our student. | blackpink

By deraiderai

119K 4.1K 1.3K

one student who has all three of her teachers secretly fighting for her. who will win? โ€ขlowercase intended. ... More

p r o l o g u e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
new story!
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
A/N: Please Read
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
new book!

o n e

11.3K 295 123
By deraiderai

the sun had shined right through lisa's curtains and into her brown eyes. she groaned when she had opened and closed them, feeling extremely tired from all the homework she had done last night. for some apparent reason, all of her teachers decided to give her homework in one night. this has happened before, but normally the work was due the next time they seen them, but yesterday, everything was due today.

lisa slowly slid out of her bed, having no energy and her mouth was dry. she washed up and dressed up before doing her hair and walking out the door. lisa lives a couple of blocks away from her school so, she takes the bus everyday because her mother's already out of the door and at work herself. when she stepped foot on school ground, she groaned, already tired and stressed. lisa's comes late to school every now and then because she's always stopping to get some breakfast from a nearby café and today was one of those days.

when she walked to her first class, of course, having a tardy slip in her hand, she noticed a few girls staring and whispering. when the girls had noticed that lisa was string back at them, they walked away, continuing to whisper and get a last few glances at lisa. "um, okay." lisa shook her head and opened the door to her first class, which was ms. rose's english class.

"lisa, you're late." ms. rose had already marked lisa tardy on her laptop, feeling quite surprised. lisa shrugged her shoulders before turning grabbing her notebook and turning to a blank page to write on. lisa honestly didn't care and she didn't wanna be in english right now since she's never really liked doing long essays. throughout the class, lisa took down notes and did the worksheet that ms. rose had created for the class.

"what's wrong with you?" seulgi, lisa's best friend, asked when she remembered how lisa had walked into the classroom.

"it's not the first time i've been late before. i love ms. rose, but sometimes, she can be quite irritating." lisa complained, letting out whatever had came to her mind first when asked the question. she couldn't help but to notice how ms. rose had been staring at her, purposely. she smiled when she noticed lisa staring back at her so, she smiled and continued onto doing her work.

"she's always staring at me when there's boys that are literally being so loud."

"obviously, she likes or adores you." seulgi said in matter-of-fact tone, arching her eyebrows. lisa scoffed before going back to her work, not knowing what to say. yeah, she has caught ms. rose staring at her everyday, but she doesn't really think about the older liking her. it's against the school rules  for a teacher to ever date a student or for a student to date a teacher. she has never experienced sexual feelings for anyone since she's so innocent.

when the bell hand rung, multiple students ran through the door, including seulgi, leaving lisa behind with ms. rose. lisa wasn't gonna lie when she felt the tension between them was awkward and quite uncomfortable. she tried to make less eye contact, but when she had noticed ms. rose walking towards her, she obviously had no choice but to make eye contact with her.

"lisa, you were late."

"yeah, i know."

"do we need to talk after school? it seems like you have an attitude."

"yeah, i do. you act like i've never been late before. can you please get over it?" lisa asked as politely as she could since she did have an attitude and she didn't wanna come off rude. ms. rose was one of the most nicest teachers at the school and she'd hate to have her on her bad side. when she noticed the surprised expression on ms. rose's face, lisa sighed. "look, i'm sorry. i'm just not in the mood today."

"yeah, i see that. tomorrow, i want you to have a better attitude and since you didn't complete your worksheet today, you'll be finishing it after school today or it's a zero. now, go before you're late to your next class." ms. rose shooed lisa off. she smiled when she seen the teenager running out of the door and heading to her next class as fast as possible.

lisa had made it right before ms. kim could close the door. she sat at her seat, breathing quickly and grabbing out her math notebook, ready for today's lesson. math was a subject that lisa did not like since it could be so time-consuming and confusing at times, but at least she liked her teacher.

everyday, lisa participated in answering at least one or two questions for the class, which made ms. kim happy because lisa was indeed her favorite student. lisa was the most supportive and she even participated in things like the student government class, but she knew the younger was only doing because it would look good on her college application.

it was the same routine when the bell rug. lisa was always the last one because always took her time to put things in her bag and to collect her pens and pencils. "ms. kim, do you have any extra credit?"

"why do you need extra credit? you have an a in this class."

"yeah, but i know when that when we have this test with thursday, it'll bring down my grade." lisa explained.

"then, you need to study." ms. kim chuckled. lisa smiled, hearing ms. kim's laugh since it was indeed her favorite.

"exactly, i need a few worksheets to study."

"okay, fine. come back after school and i'll give you them." ms. kim chuckled once again.

"thanks." lisa grabbed her things, making her way to lunch. when she was walking out of the classroom, the same girls were there, standing at what lisa guessed was their lockers, whispering and staring at her. she rolled her eyes, continuing her walk to find seulgi.
lisa smiled realizing that the day was almost over and she could go back home and rest. when she was walking outside to the lunch tables, she had made eye contact with another one of her favorite teachers, ms. jennie. ms. jennie's class was lisa's last class.

"hello, lisa." ms. jennie smiled, waving at the shy student, ms. jennie could be so pretty, but so intimidating at the same time. she was pretty, smart, nice, and very supportive of her students. ms. jennie stopped walking when she noticed the shy student didn't reply back since she was only staring at her. "lisa?"

"oh, um, hello, ms. jennie," lisa chuckled, nervously. the art teacher chuckled along with the teacher, adoring the smile that was displayed on the student's face. "i'm sorry."

"no, no, it's okay," ms. jennie calmed herself down. "i wanted to talk to you last friday about going on a field trip to an jewelry making art class. it's this friday and there's only one spot left." ms. jennie furrowed her eyebrows, ending her sentence with a suspicious smile.

"oh, i'd like to go."

"sure. come meet me after school--,"

"after school? ugh, i have to finish my paper for ms. rose after school." lisa sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "is there anyway that you can hide the permission slip from everyone and keep it for me?"

ms. jennie chuckled, crossing her arms.


"alright, but only on one condition."

"and that is?"

"you have to have the permission slip signed and in my hands before three o'clock tomorrow and you have to stay after school with me tomorrow to help me organize and grade a few things." ms. jennie said.

"that's a lot, but okay." lisa smiled, but on the inside, she was crying.

"thanks. see in period four." ms. jennie walked away, waving at the other students that said hello to her. lisa was about to make her way to find her friend until she heard someone call her name behind her.



"i would like you to meet me after school today to talk about the homework you turned in. most of your answers are incorrect." ms. kim crossed her arms, quite disappointed in one of her top students of her class. lisa sighed, nodding her head.

"okay, but expect me to be late. i have to finish my work in ms. rose's class and then, go get something from ms. jennie." lisa explained, sighing once again at the end of her sentence.

"okay, but just come. bye." ms. kim waved before walking off.

lisa gasped, walking towards her seulgi, who was sitting at the lunch table on her phone, scrolling through social media.

"what's the matter with you again?"

"all three of my teachers wanna see me after school. oh, and i have to stay after school to help ms. jennie. i better cancel all plans for today and tomorrow." lisa whined, crossing her arms with a little pout. "that's totally not fair, but i do wanna go on that field trip."

"you're going, too?"

"yeah, that's the whole reason why i have to stay after school tomorrow."

"it's okay, but i'm pretty ms. jennie is gonna wanna do something more than have you help her." seulgi furrowed her eyebrows, repeatedly. lisa groaned, hitting her friend in the arm.

"stop being nasty. teachers and students aren't allowed to do that stuff."

"there's a reason why us humans keep secrets and hold our own privacy." seulgi chuckled.

lisa hit seulgi in the arm once again, but couldn't hold in her laughter so, she ended up laughing with her.


lisa sat in her art class, painting little flowers in the white canvas that sat in front of her. she had already been assigned the ideal assignment from her art teacher, ms. jennie, which was to paint at least four flowers. the whole project would lead up to the students ideal gardens, but lisa has never dreamed of taking care of a garden.

"lisa, those flowers look beautiful." ms. jennie approached lisa's work station, examining the blue and white roses that lisa had recently painted. lisa smiled, hearing the nice comment. ms. jennie had been watching as lisa painted another flower before creating the green stems and dirt. her eyes were locked on the canvas until she looked at lisa's body formation. her back was arched, making her bottom poke out a little which absolutely ms. jennie adored. she smiled at lisa one more time before walking away to check the other students work.

"lisa, if i didn't know any better, i think ms. jennie has a little crush on you." seulgi, lisa's best friend, commented when she made sure the art teacher was on the other side of the classroom. lisa chuckled because that comment has been said many of times by seulgi, but lisa knows that ms. jennie doesn't like her because she's a teacher.

"how many times do i have to tell you, okay, she doesn't." lisa placed her paintbrush down, rubbing hair tired and sore hands on the dirty apron. class was almost over, making the younger realize how tired she was. lisa's known to get the work done or at least meet the requirement the teacher wants. she doesn't play with her grades since she's pretty hard on herself at times.

"you're lucky, other students in this school would die to have the type of relationship you have with her."


"she's practically in love with you. she gives you full credit even if you don't even do it. i get half of the credit even if i complete it," seulgi complained. "oh, and the only reason why she's not telling me to get back to work right now is because i'm talking to you. now, if i was talking to someone else, it's a whole different story. watch."

seulgi asked the girl next to her a question, but before the girl could answer, just like seulgi predicted, the teacher was yelling at her from across the room. "seulgi, get back to work!" lisa was quite surprised by how correct seulgi was. she wondered what else could seulgi be right about.

"told you." seulgi picked up her paintbrush and continued doing her work while leaving the younger, dumbfounded. lisa shook the thought of seulgi being right about ms. jennie being in love with her or having feelings for her. she grabbed her paintbrush and ignored the thought, afraid of bringing it up after school ended. lisa had no other choice, but to reach the teacher's requirements for the day. lisa's question of the day was: is seulgi right?

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