at us in surprise. We smiled at them and made our way to the dance floor where we saw Charles and Rachel grinding. I looked over at Cleo and she was smiling, even if it was forced. I smiled at her. At least she wasn't being grumpy.

"Hey, guys." I said and they looked up at us. Charles and Rachel looked at me before they noticed Cleo on my side. Charles managed to smirk at her when she wasn't looking.

"Have you guys seen Brody?" She asked and Charles frowned.

"Yeah, he's upstairs." Rachel said and Cleo thanked her before she walked away.

"I guess you guys are enjoying yourselves." I smirked and Rachel blushed.

"I'll get us some drinks, what do you guys want?" She asked.

"Orange soda, please." I quickly spoke.

"Coke." Charles called and she nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

"So, who do you like?" I asked him, referring to the text he had sent me.

"Rachel." He said a little too quick for my liking.

"Who else?" I asked and he shook his head. "I'm not stupid, I know you like Cleo. The way whenever she mentions Brody you frown or scowl. Whenever she's hurt you run to her so quickly. Also, -"

"Okay, I like her. So, what?" He said in a cold tone.

"Nothing." I lied. I have to get them together.

"What happened?" I shrieked when I saw Cleo crying on Charles shoulder.

"She told me Brody cheated on her. So, she started taking drinks and all of a sudden she started to cry." He explained to me and I nodded.

"She's been crying a lot lately." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Were they because of me?" He asked with hurt gleaming in his eyes.

I didn't answer, I just looked at him and he sighed.

"I think I'll take her home now." I said as I helped her up.

I hate Brody even more now.

Outfit to the side >>

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